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The Two of Us (Love in Isolation Book 1)

Page 14

by Kennedy Fox

  “Now you know what you’ve been missing out on,” I tease.

  “Had I known, I would’ve jumped you in high school.”

  I snort, shaking my head. “Nah. It’s been worth the wait.”

  Her eyes are sad for a moment, but she quickly smiles. “So what does that mean for us now?”

  I lean forward and kiss her, loving how candid we are with each other. “Marriage and babies,” I tell her confidently.

  Her eyes widen in panic but then quickly soften. “If the sex is as good as your foreplay, I might be the one proposing.”

  “That’s a deal,” I say. “One I’d take any day of the week.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  DAY 14

  Teasing and tempting Eli the past two days has been intense, but I have to give it to him for staying strong. Today, we ate breakfast together then went our separate ways because we’re both overwhelmed with school and work. Before I went upstairs, I made an espresso but have a feeling I’ll need four more because I’m dragging ass. I have a pile of reading assignments and two papers to write, and Eli has meetings scheduled with clients until dark. Everything has piled up, and now I’m stressing to get it all completed on time.

  We make plans to have dinner around seven, so until then, I’ll be forcing myself to finish my assignments. Once I’m upstairs, I open my laptop and set it on the desk that faces the window with the best mountain view. I grab a notebook and make a task list, then figure out what will be the easiest way to accomplish it all. After I have some sort of a roadmap, I get started.

  I groan when I realize I have to write a three-thousand-word paper on how to drive top-line growth for large companies. It wouldn’t be acceptable to tell my professors my father has an entire department to handle all of this. So instead, I pull up my digital marketing book and use some common sense, but it’ll take me hours to finish this. Right now, I want to cry into my coffee. Instead, I take a sip and stare outside.

  When I close my eyes, I replay the last time Eli and I fooled around. I lean back in my chair and a smile plays on my lips as I remember tasting him. I decide to text Kendall, because the girl needs an update, buts as if she knew I was thinking about her, she texts me first.

  Kendall: Sex update, please! I’m living vicariously through you.

  Cameron: He’s determined to wait! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has convinced him otherwise.

  Kendall: Are you sure he’s not gay? You’re hot. There’s no way he can say no to that ass of yours.

  I snort-laugh.

  Cameron: I have to hand it to him, though. His willpower is iron tough. I think he just wants it to be natural, not forced in any way, which I get. But still...I’m going crazy!

  Kendall: That’s respectable. At least you know he’s not using you, so that’s a plus. Sorry, my friend. Hopefully, Prince Harry can keep you company in the meantime ;) How’s the online schoolwork going?

  Cameron: If the batteries don’t die. LOL! I’m at the point in the semester where I understand why people pay their smarter classmates to do their assignments. I have so many to do. I feel like I’m drowning. Not to mention, I’m a little mentally drained from everything going on, so it’s hard to focus on it like before this all happened.

  Groaning, I want to bang my head against the desk.

  Kendall: Yikes. Sorry. That sucks, but just think, it’s almost over, and then you’ll have your degree!

  Cameron: I know. Send help. And vodka. Oh, and triple A batteries.

  Kendall: Haha! Next week, when you’re caught up, let’s have a video chat happy hour, please. My wine subscription box was delivered, and I’m bored as hell.

  Cameron: Deal! Count me in!

  I glance at the clock and tell Kendall I’ll chat with her later because I need to get back to writing. Every word is painful, but after a grueling three hours, I finish. After a quick bathroom break, I run downstairs and grab some water, and see Eli sitting at the table looking all sexy in a button-up shirt with his hair up wearing headphones. He must be having a meeting with his colleagues because he talks about negotiations for the seller and improving online listings. Damn, he sounds so smart when he talks about sales contracts and contingencies, all which go over my head. Instead of eavesdropping anymore, I make double shots of espresso for both of us. When I deliver it to him, Eli mouths a thank you and shoots me a wink, then goes back to his conference.

  As I climb the stairs, my heart races thinking about him. Honestly, he could probably write the second paper I have based on his real-world experience.

  When I walk inside my room, I find Chanel lying on my chair. I pick her up and move her to the bed. She bitches with an annoyed meow, then resettles in a different spot. Her attitude makes me chuckle.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I sluggishly work through my assignments, and after a while, I need a pick-me-up. I decide to hop in the shower because the hot water typically relaxes me enough to refocus.

  After I dry off, I slip on a matching bra and panties set and a slinky sundress that’s cute, but comfortable enough to lounge around in. When I go back to my laptop, I write the last five pages and feel so damn accomplished when it’s finally done. I suck in a deep breath and glance over the screen. The sunset hangs lazily on the horizon behind the trees and mountains. Soon it will disappear, and darkness will fall. I take a moment to admire and memorize how beautiful it is. It’s so different from the city views I’m used to seeing. The only thing that breaks my thoughts is my stomach growling. I check the time and see it’s nearly seven. I can’t believe I completely lost track of time.

  After quickly brushing my fingers through my hair, I leave my room, but when I do, I see a note taped to the outside of my door. Confused, I tear it off and open it.

  Cami—it’s time to play a game. Follow the clues until you find me. I have a surprise.

  I grin so wide my face hurts. Farther down on the paper is the first clue.

  If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  Preparing gourmet meals will have you bitching.

  Open me up and have a look,

  Don’t worry, baby. You don’t have to cook.

  A chuckle escapes me, and I feel giddy. This is so unexpected and sweet. I walk downstairs, then go to the fridge and look around. Nothing. Opening the microwave, I find it’s empty too. I stop and think a little harder. That’s when I see the oven and notice the light is on. Inside is a tray with another slip of paper, and I hurry and unfold it.

  There are only three more clues left.

  So you must do your very best.

  Open me up and climb inside.

  I can’t wait for you to take me for a ride.

  I reread the clue, confused, so I repeat it out loud. The only thing I can think of is my Range Rover. Curious to see if I’m right, I head to the garage. Once I’m there, images of Eli having his asthma attack fill my mind, but I push them away as I open the passenger door. On the seat is a letter, and I snatch it, then go back inside.

  Very good. You’re so damn smart.

  If you allow it, I’ll give you my heart.

  Screw me in tight, so again you don’t fall.

  This should be the easiest clue of them all.

  “Bastard,” I huff with a chuckle and walk upstairs. Somehow, he ran up to the third story while I was in the garage because I took a shower earlier and didn’t see anything then. Sneaky and witty all at the same time. The note is on the back of the toilet. I laugh, remembering my ass being on the floor when the seat broke and how he came to my rescue.

  I want to hold you in my arms all night.

  Even after we argue and fight.

  Don’t worry. This hunt is almost over.

  Sit down, bring some popcorn, and get your closure.

  I know exactly where he is. Smoothing down my hair, I take a quick glimpse at myself in the mirror and stack all the clues on my vanity. With a permanent smile on my face, I go to the lower level, walk down a hal
lway, then open the door to the theater room. He’s moved the seats against the walls and set up a small table with chairs to create a romantic dining area. The gigantic screen has a night sky scene playing, and the sounds of summer surround me in the low-lit room. My mouth falls open, and I see him standing with his hands tucked in his suit pockets, grinning.

  “You found me,” he says as I walk over to him. He hands me some paper flowers with a ribbon tied around them. Taking them, I look around the room and am overcome with emotions and shock.

  “Of course I found you,” I say, beaming. “How did you get…” I can’t even finish my words or thoughts. I’m stunned, wondering how he got all of this together in a few hours, considering he had so much work to complete. Glancing down, I see how much care he put into each stem and petal. It’s the most beautiful bouquet anyone has ever given me, and best of all, it’ll last forever.

  Eli places his fingers under my chin and forces me to look into his emerald green eyes. “It took some planning.”

  A few tears stream down my cheeks because no man has ever done anything so special for me before. Eli leans in and kisses my tears away. “What’s wrong? Everything okay?”

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “I’m just overwhelmed with happiness. This is all so perfect and thoughtful. Incredibly sweet. I’m just…I don’t deserve all this.”

  “You do and more. But wait until you see what I cooked.” He chuckles, and I notice how good he looks, and damn, I’m ready to undress him with my teeth.

  Grabbing my hand, he walks me over to the table and uncovers two large bowls. A plate in the middle is stacked full of homemade-looking crackers, and my stomach is screaming out in protest because it smells so good, and I’m starving.

  “Lobster bisque with bread crisps,” he says.

  “Eli,” I whisper. “It smells so good.”

  Pulling the chair from under the table, he motions for me to sit. We might still be in the cabin but sitting under the fake stars and listening to the sounds of crickets lightly chirp is one of the most romantic dates I’ve ever had. This is everything I ever dreamed of, more than I expected, and I’m not worthy of this.

  He fills two glasses full of wine, and I take a sip, grinning over the rim. I pick up the spoon and taste the bisque. “Yep, pretty sure I just died. This is so good.” When did he make this, and how did I not smell it? The man is a pro at being stealthy.

  Eli licks his lips. “I’ll teach you how to make it one day.”

  I nearly spew out my wine. “With my current record, we better start with ramen.”

  “I was worried my clues might be too hard,” he says with a chuckle. “I forgot how much shit I remembered over the years.”

  “The kitchen one got me for a second until I saw the oven light, but honestly it was the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me,” I admit, my temperature rising at the intensity that streams between us as he studies me. I’m nervous and unworthy of the man sitting in front of me.

  “Well, there’s a lot more where that came from, baby.”

  I chuckle at his playful wink. “I swear I’m living in a Hallmark movie right now.” I bite my bottom lip, and he smirks.

  “Well, there’ll be no fade to black tonight.” His voice is velvety smooth, and his confidence is sexy as hell. Is tonight finally the night? Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and my heart pounds at his words.

  I down my wine. I’m already feeling it swarm through my body, or maybe it’s Eli who’s making me feel that way.

  Our dinner is delicious. We talk and laugh, and everything between us feels natural and perfect. We finish eating, and I pour the rest of the wine that’s left into my glass. He opens another bottle and fills his too.

  “I want to dance with you,” I tell him.

  Eli chuckles and stands. He grabs the remote to the sound system and randomly finds a song. It’s an old classic that’s played at weddings—Nat King Cole’s “Unforgettable.” I somewhat stumble getting up, but he’s by my side in a second to steady me.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulls me to him, and we slowly move together. All of my exes hated dancing at the events I dragged them to and acted like it was a huge inconvenience. But not with Eli. The song ends, and another begins, and he holds me closer as if I’ll slip through his fingers. I lean my head against his chest, and we sway together in harmony.

  When I step back and smile, Eli’s eyes are locked on me. Seductive and sexy. He dips his head down, and our mouths connect in a feverish kiss, the passion sizzling when our tongues twist. I moan against him and fist his shirt. I need Eli. He groans, and I need him right now, and I don’t have to say it because he knows.

  We grow greedier, more desperate, and soon, my back presses against the wall as Eli’s muscular body leans into me. His touch is light and warm against my skin like a summer breeze.

  “Cami, fuck,” he growls, standing inches from me as his hand trails up my thighs. Eli lifts my dress, then slides my panties down to my ankles, and I step out of them. I’ve wanted him since the moment I saw him tonight, and the last hour was grueling as I waited in anticipation. With steady fingers, he rubs my clit, and my knees nearly buckle from how goddamn good it feels. My eyes flutter closed, and I whisper his name like a prayer, knowing it won’t be long before he pushes me over the edge.

  Eli has my body memorized like his favorite song, and when he gives me not one finger but two, I wrap my arms around his shoulders. His hardness presses into my stomach, and my pussy aches for all of him.

  “Come for me, baby,” he demands, his voice full of rasp. I hope the wall holds me up as I see stars. Moans escape me as the orgasm rips through my body. Eli wraps an arm around my waist, steadying me because the intensity nearly brings me to my knees. My breasts fall and rise as I pant, licking my lips and smiling up at him.

  He places his fingers in his mouth, tasting me, then smirks. “And to think, I’d almost forgotten about dessert.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Cami looks up at me with hooded, lust-filled eyes. Our night is just getting started, and I can’t wait to give her everything she wants and deserves.

  “That was one. How about we go for five?” I ask with a wink.

  She raises her eyebrows. “Five? Are you trying to kill me?”

  “You just wait, baby,” I quip, smacking her ass, then bending over to pick up her panties. She grabs them from me and wraps them around my neck, then pulls me closer. Our mouths crash together in a hot, needy exchange, and when we finally come up for air, I interlock my fingers with hers, leading her out of the theater. Tonight, I’ll please her in ways she’s never experienced and will prove to her what she’s been missing.

  When we make it to the staircase, she can’t keep her mouth or hands off me, and we nearly fall trying to get to the second floor. The wine doesn’t help steady either of us, but I’ll be damned if that stops me.

  “Fuck, Cami,” I say as I lift her and carry her to the third level, claiming her as my prize. She holds onto me, laughing as I take the stairs two at a time. Once we reach her bedroom, I carefully kick open the door, then set her on the floor. Gracefully, she takes a step back and watches as I undo each button of my shirt.

  “Mmm, dinner, dessert, and a show? You spoil me,” she murmurs with a grin, tilting her head to one side and admiring her view.

  My shirt falls to the floor, and I move closer to her. Cami greedily unbuttons my slacks and pushes them down with my boxers, then I toss them aside. She kneels in front of me as she grabs my cock and strokes it in her palm.

  I groan. Her grip feels so damn incredible.

  She smacks her lips before wrapping them around the tip and sliding her mouth down my cock. I grunt, twisting my fingers in her hair and guiding her up and down my shaft. Her hot breath feels amazing, but if she doesn’t slow down, I’m going to embarrass myself and come too quickly.

  “Get back up here,” I demand.

  “I need you so
fucking bad,” she says breathily. “I’m done waiting.”

  “That’s the understatement of the decade,” I say, then lift the thin material of her dress from her small frame. She raises her arms, allowing me to pull it off her. I step back slightly and admire how stunning she is. Cami is a goddamn vision.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I undo her bra, and her breasts spill out, giving me the perfect view. I study every part of her, taking a mental snapshot. My fingertips brush across the softness of her collarbone as I dip down and capture her taut nipple in my mouth. Her eyes flutter closed as she arches her back, and I want to ravage her sweet pussy again.

  She walks backward, pulling me on top of her as she falls to the mattress. I hover over her as our mouths fuse, our hands all over each other. The sparks fly between us so violently that if I don’t slow us down, we might get burned. She’s hungry for me, and I’ve fantasized about this moment so many times, I almost pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. But as Cami peers up at me with her big baby blues, nothing in my entire life has ever felt this real.

  “Okay, then. This was fun,” I joke, pushing against the bed and pretending to leave.

  “Elijah Ross, I swear, you better fuck me like you mean it.” She locks her legs around me, pulling me back down.

  I laugh, but I won’t be fucking her. Instead, I’ll be worshipping every inch of her, hoping she understands how much she means to me and how hard I’m falling for her.


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