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The Two of Us (Love in Isolation Book 1)

Page 23

by Kennedy Fox

  “I was so worried,” I tell him. “They couldn’t tell me anything about you except that you were alive, and every time I tried to call, it took forever to get through, and then you’d be sleeping. I can’t believe you’re here right now.” Happy tears stream down my face, and I want nothing more than to hold him. I carefully wrap my arms around his neck. "I've missed you so much."

  "Those words are like music to my ears, baby.” He tightens his arm around me. “I've missed you too. So fucking much.” He pulls back slightly until our gaze meets. “You're the only thing that kept me sane in there," he admits.

  I paint my lips across his, claiming him as mine.

  Bruno wiggles between us, clearly annoyed he’s not getting any attention. "Hey, buddy." Eli kneels and pets him as Bruno slobbers all over his face.

  "He missed you," I say. "And he sucks as a guard dog. He’s a bigger baby than me."

  Eli laughs, then grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. I look at the clothes he's wearing. "Where did you get those from?"

  He looks down at the oversized T-shirt. "The nice nurse who took care of me gave me her son's extra clothes since mine were ruined. I need to write her a thank-you letter and send it with the biggest bouquet," he tells me. "She was a godsend in the midst of all the chaos."

  " that who’s been keeping you busy? Flirting with your nurse?" I tease, popping a brow.

  He leans over and plucks my bottom lips between his teeth. "Nah. I'm much more into bossy blondes who can't cook," he mocks, and I want to smack him, but I lean over and press my mouth to his again. I can’t get enough of him.

  "I've been dreaming about that for days," he admits, cupping my face.

  "Me too," I say as a blush creeps up my cheeks. "I thought I lost you."

  "Never," he says. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."

  Relief washes over me as my pulse increases. I know I can't live another day without telling him how I feel. “Good. I’m not sure my heart could survive without you.”

  "Cami," he whispers, his eyes searching my face. "I only thought about you while I was there. What you were doing, how you were feeding yourself,” he says with a chuckle. “I was worried how this was affecting you."

  "You were worried about me?” I roll my eyes with a smirk. “I kept thinking the worst. Eli…I—"

  He sweeps his lips against mine. "I love you, Cami. I don't think I'd be able to live another day without telling you how much you mean to me."

  I choke up, tears falling because he somehow stole my breath and the words I was going to say. "I love you too."

  Our mouths crash together, and as we become greedy for one another, Eli winces in pain. “Sorry,” I say. “What do you need? More pain meds?”

  Eli smiles. "As long as you're with me, I've got everything I need."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  DAY 69

  It’s been a month since the accident that landed me in the hospital for a week. So much has changed in that amount of time, and though my shoulder isn’t fully recovered, every day I feel stronger. I video conference my physical therapist twice a week, and I do daily exercises to keep up the mobility. It often leaves me breathless and needing my inhaler. I was so used to working out but have had to take it easy.

  Cami’s been extremely helpful with everything, doing way more than she needs to. I can do things one-handed, but she insists. She reminds me to keep up with my PT and doesn’t let me get lazy with it.

  After a couple of days back, I noticed the things she did around the house and considering how much she struggled before, she’s really putting in the effort to be more independent. She’s definitely changed, and without a doubt, she’s changed me too.

  I get tired a lot faster than before, which frustrates me. Sometimes, I wish I had my old life back, the one I had before the pandemic and before getting shot, but then I remember that life didn’t include Cami. I wouldn’t change having her for the world. If having her means all the other bullshit had to happen, I’ll happily accept it.

  New York is still in lockdown with shelter in place orders. I’m kinda shocked it’s lasted over two months, but then again, it makes sense with the current data. It reminds me to hold Cami that much tighter each night because I know how lucky and fortunate we are. We can help flatten the curve by doing our part and staying here as long as it takes. People like Ryan and all the essential workers are the true heroes during this crisis, so until there’s a safe way to reopen the state, we’ll isolate together.

  After spending so much time with each other, I notice the littlest things about her. Like when she laughs really hard, her nose crinkles and sometimes she snorts, which I find cute as hell. She likes to sleep on her side, and sometimes snores like a Mack truck. When she’s obviously tired, but I’m not, she’ll try to stay awake to be with me longer. When she thinks I’m not watching her, she’ll steal glances at me, and then I’ll catch her, which makes her laugh. Cami is my rock, and I’m grateful everyday for our second chance.

  I still can’t believe she’s fallen for me as hard as I have for her, and now I can’t live without her. Hell, I’ve nearly died twice since coming here, but she’s been the light at the end of the tunnel.

  We FaceTimed my mom and told her the pleasant news that we were officially dating. My mother cried with joy, then asked us when we were getting married. I just shrugged and laughed. But honestly, I’d marry Cami in a heartbeat even though I still don’t feel like I’m good enough for her.

  Next, we called my sister, Ava. Cami was nervous as hell about it, but it was time they talk through their differences so there’s no hostility. Their conversation lasted well over an hour, and by the end, both were laughing at my expense as they took turns telling stories about me and talking shit. Though, I don’t even care because I’m just happy the air has been cleared between them.

  We haven’t told her parents about us yet. I’ve been too nervous, knowing her father would never approve of the poor kid being with his princess daughter, but Cami has assured me she couldn’t give two fucks what her parents think. When the time’s right, we’ll tell them, but not yet. I like the bubble we’re in right now and don’t want anyone’s outside opinions to burst it.

  After another physical therapy session, Cami and I go for a walk outside. Spring is finally coming, and the weather has been much nicer. Eventually, I’d love to cook using the outdoor kitchen and watch the sunset with Cami while we eat. Though I can’t buy her expensive things—but even if I could, they don’t impress her—I can make memories with her in ways that count.

  A few days ago, we drove to Roxbury and got more food for the next month. She went a couple of weeks ago, but only got the necessities, and now we need more to stay stocked up. We went together this time so we could double team and get out of the store faster. As we drove home, she continuously looked behind us to see if anyone was following us. I know what happened still affects her, but I’m doing my best to reassure her we’re safe. The two guys who did it were finally caught, so I can breathe a little easier knowing they didn’t get away with it, but we still stay alert.

  Once we’re back home, we unload and sanitize the groceries before putting them away, washing our hands in between a dozen times. It’s become such a part of our lives that we don’t even think twice about it.

  We haven’t been intimate in weeks. Even though she’s given me all the hints, I know she hasn’t wanted to rush me with my shoulder recovering, but it’s doing much better now. We’ve been taking things slow, but right now, she’s looking at me with a fire in her eyes.

  “I think we should change out of our clothes and take a shower,” I tell her, brushing my lips against her ear. Her head falls back, and she lets out a ragged breath as I drag my teeth against her skin.

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly. “Absolutely, yes.”

  I smirk as I take her hand and lead her to the master bathroom. Slowly, I peel off her leggings and shirt, allowing my fingertips to
brush against her soft skin, and each time I touch her, her breasts rise and fall with shallow breaths. Cami watches me intently with a smile playing on her lips.

  Walking toward the shower, I turn on the water and wait for it to get hot.

  “You’re so goddamn beautiful,” I tell her, and she blushes.

  “You’re just saying that,” she throws back, and I hate it when she downplays my compliments. “I’ve been in sweats with messy hair for days.”

  “Just how I like you,” I tease, sprinkling kisses on her shoulders.

  She reaches forward and helps take off my sling. I’ve still been wearing it daily but not for too much longer.

  Cami lifts my shirt and pulls it over my head. She runs her fingers down my abs until her fingers are unbuttoning my jeans. Quickly, she slides them down my legs, along with my boxers. She stands confidently in a sexy as hell matching bra and panty set, and I take in the view before I remove them. Leaning down, I capture her taut nipple in my mouth. She arches her back and moans while running her fingers through my hair, then tugs. I release an animalistic growl, then scrape my teeth along her sensitive flesh, adding just enough pressure to drive her wild.

  I move to the other, licking and sucking. She pants as I lick a trail up to her mouth and lower my hand to her pussy.

  “Fuck, Cami. You’re so tight,” I murmur, feeling her wetness on my fingers.

  Before I lose myself in her, I grab her hand and lead us into the shower. Once we’re inside, she stands under the stream of water, letting it cascade down her body. She tilts her head back and gets her hair wet. I watch in awe at the gorgeous woman in front of me, waiting for me to pleasure her in all the right ways.

  Stepping closer, I bring my hand down and begin stroking my thumb against her clit. Cami moans and nearly crumples under my touch. She’s so damn sensitive, and seeing her like this has my dick growing harder. At this rate, I won’t last five minutes inside her, but I want to go all night. She bites her bottom lip, causing me to let out a throaty moan as she writhes.

  “Eli,” she whispers. “I want you so badly.”

  “Me too, baby,” I admit. “I don’t want to rush, but damn, I don’t know how much longer I can wait to taste you. It’s been too long.”

  Water spills over her chest, and as I trail kisses down her body, it soaks my hair and falls into my eyes. I brush it back and lift a brow when I catch her gawking. Flashing her a quick wink, I kneel in front of her and settle between her legs, running my nose along her sensitive bud. I love the way she tastes and the soft moans that escape her as I flick my tongue against her clit.

  “Eli, Eli,” she whimpers, fisting my hair as I worship her body with my mouth. Cami’s back arches as I wage war against her pussy, and I know she’s close by the way her body shakes. As she sinks into me, I pull away with a smirk. I love how quickly she loses herself with me and how willing she is to please me in return. In the bedroom, Cami is a fucking goddess, and I plan to worship her body for the rest of our lives.

  Her eyes pop open in protest. “Nooooo!”

  I shrug with a laugh. “What?”

  “I swear, I will bring Prince Harry in here and let him finish the job,” she threatens, and I chuckle at her eagerness.

  Her perky breasts rise and fall as I ease my fingers up her legs and bring my mouth back between her thighs. She’s so damn wet that all I can do is smile as I taste her sweetness. She shudders under my touch as I insert one finger and then another, twirling my tongue against her clit.

  “I’m so close. Don’t stop,” she pleads on a whisper, and while I want to tease her, my baby deserves this release. I slow my pace, allowing the orgasm to fully build before she completely unravels. Moments later, she’s trembling and groaning as she loses herself. I pull away, kissing her inner thighs before standing.

  She looks at me with hooded eyes, begging for a kiss. Our mouths fuse and our tongues twist under the hot stream. The emotions overwhelm me because I still can’t believe this woman is mine. The way I feel about her is unfathomable. I’m never letting her fucking go.

  “I can taste myself on your lips,” she tells me, and I chuckle.

  “And you're so goddamn delicious I’d eat you for every meal.” I slyly smile as my erection presses into her stomach.

  “Should we get you cleaned up?” I muse.

  “No, you should fuck me.”

  I chuckle, reaching for her body wash.

  I lather it on a loofah between my hands. “I’ll make it worth your while, don’t worry.”

  Cami narrows her eyes and pretends to sulk.

  Gently, I wash her shoulders, chest, arms, and legs. Then I spin her around and scrub her back and down her ass. I wrap my good arm around her waist and lower my hand between her legs.

  “You smell so good,” I murmur in her ear, teasing my tongue along her neck. I thrust a finger inside her, and she tightens against me. “God, you drive me fucking wild.”

  Cami turns, places her palms on my cheek, and forces me to look into her bright blue eyes. “Quit being a gentleman and fuck me,” she demands.

  I pop an eyebrow, loving her eagerness. “That’s what you really want?”

  “Be careful with your arm, but I won’t break, Eli,” she says as a devious grin spreads across her face.

  Cami quickly rinses before turning off the shower and stepping out. She hands me a towel, and I swiftly dry myself. While she wraps hers around her body, I charge forward, and she squeals as I chase her into her bedroom. She falls onto the mattress with a laugh as I hover over her.

  “Hope you’re ready for what you asked for,” I taunt as she moves to the middle. My cock throbs between us, and I can’t wait any longer. Grabbing her thighs, I pull her body closer and settle between her legs. Stroking my shaft a few times, I slowly ease into her, and she gasps before I pull out. I’ve always loved teasing her, but it’s even more fun when we’re naked. Then I slide back in, thrusting deeper.

  “Harder,” she pants, but instead, I pull out, grab her ankles, and drag her to the edge as I stand. “Oh my God,” she squeals.

  “Flip,” I demand. She licks her lips before she gets on all fours.

  With a firm hand, I smack her ass, and the sound echoes through the room. She purrs, which is a complete turn-on. I dig my fingers into her hips as I guide myself inside, fucking her hard and deep. Our skin slaps together and mingles with our moans. My dick is so goddamn hard it feels like it might break off as she arches her ass against me, screaming my name and fisting the comforter.

  “Yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, yes,” she cries out. “Eli…” Her breathlessness, combined with how her muscles tense, tells me everything I need to know. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her up until her back is to my chest. I slow my pace, cup her jaw, then bring our mouths together.

  Her body shakes, and she comes, moaning my name. My movements are slow and calculated, and soon, I’m losing myself too. We collapse on the bed and crawl to the middle where I hold her in my arms. Emotions pour through me, and when I look at Cami, she’s flashing a satisfied smile. Cupping her cheeks, I fuse our mouths back together, unable to stop kissing her.

  “Pretty sure I need another shower,” she says when we break apart. “I’m a sweaty mess.”

  “Me too. I think we should conserve water,” I tell her, and she nods, then follows me to the bathroom. I turn on the water and allow her to step in, taking in every inch of her gorgeous curves. I’m so fucking lucky.

  I squirt shampoo in my palm and gently massage her scalp. She closes her eyes, and a small smile plays on her lips.

  “Have I told you how much I love you today?” I ask her, grabbing her body wash and paying extra attention to her breasts, then moving down to her sensitive areas.

  “Actions sometimes speak louder than words,” she mutters, and I chuckle.

  “I love you,” I whisper against the shell of her ear as the warm water falls over our bodies. “I’ll love you till the day I die.”

She smiles so sweet as she plucks her lip. “I love you too, Eli.”

  I reach around and grab a handful of her ass until she squeals. She washes me, and then we make out until our skin prunes. We wrap fluffy towels around our bodies and go back to the bedroom.

  She lifts an eyebrow as she gazes her eyes down my body. “Ready for round two?”

  Genuine laughter escapes me as I move closer to her. “I’ll never tell you no. My cock is yours. Prince Harry 2.0.”

  Cami nearly doubles over, then takes me in her hand before kneeling in front of me as she sucks me long and hard.

  We make love for the rest of the afternoon, only taking breaks for food and quick naps. I hold her and make sure she knows how much she means to me, and how in love with her I am. What we have is more real than anything I’ve ever experienced, and I wasn’t lying when I told her I’d love her until the day I die. Honestly, I can’t imagine a day without her in my life; that’s how quickly she’s burrowed into my heart and soul.

  Cameron St. James is my everything, and I’ll spend forever proving that to her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  DAY 90

  We've officially been in the cabin for three months, but it hasn't been what I expected at all when I first decided to come here. When Eli first arrived, I was convinced it’d be hell sharing this space with him. Little did I know, I'd fall stupidly in love with him and end up never wanting to leave this place or his side.

  A week ago, I got the news that my graduation ceremony was canceled, and I feel cheated as hell. I understand why, but for the past four years, I imagined walking across that stage and getting my diploma. I've been excited to give my valedictorian speech since I knew I was in the running. Though I won’t be giving it in front of everyone, I still plan to record myself so they can hear it. Getting this honor was hard work, and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to speak to my peers one more time. I know I’m not the only one who’s missing out on events such as this right now, and even though I understand this is our new reality, it's still hard to cope with.


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