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An Okinawan Affair

Page 13

by Herb Blanchard

  "You found the new toothbrush?"

  "Yes. thank you. I'm sure my breath needed it."

  Brad vaguely remembered Tomako coming out of the bathroom dressed in her nemaki and slipping under her futon.

  Early in the morning, when the sun was just spreading a pink tinge across the sky, Brad was sure that he felt Tomako lying next to him under his futon only to feel her slip away. That was a nice dream. It was good to feel her next to me like that.

  Get over it. I know she thinks I'm too young for her, besides, she has as much as said that she wouldn't sleep with, much less live with a GI. You were dreaming that's for sure.

  The alarm clock clanging away like something out of the 1920's startling Brad awake. He rolled over and looked at its old fashioned face. 0630. Sitting up he saw that Tomi had put her futons away and her little coffee pot was sitting on the two burner tabletop gas stove. There was a note leaning on it. In her clear script Tomi said that the coffee was ready to brew and there was a fresh roll wrapped in rice paper on the counter. "I hope to see you later. Tomako."

  Shaking his head at her thoughtfulness. I didn't even hear her doing all this. I have time for coffee and take my time getting ready. I can catch a sukoshi cab easily from here.


  The Monday morning after payday always brought some strange sights and moods at 0800 when the motor pool had muster in the bunk-room. This morning McCorkle was stretched out on a bunk nursing a major hangover. Mike Branch had the duty on Sunday and was bouncing around all hyper waiting for muster to be over so he could rush to barracks, change into civilian clothes, and go to Noumanoui. On Wednesday he would start his new job as the Base Commander's driver.

  When Chief Lawton came in the connecting door from the dispatch office he hesitated and searched the room. His gaze stopped on Brad, nodded and pointed to the outside door before stepping outside. Brad crossed the room and followed the chief out the door.

  "I spoke to Lieutenant Commander Tole a minute ago. He has seen the report and conclusions of the inquiry of the lost grenade. The EOD found their lost grenade in another boy's backpack. It didn't have a spoon on it and the kid had tried to unscrew it but everyone is guessing that it was rusted together so he couldn't get it apart without some kind of tools which he didn't have. He admits hiding along side of the truck after the school teacher left with the other boys. Then grabbing the grenade and hiding in the rice paddy until you all left.

  The boy who lost his hand said that he found his grenade a week before in the cave near where the Army was working. His friends were giving him a hard time about how it worked so he decided to take it apart before going to school. He PULLED THE PIN AND LET THE SPOON COME OFF. It blew up instantaneously. He never had a chance to throw it."

  "Shit! We looked all over for that thing and nobody saw him hiding that close to the truck. But I'm glad it wasn't the grenade that exploded."

  “The Inquiry Board isn't holding anyone responsible.

  Lieutenant Commander Tole and Lieutenant Anderson wondered if you knew where that cave the kids were talking about might be? The Army civilians are claiming ignorance about it."

  "I doubt if they would know where it is. They had some enlisted men working on that project, but they were 'short timers' and left the island a month ago.

  Late Friday afternoon Johnny Stump asked me if I could work on it for them. I hadn't seen you since to check if I could, so I haven't given him an answer yet."

  "It's okay by me if you can set-up hauling the fill for the Chief's club road before you go. That will take what, 2 or 3 weeks using the dump truck when our heavy equipment crew isn't using it?"

  "Sounds about right. I'll give the EOD a shout before I go down to see Johnny and Crocker at Naha Port. I don't think that the dozer is still out in Ozato village. It will be a day or so before we can get it moved unless the Army is anxious to get the job done."

  "I'll leave it up to you to work it out. The Commander will take your word for what is going on.

  "Can I have Akabu to haul the coral for the road fill? He likes to hang out with Ashamini and the heavy crew and will haul as much coral as anybody can."

  "Yeah, that's fine with me. Why don't you check out my pickup and go to Naha Port."

  "We can move the bulldozer to the Ozato Minami School after lunch if you can go out there and unload it from the trailer. It would be better if you went with the driver or follow him out there."

  "That will work." Brad told Crocker, Stump's boss. "I'll come back after 1300 hrs.

  Stump pulled into his parking spot as Brad was climbing into the chief's pickup. "What's up, Brad?"

  "Getting Crocker to send the dozer out to Ozato so I can start working on the schoolyard. He wants me to follow the trailer out there and unload it."

  "I told him this morning that I was going out there after lunch and unload it. We can go together if you want."

  "Good idea, Johnny. You driving? If so I want to take Lawton's truck back to him and tell him what we decided if you don't mind."

  "I'll pick you up at his office and it will be lunch time by then. Any place special you want to go to eat?"

  "How about the Kokusai Coffee House?"

  "Really? What is so interesting about the coffee house?"

  "Quiet scenery and good food."

  Johnny turned off of Kokusai Dori into an alley then pulled into a loading dock and turning off the engine.

  "You always park in front of somebody's loading dock? I suppose you have a shortcut to the coffee house from here."

  "Actually that door right there goes into the coffee house kitchen. This building used to be a furniture store. Western furniture, but it didn't make it so they have no use for the ramp now. Come on."

  "Brad? Where did you come from?" Her smile and the faint blush across her face made Brad glad that he had decided to drop in on her for lunch. "How did you find the backdoor?" Even our Okinawan customers do not know it is there.

  Johnny-san, Konnichi wa. So you are teaching Brad the bad things?" Tomako laughed and took the two men each by one arm and led them back towards Brad's favorite table. "I will be right back. Dozo, sit down."

  "So you're Tomako's interest? I was talking to her uncle last night and he was concerned about who she was getting interested in. Seems like he knows this guy is a young Seabee who runs all over the island doing strange jobs and at strange times. Seems like Oji-san likes him but doesn’t trust his own feelings when it comes to Tomako."

  "We're just friends Johnny. You know her, so you know that she is a bit older than I am. And she isn't interested in getting involved with a GI. Actually 8 years older than I am." Brad stopped talking as he watched Tomako's petite form coming towards them with a tray.

  "Asahi for you Johnny-san. Kohi for you, Brad-san." She set their drinks on the little table before stepping behind Brad and placed her small hand on his shoulder. "Do you need a menu? Maybe you already know what you want? Yakamesa, Brad?

  "Hai, dozo, Tomi. With chicken, okay?"

  "Hai, with chicken and you Johnny?"

  "A bowl of soba. Any kind, Tomako, dozo."

  Brad watched her walk away. That is one very fine lady. She is so feminine and so intelligent. A nice combination."

  "Brad. Hey Brad? Are you still on this planet?"

  "Sorry, I was looking at something else, thinking about something else actually."

  "Right. How long have you known Tomi? A while from what I'm seeing."

  "Almost the first week I got on the island. Somebody brought me in here on a daring adventure since it has no 'A' sign. Tomako was working and we became friends right away." Brad told Stump about how she baby-sat him when Yoko dumped him, but very conveniently left out staying at her apartment on that night, or his visit to her place last night.

  "Tomanaga said that you have stayed over with her a couple of times. He's just concerned for her. Life hasn't
been really good to her. Like a lot of Okinawans. She has had to deal with losing her family when she was very young, and not being able to have a decent relationship with an eligible male. You may have noticed that males are in short supply here on the island."

  "The Army is treating today, Brad." After Johnny had settled their lunch check the two men started back towards the kitchen to leave.

  Brad felt her warm hand take his when he went into the short hallway leading to the kitchen. "Goodbye, Brad. I was glad to see you.

  "Me too, Tomi. I'll see you later."

  "Have you thought about Kadena Circle?"

  "I will."

  "Hai. Where are you and Johnny going?"

  "To Ozato Minami School. I'm going to build them a ball field."

  "Honto?" Tomi looked up into Brad's eyes. Smiled her face lighting smile and went up on to her tippy toes to kiss him lightly on his cheek.

  Johnny took his time driving on the rural roads leading to Ozato Village but it wasn't long before they caught up to the Army truck hauling the Caterpillar D-8 bulldozer. Slowly they followed it until they came to the intersection leading one way to the school and town hall and the other continued on towards Awase. The driver stopped waiting for Stump-san to tell him which way to go. Brad and Johnny got out of the car and walked a short way down the unpaved road leading to a small farm on the opposite side of a large hill from the school.

  "We can use this road for a haul road. It stays dirt all the way to the school."

  "Is this where the Army troops were working before they left?"

  "I think so. Why?"

  "The Navy thinks that they could have covered up a cave that may or not have explosives in it. It's possible that they didn't even know it was there or what it was if they did see it."

  "We can look around and see if we can find anything. First let's get the dozer unloaded and the driver on his way back to Naha."

  "Sounds good. Why don't you ask him to back it around so the trailer is just touching that road embankment. Then I can jump the dozer off the trailer."


  Brad ran the dozer off the trailer and started up the road to the hill he was going to take down and haul to the school yard. He reached a small house with a dozer track leading around behind it and stopped the machine. He climbed down to wait for John who was getting the driver going to Naha before walking up the road. Brad walked to the top of the knoll where the Army had been working before. He turned and walked back down and met Johnny at the dozer.

  "I didn't see anything to arouse my interest. They did move a lot of dirt around up there though it doesn't seem to make sense of why."

  "Crocker was out here with them and I'm not quite sure what he had in mind or what he was doing. I wasn't involved in this one at all. We were working on the stadium parking lot when he started this job. But all of a sudden he isn't interested in coming out and wants me to finish it. And you." Stump added.

  "Well tomorrow is another day. I'll see what I can find out then. I'm ready to go back to Naha, how about you, Johnny?

  "Time for a beer or two don't you think?"

  "You got it."

  "It was kind of strange Sunday night." Brad started to tell Johnny about yesterday and his visit to Tomako's apartment. "Tomanaga and Tomako had just come back from the temple when I showed up in dive booties and swim trunks with a live octopus in a bucket. He laughed at me then asked me to save him some. Then he left I suppose to go to work."

  "I told you, he likes you, but his main concern is Tomako."

  "Even though I stayed with her, we didn't make love. Or even sleep in the same bed. Or even take a shower together. Hell, Johnny, she is undoubtedly the sexiest woman I have ever not slept with. You know what I mean."

  "I know. When things are ready to happen with Tomako she will let you know. If it isn't going to happen, well, nothing will happen."



  "Thanks, I appreciate your advice and telling me the score."


  Brad's mind was working overtime since lunch yesterday when Tomako asked about Kadena Circle again. He still could not comprehend what she was saying except that she seemed to want him to go see Yoko.

  It's been over a month since I saw her. I don't think I miss her, but I do think about being in bed with her.

  The light misty rain hit him in the face when he stepped off the barracks steps. Instead of going to the motor pool, he decided to grab some breakfast and see if any of the Seabees were still in the mess hall.

  Not seeing anybody he knew eating breakfast, he went through the line and took some pancakes and eggs along with a cup of hot coffee. He took his time finishing and glancing at his watch knew the bus would be making its rounds within three or four minutes and if he didn't catch it, he would be late for muster.

  "Okay if I take a personal day, Chief? It's too wet to do much on the new road and I can't think of anything else that needs doing right away."

  "Sure, go ahead, Brad. How is the Ozato job for the Army coming?"

  "Good. We moved the dozer there yesterday and if it doesn't rain tomorrow I'll head out there and see if I can find the cave that everybody is talking about."

  "You'll be at muster in the morning?"

  "Sure enough. Thanks Chief.

  It was just 1030 when Brad paid the sukoshi cab driver and walked down the street towards Yoko's house. He felt his gut twitch, knot a little and felt other signs of trepidation.

  I wonder why I feel like this? Is it because she hurt my feelings, bruised my ego, or that I'm not over her?

  Tomako, I need to talk to you. Brad spoke to himself in a soft whisper

  The first thing that Brad noticed when he entered the small yard in front of Yoko's house was that the wooden shutters and several windows were open, but not the bedroom windows.

  Stepping up to the kitchen door, Brad rapped sharply on the door frame as he spoke. "Yoko. Yoko, are you home? It's Brad. Okay if I come in?"

  He waited and heard female voices speaking Japanese and the sounds of people moving around on a bed.

  "Brad. Come in to the kitchen."

  Yoko was coming out of the bedroom as Brad entered the kitchen. Behind her, standing next to the bed was a nesan he had seen with Yoko in the Brown Derby. She was a big woman, in her thirties with coarse facial features. Both women had on cotton dresses like Mother Hubbards. Neither had washed their face and still had residue of last night's make up on, nor had they combed their hair. Behind Yoko, the bed was in wild disarray. The futon was on the floor and the bed sheets were twisted and pulled out from under the mattress. One pillow was in the middle of the bed indented as if someone had sat on it, the other was on the floor.

  Yoko was smiling and came to Brad in the kitchen where he stood looking over the rooms trying to comprehend what he was seeing.

  "Brad? What are you doing here? You have not been to see me for a long time."

  "I'm not sure that you want to see me. I'm right aren't I?"

  "I'm sorry, this is my friend Fumiko. She stayed with me last night and we are just getting up."

  Brad turned to Fumiko in time to catch the look of hate that she had and was projecting at him.

  What did I ever do to you, girl? Boy, you are one piece of work.

  Yoko took Brad's hand and led him out the door. "Let's go to the restaurant and get some kohi, Brad. I'm sorry that I haven't seen you. I miss you." She said in her soft voice.

  Neither spoke as they walked along the quiet street lined with the bars and restaurants that catered to the American GI.

  Sitting in a back corner away from the few people who came into the restaurant, Yoko colored some and bent down to look at the table top. "I'm sorry, Brad. I have another friend I sleep with besides you. Fumiko stays with me whenever I am not with a GI. She is why I got confused and couldn't live with you."

  "How long have you be
en with her, Yoko?"

  "Since I came to the Brown Derby. About two years. She helped me when I first came here and is very good to me."

  "So you don't know if you prefer her or a man. You just stay with us for money and the chance to go to a nice restaurant?"

  "Yes. Sometimes Brad. I do like you, but I don't want to live with you."

  "You should have told me before. I like you, Yoko, and probably would have spent more time with you in hopes that I could take you away from her. But I can see that I'm too late."

  Brad got up, dropped two dollars on the table and walked out the door.


  When Brad walked into the dispatch office after muster in the bunk-room, Aranaka told him that there was an Okinawan driver from Naha Port waiting for him outside.

  "Thanks Kusii. I'll be working for the Army for a couple weeks and will check-in with whoever is dispatching when I get back every night."

  "Okay. If I have anything for you I'll leave it in the side drawer of my desk."

  "Gotcha. See you later."

  Johnny Stump was waiting in the equipment yard when Brad got to Naha Port. "I rate a driver now?"

  "Crocker is getting pressure from the Colonel to finish the job in Ozato. So you my friend, are getting the privileged few treatment. Just enjoy it while it lasts, but don't get too used to it."

  "What you're saying is that the Army is fickle and might put me back at the bottom of the food chain when Ozato is a non-priority and as their mood strikes them."

  "Something like that, definitely." Johnny stepped closer to Brad and guided him around to the other side of the Army sedan he had arrived in. "I snooped around some this morning before Crocker came back from the Colonel's office. A couple of my operators were in Ozato with the Army enlisted men. And Crocker was also there. Seems like you and the Navy are right. The Okinawans think that Crocker told the enlisted men to bury the cave entrance rather than get shutdown until the EOD could get out there and clean up whatever is in that cave. Neither of the operators saw what was in the cave, but they both said that Crocker was in a real hurry to get it closed up before they could see what was in it. For your info also, it was Crocker who opened up the entrance while he was pushing dirt."


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