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Sinful Seduction

Page 10

by Katie Reus

  No way in hell was that happening.

  Unable to find any words, she wrapped her legs around him, needing that closeness. He still had cotton pants on, but they did nothing to hide his erection. Rolling her hips against him, she savored the feel of his thickness rubbing over her clit. Her nipples beaded even tighter as her inner walls clenched with an unfulfilled need.

  With his free hand, he cupped one of her breasts, shuddering above her as he began lightly strumming her already sensitive nipple. Her core clenched again from the contact. Her heart pounded erratically and a rush of heat streaked through her as she imagined what he’d feel like pumping inside her. He’d barely touched her and she was ready to combust.

  When he pulled his mouth away from hers she started to protest, but stilled when his dark eyes met hers. “Let me taste you first.”

  First, meaning before he…oh yeah, she was on board with that.

  His hands stroked over her as he slowly kissed his way down her chest, across her breasts, along her stomach until finally he crouched between her legs. She wished the lights were on so she could see his expression clearly, but the sound of his erratic breathing told her that he was just as excited as she was.

  Softly, he slid a finger down her damp slit. “You’re so wet,” he murmured, more to himself than to her as he bent down between her legs.

  Yeah, she was, and getting wetter by the second. She struggled to keep her breathing calm as she waited for the touch of his mouth where she needed it the most.

  With his thumbs, he spread her lower lips before gently stroking his tongue against her heat. Unable to stop her reaction, she jerked against his face. That was all it took for him to start teasing. He dipped a finger inside her as he began working her with his tongue. It was too much and too little at the same time.

  He stroked and teased but never fully focused on her clit. And she had no doubt he was doing it intentionally.

  She spread her legs wider as she slid her fingers through his short hair. Her touch seemed to affect him because he moaned against her. Taking her by surprise he slid his hands under her bent legs.

  “Give me your hands,” he said, lifting his face for only a moment.

  Without thinking she did. He slid his fingers through hers, pressing her hands flat against the bed, his grip impossibly tight. It didn’t hurt, but he was completely in charge. The knowledge got her even wetter.

  As he held her hands down, he finally focused on her clit, his strokes the perfect pressure—and she realized why he’d wanted to hold her hands down. As he buried his face against her, mercilessly pleasuring her, she couldn’t move, couldn’t lessen the intensity of his teasing even if she’d wanted to.

  On instinct she pulled against him. Each time she tugged, the harder he pressed against her bundle of nerves and the faster she raced toward climax. And he just kept thrashing her clit until finally her orgasm crashed into her, slamming out to all her nerve endings as she writhed against the sheets. Because of his hold, she could barely move, just arch her back at the onslaught of pleasure. Even when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, when she started to tell him to stop, he pushed her into another climax.

  “Alex!” Unable to stop herself from crying out, she didn’t care who heard her. He hadn’t even penetrated her, just used pure clitoral stimulation and she felt like she was in fucking heaven.

  He made this growling/groaning sound against her, the sensation vibrating through her as she came down from her high. When he released her fingers, she didn’t even attempt to move. Feeling boneless, she watched as he leaned over the bed. She heard the sound of a zipper. When he muttered, “Thank you, Vincent,” she wondered what he meant until she saw him pull out a box of condoms.

  Sitting up, she snagged it from him. He seemed stunned, but let her take it. As she ripped it open, he slid his pants off and she almost forgot to breathe. Holy shit. Her inner walls tightened again, that hunger building inside her worse than before. She should be sated after that intense climax, but right now she wanted more. So much more. She might have held him in her hands, stroked him to orgasm, but seeing how thick and long he was—she dropped the box.

  Alex didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed it and tore out one of the packets. She was glad he was doing it because she didn’t trust her shaky hands.

  In awe she watched as he rolled it over his erection—and was glad his hands shook too. She simply couldn’t be the only one so affected.

  Before she could tear her gaze away from the beautiful sight of his hand stroking down the length of his cock, he moved over her with that ninja quickness and crushed his mouth over hers. She moaned at the taste of herself on his lips, at his evident need. It shouldn’t be so erotic, but damn it was.

  She dug her fingers into his back as he guided himself to her opening. As his thickness started to penetrate her she realized he wasn’t even using his hand. The man was so damn hard and she was soaking wet that it wasn’t necessary. One of his hands cupped her breast as she reached around and grabbed his ass.

  She pulled him into her, not wanting him to take his time. She just wanted to feel that thickness filling her. But it was more than just physical. She wanted to hold him inside her, to be connected with him, to belong to him. As he buried himself balls deep, she moaned into his mouth at the stretching sensation. Letting her head fall back, her eyes closed as he started pumping into her. She could barely think as he thrust over and over, each time he slammed into her hitting that perfect spot designed to drive her crazy.

  The harder he thrust, the more she realized she was going to come again. It shocked the hell out of her, but she embraced it. As she built closer and closer to another release she opened her eyes to find Alex watching her with such a hungry expression it pushed her over the edge.

  She held his gaze, unable to look away as she climaxed, wanting him to see her at her most vulnerable. He’d given so much to her by just being himself that she wanted to give this to him. He meant so much to her already, it scared her.

  As she let go, he did too, shouting her name as he found his own release. The tendons and muscles in his neck strained as he came until finally he buried his face against her neck, nuzzling her in the sweetest way as his thrusts slowed. Light shudders continued to overtake him until after what felt like an eternity he stilled, lifting his gaze to meet hers.

  Smiling, she brushed her lips softly over his. “Thank you.”

  His eyebrows rose in confusion so she tightened her grip around him, digging her fingers into his back. “I don’t mean for that—though thank you for two amazing orgasms—I just mean for being here, for being you.” She didn’t think she’d be able to get through any of this without him. That alone scared her because she’d never thought she’d want to depend on anyone. Now she realized that falling for someone didn’t mean you depended on them in a needy way. It meant you found someone to support you and someone you supported right back. Someone you made sacrifices for and someone you couldn’t imagine living without. That thought jarred her straight to her core.

  He looked almost uncomfortable, or maybe confused, but he kissed her softly before slowly withdrawing from her. “Let me throw this away,” he murmured before sliding off the bed.

  She watched his butt tighten as he walked to the bathroom and as another rush of need swept through her, she knew that once with him would never be enough. And she planned to enjoy him to the fullest because deep down, she wasn’t sure how long she’d have him in her life.

  Chapter 13

  Blue’s eyes snapped open, a surge of adrenaline rushing through him, but he remained still. Mina was stretched out over his chest sleeping soundly, her breathing steady, and his internal radar told him that dawn was breaking even before he looked at the clock. It also told him they weren’t alone in the bedroom.

  Not giving in to panic, he lowered his eyelids, hoping that whoever was in the room hadn’t noticed he was awake. Something had registered in his subconscious, telling him they had an intruder,
but he couldn’t be sure who it was because the room was fairly silent. The ceiling fan made a muted sound above them, but other than that all was quiet.

  There. A faint rustle near the closet. Letting his right hand slowly ease off the bed, he silently reached for the weapon he’d laid on the dresser.

  “Don’t even think about it,” a male voice murmured an instant before light illuminated the room.

  Damn it. He hadn’t reached it and now he couldn’t risk grabbing it. Blinking, it took Blue a few seconds to adjust. Almost immediately his gaze narrowed on a man he recognized from Hollingsworth’s security team. The dark-haired man stepped from the shadows of the open closet, his free hand dropping from the Tiffany floor lamp he’d just turned on.

  Wearing all black clothing, he was pointing his weapon—with a noise suppressor on the muzzle—directly at Blue. The man’s green eyes were more manic than Blue had seen in some killers.

  Blue pulled his hand back. “What are you doing?” he asked as Mina stirred. She’d been in a dead sleep so he wasn’t surprised it was taking her this long to come to.

  She shifted against him and made the sweetest purring sound. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her look up from his chest. She must have sensed something was wrong because she looked over her shoulder and yelped in alarm. Grabbing the sheet she tugged it over her breasts but remained glued to Blue’s side. “What’s going on?” she whispered, panic punctuating her words.

  Right then, Blue wanted to kill this fucker.

  “What’s going on is, you’re going to come with me right now,” the man said. “You’re going to transfer ten million dollars of your father’s—your—money, and I’m going to leave. Simple as that. No one gets hurt.” The man’s words were quiet, guaranteeing he wouldn’t be overheard. He likely wouldn’t have been anyway. The insulation in this place was top of the line. He made a jerking motion with his weapon hand. “Get dressed, both of you. And if you make a move toward your gun, I’ll shoot her in the stomach,” the man said, his gaze pinning Blue’s.

  Blue could see the truth in the other man’s eyes. He was desperate and would do it.

  “We’re going to do what he says. I’ll get your clothes,” Blue murmured to Mina. As he started to slide out of bed, he heard his phone buzzing across the dresser with a text alert.

  The other man jerked once, but didn’t say anything. Blue knew he couldn’t look at it so he ignored the alert and dragged on his pants while keeping an eye on the guy. Then he grabbed one of his T-shirts and handed it to Mina without looking at her. When he went to grab a pair of his pants for her, the man shook his head. “The shirt is fine,” he growled.

  Even with her height it would fall to mid-thigh, but Blue didn’t want her so exposed, knowing it would add to her sense of vulnerability. Right now he couldn’t stand to see the fear he knew was etched on her face. He had to stay focused because he was going to get her out of this.

  The man reached into his back pocket and tossed flex cuffs onto the bed, still keeping a solid fifteen feet between them. There was no way for Blue to rush the guy. He’d be shot before he made it a couple feet.

  “Cuff your boyfriend to the headboard. You’re coming with me.”

  Hell, no. Blue wasn’t letting her go anywhere. Mina slid off the bed and gave Blue an apologetic look as she stood next to him.

  Blue stepped forward, putting his body half in front of hers. “I go where she goes,” he said. Because he knew that the second he was cuffed, the man would shoot him anyway. Blue could see it in the guy’s eyes. He just wanted to give Mina the illusion of a choice to keep her docile. Because there was no way in hell this man would leave Blue behind to alert the team that Mina had been taken.

  Mina must have come to the same conclusion because she stepped up beside him. “He comes with me. You could shoot him, but it would be a very stupid choice. Because you’ll have to shoot me or drag me kicking and screaming with you if you do. And I don’t think you want that. You just want your money. I’m willing to give it to you for our lives. Are you willing to kill us and get nothing? Because I swear if you hurt him, you will not only get nothing, you’ll end up dead by the security team in this house.” Her voice was so damn calm, so resolute, silence reigned in the room for a long moment.

  Blue was so damn proud of her. He’d seen grown men lose their shit when staring down the barrel of a loaded weapon. Not Mina.

  The man—Jesse Rendon, the name finally clicked into place from one of the files Blue had read—glared at Mina, his jaw tight. Finally he gave a sharp nod. “Fine, he comes with us. But you cuff his hands behind his back.”

  By the subtle shift of her feet, the aggressive stance, Blue could tell she wanted to argue, but he nodded. “That’s fine. Cuff me, Mina.” Even if his hands were secured, he could use the rest of his body as a weapon. He just needed to get close enough and wait for the right opening. He turned to the side so the man could see her do it. He tensed his muscles, making his wrists slightly thicker as she put them in place. It was a trick used to get out of metal handcuffs, but it likely wouldn’t work with flex cuffs. Still, he had to try something.

  “I’m sorry, Alex,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. We’re going to get through this.” Blue’s phone buzzed again, but he ignored it as he watched Rendon. “Jesse doesn’t want to hurt us, do you?” he asked the man, intentionally using his name. It was a small way to humanize the situation, and even though Blue knew it would do little to stop this guy from killing them, he was going to use everything he had available in his arsenal to get them out of this.

  Wariness flickered across the man’s face. But he didn’t respond. Just stepped back from the opening of the closet and motioned them in. “You go first,” he said to Blue. “I’ll keep the gun on your girl. You try anything, I’ll shoot her in the spine.”

  Ice slithered through Blue’s veins, hating this bastard more than he’d hated anyone. As he took a few steps forward, ready to take the lead in what he guessed was a hidden walkway of sorts, there was a sharp knock on the door before it started to open.

  Rendon turned, likely on instinct, and when he did, moved his weapon off Mina and Blue. Knowing it might be the only chance he got, Blue rushed forward on a burst of pure energy. He bent and rammed his shoulder into the guy’s chest.

  Rendon shouted in pain as he slammed back against the wall. But he didn’t lose his weapon. As he started to raise it, Blue hauled back, ready to slam into him again. He’d use every available body part to keep this guy down.

  Before he’d taken a step, something flew by him. A vase smashed into Rendon’s face. He screamed when his head snapped back. As he dropped the weapon, Blue rammed him again, using his shoulder to pin him to the wall. It felt like a damn eternity had passed, but he knew only seconds had ticked by as the Red Stone team poured into the room.

  As Rendon slumped against the wall, moaning in pain and holding his face, Vincent grabbed the man, flipped him over and secured his hands behind his back. Once Blue was sure the man was down, he turned to Mina and rushed to her. Even though he couldn’t hold her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held tight.

  She buried her face against him, her grip fierce and protective. “I thought I’d lose you,” she said on a sob.

  “No way in hell.” Before he could turn to ask someone to cut him free, a hand landed on his wrist.

  “Don’t move,” Harrison said.

  A second later his hands were loose and he pulled Mina tight against him. Keeping her close, Blue turned to view the madhouse of their room. Vincent and another man were hauling Rendon from the room, but Blue kept his focus on Harrison. “What the hell is going on?”

  “One of the kidnappers in Key West flipped on Rendon to make a deal. Told the police that he was their contact, not Ivan Mitchell. Looks like Rendon set Mitchell up, using the other man’s phone to make some of his phone calls. When we went to retrieve Rendon, he wasn’t in his room. And when you didn’t answer your texts
, we thought something might be wrong,” Harrison said.

  “Secret fucking tunnel!” Grant shouted from the closet, drawing their attention to him as he stepped out of the walk-in closet. The former detective looked pissed. “The entrance is seamless. It’s not on the house plans but we should have known about this.”

  Yeah, no shit. Blue turned to look at Mina. “You okay?” he murmured.

  Face pale, she nodded and tightened her grip around his waist before looking at Harrison. “Is this over now? Are there possibly more people involved?”

  Harrison shook his head, his expression dark. “Not that we know of. But I recommend you let your father’s security team go and replace them. It doesn’t have to be with Red Stone, but you should start fresh.”

  Without pause, she nodded. “With the exception of Ivan, I want everyone gone. I don’t know any of these guys anyway. They were only with my dad the last year. I’ll give them all generous severance packages, but I want them gone now. As in right now. Can you guys make that happen?” She sounded so fucking exhausted Blue wanted to take her somewhere insulated from the world even though he knew that wasn’t possible.

  Harrison smiled, though it looked like more of a baring of his teeth, as if he couldn’t wait to get rid of the other team—probably because of the secret entrance oversight. “Consider it done. Mitchell will be here within the hour and I’m sure you’ll have a lot to go over with him.” He looked at Blue. “A couple detectives from Key West PD are coming up too and they want to talk to both of you. In light of what’s happened with Miss Hollingsworth, they’re making an exception and letting you both make your statement here.”

  Thank God. Blue nodded. “What about Rendon?”

  Harrison shrugged. “We’ll let Miami PD and Key West PD figure out who gets to take him in. Personally I don’t give a shit. I just want him gone.”

  “Me too,” Mina muttered.

  Harrison gave her a polite nod, then jerked his head that he wanted a moment alone with Blue. Though he didn’t want to let Mina go even for a second, Blue squeezed her shoulders and she stepped out of his embrace. “I’m going to change in the bathroom anyway,” she murmured, giving him and Harrison privacy.


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