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Seary's Finale

Page 3

by Jessika Klide

  "I think you should do both."


  "Alternate it so return customers won’t see the same show every time."

  "That’s perfect!" She types it in her phone. "Did I tell you I love you today?"

  "Several times."

  "Did I tell you that you are my hero today?"

  "Several times."

  She hits send and then turns to look at me.

  "Did I tell you you’re a genius?"

  "No. First time I’ve heard that one today."

  "Well, you’re a genius." Her phone dings and she reads it, then grins. "He likes the dual idea." She sets it down and asks. "So, tell me the story about how you got the nickname Hard-Core."

  I entertain her with the wingman story as told by Dirk. "When he overheard me using a line on flirting chicks, he told me that was hardcore. The name stuck."

  "What was the line?"

  "'I’m not into you, so I’m not getting in to you.'"

  "That’s hardcore alright. Straight line, not curved."

  "Affirmative." I turn the blinker on and pull into the turn lane to wait for a break in the traffic. She sits up when she realizes we are here. Her excitement level just jumped off the chart. "Hang on, Wild Thang!" I laugh.

  She grins at me then beats her thighs. "Eek!"

  When I park, I lock her door and tell her. "I’ll open your door and escort you in. I don’t want you without protection. I won’t have you mobbed."

  She looks under the canopy at the crowd of people and I see her complete trust in them, but says, none the less, "Ok. Whatever you say. But hurry! I can’t fucking wait!"

  I look out and realize there are a lot more people than I’m comfortable with walking in with her alone. "On second thought." I reach behind my seat and pull out a baseball cap, hand it to her and say. "Hair up. Hat on." Then I open the glove box and give her my spare Ray-Ban sunglasses. "Put these on and don’t dance!"

  She giggles.

  As we walk in holding hands, I tell her. "I would feel a lot more comfortable if Brutus was here too."

  When we discussed the exact ambush point on the drive over, Siri nixed texting him. "He isn’t scheduled until 10 p.m. every night and if he comes in early, everyone will know I’m here."

  She pushes her tits against my arm. "You got this Sugar Bare!"

  I scan the crowd as we walk though. No one is paying us any attention. Amazingly the hat and sunglasses are working. As we approach Table 56, I see Rebecca entertaining a single patron. "Want to surprise Rebecca first?"

  "I do!"

  We walk up and as we approach, Rebecca, scanning for new marks to attract, sees us. She squeals and bounces up and down at her table. Siri gives her a twinkling finger wave and walks behind her station. She gives her a sincere hard hug and Rebecca tells her. "Love looks so good on you! You are practically glowing with happiness!"

  "It feels pretty fucking good too!" Then she turns to the gambler. "Excuse us. I’ve just returned from a long hiatus. I didn’t mean to interrupt your game." She lowers my Ray-bans and winks at the dude.

  He laughs. "I didn’t mind at all. It was quite enjoyable." He looks over his shoulder at me. "Right?"

  I nod. Then Siri returns to me and I drape my arm over her shoulder. She lays her hand possessively on my abs and I love the way that makes me feel. Proud I’m hers.

  Chapter Seven

  Siri tells her we are popping in to surprise everyone and they will catch up at the party. Rebecca nods. "I can’t wait to hear the details." She looks back down at the dude as we walk off and says. "Do you realize how lucky you are? That was Seary! Our headliner."

  I can feel his eyes boring into us and I give her shoulders a little squeeze. "Word will spread fast, you know."

  She laughs. "I know. We can’t stop again. We have to go straight to the Club and to the dressing room."

  "Lead the way."

  She steps out from under my arm and reaches back for my hand as her stride lengthens. I clasp it and match her pace. I’m enjoying the way her tits are moving and flowing with her gait when she glances up and sees me. "All men love bouncy tits."

  "Yes, we fucking do!"

  As we walk past the Steakhouse, I realize we don’t have reservations. "Siri, I should go in and reserve a table."

  "You don’t have to. Bart has a standing table available all the time, we can just use his."

  "What if he’s using his."

  "Then we’ll join him."

  "He won’t mind?"

  "Won’t mind what?"

  "Imposing on him."

  "Bart? No. He won’t mind. Trust me."

  "Are you spoiled rotten?"

  "Pretty much."

  When we come up on the new construction area, the ticket booth is set up for the new Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You Cirque do Soleil show and there are people at the window. Banners fill the huge wall with Siri’s picture along with the announcement that the venue is almost complete. I squeeze her hand. "I should snap a pic of you in front of the ticket booth and send it to Zita and Bob."

  "That’s a great idea!" She detours to the ticket area and poses for me. She slides the sunglasses off her nose and removes the cap. Her long blonde hair floats out and swings down. Her eyes are dancing and her smile is what dreams are made of.

  I snap the pic, grab her hand and march past the reservation podium, through the gate and up to the secret door in the wall with such focus, no one approaches us, but we do hear, 'Oh my god, It’s Seary!' I push her up to the door and she looks at it without moving, then turns back around and says. "I don’t have a card to swipe."

  "Well, fuck! That’s a snafu!"

  But the door opens and Cat stands inside. "Baby Girl!"

  "Cat!" Siri rushes into her arms and I step in closing the door behind us. The two friends hold each other in a long, tight hug. They talk at the same time and I can’t make out a thing they are saying. Beverly comes out of her office and joins them. Then a tall, slender man with spiked red hair runs down the hall to them. I’m guessing that’s James. The family reunion is going strong, when a distinguished man in a black silk suit walks down the hallway. He touches James’ shoulder and he steps aside. "Excuse me. I would like to greet our million-dollar baby now." Cat and Beverly step aside too and Siri stands alone. My eyes narrow when I notice her posture changes. She stands there being ... meek.

  Who is this dude? I stand tall and study him. Not sure if I like this alpha man whose smile is decisively dominant and who’s decisively ignoring me. She opens her arms and walks up to him. He takes her in his embrace and says in her ear. "How’s my glowing, green eyed vixen? You okay, Baby Girl?"

  "I’m fine, Bart, but I owe you all an apology." She pulls away and addresses them. "I put myself at risk. What I did was incredibly stupid. Please forgive."

  Bart speaks first. "No apology needed. We’re all thankful you are fine." Then everyone else starts talking too. I can’t make out a single word, but they all seem to be hearing each other.

  I check my phone and Dirk has texted. *Here now. I’m gambling. Come bring me luck. *

  Zita texted too. *Love the pic! Siri looks radiant! I’m blowing this up and having it framed for my office! *

  Siri touches my arm and our eyes lock. Boom! That jolt of love that sometimes flashes so strong between us flashes again. I smile at her and lean down for a kiss. She pecks my lips and then turns to her crew. Her face radiating her joy. "I want you to meet my husband."

  "Husband?" Bart and James say at the same time. I consider Bart’s eyes and his dominate posture over Siri stares back. His eyes are narrowed and he is sizing me up. I stare back, claiming her from him.

  "Husband." She states emphatically.

  Bart’s hand comes out and I step to shake it. His grip is extra firm and I squeeze him down. I pump his hand and grab his forearm. "Husband." I state just as emphatically, then add for certainty. "Collared, claimed and tamed."

  She giggles and tells me. "You’re
talking his language now." Then she flips her hair over her shoulder and exposes the huge hickey on her neck and her choker.

  His eyes narrow on it and then he grins, slaps me on the arm and says. "Hell yeah! Welcome to the family."

  James sticks his hand out and I shake his too. "Let me steal her for just a little while. We must run through a few things for tonight."

  "Sure. No problem. But Cinderella here needs to eat before the show. I’ll be back to get her in an hour and a half." I tell them.

  "You got it!" He tells me, then offers her his arm. Before he escorts her away, she blows me a kiss. I give her a wink and watch my Every Thang in her element, chatting up her choreographer as they both strut down the hall. Cat points at them and falls in behind with a slinky swagger.

  Chapter Eight


  James and I go in together to the dressing room and the girls swarm me. For the first 5 minutes, I do nothing but hug and chat them up. James finally clears them away with, "Now shoo. We have some work to do before tonight." Then he pulls me into my dressing room and we sit down to have a serious discussion about which dancers to send in for which sequence and what costumes to have them in. When we wrap it up, he gives me another quick hug and says. "I love bringing back the mechanical bull too. That little beast needs to be revived."

  There’s a knock on the door, then it opens. Lei sticks her head in and says. "I hope I’m not disturbing you two, but I can’t wait any longer. I have to have my hug now!"

  I jump to my feet and meet her with a crashing bear hug. We both end up crying when she tells me, she’s finally met a decent guy who treats her right. "Nick is so fucking awesome Siri. He doesn’t care who I fuck doing my job as long as I come home to fuck his brains out every night! He treats me like a queen." She holds up her hands and her fingers are covered in rings. "Nice quality too." She brags. "Not costume jewelry."

  "I’m so happy for you!"

  We sit down on the couch and catch up. I tell her the brief version of meeting and falling for Aurei, about the swingers’ party, and about running into Clay at the Stallion. She bursts out laughing when I tell her about our picture being framed in his office. "That Clay, he is special."

  "Yes, he is." Then I give her the even briefer version of Italy and coming back here to do the bachelor party with my crew. How Aurei and I are married, and I’m going to move into managing the Fucking Fantasies instead of actually performing them.

  "That’s totally understandable." She says. "We both knew it wasn’t a long-term thing, just a niche service that might run its course. I’m cool with that."

  "You don’t want to work with another dancer?"

  "Naw." She says. "You and I made a great team, but I’m happy with Nick. I don’t need that sex on the side now."

  "You really are happy with him!"

  "I am." Her eyes shine.

  "Listen, I don’t want to monopolize your time tonight. Let me get out of here."

  "We’ll catch up later in the week, when the madness is gone."

  As I stand to walk Lei to the door, there’s a tap on it. Cat sticks her head in. "Hey Beautiful, there’s someone at the front who insists on seeing you. She said she’s an old friend from your Coyote Ugly days."

  Lei kisses me on the cheek and says. "See ya on the dance floor tonight."

  "See ya, doll." I pat her shoulder as she walks past Cat. "What’s her name?"

  "Piper Sam."


  I tell Bart and Beverly. "I have an old army buddy to meet. I’ll be back in exactly an hour and a half. I would appreciate it if someone would let me in this side door."

  Beverly says. "Give me your card and I’ll key it for entry." I reach into my pants pocket, find my money clip, pull out my card and give it to her.

  As soon as her door shuts, Bart says. "How’s Darren?"

  "He’s good."


  "She’s good too."

  "Siri looks as happy as I’ve ever seen her."

  "That’s good to hear."

  "That incident scared the living hell out of all of us."

  "Yeah. It did me too. It won’t happen again."

  "It better not."

  "It won’t."

  He cuts his eyes at me and I don’t hide. The Bastard Son stares into his eyes. His eyebrows flinch. "I believe you."

  I nod. "You have my word."

  Beverly comes back out and hands me my card. "Guard that with your life now."

  "Will do. Thanks." I shake both their hands again and walk back out to the casino.

  I text Dirk. *Where are you? *

  *Table 56. *

  I smirk. Why am I not surprised? Of course, he would be drawn to Rebecca’s table.

  When I walk up, I put my hand on his shoulder. "Your luck is about to change."

  "Hard-Core! Brother. It’s good to see you." He jumps up.

  "You too, buddy!" He gives me a full-on bro hug. "Where’s your old lady? I’m dying to meet the hellion."

  He chuckles. "She tracked down an old friend and she’s off trying to hookup with her. I told her I was tired of being drug around. I’d just wait here."

  "Rebecca." I nod to her. "I’d like you to meet my old army brother, Dirk Sam. Dirk, this is Rebecca and if you aren’t lucky at her table, you’ve lost your mojo."

  "Deal 'em then." He chuckles.

  I slide in next to him and slide her my card. "Rebecca hit me with a small pile of gold. I’ve got an hour to kill and a lot of tales to hear. I don’t need to concentrate."

  Dirk’s eyes widen as she slides over a pile of chips. "Did you win the lottery or something?"

  "Or something." I chuckle. "You aren't the only one with a backstory to come clean on."

  "Obviously." He laughs and places a bet.

  For the next hour, we laugh, drink and gamble. I bring him in the loop on my Italian heritage and my wealth, and when he begins to bring me up to date on his sordid past and then his new wife, who he refers to only as, 'my partner, The Brit,' I warn Rebecca. "Dirk is a master at spinning a good story and has been known to tell a long, elaborate one, only to reveal at the end, that he made the whole damn thing up." But this crazy story is too unbelievable to be anything but the truth and several times, I find myself shocked, but I would never let on that he had stunned me. When my alarm goes off, he is right in the middle of one of those crazy plot twists. I hold my hand up and he stops talking. "We need to cash out and go."

  Rebecca, who has remained quiet, absorbed in Dirk’s tale, tells me. "Fucking hell, Aurei! You’re going to leave me hanging like this? I need to know what happened."

  "Sorry, Girl, I have to go get my Wild Thang."

  Dirk laughs at my nickname and says. "Oh no! Not you too?"

  I chuckle. "Yeah. Me too." I turn off the alarm and push my chips to Rebecca. "You know the drill."

  She asks Dirk as she cashes me out. "So?"

  He cuts his eyes at me and winks, then looks at her all innocent. "So what?"

  "So is this a real story or is this all bullshit?"

  "Oh it’s real!"

  "Fucking hell! I’ve heard and seen a lot in my day, but nothing like that! Can I meet her?"

  He looks at me and smirks. "Sure."

  I laugh at them. "We’ll meet you at the Steakhouse."

  I text Siri. *On my way. *

  He pulls his phone out and text his partner, The Brit.

  Chapter Nine


  "When Cat said 'Piper,' I nearly knocked her down on my way out the door." I laugh as I hug my long, lost friend.

  She holds me tight and says in her British accent. "When I found out we were coming to Vegas, I knew I had to look you up."

  "I’m so happy to see you." I hold her out at arm’s length. "Let me look at you." She spins around in front of me and we laugh. "You look great! Fucking, smoking hot as always!" I hook my arm through hers and walk her back to my dressing room.

  Cat simply says, "What Lei said. Laters
, Baby Girl." Then closes the door behind us and leaves us alone.

  Piper and I sit on the couch, cross legged and she looks around. "Wow. You’ve really done it! You’re a star!"

  I laugh and look around too. "Yeah. I did. Sweet Zeus, Piper, it’s a long story!"

  "You first, love. My tale is long too."

  I laugh. "Mine is going to blow your fucking mind!"

  She laughs and shakes her head. "I don’t know about that. Mine is pretty fucking mind-blowing too."

  "Shall we bet whose tale is most mind-blowing?"


  "If I win, you have to dance on stage with me tonight like old times. We’re having a mechanical bull."

  Her eyes widen and she says. "Blimey! That’s a deal. If I win, I have to dance on stage with you tonight like old times because I want to ride that mechanical bull."

  "Now spill it!" She wiggles, gets comfy, rests one arm on the back of the couch, puts her hand in her hair and begins to twirl a long strand. I smile remembering how many times we sat up late in our dorm at FSU and talked about all the dreams we had.

  I tell her how the day she left, Bart came into Coyote Ugly and gave me a sympathy invitation to come clubbing at Been Jammin’s because I was sobbing over her.

  She knuckle bumps me. "Glad I got you in, Love."

  I tell her about meeting Cat, getting toasted, and then dancing on the floor to Beyoncé. How Brutus escorted me back and how everyone was so easily fooled.

  When I get to the part about meeting Aurei, she says. "Fuck me! I need popcorn."

  "The first time I saw him." I sigh. "Wow! He was so fucking fine!" Then I tell her about seeing him in the lobby. How my world stopped spinning and how he sucked the breath out of me. "Just because our eyes touched." I look at her still shocked. "It was fucking crucial!" I tell her how I flirted with Mr. Moore for days before I even learned his first name and when I did, "I was so fucking cool about it!" I laugh. "I acted like meeting a man named 'Aurelius' happened every day in LA."


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