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Reid: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel

Page 18

by Maddie Wade

  “But, baby, just five minutes. I just need to tell you how sorry I am for leaving.” Reid hated that he was apologising here and now, but he meant the words. “I fucked up, beautiful. I’m so sorry.”

  Callie’s eyes softened a fraction at the intensity and truth in his words, then she twitched, and her face hardened again in fear. “Now isn’t a good time.”

  “Do you have a man in there?” He allowed his voice to rise in fake anger and indignation. He needed to give Clay time to get onto the balcony and catch this fuckwit unawares. He’d had perhaps five minutes; he probably required two more.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Reid.”

  “How is that ridiculous? You won’t let me in.”

  “Because I’m busy and you have no right to just turn up and expect me to let you in and listen to you when you were the one that walked away without a word.”

  That blow landed, and he took it, knowing he deserved it. He had a lot to make up for and he would if she’d let him.

  He saw her wince and wondered if Claude was getting impatient behind her. He decided in that second it was the first thing he’d pay for, and for every second she felt fear, Claude would feel ten times that.

  As he was about to shove inside, Callie squeaked and spun around at a commotion behind her. Reid took his chance and pushed the door with his body. Callie stumbled and he caught her as Clay wrestled with Claude on the floor for a few moments, the model was no match for the FBI agent.

  Clay reared back and punched Claude so hard Reid heard his jaw pop and knew it would be a while before he’d look in the mirror without crying like a baby. The thought made him smile inside.

  Then there was silence. Reid turned and pulled Callie to his body, holding her tight, not ever wanting to let go. He was relieved when she held him back, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Her scent surrounded him and ran his hand over her back, her hair, everywhere to ensure she was safe and in his arms.

  Reid pulled back to look at her. “Did he hurt you?”

  Callie shook her head. “No, just ranted a lot and frightened me.”

  Reid growled and glared at the man on the ground who was still unconscious from the blow Clay had dealt him. He cupped her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you so much, Callie. I’m so sorry I was an asshole. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She angled her head as she looked at him and then smiled as she burrowed close to his side. “You have a lot of grovelling to do, but yes, I can forgive you.”

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  “But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Reid knew then that it would all be okay because he had his sunshine back.


  Five years later

  A pool party had been Reid’s idea. As Callie looked around at the people in their garden on this hot summer day in Hereford, she realised as usual he was correct. What better way to celebrate their wedding anniversary than with everyone they loved? Although why he insisted on celebrating their fourth anniversary as if it was their silver, she didn’t know, but she secretly liked it that he did.

  After their rocky start, their love had been smooth sailing. She’d sold her apartment in London and moved to Hereford and into his apartment overlooking the river. She’d loved that place, but a year after the wedding, they’d moved again, and had bought this plot. Working with an architect to build their dream home had been fun, and she loved her home, marvelling every day she got to live there.

  It was a sizeable five-bedroom home, with open plan living space, an office for her to work from, and a kitchen that was a chef’s delight according to Alex. It had a vast garden with an outdoor-indoor pool. It was quirky, but it worked for the climate, the roof and walls allowed them to use it in winter, and the fact three of the walls slid back and the roof folded away made it perfect for summer too.

  Her favourite by far though was the balcony off their bedroom. It was set back from the elements and spanned the width of the room. An outdoor heater and rattan couch made it perfect for her and Reid to relax.

  Although since their little rascal had arrived, relaxing hadn’t been on the agenda quite as often, not that she would change it for the world. Rafe had just turned two and was the light of their lives.

  Callie stood and moved towards the pool as she watched Reid throw their son in the air and catch him with a splash while Rafe squealed in delight. Her smile was automatic and huge, and something she did all the time now. His head turned to her, her belly clenched with desire and love for this wonderful man at the soft look he gave her.

  “You got any more suntan lotion, babe?”

  Callie turned and looked at Liam beside her and grinned. “Did you forget again?”

  Liam gave her a sheepish smile. “Don’t tell her, she’ll kick my ass,” he said, but they both knew he adored his wife as much as she adored him.

  “I have some in the downstairs bathroom cupboard.”

  “Thanks, babe.”

  A flick of water landed on them both, and she jumped and spun to see Reid approaching with Rafe in his arms.

  “That’s it, son. Splash the bad man flirting with mommy.”

  Callie rolled her eyes and smiled.

  “I wasn’t flirting.” Liam took Rafe from his father and played ‘got ya nose’ with him. “Come on, Rafe, come keep Uncle Liam company while we find the suntan lotion.”

  She watched Liam walk away with their son and then found herself in her husband’s arms. She looked up as she placed her hands on his wet muscled chest and desire pooled heavy in her belly. Her man was still ripped and gorgeous and so many times she woke in the night asking the universe how she got to be so lucky.

  His hands slid to the curve of her ass as he dipped his head. “You look good enough to eat in this bikini.”

  “I do?” Her head angled, until she was looking at the slight curve of her belly where their second son grew.

  “You do. So much so that I’m thinking about throwing everyone out and taking you back to our room and doing just that.”

  Callie’s nipples hardened in response which he didn’t miss, and her pussy pulsed with the need to feel this man, her husband, inside her.

  “I see you like that idea too.”

  “So much, but your family flew in from the States for this, and so did Clay and his lot.” She ran a hand over his pecs, following the water and wishing it was her tongue.

  “I know, but surely they wouldn’t miss us for a short while. Our moms have the food under control, the guys are in the pool with their own monsters or watching them on the bouncy castle.”

  His pleading and obvious desire for her was her undoing, and she caved. “Ten minutes.” She took his hand and pulled him inside.

  “Twenty,” he countered as they ran through the house and up the stairs to their bedroom.

  She was barely through the door when he pressed his hardness against her belly and his hand moved to her breast, pulling the material away as he kissed her deeply until she was weak from wanting him.

  Her hands roamed his back, shoving his board shorts down and hearing the slap as the wet fabric hit the floor. Her hand grasped his hard cock, all smooth and steel and she tasted his groan as he kissed her harder as she stroked him.

  Her nipple was in his mouth, and she arched toward him as he suckled her, the sensitive nubs flooding her body with pleasure.

  “Faster, honey.”

  She gripped his cock harder, rolling his balls with her other hand, loving the sounds of pleasure coming from him. “I wanted to taste you.”

  “Later. I need you inside me.”

  Reid pulled at her bikini bottoms, lifting her so her legs were around his waist. He filled her with his cock, and she was in heaven. He stroked his cock along the walls of her pussy, and she gripped his hair and kissed her man like it was the last time, an urgency in their lovemaking she hungered for today.

  Pleasure bloomed as he surged into her,
his other hand at her breast. Callie moaned as the sensations grew stronger, her whole body pulsing with pleasure, then he rubbed his thumb over her clit, and she detonated in his arms. He caught her scream of satisfaction in his mouth as he kissed her to mask the noise. Her body hummed and tingled as he pushed into her faster chasing his climax, and she felt him jerk and heat flooded her as he shot his seed deep into her, his back arching, his ass tensing, and she ran her hands over it.

  They stayed still as they regained their breath, his head resting on her shoulder before he looked up. “Could you be any more perfect, sunshine?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe we should try again later and see?” He chuckled at her grin.

  “Perfect.” Then he kissed her tenderly and with so much love, tears pricked at her eyes.

  He pulled back, and she saw concern filled him when he saw the wetness there. “What is it?”

  She stroked his cheek to reassure him. “Nothing, I’m just so happy I could burst.”

  “I know that feeling, sunshine.” He rubbed her belly where their child lay. “I wake up every day and thank the universe for what I have with you and our little family.”

  “I love you, Reid.”

  “And I love you, Callie Reid.”

  Later that night everyone gathered around the firepit. She was curled up next to Reid, Rafe asleep on his daddy’s lap. Contentment hit as she took in the scene. She briefly wondered if she’d change the bad that had happened to her if it meant not having this life. She realised she’d go through it all again ten times over to end up here with these people—her friends, her family.

  Clay looked at her, catching her eye as he held his entire world in his arms and smiled. The silent message was clear, they were both lucky beyond measure. He and his wife had a terrifying start, but now they too were here and happy, and she was glad the brother she loved had found love. The rest of the Eidolon team were there too with their significant others.

  Alex and Evelyn, Blake and Pax, Liam and his wife. Jack, Waggs, Decker, Lopez, Will and Aubrey and their daughter. Zin and Celeste, Drew and Mara—all the people who enriched her life. Her lonely days as a model were long gone and true beauty filled her life.

  “Happy anniversary, sunshine,” Reid whispered, and she tilted her head to him and found he was watching her with a look of love so intense her heart flipped over.

  “Happy anniversary, honey.”

  She knew then why he’d wanted to celebrate; it was because each year was special. It was worth a big celebration because not everyone got that. They were the lucky ones.

  Before she fell asleep later that night, she looked at the picture of the two of them on the wall from the photoshoot when they’d first met, and thanked the universe for leading her to this man, who even in his sleep, held her tight and safe in his arms.

  Sneak Peek: Liam


  The tension in the room was so thick, Liam could almost taste it. He stared at the man sitting on a lone chair in the middle of the room, his legs and hands restrained, a black bag made of harsh calico over his head. Jack and Alex either side of him, along with Decker, a former FBI profiler, in the dark room that was the interrogation area of Eidolon. Decker always took part in these ‘interviews’.

  This one though was different from any other interrogation he’d ever been part of, and he had conducted a lot in his time. All the men who worked for Eidolon had been through extensive Resistance to Interrogation training known as RTI, used by the SAS to train all of their recruits. The man in front of him was no different. What was unusual was that he’d once been a trusted member of the team.

  Liam glanced at Jack, who nodded silently, giving Liam the signal to remove the cover from Gunner Ramberg’s head. Liam controlled the mixture of anger, betrayal, and fury inside him as he watched Gunner blink as his eyes adjusted to the light in the room. As he did, Liam saw him look around at each of the men present, assessing them as he would do.

  Finally, Gunner’s gaze stopped on Jack as the leader of the team—his old leader before he’d done what he had. Liam clenched his fists in an effort to remain calm on the outside at least. What did surprise Liam was the lack of expression on Gunner’s face. It wasn’t what he was trying to hide that surprised Liam, but rather what he wasn’t hiding.

  He didn’t show signs of hate or dislike. In fact, Liam could see he was trying hard not indicate anything, yet relief was in his every movement. This surprised Liam, and he looked at Decker, wondering what he thought. Of course, Decker showed not a single emotion, the man was a robot the way he hid every personal feeling as if he worried someone would perhaps profile him.

  Jack stepped forward his arms loose at his side. “Nothing to say? No apology or excuses?” His voice was hard and cold, and Liam was glad he wasn’t on the wrong side of that.

  Gunner angled his head to look up at Jack. “Is there any point? You’ve already decided how you feel.” Gunner shrugged, but it wasn’t without feeling, it was resigned. “I don’t blame you for hating me, fuck, I hate myself.”

  “I hope you don’t expect us to feel sorry for you,” Alex growled from where he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.

  Gunner twisted to him and shook his head. “No. But I’m praying with everything in me that you’re better men than I am. That you’re the men I know you to be.”

  Liam let out a bark of humourless laughter. “You don’t know fuck about me.”

  Gunner focused on him. “Don’t I? I know you still mourn Ambrose. That you always resented me for taking his spot on the team.”

  Liam dove for Gunner, his hand clamping around his throat as fury almost blinded him. “Don’t speak his fucking name. You’re not fit to lick his shoes. He was ten times the man you are, that I am.”

  Jack watched, not interfering for a moment, letting Liam have his say. Gunner didn’t fight him or pull away, allowing the attack. Liam realised at that moment he was taunting him, so he punished him. He hated himself as much as anyone else in that room did, probably more. Liam relaxed and let go, allowing Gunner to take a deep rasping breath.

  “You’re right, I’m not worthy of any of you, but I need your help.”

  The room went silent at this request, and the men glanced to one another in question. Jack took the lead. “Why would we help you?”

  “Because you’re good men.”

  “No, we aren’t. We kill, we maim, and all in the name of our Queen.”

  “Yes, you are because you don’t hurt innocents and you have a code.”

  “A code you seem to have thrown away.”

  Gunner hung his head before he tipped it up to Jack. “I had my reasons.”

  Jack paced slowly. “Oh, we know. Milla. We know all about your sister.” Gunner’s eyes widened in surprise, and Jack continued. “Yes, we know all about Milla. What I can't understand is why you didn’t come to us?”

  It was hard not to hear the betrayal in Jack’s voice.

  “I couldn’t. They already had her, and if I’d told you they would’ve known. I couldn’t take that risk.”

  “How would they have known?” Decker asked, speaking for the first time.

  Gunner twisted to him. “I had to carry a chip with a mic and camera. If they thought for one second, I’d signalled you, she would be dead.”

  Decker nodded but didn’t say any more, just lifted his chin at Jack.

  “What is this favour?”

  “I need you to find my sister and rescue her. I thought I could do as they asked but I can’t. I can’t lose her either.” His anguish and pain were on display for all to see, and Liam noted the dark circles under Gunner’s eyes. The man was exhausted, hanging on by a fraying rope.

  Liam thought of the women in his life, those he thought of as sisters and wondered what he would have done. He liked to think he would’ve done differently, but would he? He didn’t know, and much as he hated it, his ire at Gunner faded just a fraction.

  “Who ar
e they?”

  “A man who calls himself the Count. He has his headquarters at a strip club in London. Always has a team of highly trained muscle around, not Spec Ops but I’m guessing ex-military. He also has an Irish guy that has just come on the scene. He seems high level, but I don’t know a lot about him, just that the Count trusts him.”

  “Is the Count the top man?” Liam asked.

  Gunner shook his head. “I don’t think so. He talks about his boss but never mentions any details. He is meticulous about it. I’m not convinced he even knows who it is.”

  As Jack took all the information in, Liam knew Lopez would be working night and day with Will to find out who the Count was, as well as trying to trace Bás.

  “What did they ask you to do that you can’t?” Alex stood straight from the wall as he asked the question.

  “They wanted me to Kill Reid and Callie Lundholm.”


  “They want me to weaken Eidolon by taking out your partners. I’m sure you figured out I sabotaged missions.”

  “We did. What we couldn’t figure out was why you failed. You had plenty of opportunities to do us all real harm, and you failed. Why?”

  Gunner looked at Jack with a pained expression. “You were my brothers, the closest I had to family here. I didn’t want to succeed and hurt anyone. I was trying so hard to walk a thin line, but they must have figured out what I was doing. They sent me a video of a man standing over Milla’s bed.” Gunner swallowed, and Liam knew this was painful for him. “They asked if she was a virgin.”

  Liam’s lip curled in anger at the thought of the vulnerable woman being terrified by such a threat.

  “I had to go all in.”

  “And if we do this favour, what will you do for us? Favours are for friends, family, or team member, not traitors. Jack was being a hard ass, and Liam understood his stance and why he was forcing Gunner to work for this.

  “Whatever you want. Name it, and I’ll do it.”

  “I need you to stay undercover, go about your business and get me all the information I need to take these motherfuckers down.”


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