The Spell of Three

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The Spell of Three Page 10

by Casey Morgan

  “It’s probably not even that complicated,” I added. “Young people — some people of any age — sometimes you’re just horny and bang the wrong person. Some people just don’t have that self-control. And if she’s one of them, it’s just a matter of time before she cheats on him, or the other way around.”

  “That’s true,” agreed Brody. “People don’t just lie and cheat once. It’s a way of life for most people and they won’t stop until or unless some life-changing event makes them change.”

  “I didn’t need a life changing event to be honest,” said Shanna. “I guess because I never got started with lying or cheating in the first place. I already know that I could never do that to Nora, nor to anyone else. No matter how mad I got.”

  “I don’t think she’s mad at you,” said Brody. “I just think she’s only thinking of herself. She probably places the blame on everyone but herself.”

  “Yep. She sure does,” agreed Shanna. “She said it just happened and there was nothing she could do about it. Like she didn’t have control of her own body or was under a love spell.”

  “A weak person like her,” I said, “in a weird way, doesn’t have control. I mean, when she says that, it’s an excuse, but mentally, she can’t stop herself because she just doesn’t want to. But eventually, she’ll do it again. So, what she says is true, even if she’s lying by saying it, if that makes sense.”

  “Ha! And then Derek will be sorry he ever hooked up with her!” Shanna said gleefully, her blue eyes flashing. “Oh, I hope I’m around to see it.”

  “You shouldn’t wish bad luck on your sister,” I said. “It’s bad karma all around. She did what she did. You have to forgive her.”

  Shanna nodded. She seemed to take my words and roll them over in her mind.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to do that right now,” she finally said. “Maybe one day, but not today. The wound is way too fresh.”

  “Fair enough,” I said.

  “And my parents,” she continued. “What’s up with them? Why would they back my sister’s play to steal my fiancé?”

  “Did they really encourage that, or are they merely going along?” asked Brody.

  He took her small chin in his hands and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I mean, she still is their daughter and all.”

  “Yeah, but they give her a pass on everything!” complained Shanna, blinking back a tear. “She hasn’t done a thing for herself. Can’t hold a job. So, they give her money and provide for her way of life. She steals my fiancé and all they do is keep rewarding her bad behavior.”

  She shook her head, her pretty curls bouncing all around.

  “It’s not right,” she continued. “I mean, when I talked to them on my way here, they claimed they told her she should have told me in person, so that the wedding could have been called off properly, instead of letting me find them like that. But that was the most they said to her about it at all.”

  “Sounds like a slap on the wrist, but what do you expect them to do?” asked Brody.

  He wiped a few of her tears away. It was the most tender gesture I had ever seen my brother do. He was normally not a very emotional or romantic guy.

  “I’m not trying to defend her or anything,” he hastily continued. “I think what she did to ya is terrible, but your parents are still her parents, too. They have to love her. Have to watch out of her. That’s what family does.”

  “Our brother Quinn just had a baby,” I told her. “There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. He said, you can’t imagine what happens to your brain when you become a father. That’s it. It’s all in that moment, looking at your baby. They’ve invested in her, just like Quinn is investing in his little one. He can’t get out of feeling that way about her. Ever. And neither can your parents.”

  “I know, but what about me?” Shanna asked, with hurt in her eyes that made me really feel for her.

  I grabbed ahold of her hand on the table, and this time it was for comfort, not to flirt. I soon saw my brother doing the same with her other hand.

  “That’s true,” I told her. “You’re their baby too, and they should be just as invested in you. They shouldn’t be showing favorites.”

  “What else is new? I’m sorry to be such a buzzkill,” she said.

  She squeezed each of our hands.

  “I shouldn’t focus on this stuff, I know. I’m on a nice date. It’s fun. But it’s so hard to move on. I really appreciate you guys taking me out and trying, though. I feel so much better going out on a date with two Irish elf rogues such as yourselves.”

  “The pleasure is all ours, lass,” said Brody, charmingly. “We hope you’re having a great time. Let’s have a toast.”

  We raised our glasses.

  “To new beginnings,” said Brody. “And new friends.”

  He winked at Shanna.

  We clinked our glasses together and then drank.

  “Nice toast, brother,” I complimented. “Short, sweet and to the point.”

  “Whoa, was that a positive word for your brother?” asked Shanna, feigning shock. “I don’t believe it.”

  “He likes to throw me a bone once in a while,” said Brody.

  “The bone that’s in that good meat of yours?” giggled Shanna, putting a hand in front of her grin.

  “Ah, there she is!” I said, reaching over and pinching her cheek. “I thought Happy Shanna had left and gone back to America.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It’s just been hard.”

  “Look on the bright side,” joked Brody. “You got to meet the McDonnells.”

  “Yeah, and they didn’t kill and eat you,” I added.

  “Is that what they normally do?” she asked.

  “They’re capable of a lot,” said Brody, totally serious. “I wouldn’t go nappin’ around them. They’ll do a lot worse than throw mud on you, if you give them a chance.”

  “Well, I hope I don’t have as bad of a reputation as they do, just because of my last name and the fact that I’m related to them,” said Shanna. “I mean, I have a bad reputation, but bad as in cool. Not as in, weirdo, bat shit crazy relatives working illegal spells.”

  “Be happy that they’re stuck out there,” said Brody. “When they come to town, that’s the problem. Fortunately, they don’t come much.”

  I frowned and turned away. I was suddenly worried about seeing Ronald earlier. He didn’t usually come to town at all. I would see Terry and Danny once in a while. Mostly trying to steal stuff, but Ronald was rare. I wondered if he was following Shanna. I looked back at the window, but Ronald was gone.

  “Why not?” Shanna asked.

  “It’s not my place to say,” Brody said. “But mostly because of their reputation for tearing things down and running away with them.”

  “Imagine a group of people intent on stealing everything that isn’t nailed down,” I explained. “Now imagine they brought their kids and grandkids for help. The McDonnells start fights. They will hex people for little to no reason. They are constant trouble.”

  “Yeah, that’s kind of the vibe I got from their place,” said Shanna.

  She pulled her hands from ours and frowned.

  “It was pretty bad. I’d like to help them, but…”

  “They’re not ready for help,” said Brody. “So don’t even think that. They’re still proud. Maybe the dumb one. What’s his name? Ronald, but—”

  “I’m afraid they’re all a lost cause,” I said, not wanting to talk about Ronald.

  Shanna shrugged.

  “Well, I’m glad I met you two,” she said. “You’re both very sweet to me.”

  She gave me a peck on the cheek and then one for Brody.

  Hmm. Is this working? I think it actually is.

  “Let’s get some sweets,” she declared.

  The waiter came back, and we ordered desert. Shanna ordered fresh strawberries and cream. She fed them to each of us one at a time and we fed her. There
was a lot of licking each other’s fingers and touching each other’s faces.

  A few times, I thought she was going to kiss me on the lips. It was like she walked right up to the door, but then turned away at the last second. This date was definitely going very well.

  Eventually, the check arrived. Brody and I reached for it simultaneously.

  “I’ve got this, brother,” said Brody.

  “No, I think the dinner was my idea, brother,” I said. “You can put your credit card away. You’re probably over the limit again, eh?”

  “And what will you be payin’ with? The jar of pennies you’ve been keepin’ in your room since you were six?” joked Brody. “Did you at least roll the pennies up for the waiter?”

  “Just split the check,” snapped Shanna, as she slapped both of us on the knee. “You two and your witty banter! We’ll be here all night!”

  We laughed and took her advice. It was what we’d been planning to do all along anyway.

  I liked that she was impatient for whatever was coming next. I felt the same way.

  Getting in the car, things got touchy-feely between both of us and Shanna again. They weren’t quite sexual, but she seemed more comfortable with the two of us. We all piled into the long bench-seat in the front of Brody’s car.

  Shanna kept a hand on each of our knees. During the drive home, she would rub our knees and sometimes let her hands glide up our thighs.

  I wanted her hand to wander higher. My cock was aching for her touch. I couldn’t help but imagine pushing it into her wet pussy, while she screamed and moaned my name.

  I was ready for her, but was she ready for me?

  For us?

  Chapter 10


  Reaching Hennessey House, we walked Shanna inside. She was tipsy again, but not like before. Still, we guided her upstairs and back to her room.

  “You guys can come in if you want,” she offered. “Even though my place is small.”

  “Actually, you got the biggest room in the house,” said Brody.

  “Yeah, the suite is twice as big as my room,” I added.

  “Are you sure? Well, why don’t you come in and measure?”

  She opened the door and backed inside. Shanna had a mischievous look on her face. It was both sexy and unsure.

  We followed her into the suite and closed the door behind us. I felt a bit awkward. I wasn’t sure if I should sit down or what. Shanna sat of the edge of her bed and looked up at us.

  “So, you both want to date me, eh?” she asked. “I guess it’s up to me to pick one of you.”

  “Or neither of us,” I said.

  Brody punched me.

  “Or both of us,” he offered.

  Shanna laughed and turned beet red. She put her hands over her face and then looked up at us again. Neither of us laughed.

  “Wait a minute. You’re serious?” she said. “The three of us? Together?”

  “Aye, sure,” said Brody.

  He walked over and eased himself into an arm chair.

  “Why not? You’re clearly attracted to the two of us and we both want ye.”

  “You’re not just being nice to me?” she asked, sounding suspicious. “You two would both date me and… do other things with me?”

  “If it sounds too strange,” I said, backing off, “maybe we misread the signs. I mean, you don’t have to.”

  I wanted her to feel comfortable and not pressured.

  “No, no, I don’t think you misread the signs at all,” she blushed. “I just — I mean, in my mind, it was a fantasy. One that was waaay out of reach. You guys just put it on the table for me.”

  “We know you’ve been through a lot in the past week or so,” I said. “I mean, if you’re not ready for this, we understand. Things with your fiancé are still pretty fresh.”

  “No, no, I need to move on,” she said, shaking her head. “You guys are helping me do that. This whole evening — well, for part of the evening — most of the evening, I didn’t talk about my sister or Derek. I should probably ban myself from ever mentioning his name.”

  “Whose name? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” joked Brody. “Do you have any idea, Ryan?”

  “No, I don’t, brother,” I said, joining in. “Who is this fellow she mentioned that she never mentioned, but only partly mentioned?”

  “Just promise me,” Shanna said suspiciously, “that this isn’t something you guys do all the time. That you haven’t done this with like — every American girl that stays in your Bed and Breakfast.”

  “That much I can promise you true,” I said. “Believe me, I’ve never done this. It wasn’t even my idea.”

  “Truth. It was mine,” said Brody. “Doesn’t mean it’s a bad one though. Ya know, if you take it slow. Because we do really both fancy ya. And although we kid around, we’re both honorable lads and all.”

  “Your aunt mentioned you’d dated the same girl before,” she said, her tone sounding suspicious.

  “Nah,” Brody laughed. “I mean, it’s true that we did. But not at the same time. More like one after the other.”

  “No lying,” she said. “Ever. You guys ever lie to me — I wouldn’t like that.”

  “No, of course not!” I assured her. “We’re very above board.”

  “Just don’t ask Aunt Bridget for a reference,” joked Brody.

  “Are you two sure about this?” she asked. “I mean, are you both okay with this with each other?”

  Brody and I sort of looked at each other and shrugged. Well, obviously if we had gotten to this point, we were okay with it. We said as much to Shanna.

  “Well, okay then,” she said, getting up and locking the door. “Why don’t you make yourselves comfortable?”

  “I think we’d rather make you comfortable,” said Brody.

  We both moved in closer. It didn’t seem awkward or weird now. It seemed oddly natural for the three of us to share personal space. She kissed Brody deeply, then she turned to me and kissed me just as passionately.

  She put her hand on my chest and looked down, as if contemplating any second thoughts she might have. She slipped off her jacket and hung it on a chair. Then she walked over to the bed, sat down and patted either side.

  “C’mere, boys,” she called. “Sit with me. Let’s get to know each other.”

  The two of us moved to the bed. There was no turning back now. We were doing this. And I couldn’t be any more excited if I tried.

  Chapter 11


  This was all so new and exciting to me. I was a little nervous.

  At first, Ryan started kissing me and Brody started touching my breasts from over my shirt. I put my hands on either of the boys’ knees. Touching them simultaneously seemed a bit awkward. Was I really ready for this?

  I knew I had thought about it, and even hoped it could be true. But now that it was happening, I felt a bit overwhelmed, questioning whether I could really handle two men. Reality was different than fantasy.

  I switched to kissing Brody, running my hand along his chiseled jaw. I could feel Ryan unbuttoning my shirt. He was now fondling my breasts over my bra.

  The attention from these two incredibly handsome men was erotic. I could feel myself becoming more and more aroused with every touch. I ran my hands down Brody’s neck to his broad shoulders, then lower, to start unbuttoning his shirt.

  Ryan guided me back onto the bed and unbuckled my jeans. They were on pretty tight, so he had to practically peel them off me. Brody folded his arms back and now his chest was fully exposed.

  He was well built with broad shoulders and muscles. Tattoos ran up and down his six pack abs and his strong chest. I ran my fingers over his defined muscles.

  Turning toward Ryan, I saw that he had already pulled off his shirt and had thrown it on the floor. Ryan had less hair on his body, but just as many tattoos, and he was cut and lean. His pecs were taunt and pulled over his frame, which was wide, but well balanced with his face and jaw line.r />
  He pulled my jeans the rest of the way off and flung them into the corner of the room. I grabbed him and pulled him back down on the bed on top of me, kissing him.

  Ryan’s face was smooth and clean, while Brody’s was a little rough and manlier. It didn’t make Ryan any less manly; it was just that Brody was built more like a bear and Ryan was built more like a fox.

  I kissed his chest and he undid my bra and started licking, kissing and sucking on my tits. Now things were getting really hot!

  Brody fell to his knees and started kissing the inner parts of my thighs. He grabbed my panties with his teeth and started to pull them down. Then he noticed they were the kind that tied on the sides. He untied both sides and let them fall away.

  I was completely naked now and feeling mildly vulnerable, but the strength of these two elves continued to be a turn on. I was totally with in their power! I reached over and brushed Ryan’s pointed ears. He grinned and kissed me deeply.

  I was getting wet now, but I got a whole lot wetter as Brody started eating me out on the bed. At first, he teased my labia with his tongue and licked all around. Then he made his tongue stiff and pushed it into my waiting hole.

  Oh, God! It was great! His rough face against my thighs made the sensation even better.

  Ryan was working the top half of me, sucking on my nipples and nibbling them, then kissing me. He leaned back and wove a slight electric spell with his fingers. It zapped my hard nipples and I gasped. Little sparks danced between my breasts, making everything they touched more sensitive.

  I moaned until Ryan reached forward and smoothed the spell away with his warm hands. He squeezed my tender breasts and flicked the nipples. I reached down and started to pull his belt buckle loose. It was hard to concentrate, with Brody licking away.

  I managed to get Ryan unbuckled and then unzipped. His cock was already rock hard and pushed out of his fly in his underwear. I felt its stiffness with my hand and gently fondled his balls. His breathing got heavier, as did mine. I moaned into his kisses, while Brody found my clit and started teasing and licking it.


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