The Spell of Three

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The Spell of Three Page 9

by Casey Morgan

  Ryan didn’t have a response for that. I guessed he wasn’t expecting me to be so serious all of a sudden. But I was serious in what I had said.

  It wasn’t something that made any rational sense, mind you. It’s not like I was some kind of expert in sharing women or that I had ever even been in a threesome — I just had a feeling that this would work. I had a feeling that this woman needed us, somehow.

  “Think of it as something you can cross off your bucket list,” I offered.

  “It’s not on my bucket list,” said Ryan. “I was looking to beat you to the punch for once. Now that you said all those nice things, however, I suppose I could at least consider it. Assuming she will be into it. Which I don’t think is going to happen.”

  “Ah, you’ll see,” I assured him. “This will all work out. I’m glad we’re in agreement. Now we can get to work on making it happen.”

  “I still don’t know how it will work!” snapped Ryan. “Let’s say she’s into it. Do we go back to her room or one of ours?”

  “Hers,” I said confidently. “She has the honeymoon suite. It’s a huge bed and it’s designed for all that. Know what I mean?”

  “Well, we definitely shouldn’t go back to my room,” said Ryan. “I need to launder my sheets.”

  “We have a maid service,” I said. “How’d you miss that?”

  “I just forgot,” he said. “But forget that for now. So, we’re in the room with her. Her room. What’s the move?”

  “The move?” I asked.

  “Yeah, the move to get the sex started,” said Ryan. “You’re not going to just whip it out, I assume.”

  “Well, ya have to put it into context for me,” I said. “You don’t just run up to the room. What’s the wind up?”

  “We’ve all had a few, but we’re not too drunk. She invites us up, or — Wait, how do we get an invite?”

  “We start kissing her! Haven’t you done this before?”

  “Not with you, ya tit,” snapped Ryan. “How do we both start kissing her, at once?”

  “You kiss her on the neck, while I kiss her on the lips,” I said. “Or maybe the wrist or something. There are lots of places to kiss, ya know.”

  “Why can’t I kiss her on the lips?” whined Ryan.

  “You can if you make the first move,” I said. “I just assumed I’d have the balls to kiss her first.”

  “But won’t it seem weird if you start kissing her and then I do it?” he asked.

  “I think she’ll let us know if she thinks it’s weird,” I said. “That’s the whole point of kissing her. Right then, we’ll know. Assuming she’s into it, then it’s time to move to some place private, right? Honeymoon suite’s the perfect place.”

  Ryan shook his head. This was a little much for him, but he was trying to process. I hated that he needed a detailed blow by blow of picturing every possible scenario, but I knew that was how his mind was working it out, so that he could be prepared to go for it.

  I had to give the lad some credit for taking it into real consideration. I was half tempted to tell him it was all joke, but I stopped myself. This could work.

  “So, we get her upstairs, then what?” he asked. “Just start taking off her clothes and all?”

  “You have to read a lady’s mood, brother!” I laughed. “God! Were you this much of a prude with Julia?”

  “Normally, I’d let Julia make the move,” he admitted. “Made things a lot clearer most of the time. No rejection there.”

  “Holy fuck,” I said. “Did she tell you when to go to sleep and eat too? Women like boldness, Ryan. You gotta be bold! We’re fucking elves, man. We’re big, strong alphas. You should really start acting like it. Here’s your chance.”

  “What if I start kissing her when you’re in the bathroom or something?” asked Ryan.

  “Well, you can’t do that if this plan’s going to work,” I said. “You’re going to throw a whole monkey wrench into it.”

  “The whole thing seems like one big monkey wrench,” he sighed. “Okay, we got her upstairs. We’re kissing her. Then, the clothes?”

  “Yeah, slowly, right?” I said. “Women like a little foreplay. You touch her, you take a piece off, she touches you, you take something else off. Take your time, is all I’m sayin’.”

  “Aren’t we going to be in the way of each other?” said Ryan, clearly trying to poke holes in the plan now. Or maybe he was trying to prepare for possible negative scenarios to avoid. “I mean, we’ll be bumping into each other.”

  “Well, open your eyes then!” I suggested. “That reminds me — Do you have condoms on ye?”

  “No, I didn’t bring any,” he said.

  “Well, why not? Don’t you want to be safe?”

  “I didn’t think I was getting laid!”

  “Not with that kind of attitude, you’re not,” I said, going into a drawer. “Here, take this. Better yet, take two. You never know.”

  “Jesus, I’m nervous now,” said Ryan. “I just thought we were going to have dinner. But here you are ready to bang her before the first course!”

  “Relax; it’ll be great,” I assured him. “She likes us.”

  “Which end do I get?” asked Ryan bashfully. “I don’t know if I want her mouth straight off. Seems rougher that way. I want to be gentle with her. Show her I care.”

  “Oh, I’ll take the mouth,” I volunteered. “You can’t beat the feeling of a bareback blowjob, boyo. I want to feel her cute little plump lips wrapped around my big elf dick. I want to fill up her mouth with it. If you’re lucky, we’ll both get a go and switch.”

  “What if — What if she wants us both in her holes downstairs?” he asked. “I’ve never done anything in the butt.”

  “Again, I volunteer,” I said. “You leave the advanced stuff to me and just do the pussy. You can’t possibly muck that up, right? And for God’s sake, try and have a good time.”

  Ryan took a deep breath and checked himself in the mirror. Truth be told, I had thrown him so off his game, I probably could’ve stolen Shanna away from him at this point. But I couldn’t do it to mi little brother. He was so anxious, so nervous! It was almost touching.

  “A couple of whiskeys should steady my nerves,” he said. “Then I could feel better about going along with all of this.”

  “Yeah, sure!” I said. “Once you’re half in the bag, this’ll all make sense. Then it’s up to Tomorrow Ryan to deal with the consequences.”

  “I think Tomorrow Ryan might be very cross with Tomorrow Brody,” he said. “Oh, God. What if we got her pregnant? How would we know which one of us was the dad? Would we both father the baby?”

  “Will you stop over thinking this?” I insisted. “We’re going out to have a pleasant evening with a sweet bird. Don’t cock it up with your neuroticism.”

  “I’m the weird one? You’re the one who suggests all this crazy sex and I’m the weird one somehow?”

  “Trust me, you are,” I said.

  Contrary to how my worrywart brother thought, I really didn’t think it was that weird that both of us wanted her. We might as well pursue a plan to both get her.

  The ball would be in her court at that point. And I really did have a feeling it would work out well for both of us. We just had to take her to dinner and find out.

  Chapter 9


  Brody was really messing with my head. Could this work? I mean, two guys and one girl? It sounded crazy to me. He must be under a love spell or something. Maybe Shanna bought one from the McDonnells and put him under it.

  I almost got jealous at the thought, wondering why she would choose to use it on him and not me. Then I had to remind myself that she didn’t really buy a love spell and that clearly I liked her if I was that worked up about a hypothetical scenario.

  I didn’t want to lose her to my brother and I was starting to understand how he had come up with this plan. Neither of us would lose her, if she chose both of us. It was almost genius, really, even though I would n
ever tell him that.

  But if she didn’t want both of us, which one would she choose? The thought was bothering me, but I knew I had to let it go so that I could be in top form tonight.

  Forget it. I’m just going to go for it. She’ll see how sweet I am and fall for me! Brody will just have to deal with it.

  Shanna met us downstairs in the lobby. Her full, curvy figure was wrapped in a short black dress. Suede heeled boots covered her caves, but some parts of her thighs were bare. Just a hint of skin. It was very sexy.

  Her light-red locks had been pulled into a tumbled updo. Some were pulled down to frame her face. The effect was lovely. I rushed over to sweep her into my arms before Brody could make the first move.

  “Hello, my lovely,” I smiled. “Shall we go?”

  “Whoa!” she laughed, a little surprised. “Yes, let’s go.”

  Brody made a face. I could tell he was upset, but he quickly switched gears. He ran ahead of us and outside. He got to the car door and opened it for her.

  “For you, milady,” he said. “Watch out for my brother. He can get a bit grabby.”

  He glared at me.

  Shanna got into the car and Brody closed the door.

  “I know what you’re doing,” I said, looking at him over the roof of the car.

  “I know what you’re doing,” he said back.

  “Good, then we both know what the other is doing.”



  Brody drove, carefully guiding us through Luck’s Hollow’s narrow cobblestone streets. We arrived at the Thistle and Sheep. It was a grand old place, with whitewashed plaster walls and a shingled roof. Multiple double-sash windows faced the main square, glowing with the candle light from inside.

  The Thistle had been owned by the same sweet old witch couple for centuries, Ma and Pa Blackstone. Their children worked there now, along with a few other locals.

  After getting Shanna out of the car, we both rushed ahead of her to get the front door, but the host beat us to it. He pulled open the brass lined door just as we hurried forward. Trying to not look disappointed, I nodded my thanks to him.

  The host grabbed menus and showed us to our seats. When we arrived at our table, I reached for Shanna’s chair. I managed to pull it out first for her.

  Brody was forced to back off or look foolish. Ha! He handed her a napkin.

  We had an excellent table with a good view of the large central fireplace, but not so close that we were too hot. Between the flames of the fire and the candle light, The Thistle and Sheep was a mix of soft light and shadow. It was very romantic.

  I sat down and offered to order something for all of us. Brody called the waiter. We both seemed to be working against each other.

  “You know what?” said Shanna, with a frown. “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back. Maybe you two can work out who’s in charge while I’m gone, huh?”

  Shanna got up and walked toward the restroom. Clearly, our behavior — well, Brody’s behavior — was rubbing her the wrong way.

  She didn’t like that we were fighting over her during what was supposed to be a nice, relaxing dinner date. It was time to change tactics.

  “You ready to cooperate now, Ryan?” asked Brody. “This competition is getting you nowhere.”

  I glared at him.

  “It’s getting you nowhere, but me — well, for the good of the evening, let’s try to work together,” I said.

  “Good. Truce then?”

  “Truce. Even though I would’ve won.”


  “Okay, okay. Truce.”

  “We have to work together, brother,” said Brody, totally serious. “Let’s just try to relax and make her feel good, ya know?”

  “Sure, I guess.”

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

  “Do you want to order for the table?” I asked.

  “Let’s all just order and not make a fuss,” he suggested.

  Shanna came back from the bathroom and sat down. She looked us over as if to reevaluate us. We both smiled gently at her.

  “So, what’s good here?” she asked.

  “I’m partial to the haggis,” I said. “What about you Brody?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh, the haggis, yes. It’s good. And you can’t go wrong with the fish and chips or the lamb,” he added.

  Shanna smiled. The dynamic was back where it should be, and everyone relaxed again. I got myself some lamb shanks, Shanna ordered the fish and chips and Brody got a steak.

  We shared a nice bottle of red wine. To be honest, I was still a little buzzed from our drinking fest earlier this afternoon. A few sips and we were back in our buzz.

  The waiter brought us our meal. I eyed Brody’s steak.

  “Where’d ya get the money for that?” I asked. “You find a pot a gold this morning, leprechaun?”

  “It’s a date, so I thought I’d treat myself,” he said, picking up his knife and fork.

  “You’re supposed to treat your date!” I joked.

  “Well, if it goes badly, at least I had the steak,” he commented.

  “Hard to argue with that,” I agreed. “You want a taste of this, Shanna? It’s good.”

  “Sure,” she smiled. “Feed me.”

  I liked how her voice sounded both commanding and flirty. I took a portion of lamb meat onto my fork. It was dripping. She opened her mouth and I placed it inside.

  A little bit of the juice dripped in the corner of her mouth and I wiped it with my finger. She then licked my finger. It was very sensual, and I felt my dick twitch in my pants.

  “Thanks. That tasted good,” she smiled. She looked over at Brody. “I should like to taste some of… your meat.”

  “My meat’s even juicier,” said Brody, with a grin. “Would you like to put a big piece into your mouth?”

  We all started laughing. It was just so ridiculous, but fun.

  Brody did the same thing. He carved off a piece of steak, got it onto the fork and placed it into Shanna’s mouth.

  He wiped her mouth with his finger and she grabbed it and sucked on it a bit. The way her pouty lips surrounded his finger was so sexy, so forward. I found myself swallowing hard.

  Brody was right. She wanted both of us. She wanted both of us to get along and get with her and stop fighting over her. That was easy enough to do, now that I realized it was the goal.

  “That’s good,” Shanna said, giggling. “You have good meat, Brody.”

  “Well, I’ve always been proud of it,” joked Brody.

  “Not always,” I joked. “There was a time when you beat your meat, if you recall.”

  “Those days are in the past,” laughed Brody. “I can say with great confidence, my meat is well aged.”

  “Do you guys take all your girls here?” asked Shanna, changing the subject. “Or just the ones you try to date simultaneously?”

  She looked at us through lowered lashes.

  “Well, it does save a lot of time,” I pointed out. “And money. We can split the check.”

  Shanna shook her head. Her light-red curls swung a bit.

  “Is there ever a time when you two aren’t joking?” she asked.

  “Probably when we’re asleep,” said Brody. “Although I can’t say for sure. I’m unconscious during that time. But perhaps I’m mumbling some one-liners in between my snores.”

  “Well, sometimes I don’t joke. For instance, I was dead serious when I called you lovely,” I said, leaning in.

  I moved in more, pretending I was going to kiss her. Then I took a bite of my meal. It was a bit of teasing and flirting that I had never tried before, but I think it worked perfectly.

  Shanna blushed, made a frustrated face and then gave me a playful punch. Then she pretended as if she had hurt me, and rubbed my shoulder where the punch landed.

  I had read in some guys’ magazine that physical contact was key on a date and here I was having it. Things seemed to
be going well, for sure.

  “More wine, lass?” asked Brody, as he was already pouring it.

  “Hey, are you trying to get me drunk?” she laughed. “Again.”

  “Yes, but not as drunk as you were,” admitted Brody. “Just drunk enough.”

  Now Shanna punched him and did the same thing to him that she had done to me. All three of us were getting grabby and touchy-feely at the table. Every time someone made a joke, it was another excuse to put a hand down on a knee or a hand.

  Half the time, I was concentrating on touching Shanna, and I was barely aware of the banter. The dynamic seemed to work as we continued to eat and drink.

  Halfway through our meal, I realized that someone was staring at us. I glanced out the window to see Ronald McDonnell. Not wanting to ruin Shanna’s good evening by telling her her creepy cousin was here, I scooted my chair over a bit, so that I blocked her view to the window.

  “You know the worst part of being stood up at the altar?” she suddenly asked, capturing my attention. “It’s just having to explain it all to your friends.”

  She took a sip of wine and swirled the rest in her glass.

  “That truly is the worst part, ya know. I feel like I let my friends down by letting Derek into my life at all.”

  “Ah, stop beating yourself up,” said Brody, he took her hand in his and rubbed it gently. “We’ve all fallen for someone who wasn’t right for us. We all make mistakes. Derek’s was just yours, is all.”

  “And if your friends are really your friends, they’ll understand,” I said, rubbing her bare knee under the table. Her skin was so smooth and soft. “Because if they look into their hearts, they know it can happen to them. It can happen to anyone, really.”

  “But why didn’t Nora look into her heart, ya know?” Shanna pouted.

  Her lower lip quivered delicately.

  “I could never do that to her! Why would my own sister turn on me like that?”

  “I think it’s insecurity,” said Brody. “People don’t do crazy things like that unless they think they have something to prove. Your sister probably just wanted to prove to herself that she was better than you.”


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