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Succubus Lord 3

Page 2

by Eric Vall

  “There’s plenty more where that came from, ‘Megan,’” I said over the beat of the music and roar of the crowd.

  Megan Miracle stood up and strutted over toward the shiny chrome pole in the middle of the stage. She reached up, took the metal rod in both hands and then swung around it gracefully. The blonde halted her momentum when she wrapped her legs tightly around the pole and extended her torso outward. She continued to spin freely in the air, held up by nothing but the strength of her legs.

  Damn. I threw another couple of twenties onto the stage.

  The dancer slid down the pole and landed with her knees on the ground. She leaned forward and began to crawl forward, picking up the strewn bills as she went. Her supple breasts hung down, and she used her arms to smoosh them together as she crawled right toward me.

  “Just how much more do you want to see?” she asked with a sexy growl.

  I smiled and held up the two wads of twenties. “All of it,” I pleaded. “And bring your friends.”

  The dancer’s eyes lit up when she saw the money. She continued her dance routine by rolling over onto her back and kicking her legs in the air repeatedly. As she did so, she slowly slid her panties up around her thighs. She caught them around her left ankle and then tossed them out into the crowd with a flick of her leg.

  Behind me, I heard a bunch of guys fighting over the discarded panties as I threw another hundred or so at the naked woman.

  The sexy blonde gyrated her body as she stood to her feet, and then she looked over at the other two dancers performing off on the side stages. Ms. Miracle seductively motioned for them to come and join her, and then she turned her attention back to me. She continued to run her hands up and down her body and gyrate sexily to the different beats that were booming through the club. Finally, a brunette and another blonde woman appeared at her side.

  The brunette was petite, with long, slender legs and breasts that were tiny, yet beautiful. She was completely topless, but the dancer was still wearing a hot pink bikini bottom.

  The second blonde dancer was a little more on the thick side of things, with breasts that were threatening to pop out of her black sheer top and an ass so curvy that you could probably balance a level on it.

  Ms. Miracle whispered to the other two strippers as she pointed directly at me. The next thing I knew, I was being pulled onto the stage by the three women.

  “Go Jacob!” I heard Libidine call out from somewhere in the crowd.

  All three of the dancers began to grind against me to the beat of the music.

  The brunette was behind, running her hands along the small of my back as she pressed her naked torso against my body.

  At the same time, the busty blonde woman stood off to the side and rubbed her soft fingers tenderly against my face and neck.

  Then there was Ms. Miracle herself. The flirty blonde was completely naked, and she made sure that she had the best seat in the house. She stood directly in front of me and grinded her tight ass against my throbbing manhood.

  As the women danced on me, I continued to toss twenties at them like they were going out of style.

  “Jakey!” Todd’s drunken voice called out from across the club, but I was already focused on the sexy woman in front of me.

  I ignored they imp’s words and kept soaking in the incredible scene in front of me.

  “Jaaaaakeeeeyyyy!” Todd’s voice now sounded angry, but I continued to ignore him.

  “Jacob!” Cupiditas’s voice finally snapped me back to reality.

  I scanned the club for the three succubi and found them just off to my right.

  Cupi was pointing excitedly toward the back of the club, while Liby and Sia were both giving me the ‘ol thumbs up.

  I looked over to where the blonde succubus was pointing, and I saw a man huffing toward the stage.

  The music cut off, and the entire club groaned and murmured in annoyance.

  “Sir, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to get off the stage,” he demanded.

  This must have been Zepar.

  The strip club owner looked about how I expected. He wore an untidy white button-up shirt with a plain ol’ pair of slim-cut jeans. Over the shirt, he wore a dark red blazer, and his mismatch of an outfit made him look both classy and tacky at the same time.

  “Girls, this isn’t a private performance!” he barked at the women who surrounded me. “Go back to your dressing rooms.”

  The three strippers pouted and then waltzed off the stage in a huff.

  “That was really stupid, bro.” I clicked my tongue and shook my head. “I was gonna tip all of them really well for that lapdance.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm, sir,” Zepar’s tone changed to one much more slimy and charming, “But you must understand that we can’t have any gentlemen up on the stage here at this gentlemen’s club.”

  “Don’t act like you wouldn’t love it!” Todd’s voice slurred from somewhere out in the crowd.

  “Excuse me?” the demon hissed and looked around for a moment, and then he turned back to me. “As I was saying, if you want to show the girls just how much you appreciate them, you’re going to have to schedule a session in one of our ‘private rooms.’ I’m sure Ms. Miracle would love to provide her services for you.”

  “Look, I have to level with you,” I chuckled and motioned across the room for the succubi and Todd to come join us. “I’m not here for shits and giggles, and I’m sure as fuck not here to give you any more money.”

  “That’s right,” the imp’s disembodied voice added. “We’re gonna take it from you, motherfucker!”

  Zepar looked behind me for the source of the voice, but then straightened his blazer and scowled when he didn’t see anyone.

  “Then you’re wasting my fucking time,” he growled. “I’m a busy man, with lots of shit to do. I--”

  The succubi, and I assumed Todd, were now standing around Zepar in a circle.

  “Do you really think you can intimidate me with a couple of skanky-looking bitches?” He chuckled. “Get the fuck out of my club before--”

  “You gonna let him talk to you like that?” Todd’s voice now came out in a drunken stupor.

  “Who the fuck keeps butting into our conversation?” Zepar demanded as he looked around. “Whoever you are, you need to mind your own damn business!”

  Without warning, a blast of projectile vomit sprayed from where Todd was sitting and struck the demon in the chest. Zepar bent over and tried not to hurl as he fumbled to remove his now-stained blazer.

  “I feel better now,” the imp slurred.

  “Wa-- Wait.” The man was still doubled over as he gagged out the words. “A-- A cocky tall guy with three hot women? An invisible friend? Here in my club, trying to-- to woo me?”

  The demon tossed his blazer off to the side and stood up to face me.

  “You’re Jacob Ralston, aren’t you?” He spat.

  I just shrugged. “Guilty as charged, Zepar.”

  “I should have known this day would come,” the fucker growled. “Luckily, I’m prepared.”

  “You’re surrounded,” Cupiditas retorted. “Just give up, and we’ll send you back to Hell quickly.”

  Zepar clicked his tongue and began to laugh. He held up his hand, closed it to make a fist, and then the booming music was silenced.

  All around us, I heard the all-too-familiar sound of guns cocking. As my eyes darted back and forth around the room, I saw that a bunch of the men who had been acting as customers were now holding pistols. The few who weren’t were now panicking and scrambling for the exits alongside the dancers.

  I turned back to Zepar, who was now cackling maniacally.

  The demon tossed out his arms, and his entire body began to glow with red Hellfire. Shiny, scale-like crimson armor began to materialize and spread across his body. Not a second later, Zepar was fully encased in the brilliant protective garment.

  Upon his head, he now wore a large helmet with two long, protruding horns wi
th only a small slit for his eyes. The armor appeared to be a cross between dragon scales and bone, with each panel of armor containing a bony protrusion. Large, spiny shoulder pads now jutted out of his frame, and he held a massive shield in his left hand. Behind the demon hung a tattered leather cape.

  Zepar stuck out his right hand and summoned forth a mammoth broadsword.

  “Now, mortal,” he bellowed, “who’s the one that’s surrounded?”

  Chapter 2

  “You’re the one who’s surrounded, bitch!” Todd slurred, and then he turned visible once more and summoned a small bit of Hellfire into his hand. “We’ll kill you, and then all your little gunny buddies will run away like pussies when they see how bad we fuck you up.”

  “The imp is just as annoying as the stories I’ve heard,” Zepar’s muffled voice hissed from behind his helmet. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “Annoy this.” Todd clapped his hands together, and the Hellfire grew slightly larger. “Hadouken!”

  The imp launched a basketball-sized blast of Hellfire at the massive demon that struck Zepar in the chest, bounced harmlessly off like a rubber ball, and ignited a small spot on the floor.

  The demon nonchalantly looked down at the fire and stomped it out with his armored foot.

  “Huh,” Todd hiccuped. “I totally thought that was gonna work.”

  “Now, it’s my turn,” Zepar said as a sly smile spread across his lips. Then, very slowly, he raised his hand. “Goodbye, Mr. Ralston.” Then the motherfucker snapped his fingers.

  As the strip club was filled with the crackle of gunfire from all angles, I conjured a barrier of purple Hellfire around me and friends.

  “Enchanted bullets!” Sia hissed as the glowing silver bullets pounded the barriers and hissed as they ricocheted off.

  “They’re not going to let up any time soon,” I shouted over the screams of the strippers and patrons alike as they ran for cover. “We need to mount a counter-offensive.”

  “I love that game,” Todd hiccuped. “That’s the one that all the people play on PC, right?”

  “What’s wrong with him?” Cupiditas pointed to the imp who could barely stand on his feet.

  “He got a little too carried away with his alcohol,” I said with a sigh. “Now, on three. Ready?”

  “Ready!” The three succubi replied in unison.

  I nodded. “One… Two… Three!”

  I took a deep breath and summoned a few portals of emerald flame between us and our assailants, and as their bullets disappeared into the rifts, the purple hellfire barrier around us stopped flaring with every impact. I smiled as I clocked each of their positions and cast more green Hellfire. Only this time, I opened the rifts above their positions.

  “So, it was a good idea,” I said to Zepar as the fuckers’ own bullets exited the portals and rained down on their heads. “Just lousy with execution.” I shrugged. “Points for trying though.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a few of the lifeless assholes collapse to the ground, and while several of them were able to avoid the hail of bullets, I wasn’t worried at all.

  That’s what the succubi were for.

  As the last of the bullets cascaded from the portals I’d summoned, I removed the purple protection spell, so each of my friends could unleash their own deadly attacks into the crowd.

  I turned to see one of Libidine’s yellow spears stab through the jaw of an assailant, and another one’s head exploded as it was struck with a blast of red Hellfire.

  “I must give you props, mortal,” Zepar said sarcastically. “You’ve already survived way longer than I thought you would.”

  Todd jumped in between the hulking demon and me and raised his tiny fists up into the air. The imp was trying to pull off a fighting stance, but he was wobbling around like crazy.

  “Liby and I are on crowd control!” Cupiditas exclaimed right before the two succubi ran toward the remaining fuckers with the enchanted bullets.

  The demon in the massive red armor cackled and readied his sword.

  “Sia, your black Hellfire wouldn’t happen to work on this guy, would it?” I asked hopefully.

  “You should know by now,” the redhead sighed. “Only if he is weakened first.”

  “Come at me, broseph!” Todd was now beating his chest like a gorilla as Zepar sauntered toward him.

  Quickly, I drew my goat-headed dagger from its sheath. I held the weapon out in front of me and waved my left hand over it. As I did so, the small blade of the weapon glowed red with Hellfire and extended out into the shape of a cutlass.

  “Knock him off-guard for me, okay?” I looked over at Sia, who nodded in agreement.

  I gripped my enchanted weapon in my hand and charged at Zepar. As I ran, I felt the dull throbbing in my temples that signaled the growth of my blue horns.

  Just as I dashed by Todd, Sia’s blast of red Hellfire shot past my left shoulder.

  The attack crashed into Zepar’s horned helmet, and his head recoiled for a brief second from the impact. Sia’s attack hadn’t done any real damage, but it gave me enough of an opening to close the gap on the fucker.

  Without slowing my momentum, I dove to the ground as I came up to the demon. My body slid across the disgusting floor and passed right between Zepar’s spread legs. Then I thrust the enchanted sword up into the slit where his thigh armor met his lower body.

  The demon shrieked in agony, and I felt the splash of his warm blood as it sprayed out onto my face.

  I rolled into an upright position behind Zepar and stood to my feet as the demon spun around and struck me with his massive shield.

  I tumbled across the strip club, over tiny shards of broken glass, hot bullet casings, and substances that I didn’t even want to identify. My body finally came to a crashing halt when it struck the side of the main stage.


  As I pulled myself up off the ground, I looked up past the stars circling my vision and saw Zepar limping toward me.

  “That hurt, but it won’t be enough to stop me.” The demon raised his broadsword into the air and swung it down at my head as soon as he got within striking distance.

  Before it could connect, I caught the blow with a quick barrier of purple Hellfire. I thrust my sword up at the demon’s torso, but he was fast enough to knock my strike away with his own shield.

  With expert skill, Zepar then turned his shield horizontally and punched it forward into my stomach.

  The air was completely knocked out of my lungs, and I stumbled back a few steps.

  I leapt to my left just as Zepar buried his sword to the hilt in the ground where I’d been standing. Before he could recover, I cast the emerald fire around myself and teleported up onto the stage. Zepar looked around in confusion, and I took this brief pause in the fight to survey my surroundings and catch my breath.

  If I really wanted to give it to this fucker, I needed to up the ante.

  Sia was trying her damnedest to attack the red-armored demon, but all of her blasts were just bouncing off his armor as if they were little more than spitballs. Todd was next to her, hurling small fireballs at the wall and shouting obscenities as he did so. His attacks also seemed ineffective, but it didn’t stop the little guy from screaming like he’d just won at beer pong when each blast of fire connected.

  I looked to my left and saw Cupi snap the neck of an assailant, and then I turned to my right and watched Libidine skewer a couple of the fuckers with a broken bar stool.

  That gave me an idea.

  I reached out with my left hand and encased the thick metal stripper pole next to me in jade fire.

  Pieces of drywall fell down onto the stage as I tugged the pole out of its resting place and then flipped it on its side. Just as Zepar turned back to face me, I launched the massive makeshift spear into his chest.

  The fucker grunted as the metal pole impacted straight on, and the tremendous blow tossed him back into the air. Zepar’s cape fluttered behind his body as he
twisted, and then he landed upright on the ground.

  While the pole I'd thrown like a spear hadn't cracked his armor, it had left a massive dent in the breastplate. Zepar glanced down at the mark, then up at me, and it seemed like his red glowing eyes actually narrowed in his helmet.

  I guessed he was mad, and that fact was confirmed when he charged right past Sia and angled toward the stage where I was standing.

  I dismissed the enchantment on my knife and slid it back into its sheath. As I raised both of my emerald-engulfed hands, I aimed the metal pole at Zepar and made a bending motion. The shiny post flew down and wrapped itself around the fucker’s legs mid-charge.

  Zepar’s momentum was instantly halted, and the weight of his large body was sent crashing into the ground. The impact caused the fucker’s sword and shield to tumble out of his hands and skid across the ground.

  “Sia!” I called across the club. “Try it now!”

  The redhead lifted her right arm and blasted a beam of black Hellfire at the demon. Sia’s spell caught Zepar as he struggled with the thick metal trap, and it caused him to seize up in agony.

  “It’s not working as it should!” the madame yelled as she held her attack. “He’s still too strong!”

  Zepar was finally able to wrest the pole off of his legs and toss it to the side. He pulled himself to his feet, but he had to stop every few seconds to writhe in pain from the corona of black Hellfire licking over his form.

  The fucker’s magic might not have been completely squelched by Sia’s flames, but it certainly had an effect on him.

  As Zepar lumbered for his sword and shield, I could see that his magic armor was flickering on and off of his body. He almost looked like a character that was glitching out in a video game, and I realized that we were finally starting to win.

  Before he could reach his weapons, Libidine and Cupiditas landed on each side of the massive demon. The glitched-out warrior tried to punch Cupi, but the fit blonde succubus caught his fist in a time-freezing spell of blue Hellfire before it could make contact.

  From his other side, Libidine picked up the discarded stripper pole with her telekinetic fire, looped it over to the fucker’s head, and then wrapped it around his neck. Liby continued to use her magic to tighten the pole around the demon’s throat, but his constantly reappearing helmet kept her from delivering the killing blow.


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