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Galataea Crystallim Core 2

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by Scottie Futch

  Galataea Crystallim Core: Collection 2

  By Scottie Futch

  Copyright 2017 Scottie Futch

  Smashwords Edition

  License Note: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Author's Note: No monstergirls were harmed in the making of this story. They may have cried a little now and then, or asked for the occasional snack break between episodes, but these girls are true professionals and know how to get the job done.

  Content Warning: This story contains lots of hugging, cuddling, nuzzling, and occasional adult-oriented sexual scenarios that will make some readers shake their head and sigh a lot. All characters depicted are adults, and at least eighteen years of age or older in accordance with their species.

  Table of Contents

  1. Episode 4: The Joyful Pain of Sponsorship

  2. Episode 5: So Supportive...

  3. Episode 6: Disappointed...

  4. Episode 7: Hard Times

  5. About the Author

  6. Other Books by Scottie Futch

  7. Contact Me

  Episode 4: The Joyful Pain of Sponsorship

  In a small dimly lit training room, great things were afoot. Intimate in its gentle darkness, what currently took place in that room would leave much to the imagination for any outside observer who might walk by without bothering to look inside at the wonders that lie within the confines of its sturdy walls.

  The sounds of bodies moving rhythmically echoed tenderly through the air. They permeated the atmosphere like the scent of a well-made perfume. The ever-present cries of man and woman, the whimpers of both pain and joy climaxed simultaneously together to create a special sort of music that could only exist when two people came together as one.

  “No, that’s too hard! Don’t do it so hard ...” cried Eina in a surprisingly cute tone of voice.

  “I have to do it like this, or it won’t work,” countered Scott in a confident baritone.

  Groans, screams, the sounds of two people working in tandem to reach the ultimate climax of a mutual goal continued. Together, in unison, their movements became art.

  “Twist your hips more...” she said.

  “No, you twist your hips more. I’m the man here, follow my lead...” replied Scott.

  “Right, sure... That’s why you have no idea what you’re doing,” she said in a mild tone of disgust.

  A masculine cry of pain erupted in the air. He called out, “I need to set the pace, or you’ll be sore tomorrow.”

  “As if your feeble efforts could possibly make me sore,” replied the Amazon.

  “Meanwhile, I feel like I’m going to break if we keep this up,” said Scott.

  “Wuss! Give me everything you have. I’ll take it all and laugh at your shameful weakness,” she said haughtily.

  “Fine, but when you end up bruised and raw, don’t cry about it,” said Scott.

  Eina laughed then allowed the weak little man to spin her around once more. She pressed her exceptionally well-toned backside against his groin, a subtle tease, and then they moved together across the dance floor in perfect unison.

  Scott raised his hand into the air. She neatly turned then leaned away before rolling forward and ending her carefully choreographed movement by being cradled in his arms.

  It was a beautiful display. Anyone who saw it might think the dancers quite suited to each other. Of course, that belief would only last until the moment that Eina grew frustrated at the pace. She jerked Scott back roughly and tried to lead once more. The result was a loud cry from the man when she stepped on his foot, yet again.

  “Dammit woman...” roared the hunter. The pain in his foot was only overshadowed by the pain of his ego. Let him lead! How hard was it to do that?

  “Such a loud cry... You’d think that I stepped on your manhood and not your foot.” Eina clicked her tongue at him for a moment before settling into a lengthy tirade that berated him for his weakness.

  “The only way you’re stepping on my manhood is with your tonsils, and only if you beg me a little first,” said Scott in a bratty manner. He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, but made no further movements. He may be a fool, but he was not stupid. Eina needed to be handled in a specific way, and she would only tolerate so much of his foolishness at any given time.

  “Such language!” cried Eina. However, she shook her hips slightly without seeming to notice the fact that she did so.

  Scott snorted at her. A moment later he offered a soft smile. “Whatever... You know you want it.”

  “How would that even work? You can’t step on something with your tonsils,” she said thoughtfully. Eina was reasonably sure that doing that sort of thing was impossible, but with Scott a normal situation could become quite strange without warning.

  “Must you sound so curious?” asked Scott. A devilish grin appeared on his face. It joined forces with his arched eyebrows to create a definitively lewd expression. "I could teach you the proper technique, if you wish..."

  A slight tinge of redness arose on her cheeks. Eina made a noncommittal snorting noise then turned her head. “I wouldn’t give a weakling like you the dignity of a response.”

  “Didn’t you just respond, though?” asked the man shrewdly.

  She glanced at him. In a slightly petulant tone she asked, “Do you want me to hurt you, tonight?”

  "Haven’t you hurt me enough already?” He took his poor abused foot out of his shoe and showed it to her.

  “Oh, you poor fat little baby. Did you get an ouchy? Want mama to kiss it and make it better?” Eina made a sarcastic kissing noise in his direction while wiggling her eyebrows in a goofy manner. Her expression was both lewd, and ridiculous.

  “Hell yeah! Kiss my foot, woman.” He raised it up a little more and pointed his toes at her. There were bruises and red marks all over his poor damaged flesh.

  “You wish!” she exclaimed, a slight squeak in her voice.

  “Absolutely. Now, get to it,” said Scott without hesitation. He wiggled his toes suggestively.

  “No way. These lips will never touch your feet...” said Eina. She raised her chin then peered at him carefully with one eye.

  “Fine, but if you won’t kiss my boo-boo, I won’t kiss yours,” replied Scott in a serious tone.

  Eina pointed at him, an expression of legitimate shock on her face. She cried out, “That’s blackmail!”

  She frowned at him then crossed her arms over her chest. A soft snort expressed her current mood perfectly. How dare he use such a tactic against her?

  "Who would want your foolish lips anywhere near her boo-boos anyway?" she asked him, her expression shifting to one of annoyance and then further petulance.

  Scott shrugged his shoulders then turned away from her. He knew how she would react when he did it. He mentally counted down from five to one.

  Right on cue, she asked “Running away, huh? Guess I was too much for you.”

  “I haven’t gone anywhere,” replied Scott without turning back toward her. A sly grin showed that he'd been right about her response.

  “As if I care either way...” said Eina. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. It was obvious that she cared a little.

  “Well, if you don’t care, I should head home,” said Scott. He started to walk off again, and even managed to take three steps. It was a full-step longe
r than he'd anticipated.

  Eina blinked. In a mildly hurt tone of voice she asked, “Already?”

  “It’s two in the morning, Eina.” Scott looked at her over his shoulder. "You do know that, right?"

  “Why are you keeping up with the time so closely? Am I boring you?” She frowned at him briefly, but that frown soon shifted into a slightly hurt expression.

  “You never bore me, Eina. I need to check in with my team and get some sleep.”

  “Your team, huh... Already choosing other girls over me.” She looked away from him. He could not see it now, but from experience he knew that she probably still had that hurt look on her face.

  Scott reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. Eina turned back and looked into his eyes, a strangely hopeful expression on her face. They looked at each other for a moment. Soon, a slight shimmer appeared his eyes, and then a look of deepest sincerity arose upon his face.

  While looking deep into her eyes he spoke softly, confidently, with true depth of emotion. “It’s just because you’re a bitch.”

  “You asshole...” muttered the girl. Strangely, she did not bother to crush him like a grape. Instead, her body moved forward of its own volition. She wanted to be a little closer to him, for reasons even she did not understand.

  “Sometimes,” said Scott in a sincere tone, before reaching up to lightly caress her cheek. A brief moment passed as they continued to look into each other's eyes.

  Suddenly, she whirled around, while taking a step back, then placed her hands on her hips. “So, why aren’t you training? Do you plan to keep me waiting forever?”

  Scott smiled at the girl then shook his head. “You’re a little too amazing for me at the moment. It will be a long time before I can properly dominate you.”

  She let his little jest about domination go. Clearly he'd gone temporarily insane. Instead, she groaned loudly. “Why do you have to be such a pathetic little shit? My youth is wasted on a fatty like you.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the nose. “Why do you have to be such a badass?”

  The redness of her cheeks intensified, for the briefest of moments her lips parted and it seemed as though she might kiss his chin. At the last moment, however, she snorted and shoved him back while using merely a fraction of her strength. Scott went flying like a ragdoll and landed on the floor in a disjointed heap.

  “Because I train, you lazy cake eating bastard,” she said in a huffy tone.

  Scott remained on the floor for a moment then sat up. “I should go.”

  “Fine, go... Spend time with other girls,” she said. "You can't handle a real woman, anyway."

  He grinned at her and she growled at him in response. He was such a hateful guy when he thought he was superior.

  “No, no. Don’t mind me at all. I’ll find some other random guy to keep me company,” she continued haughtily.

  “Good luck with that," said Scott, a smug smile upon his lips. She flinched slightly at the verbal barb. It was true that it was difficult for her to connect with other boys for some reason, not that she'd admit it to this foolish fatty.

  "I could find a proper boyfriend, if I wanted," she said. Her chin rose into the air, and her tone became haughty, as she continued. "Most men are simply too weak to be of interest."

  He rose up and walked over to her once more. In a friendly gesture, he placed a hand to her shoulder and nodded his head toward her. "Most would scream and run away in terror.”

  “Yes, but that’s what I like about them,” she said seriously, before looking to the side. Scott was quite close to her once more, there was almost no space between them.

  Eina neither tried to move away, nor did she try to move forward. She remained obstinate and chose not to move at all.

  The stubborn posture of the girl reminded Scott that she'd always been difficult to handle, but once she evolved into a Battle Mistress her personality became far more domineering. It had continued to cause them problems for quite a while now. They did not get along as well as they did before. Though, it would be obvious to an outside observer that they possessed a strong connection.

  Eina was always a tough girl who trained a lot, but she could be a sweet girl as well. There was a war going on inside of her beautiful heart. She sincerely wished to dominate all that stood before her, but part of her yearned for softer things.

  The change that came over her upon evolving was shocking. Though her appearance changed only a little, her personality became much more dynamic and critical of others.

  Scott looked her breed information up not long after the change. The entry granted him knowledge that proved useful over time. He became a little aggressive toward her, a challenge. Her breed desired conflict in general. It was a fine line to walk, however. If he went too far, she might throw him around like a stuffed animal. If he did not go far enough, she would ignore him.

  “Keep saying things like that and I’ll pull your pig-tails,” he said.

  Eina snorted at him then looked away, a hint of a blush formed on her cheeks. “I doubt that I would notice a pull from such a weak fatty...”

  “Is that a blush I see?” asked Scott.

  “Right, as if a weak, foolish, little thing like you could make me blush,” she said. Eina turned away from him completely so that he could not see her face.

  Scott moved over to her and then slipped his arms around her waist. “You should blush more often. Such cuteness shouldn't be denied to the world.”

  She did not say anything, but she did sigh a little. Scott started counting in his head again.

  Unfortunately, his count was a little off this time. Just as he was about to release her from his masculine embrace, she chose to spin in place and throw him down on the training room floor with brutal efficiency. He hit the floor, hard.

  “You’re alright, for a useless fatty. Just don’t be too familiar with my body. You haven’t earned it,” she said. Eina left one word unspoken, but her eyes spoke it in volumes. The word was, 'yet'.

  Scott made a wheezing noise while he attempted to regain his breath. She knocked the wind out of him with that throw. Sometimes it was easy to forget that her status outmatched his in every way.

  He rose to his feet after a moment, then slipped his arms around her waist once more. She snorted at him, but did not immediately throw him down. Her cheeks turned bright red when he kissed the side of her neck and whispered, "Keep the cake oven warm for me," and slipped one hand down to lightly caress her maidenhood.

  She gasped loudly, despite herself, and a low moan escaped her lips. Three full seconds passed, and her eyes started to close. However, she suddenly regained control of herself and pushed Scott away violently. "Keep your fat little fingers away from my cake oven, Scott."

  He smirked at her then lifted his fingers to his lips. One by one, he kissed the tip of each while looking into her eyes. The crimson stains on her cheeks spread across the rest of her face. Slowly, disbelieving of the situation, she shook her head.

  "Perverted fatty!" she cried before stalking off into the night. Despite her outburst, however, there was a noticeable smile on her lips. Score one for fatty.

  Scott chuckled a little then came to attention, his body straight and his hands at his sides. He rendered a salute to the doorway that she'd left through then smartly pivoted on his heel. He marched out of the room with an exaggerated swagger in his steps. Mission accomplished. It was time for a little rest and relaxation.


  The eventful night with Eina long since over, Scott sent in his daily report and tried to get a little sleep. Still amped up from the pain in his feet, and his own good humor, actual rest eluded him for quite a while.

  There were only so many hours in a day, sadly. Dawn soon broke on the horizon. Bleary eyed, and more than a little exhausted, he was up at seven to check his status. The coming of the dawn granted him two experience points from the council, but nothing else. He did little the day before. His attempt to help Eina lea
rn to dance was a different sort of experience that enriched his life, but it did nothing for his level.

  After checking his report, he called out the girls and explained the situation to them. They were eager, if a little nervous, for the training to come. A good sign as far as Scott was concerned, their eagerness was both endearing and necessary. Jack would train them far more than Eina, but he was no pushover. The team would need to maintain that desire and energy for improvement if they wished to succeed.

  Scott yawned loudly as he walked into the gym, Flora at his side. He might only need four hours of rest, but he certainly wanted more. His body was ready, but his soul cried out for the land of dreams to come claim its due.

  “Goodness,” said Flora, "So many teeth..."

  The Alraune smiled sweetly at him. He'd been tired since the day that she first met him. It was nice to have such a hard working master. The thought that he did so much for her and those around him was quite endearing.

  “Up! Down! Up! Get those asses up!” called a familiar voice.

  Scott rolled his eyes. Eina was in rare form already. She never seemed to need any sleep. Her absurdly high vitality was a life-cheat as far as he was concerned. If she were a virtual reality game character he would demand a nerf, as his ancient ancestors called it.

  He walked by the main training room and saw several Crystallim lying on the floor with their butts sticking up in the air. They were doing stretching exercises. At least, he thought they were. Knowing Eina, she might simply be dominating them to ensure their obedience.

  “Don’t wiggle that ham hock at me. I’m not hungry,” said Eina, before she slapped a winged girl on her pert posterior.

  The harpy cried out in surprise, but steadied her rocking booty. Just as she managed to get the position right, it changed to another one. The girls were ordered down while raising their front half up.

  Scott’s eyes lit-up at the sight of so much pressed out cleavage. Was this stretching or a special sort of adult entertainment? Did he need to purchase a ticket? Was it even proper to display such a thing, considering that it was eight in the morning?


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