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Harvard Academy Elite

Page 15

by Knight, Sapphire

  “Of course. Everything is still the same until dad says differently.”

  Giving in, I readily agree. I already know how it is, but I needed to hear him say it too—the reassurance. “I have to find Axel,” I mutter and take my coffee with me to the indoor pool. If my brother’s not reading, drawing, or whatever else it is that smart people do, he’s swimming. With the party happening tonight, he’ll be trying to swim some of his anxiety out beforehand.

  “Ax,” I call out loud enough it echoes in the room. At least he’ll be able to hear me while he finishes his lap and is distracted.

  Coming to a stop at the edge nearest me, he bob’s in the massive, deep, heated pool. “Yes?” His hands rake over his face swiping away the stray water droplets. “You’re up early. I wasn’t expecting you for a couple more hours.”

  With a shrug, I explain, “I was up early and hit the gym.”

  “Right,” he murmurs aware it’s how I tend to process heavy topics.

  “Anything changing that I should know about?”

  “Uh, you mean for tonight?”

  “Yes, for the party.”

  “No, just try and enjoy the festivities. It’ll go smoother if you relax and lay the charm on strongly. So far, everything’s still going to plan.”

  “Fine...has Kresley said anything to you?”

  “About what?” Axel heads for the pool stairs and climbs out of the water. He grabs his towel to toss over his shoulder. He’s as tall as my brothers and me, but he’s slim, with a lightly corded physique. His form’s nearly the opposite of my hard, jacked-up muscles, and I can’t help but wonder which body type Kresley prefers more.

  “Just forget it.” I huff as he reaches for his glasses, the kid can’t see much up close. Planting them in place, he meets my stare.

  “No, let’s discuss this. What’s going on with you? I’m not accustomed to you being so unsure about anything, and that’s the vibe rolling of you. Neither Kresley nor anyone else tonight can be made aware that you’re questioning things.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to like her,” I admit, my palms rubbing against my thighs as I decide to confide in him.

  Cole’s lips turn up, pleased. He confesses, “I don’t believe any of us were, to be honest. The first day she was pretty rude and then she took her time in getting comfortable with us, especially you and Brent. Considering how much we’re around her, it’s a good thing we like her,” he finishes with a chuckle.

  “I know smartass. It’s just a lot of pressure with the party tonight.”

  He nudges the corner of his glasses. “It’ll be fine. You handle pressure the best out of all of us. This is your domain, brother, being in the spotlight.”

  “If you say so.”

  He shoots me a look. “Just take it in stride Tristan, as you usually do. Kresley is quiet, but she’ll be perfect tonight by your side. You’ll see.”

  “Thanks, man,” I slap his shoulder, and he winces. I guess I shouldn’t smack him that hard when his skin’s wet. Oh well.

  “The real struggle will be getting Brent in a tux.”

  “You know as well as I do that he’ll show up semi casual in some type of a sport coat.”

  “If that happens, Father will lose it on him; we’ve seen it happen before.”

  “Might be entertaining,” I snicker with a shrug.

  “Not with the sharks swimming so closely. The five of us need to be a united front; we need to seem smooth and impenetrable.”

  “We will,” I assure him. “You always steer us on the right path. It’s why Father discusses so much business with you and not the rest of us.”

  His cheeks grow pink, and I huff a laugh as I head for my room. I may as well attempt to take a nap while I wait for our father and his latest sidepiece pretending to be my next mommy to eventually arrive. Too bad she can’t take the hint. Our mother died during our birth, we’ll never want or need another to fill her spot. Especially not one who is only five years older than my brothers and me. Fuck that!

  “I look like an uptight dipshit,” I grumble as Father’s team works at getting us all presentable for the party. Staring at my hair in the massive mirror, I run my hands through the stiff gel, messing it up a bit. The personal stylist tried making my hair look like Dad’s, which is not the way I like it. I prefer the messy look, kind of how my moods are when dealing with stupid people.

  “You look good,” Tristan argues. Axel and Cole both nod with agreement, but I still don’t care.

  “I hate these things,” I complain, throwing my hands up. “My arms never fit right; I’m going to pop the damn stitches.” I continue to nag and gain Father’s attention.

  “If they aren’t comfortable, then you need to get them retailored.”

  A shudder rocks through me at the thought of being poked, prodded, and measured. It makes me feel like a gorilla in a tea shop how they always hmm and haw about my overly toned body. I play sports and get in the occasional fist fight; being in shape is the only way I know how to be, and they want to put me in suits like a fucking stuffed sausage.

  “I’m good.” I protest and turn to leave. This is a bunch of bullshit; we don’t really need these people dressing us anyhow. We’re men; all we should need is a jacket, deodorant, and a dime-size amount of gel. I can read the damn directions; it doesn’t take all this extra to be presentable.

  “Relax son.” Dad grins. “You go through with tonight, and you boys can take the jet to Aspen and ski for the next week. Have some fun, meet a few girls and enjoy your holiday break.”

  Meeting girls is the last thing on my mind. I have Kresley. Skiing does sound like fun, though, especially if we’re going to have to put up with a ton of nosey people tonight. “All right,” I easily concede, feeling better knowing I’ll get to do something I enjoy in the next few days. “A trip sounds good.”

  Dads smile grows, and he turns to speak to Axel, effectively cutting me out of their conversation like usual.

  Tristan sighs and tilts his head toward the doorway, “Let’s go out there and eat before it gets any later. I won’t get a chance to have anything to eat tonight with all the people.”

  Tristan’s like me. If we don’t get to eat, we get punchy. The last time it happened, Dad had to sue and bankrupted the people pissing my brother and me off. If anything, it taught us to be prepared. When we aren’t, Father likes to ruin lives like it’s his sport of choice. Not that I care much about anyone else. I’ve learned the hard way not to; they all only want us for money and status anyhow. Rarely do we meet someone with any real substance, without an ulterior motive in their back pocket.

  Except Kresley. The thought creeps in my mind, and I try to immediately shut it down. I can’t think of her like that right now. Tonight is only about her and Tristan and the plan falling into place like we’ve mapped out.

  “I want to take her with us,” I burst, as soon as we enter the vast kitchen. Each surface is overtaken with platters of neatly positioned foods, along with various other delicious looking items to be put out for the party tonight. The chef and her hired assistants are manning the stove and countertops like they haven’t a second to waste. With the amount of guests coming, they probably don’t have any extra time to screw off.

  Tristan leans in and quietly probes, “What are you babbling about? You can’t sprout off random shit and expect me to read your mind.”

  With a hungry, irritated sigh, I mutter, “We’re quads, and after so many years, you’d think we’d be able too.”

  “No kidding. Now, what are you talking about?”

  “Father said we can take the jet to Aspen.”

  “Yeah, I was there, remember?”

  “I’m going to break your nose. Stop being a dick because you’re anxious for tonight. It’ll only get you decked. Now, what I meant was that I want to bring Kresley along with us if we decide to leave town. I don’t like the idea of her being near her father or selfish mother without us to protect
her if needed.”

  “Ah, you’ll miss her...” He breaks it down.

  My shoulders bounce in a noncommittal shrug, not wanting to admit jackshit.

  “Why are you too stubborn to come out and say that you like her? You practically ignore her all the time, yet if anyone looks at her, you throttle them for it. You can say it out loud to me, Brent. You’re aware that we all have feelings for her.”

  “I don’t share this stuff; you’re aware of that more so than anyone, Tris.”

  “Yeah, but maybe you should take a stab at it and start. We all need to be on the same page, especially when it comes to Kresley. I think it’ll be a good idea to have some time away from her. We’re getting a little too close and attached to her.”

  With a growl, I state, “Fuck it, then I’ll stay home.” Reaching for the first vegetable item I see, I shove some broccoli florets in my mouth and chew angrily. I’m hungry, but not about to jack up my diet by eating the pastries and other empty carb appetizers spread out around us. Processed sugars are the damn devil when it comes to detoxing it back out. Cole, however, eats it all like he has no care in the world, which is fine—for him.

  Tristan grabs for a crab cake, and I bat his hand toward the steamed shrimp. He’d be the size of the house if I didn’t pay attention to what he’s always grabbing for. We have a nutritionist, yet you’d think Tris never learned a thing over the years of playing ball. If he eats any crap, he’ll be tossing his guts in the morning when he works out.

  “No, you won’t,” he argues and chucks a jumbo-sized shrimp into his mouth. After he chews and swallows, he continues, “Cole and Axel will want her with us too. She can come. Our ski bunnies will be disappointed we won’t want to play with any of them though. You can’t tell me you won’t miss the s’more blow jobs.”

  Rolling my eyes, I spear some asparagus and take a big bite. The bacon and butter wrapped vegetable taste explodes over my tongue. Our chef is an insane cook. She can take anything healthy and make it taste sinfully good. “As long as I can teach Kresley how to ski, I won’t need any other females around. She’s worth far more than a cheap, fucking BJ.” He wants me to be upfront with my feelings, then so be it. If he runs his mouth, I’ll make good on my promise to break his nose.

  “It’s settled then. While we’re at it, we may as well have the place decorated and everything for her. I’ll call ahead and make sure they put up a tree along with the decorations out before we arrive. You want to pick up some gifts for her there or wait until we’re back? I’m assuming it’ll be our best time to celebrate a private Christmas with her.”

  “I want to spoil her.”

  “She won’t care about that stuff, Brent. You’re well aware of how she is. She’s not like those other girls who want us to drop a load of money on them and flash them to whoever will notice.”

  “It’s one of the reasons I like her.”

  He nods and agrees. “I know man; me too.”

  It’s settled. We’ll get through the big production of tonight. I’ll ask Dad to talk to Kresley’s parents, so she’s allowed to come with us without any hassle. We’ll leave town and have a quiet week with just the five of us. Dad never wants to go, so we don’t have to worry about him. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my holiday break than with my best friends and the girl that’s starting to steal our hearts.


  or the hundredth time, stop fidgeting!” Mom scolds. I beam a fake smile in return and allow Axel to take my hand. He leads me away a few steps.

  “You looked like you needed to be saved,” he confesses so only I can hear.

  “You have no idea. I could kiss you for it.”

  “Hold that thought.” He takes off at an even quicker pace, and I have to practically jog to keep up with his stride. It’s not an easy feat with the super high shoes that the personal shopper picked out for my dress. Sam did an absolutely fantastic job choosing the style and color of my gown. I swear she needs to select clothes for special events for super famous celebrities. It’d be the perfect job for her. Maybe I can have her do all my outfits once I become Tristan’s wife and am in the spotlight like his family always seems to be. That’s definitely something I’m not looking forward to.

  We round another corner, moving farther away from the ballroom and the guest’s bathrooms. Randomly, Axel opens a door and then tugs me inside. “Where are we?” I breathe, with my heart thundering in my chest.

  “In a maid’s closet,” he murmurs, and I let loose a giggle.

  “Shit! I don’t want any of the staff to hear us!” I whisper laugh. I can’t help my excited giggle, though. This is not very Axel like behavior, and I’m secretly thrilled he’s decided to hide me away for a bit.

  “It’s okay, they won’t say anything if they see us. They all know to be discreet.”

  I nod, beaming.

  “I had to steal you away before you started dealing with that persistent line of photographers and answering their questions.”

  “That’ll actually happen?” I ask. “I thought we’d take one photo and then everyone would know what this party was about since they got an invitation.”

  He shakes his head and grins. “You’re so cute. Not in here, but Dad has a line of people waiting outside to take a couple photos and ask about all the wedding details.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  “I know.” His hand rubs the back of his neck. He cringes and divulges, “He enjoys the stir up, especially since it’s good news revolving around our family name.”

  “It’s overwhelming,” I admit, and he agrees.

  “It’s exactly why I came to steal you away, my Lois Lane.”


  He nods, moving his hands to my waist. “I’ve thought of you all day,” he reveals, stepping closer. The tips of our shoes touch and he leans in, nudging my nose with his. It’s cute, and my smile grows.

  “You promise?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He moves to nuzzle my neck, peppering sweet, soft kisses along my throat and under my ear. It feels fantastic, his warm breath and silky tongue bringing chills to my flesh. I squirm in his arms, and he chuckles, pulling me against his sturdy frame.

  “Axel,” I sigh. He moves his face, so his lips are hovering over mine, our breaths mingling. These boys drive my mind and body insane, especially when we’re alone like this. “Kiss me, Axel.”

  “Say please,” he murmurs, his voice going thick and raspy with lust.

  “Please,” I murmur barely audible, but it does the trick.

  He tilts his head a touch, his lips descending on mine. He kisses me with such pent-up desire it has my head completely spinning. A moan escapes, and he takes advantage, diving in and kissing me deeper. Not only is he brilliant, but he’s sweet and talented with his mouth.

  Axel’s everything in a boy I could possibly ever want. The only problem is that I want his brothers just as fiercely and that’s so confusing. Our tongues duel as his hands hold me to him like his life depends on it. His lips are plump and taste like mint. He’s skipped the drinks and stuck to water if I’d have to guess. He’s the responsible brother out of the four and always aware of everything. Cole’s the reckless one, drinking the liquor while Brent broods in a corner and Tristan dazzles the crowd with his bright smile and charm. Together, they make an overwhelming force, and also too hard to give up.

  My skin ignites as my breasts suddenly seem more cumbersome and feel swollen in the push-up bra I’m wearing. I have so many things going on at once, I don’t know what to do or what to ask him for. “Axel,” I moan. “I need...” I trail off, and he groans with his own desire.

  “Jesus, I want you. You taste so good, Kresley—like peaches, and you smell like flowers.”

  Grinning against his lips, I disclose the reasoning behind both. “It’s the wine and my perfume.”

  “Well, it’s making me want to taste you everywhere.”

  “Yes,” I sigh, and he drops to his kn

  His movement catches me off guard and my brow hikes, “Axel? What are you?” I get cut off as his hands go under my long dress. His fingers graze against my skin, pushing my legs apart. I’m staring down at him dumbstruck as his hands pause on the insides of my thighs. My gown is hiked up far enough he can easily see the scrap of panties I’m wearing.

  “Perfect,” he croons and leans in. His nose presses into my sensitive button as he inhales. A whimper escapes me as intense sparks shoot throughout my body.

  “Wow, that’s just wow...”

  “I want to taste you,” he rasps, and I nearly choke on air.

  “O-okay,” I stammer, not entirely sure of what he plans to do next. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to lick over the front of my lace panties before moving them aside. “Oh fuck,” I breathe as his mouth lands on my clit. This is entirely new territory for me, so when he begins to suck, my hand flies over my mouth to keep me from screaming. Holy fuck that feels amazing! “Ax-Ax-Axelll,” I plea, as my eyes remain trained on his head between my thighs. It’s seriously the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Mm,” he hums and then does this light nibble thing with his teeth. Whatever it is, the move has sensations washing over me from top to bottom, inside and out. My core throbs with zings of pleasure, wetness gushes between my thighs, and then I’m shifting around, attempting to widen my legs as much as possible. I want to shove his face into my hot, needy core but I wouldn’t dare do it unless he told me to.

  “Oh my God, please!” I whimper, not above begging him for more.

  He presses a digit into my entrance, and the long, thick finger makes my center contract around the welcome intrusion. He’s sucking, nibbling and fingering me so rough and dirty and it’s too much for my body and mind to process. With a few thrusts of his finger, I’m exploding. A powerful orgasm slams into me. He pumps his finger in and out, slurping at my juices as I shake and quietly whimper through the release. It’s tough to be quiet while he’s sending me spiraling, full of pleasure.


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