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Falling For You

Page 6

by Lily Haycraft

  "Yes if I ever needed some light, I could make myself a lamp" I smile.


  "Craziest thing you have ever done?" I ask. "Hmm I don't think I've ever done anything really crazy, I'm kind of boring" She shrugs.

  "I can't peg you as being boring" I shake my head. "Well I hate to break it to you, but it's true, I honestly can't say I've done anything crazy"

  "Well we're going to have to change that"

  "Are we?" She arches her brow playfully.

  "Mhm" I smile.

  The waiter smiles at us as he places our food down on the table in front of us, we thank him, and he tops up my water, before leaving us.

  "This smells really good" Chloe grins staring down at her dish.

  "Yeah, this place is amazing, I come here every few months with my family" I smile.


  "Yeah, I always order the same thing, I guess it's to do with comfort" I shrug softly.

  "Well it must taste good if it keeps bringing you back here" She smiles.

  We both settle into silence for a few minutes as we dig into our dishes.

  "So whose turn was it?"

  "Yours I believe" I answer before taking a sip of my water.

  "If the whole world were listening right now, what would you say to them?"

  I smile at the question as I allow myself to think about all of the things that I care about, I don't think the people of the world have enough time, for me to express everything I would truly want to say to them. "How much time do I have?"

  "Let's say you have five minutes of their undivided attention, what would you say?"

  "First I'd probably want to start with the kids, be who you want to be, don't grow up to fast you know, don't allow yourself to be surrounded by technology, even though it's the world that we live in now, go out and be a child, experience the world, go play in the park with your friends, or get lost playing hide and seek in the forest with your family, sleep at a friends house, but don't watch tv or play video games, make up your own games, make phones out of paper cups and a piece of string, play a board game, just be a child, and don't grow up too fast, shut yourself out of adult conversations, because you don't need to be apart of them yet, you don't need to know about

  the bad things going on in the world, just be a kid" Chloe nods along the entire time, to everything that I am saying, I don't think five minutes is long enough to get out everything that I want to say, but I don't see her stopping me with my speech.

  "Next I'll address the teenagers, because you're getting older now, you're creating your own thoughts, and doing things for yourself instead of for your parents, everyone around you is now manipulating the way you think, the way you do things, how you see yourself, how you present yourself, all I have to say to teenagers, is to not let anyone pressure you into thinking there is something wrong with you, with the way you look, or dress, if you wear make up, or sneakers, if you dress like a boy, or like a girl, no matter what your gender is, be kind to one another, because even though you're still growing into adults, we all have our struggles, no matter what they may be, smile at each other, because it's that kind of simple gesture that can make someone feel better you know, don't put someone down to build yourself up, if you see someone struggling and know that you can help, then go and help that person, not only will you make their day, but you'll feel better yourself for doing a kind act, it doesn't take much to put a smile on someones face, but it is just as easy to make them feel like shit about themselves, would you rather see someone cry? Or see someone smile? Wouldn't you rather be the cause of happiness? Rather than tears? Think about what you're doing, how would you want someone to treat you? That's how you should treat others. Just don't be squeezed into a box, there's nothing wrong with colouring outside of the lines"

  Chloe sits back in her seat and she honestly looks like she doesn't know what to say.

  "I think my five minutes are up" I say softly.

  "You have a beautiful mind" She smiles.

  "Thank you"

  "Please continue, I'd like to know what you would say to the adults" She continues to smile.

  "To the adults" I start and she nods happy that I am continuing.

  "Most importantly to the parents, watch your children, and protect them with everything you are, not in a possessive over protective away, allow your child to explore the world they live in, but also watch them closely, because you should know how easy it is to hide behind a smile, we have all done it, you have probably done it more than most, so understand that your child is probably doing it to, I know you would all like to think that you have an amazing relationship with your child, and that they tell you everything, but everyone has their secrets, and as kids grow into teenagers, they become better at keeping secrets and hiding the truth, they learn how to not show their emotions on their face, and you're missing it all, because you're buying into their fake smiles and their lies, it's up to you to try and separate the two, you have watched your

  child grow from the day they were born, you should be able to distinguish what is real and what is fake, talk to your kids, they may not be willing to open up to you at first, but if you give them the opportunity to, and make them feel like they're in a safe

  environment, then they will come and they will share, but don't be judgemental, you can't go in wanting your son or your daughter to share their problems with you, only for you to throw it back in their face, you can't criticise them, no matter what they tell you; Don't harm your children for who they are,

  sometimes you just can't control it, if they are gay or bisexual, or transgender, or pansexual, or whatever else there is in the world, do not shun them for it, do not kick them out of your life, it is not their fault, you can't help who you are, you can't control who you fall in love with, I am a strong believer that when you are born into this world, the pathway of your life is already mapped out for you, You probably have a couple paths, and along the way you choose different ones, and you as parents help your children with their path, not just until they're the age of eighteen, but for the rest of their life, you're always helping them make decisions in their life, even if you're not aware of it, so all I have to say to the parents, look out for the people that you brought into this world, and continue to help them choose the right path, but don't be shocked when they sometimes tell you that you're wrong, because even though you may be thinking you're choosing the right path, you have to

  understand that it might not be the right path for them, stick by them, and guide them, but never pressure them into something they are not

  passionate about"

  I didn't really know where to finish it, once I start it sort of all gets jumbled, and I get carried away, and in the end it turns into the mess of a speech, that probably doesn't make much sense, but I continued anyway.

  "Wow I think I just fell in love with your mind" Chloe smiles leaning back in her chair, staring at me. "Really? Honestly I can't even remember half the things that I said, I guess because I am just so passionate about it, it all came out as a jumbled mess"

  "It didn't, I think you spoke about it beautifully, I honestly do wish that the world was listening in on that moment" She smiles softly.

  "Me too" I answer softly.

  "I don't even know where to go from here" She chuckles softly.

  "Well I believe it's my turn to ask you a question" I grin.

  "Fire away" She smiles.


  Chloe and I sat in the restaurant for a further hour, firing questions back and forth to each other, she ordered another glass of wine, and we ordered a dessert to share, to drag it out staying in the restaurant, neither of us ready to leave just yet, in that hour I learned that Chloe's favourite colour is green, she is originally from Cuba, she would love to visit Hawaii, if she doesn't make it as a doctor, she would love to get into the foster system, to help place kids in homes, she's always wanted a golden retriever, she'd like to move to Canada when Harmony is older, and she has a
lways wanted to skydive.

  It's safe to say that we have learnt quite a bit about each other, but I can't wait to learn even more about this beautiful woman.

  Chloe and I step outside of the restaurant and we both stop near my bike.

  "I don't think I'm ready to go home yet" She says softly.

  "Where would you like to go?" I ask.

  "You choose" She grins accepting my helmet off of me and placing it on her head, allowing me to do the straps up once more.

  "Let's go then beautiful"

  I help her onto the back of my bike and take her to my favourite place in Miami.

  Chapter Seven.


  I clutch onto Dani's waist tighter, my chin resting on her shoulder, as she picks up a slight speed, she was right when she said that I'd love the feeling of the engine rumbling underneath me, but what I love more is being able to hold her close to me, because I have to, but also because I want to, it doesn't matter how tight I hold onto her, because it would just be classed as me being scared that I'm going to fall off. But I don't feel scared at all, she makes me feel completely safe, so I have no worries that anything would happen, while Dani is in control.

  I look around confused as Dani parks the bike on the side of the road, she takes my hand and helps me off of the bike, before putting the kickstand on and climbing off herself.

  "Where are we?" I ask.

  "My favourite place, come on" She grins helping me out of the helmet, holding it in one hand and slipping the other into my own, twining our fingers together. "Is this where you murder me?" I ask in a whisper as she leads me down a narrow pathway.

  "Yes and then I am going to kidnap your daughter and make her my own"

  "You know I don't know you well enough for you to be joking about that sort of thing" I say softly and Dani instantly stops dead in her tracks turning to face me. She leans in pressing her forehead against my own, her green eyes barely visible in the dark night. "I'd never do anything to hurt you, or your daughter" She whispers softly, and there's something in the way that she says it, that makes me believe her wholeheartedly.

  I just nod my head softly instead of answering her, she smiles and begins leading us back down a pathway, she stops at a gate that is marked no entry, and grins over at me.

  "Are you trying to get me arrested?" I arch my brow. "Totally" She grins before pulling keys out of her pocket, and removing the padlock.

  "Why do you have a key? Oh god you are going to murder me aren't you"

  She just chuckles and shakes her head, picking my hand back up into hers, closing the gate behind us and continuing to lead me down a pathway. The closer we get, I start to hear water crashing against rocks.

  "Are we by the ocean?" I ask and Dani just smiles not answering my question.

  She begins leading my down a stairway, thats overshadowed by overgrown trees, and as we turn a slight corner, I see it, a small beach probably only half a mile long.

  "You brought me to the beach" I smile softly. "Is that okay" She asks nervously and I grin nodding my head at her.

  We descend the last few steps, before I step off the last one, I remove my shoes, Dani grins and removes her own, leaving her helmet and shoes on the stairs before finally stepping into the sand, I smile and follow after her.

  "How did you find this place?" I ask walking up beside her.

  "My parents own it, their house is just behind those rocks" She smiles pointing past the rocks and through the trees, I couldn't see the house, but I could see light coming from that direction.

  "So you had your own beach growing up?" I ask. "Yeah, family and close friends are the only ones that know about it, this is where we have family parties on a hot day, my dad will bring the bbq down here, and aunts and cousins will make desserts and salads, we'd set up a couple make shift tables, covered with gazebo's and literally spend the whole

  day here"

  "Sounds incredible" I smile as we walk to the middle of the beach and sit down in the sand.

  "Yeah it is, my dad and all of his band buddies bring their acoustic instruments, and we'll have a bonfire set up, and just create our own music" Dani smiles. "It sounds like quite a party"

  "Would you like to attend one?" Dani turns to face me.


  “Yeah it’s my Neice's birthday April 23rd, we always come here for birthdays"

  "That's four weeks away, you plan on having me around for that long" I grin and nudge her with my shoulder.

  "I plan on keeping you around for a while" She says softly.

  "Is that so?" I respond just as soft.

  "Mmhm" She nods leaning in closer to me.

  My eyes flicker down to her lips, my heart hammering in my chest, it's been a few days since our kiss outside of the elevator, and I have been dying to do it again.

  Her hand comes up to cup my cheek, her thumb sliding across my cheek bone, as her eyes flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes, the suspense is killing me, and I want nothing more than to just lean in and capture her lips with my own, but the moment is so intense, I don't think I'll be able to break it.

  Then her lips are on mine, trapping my top lip perfectly between her own, my eyelids fluttering shut, as my lips begin to dance with hers, both alternating between top and bottom lip, this kiss definitely lasting longer than the first already, her lips are so soft, and I can still taste the chocolate cake dessert we shared, she's being so gentle with me, and I'm tripping over myself at the way she is making me feel, she pulls my bottom lip into her mouth and begins sucking softly, a gasp falling from my lips, and I have to stop myself from releasing a moan straight after. It has been so long since I have been kissed, but I have never been kissed like this, her tongue flicks against my top lip, and I part them to grant her entrance, both of our tongues darting out to meet in the middle, both of us releasing slight whimpers, as the organs meet, both of her hands cup my face now, my own hand reaching out to hold onto her waist, just needing to grasp onto something, she doesn't speed up, she doesn't try to make it more passionate, she sticks with her slow pace, her lips caressing my own, her tongue softly grazing mine every few seconds. It's such a soft and simple kiss, but it feels so intimate and my head is swimming, my body feeling like it is on fire, my eyelids growing heavy, almost to the point of feeling sleepy, I feel myself getting so lost in her, that when she finally pulls away and rests her forehead against my own, I keep my eyes closed and my lips parted, trying to bring oxygen back into my lungs.

  I force my eyes open and she's already staring into them, her piercing green eyes instantly captivating me.

  I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, biting it softly as our eyes stay fused on each other, neither of us wanting to break the contact.

  "Did I make it last longer" She asks softly and I watch as a slow grin spreads across her face.

  I nod and giggle softly, feeling like such a school girl, god I hate giggling, but she seems to bring it out in me.

  "I was getting a little lost in that kiss" I respond shyly. "So was I, that's why I had to pull back, I could've stayed kissing you all night" She whispers.

  "That good huh" I smirk cockily.

  "The best I've ever had" She grins, her thumbs caressing my cheeks.

  "Me too" I smile softly.

  "So will you be my date to my Niece’s fifth birthday" She smiles.

  "I'd love to"

  "Of course we'll have more dates before then, but now I have a guarantee that you'll still be around in four weeks time"

  "You're a dork" I smile and she removes her hands from my face, and leans back smiling at me. "Yeah but I'm a cute dork"

  "You are" I agree.

  "Do you mind if I have two dates on the 26th?" "Cheating on me already?" I arch my brow. "If your four year old daughter classes as me cheating, then yes, yes I am" She grins.

  "Being pushed out by my own daughter" I shake my head.

  "Well she is cuter than you" Dani shrugs and I push her causing her to fall
back in the sand, and I can't help but laugh.

  "Now that wasn't very nice" She says once she was sitting upright.

  "Neither is cheating on me with my daughter" I chuckle.

  "Well technically we're not official, so it's not classed as cheating" She grins.

  "Not yet" I smile.

  "Oh yet, so that means there's a possibility" "You're the one that asked me out on a date, a month is advance" I arch my brow.

  "This is true, it's definitely a yet" She smiles softly. I just smile and sit beside her, not feeling the need to fill the silence, both of us content with watching the waves wash up on the sand, and hearing them crash against the rocks.

  "As much as I hate to see this night end, I should probably get you home to your little one" Dani is the first to break the peaceful silence, and I glance at my watch seeing that it was just after eleven.

  "I didn't realise it was so late"

  "Time flies when you're having a good time" Dani stands, brushing the sand off of her jeans before holding out a hand and helping me to my feet. "I guess you just don't pay attention to time, in good company"

  Dani just smiles and takes my hand as we head back towards the steps, we sit down and pull our shoes on, Dani picking up her helmet, before taking my hand again, and leading me back towards her bike. I held onto her closer on the way home, I guess I wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet, when she pulled up outside of my apartment building, I held onto her for a few seconds longer before stepping off the bike and handing her the helmet.

  "I'll walk you to your door" She says climbing off of her bike.

  "You don't have to" I object.

  "No but I want to"

  She takes my hand into hers once more, and I memorise the way our hands fit perfectly together as she opens the building door, and walks me to the elevator, we step inside and both share a glance with each other, what is it about elevators that brings out the tension, is it because it's a closed space? Dani looks at me, and I think she is thinking the same thing, the way her eyes dart down to my lips, her fingers release my own and she snakes her arm around my waist pulling me closer into her side, and just as she is about to lean in, the elevator stops on my floor, I can almost see her groan internally and I chuckle softly to myself, but she leans in and kisses me softly anyway completely catching me off guard, I rest my hand on her shoulder, and allow myself to get lost in a kiss once more, the elevator doors closing again.


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