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Falling For You

Page 10

by Lily Haycraft

  "Now look who wants my parents in the shed" She chuckles.

  "Hey you had me at five bedrooms, do you know how awesome it would be to play hide & seek in a house with five bedrooms?" I ask and she laughs once more.

  "Child much?"

  "Hey I have a four year old okay"

  "That you like to use as an excuse so you can play childish games" Dani smirks.

  "Oh shut up, you know you love playing hide and seek too"

  "I haven't played since I was a kid"

  "What? We are so playing hide and seek" I tell her. "Okay beautiful" Dani smiles and brings her hand to caress my cheek softly, I smile and lean into her hand, our eyes locking onto each other, enjoying the moment.

  I can't believe we literally just talked about moving in together, in a weird sort of way, I think I'd like that, wouldn't have to make plans about when we would see each other, because she would be there every night when I got home, okay Chloe you really need to slow down.

  "I should probably go upstairs and relieve D of her baby sitting duties" I say with a soft sigh to bring myself out of my speedy thoughts.

  "I'll walk you up" Dani smiles.

  "Such a gentleman" I grin.

  "Of course"

  I watch as Dani climbs out of the car and instead of sliding back over to the passenger side, I just slide along and climb out of her door, Dani smiles wrapping one arm around my waist, and closing the car door shut behind me, before leaning me against her car.

  "Wanna be teenagers for a few minutes and make out on my car?" Dani smirks bringing her other hand to rest on my hip, squeezing it softly, her face only centimetres away from my own.

  "I swear I think you still are a teenager, have you been lying to me about your age" I smile wrapping my arms around her neck.

  "Maybe, You'll have to find my driving license to find out" Dani grins before crashing her lips against my own.

  I allow myself to act like a teenager and be caught up in the moment, and in the kiss, because it has been so long since I allowed myself to show any kind of public displays of affection, I never really had the chance to be a crazy teenager, and get pushed up against cars and made out with, so I'm going to do it now, because I can, because this beautiful green eyed girl, wants to push me up against her car and let the whole world see, and you have no idea how great it feels, to know that someone wants you like that, not caring who sees.

  My thoughts get brought back to the kiss as her tongue swipes across my bottom lip, my mouth instantly parting allowing her entrance, her tongue colliding with my own, moans leaving the back of both our throats, my fingers dance their way up the back of her neck and curl into her baby hairs, tugging on them softly as her nails dig into my hips, I can already tell that she has left her crescent marks from her nails on my skin, and I don't care, because I want this beautiful woman to mark me, it's only been a week and I'm ready for this woman to have her wicked way with me.

  I bring the kiss to a slow end and pull away from her, both of our chests heaving heavily from the make out session, our foreheads collide together as we allow ourselves to come down from the euphoric feeling. "Damn" Dani whispers and I hum in agreement. That kiss was definitely a damn.

  Dani takes a step back away from me and runs her fingers through her hair, her eyes trailing up my body at the same time.

  "Stop undressing me in your head" I say and watch as her cheeks change to a dark shade of pink because I caught her out.

  "I wasn't" She clears her throat, her eyes meeting my own once more.

  "Sure you weren't" I smile.

  Dani chuckles nervously, I move away from her car door and wait for her to lock it before she takes my hand and leads me up to my apartment door. "I feel like I have done this trip so many times this past week"

  Dani says as we stand outside my door.

  "That's because you have" I smile softly.

  "How has it only been a week?" Dani asks and I shake my head just as confused.

  "I have no idea, it feels like so much longer" "It really does"

  "I'm addicted to you already, this is ridiculous" I shake my head, already feeling like I don't want her to leave.

  "I'm addicted to you too" Dani smiles.

  Just as I am about to lean in and kiss her my front door swings open.

  "Can you two kiss already? I want to go home and go to sleep" Diana stands in my doorway with her hands on her hips.

  "Wow why am I friends with you?" I ask her. “You ask me the same thing every time, and it’s always the same answer” Diana rolls her eyes. “Oh yes because you look after my child” I smirk. "Uh huh I'm leaving now, Dani it was ever so lovely to see you again, good to know you're taking good care of my little mushroom, she doesn't stop smiling and singing in the diner, it's become quite annoying actually" Diana rolls her eyes as she pushes between the two of us so she could leave my apartment. I just glare at my friend, mentally telling her to shut up.

  "I didn't know you sang?" Dani asks me, and it's in that moment that I want to punch Diana.

  "I don't" I object.

  "She does, and she's really good to, her voice is so unique" Diana gushes.

  "I thought you were leaving?" I glare at her and her hands shoot up in defence.

  "Damn chill out, Dani I think you need to ease some of her tension, if you know what I mean" Diana winks. "Diana Jane Hampton, you have five seconds to flee before I kill you"

  "I'm going, I'm going, jeez... Dani" Diana winks. Just as I am about to lunge for the taller girl, she is running down the hallway and down the flight of stairs, I grunt and mumble under my breath, something about planning her murder and where I can hide the body.

  "She's just doing her job as best friend, don't be grumpy with her" Dani cups my chin bringing my gaze to hers once more.

  "I want a new best friend" I grumble and Dani chuckles.

  "No you don't" She smiles and kisses me softly repeatedly until I let out a smile of my own.

  "That's what I wanted, a pretty smile, now get your little cute butt inside"

  "Fine, I guess I'll see you on Saturday" I try hard not to pout, but I'm not sure if I am succeeding. "Yes you will, I'll text you my address tomorrow" "Okay"

  "Goodnight Chloe" Dani smiles and pecks my lips. "Goodnight Dani" I mumble and peck her back, watching her walk away until she is out of sight.

  I sigh to myself and walk into my apartment locking the door behind me, I kick off my shoes and make my way into Harmony's room, checking on her and kissing her forehead, before heading to my own room, stripping out of my clothes and completely crashing out in bed, with Dani on my mind,

  like she has been for the past week.

  Chapter Twelve.


  I wake up to a loud banging, I grumble and roll over in my bed keeping my eyes closed, trying to block out the loud sound, not even wanting to figure out where it was coming from, but then my phone started ringing and I was literally cursing whoever was calling me, I sighed happily as the phone cut off, but then the knocking continued, and I realised that someone was at my front door.

  I sigh and throw my quilt off of me, grabbing my silk robe off the back of my door and slipping it on, tying the sash and making my way through my apartment, I swing the door open without looking through the spy hole to see who it was.

  A four year old with her mother are both standing in front of me, with small smiles on their faces. "You’re here a little early aren't you?" I arch my brow. "It's ten, and she wouldn't shut up, I'm sorry I did try to tell her, but she wasn't having any of it" Chloe shrugs apologetically.

  I open my door wider and gesture for the two of them to enter my house.

  "You're still in pyjama's" I point out.

  "We wanted to spend the day watching movies, and then you can cook us dinner" Harmony grins. "Sounds like a good plan, I'll be right back" I smile and make my way back into my bedroom.

  I quickly throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, before running into my bathroom and
brushing my teeth.

  It has been five days since I have seen Chloe, and she shows up at my door whilst I'm still sleeping, so I have bed head, bad breath, and opened the door in nothing but a silk robe, classy Dani.

  I re enter my bedroom and grin when I see Harmony sitting comfortably in the middle of my bed.

  "What do you think you're doing?" I smile.

  "Getting comfy so we can watch a movie" Harmony grins.

  "We're doing it in my bedroom?" I ask her, clearly not having a say in the situation.

  "Yes, beds are more comfy than sofa's and we get to cuddle" Harmony grins.

  "Good point, what are we watching?" I ask climbing onto the bed beside her.

  "Mummy brought the dvd's, I left her in the living room"

  "Did you tell her where you were going?"


  "So she's alone in the living room?" I ask.

  Harmony just nods, I shake my head softly and climb off of the bed and walk towards my living room, and find Chloe looking at the photo's of my family on the mantel piece.

  "You are aware that your daughter is in my bed right now" I smile walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

  "I was wondering where she went" Chloe smiles turning her head to the side so she could see me. "Apparently the movie day is happening in my bed, because we can cuddle and it's more comfortable" I repeat what her daughter said to me.

  "I have a smart daughter" Chloe smiles turning in my arms.

  "You certainly do, let's go get our cuddle on" I wink causing Chloe to giggle.

  "Dork" She shakes her.

  "I know" I grin and peck her lips.

  “I missed you” She smiles.

  “I missed you too beautiful, how were your five days without me?” I grin.

  “Honestly?” She asks to which I just nod.

  “Quite possibly the longest five days of my life” “I’m glad we can agree on something” I smile. “MAMA, DANI” Harmony shouts from the bedroom. “Come on, let’s go” I smile placing a chaste kiss on her lips, before pulling away and leading her to my bedroom by her hand.

  Chloe sets the backpack down on my bed, opening it and pulling out eight different movies.

  "So which one are we watching first?" I ask. "Toy story" Harmony grins.

  "Okay" I nod and place the movie into the player, switching on the tv.

  I grab the remotes and crawl into bed beside Harmony.

  "Don't just stand there mama, come cuddle" The blue eyed cutie says to her mum, who is still standing near the edge of the bed.

  "Oh right" Chloe kicks off her shoes and climbs under the duvet, Harmony between the two of us.

  Not even twenty minutes into the movie, I look over and see both Harmony and Chloe fast asleep, I smile at the sight, and pick my phone up from the bedside table and take a picture of the two of them,

  spontaneously setting it as my lock screen.

  I turn the volume down on the tv, and settle further into my bed, allowing sleep to take over once more, I don't think I am going to have a problem with sharing my queen sized bed with two other people.


  My eyes flicker open and the first thing I notice is the warmth and weight pressed up against my body, I look down and see Harmony with her face buried in my chest, her arms all curled up between our bodies, one of her hands curled around my tank top, keeping me close to her, my left hand is resting on her back, holding her close to me protectively, while my other lay dead beneath her head, supporting her, Chloe has her arm draped loosely over the two of us, her hand resting on my hip, her other arm running along side mine, also supporting her daughters head, and I'm now only noticing her fingers laying underneath my neck, I have no idea how she managed to get them there, or how we even ended up in this position seeing as none of us were touching when we fell asleep, the heat of their bodies is starting to hit me now and my arm is begging to be moved to bring life back into it, but I can't bring myself to disturb the two sleeping brunettes, so I lay here, and watch them both as they sleep, feeling a sense of calm wash over me, despite the dead arm, and heat on my body.

  I look down as I feel movement on my stomach, and watch as Harmony's hand curls and uncurls around my tank top a few times, her head rubs against my chest as she slowly starts to wake up, she yawns softly and moves her head away from my chest, blinking her eyes open and locking onto my own. "Hey cutie" I whisper softly so I don't wake Chloe. Harmony just blinks at me and closes her eyes once more, obviously needing a few more minutes before she wakes up completely, so I give that to her. The next time she opens her eyes, she smiles up at me.

  "I'm hungry"

  "Okay, let's go find you something to eat then" I smile.

  I carefully move Chloe's arm from my waist, and climb off of the bed, careful not to make too much movement so she isn't jolted awake, I open my arms once I am standing and lift Harmony into them, carrying her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, I set her down on the stool at my island and walk over to the fridge.

  "What do you fancy?" I ask.

  "Bacon" She grins.

  "You like your bacon don't you?" I chuckle softly. "Bacon is gooooood"

  "Okay, do you want anything with your bacon?" I ask. "Toast, ooooh and beans" Harmony grins.

  "I can do that" I smile and take everything out to begin preparing the food.

  I glance over at the clock as I am cooking and see that it is just past One o'clock, so we must have been asleep for over two hours, I could probably still go back to sleep now to be honest.


  "Yeah cutie?" I ask glancing at Harmony over my shoulder as I cook.

  "Do you like my mama?" She asks and I'm caught of guard for a second, what does she mean by like? "I do" I answer.

  "Do you love her?" She asks and I choke on my own saliva, clearing my throat and turning to face her. "What makes you ask that?" I ask.

  "Well Jamie's mummy and daddy they love each other, and Jamie's daddy looks at his mummy like you look at mine, and you guys hug and hold hands and stuff"

  Okay well she has been paying more attention than either of us thought.

  I place Harmony's breakfast on a plate and set it down in front of her.

  "I'll let you in on a secret" I whisper, just in case Chloe is awake and listening.

  Harmony beams back at me, and leans in waiting for me to tell her.

  "I really like your mummy, and one day I might even love her, but not just yet okay" I smile.

  "Okay" Harmony grins and happily digs into her lunch.

  I smile and turn back to the stove, making a start on my own food.

  It wasn't long before I heard footsteps enter my kitchen.

  I glance over my shoulder just in time to catch Chloe place a kiss on Harmony's head and then take a bite of her toast, to which Harmony complained and swatted her mothers hand away, I chuckle at the two. "Hungry?" I ask and she looks over at me, her face breaking out into a smile.


  I nod my head and throw some more bacon into the frying pan, deciding on having the same meal as Harmony, everything is already out, so it makes my life easier.

  "I just remembered that you forgot to show me your bruise" Chloe says standing next to me now. "I told you that it was nothing to worry about, it no longer hurts, and It's a yellow, green colour now, so it's healing" I smile over at her.

  "Can I see?" She asks.

  "If you must"

  My body stiffens as Chloe steps behind me and lifts the back of my tank top up, revealing the bruise along the bottom of my back, I hear her gasp, and I flinch as her fingers touch my skin.

  "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

  "No you didn't, I told you it doesn't hurt, your hands are just really cold" I chuckle.

  "Oh well in that case" Chloe says and presses her cold fingers to my skin again, causing me to flinch away.

  "That's just mean" I shake my head and she giggles softl

  "I'm sorry, this is really bad though, I'm sorry this happened" Chloe says, her fingers still tracing over the bruise on my back.

  "I'm not" I shake my head and turn around to face her, she looks at me in confusion.

  "That bruise, is the reason that your daughter is sitting at my kitchen table, eating, I'm not sorry for it" I shake my head once again and watch as Chloe smiles, her eyes glistening, and I watch as a tear escapes the corner of her eye.

  "Hey no, don't cry" I quickly lift my hand up, catching the tear with my thumb.

  "You have no idea how grateful I am, that you saved her that day, I could have lost her" Chloe whispers. "But you didn't" I whisper back and kiss her forehead softly, my eyes darting over to Harmony who was now watching us.

  "Thanks to you" Chloe smiles wiping at her eyes and stepping back from me.

  I don't say anything to that, I just reach down and squeeze her hand softly, before turning back around and dishing our food up onto two plates, and joining Harmony at the table, who has now finished her food. "I want more Bacon" Harmony says the second I sit down.

  "How can you eat so much? You're tiny"

  "My mummy eats a lot too" Harmony grins. I chuckle and move a slice of bacon from my plate onto Harmony's, who grins at me and immediately starts eating it.

  "You didn't have to do that" Chloe says to me. "I know I didn't, but I'm just going to steal yours anyway" I grin and quickly take a piece of her bacon and place it on my plate.

  "Hey what" Chloe pouts and tries to take it back, but I cover my plate with my arms, Harmony laughs watching the two of us.

  "Give me back my bacon" Chloe groans still trying to get to my plate.

  "Nope" I chuckle and quickly pick up the piece I stole from her plate and bite into it.

  Chloe just gasps and holds her hand over her heart. "That hurt" She whispers.

  "So dramatic" I roll my eyes, and she nudges me with her elbow, before turning back to her plate and making a start on her food.


  "Oooh you have a wii" Harmony says as soon as we enter the living room.

  "I do" I smile sitting down on the sofa.

  "What games do you have?"


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