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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

Page 6

by Brair Lake

  “I’d rather watch.”

  My eyes fly open and my heart stops. It would be easy to change this call to video and have Bastian watch me as I bring my body to its peak. Do I trust him. Then I remember he is not on his own, but at a party. That he is with his friends. “I want to talk, Bastian. To listen to your voice. I’m sure you can watch another time.” The sound of Bastian clearing his throat warms me. He isn’t unaffected by this call and it gives me the confidence to continue. “Can you see it, Bastian. Me kneeling in front of you. Naked. Not a stitch on and your cock in my mouth. Filling it. Stretching it as I take you deep, deeper and deeper. The head of your hot, throbbing cock nudging the back of my throat as it pulses with life. Your blood thundering through your body.”

  “Shit, Eve. Don’t talk like that. Give me a moment while I find somewhere private.”

  Through the silence of his call, I listen as the ground crunches beneath his boots. “Are you on the boat.”

  “I told you, we’re partying. Okay, now you can continue.”

  I glance at the ceiling, and with my free hand, I stroke the flesh just above the first button of my blouse. “Are you going to wank, Bastian?”

  “Eve, Honey. You have me so horny. I need to do something.” His chuckle heats my blood. “And we do this with my hand. Or I find one of the skanks to deal with my hard cock. The choice is yours.”

  I lick my lips as my smile deepens. “Undo your zipper, Bastian. Let me imagine your cock in your hand as though it’s my pussy. Pounding into me until I scream as I come. Shouting your name.

  “Baby Girl. Keep talking and I’ll caress and stroke every inch of my cock until it explodes.”

  I slip the top button of my blouse free and close my eyes as my fingers find the hard-protruding nipple. “You’ll not be able to stand for long, Bastian.” I lick my lips. “I’ll have you on your knees while your hands search and find my plump tits. You’ll take them in your hands and squeeze the flesh, teasing the hard nipples with your tongue as my body comes to life. As I suck your cock. You tease my nipples. Your fingers sure as they play with my hot flesh. Slipping one nipple into your mouth. Your tongue teasing the flesh. The pulse in my pussy throbs. Calling to you to ease the growing ache. You deny me your cock, Bastian. Withdrawing from my mouth before you come.” As I stop to catch my breath, I free another button then another. My body is sweating and the ache between my legs is growing. After freeing my blouse, I undo the catch and zipper on my pants and push them past my hips. My fingers find and slip between my pussy lips.

  “You’ll spread me out, Bastian. As the stranger paid homage to my breasts. Your lips would find their way to my pussy. You’ll throw my legs over your shoulders, opening me to your questing tongue.” I lick my lips as I steady my breathing. Shit, I need to come. I want Bastian inside me. Thrusting into me as his kiss deepens. His tongue thrusting into my mouth. “Your tongue plays havoc with my clit. Stroking the bud with the tip of your tongue. Your breath warm against my sensitive flesh. No matter how hard I beg you to stop. You carry-on tormenting my flesh. Flickering the bud and sucking on it.” As I describe what I want Bastian to do to my body, my fingers work harder, and my breath grows shallow. In my ear, Bastian gulps. I can see him. His hand is clenched around his cock and he is pumping it hard. His cock is growing. Pulsing with life and I want him inside me.

  “You get tired of playing with my clit. You need to come, Bastian. Your cock is hard. Throbbing with unreleased passion. You beg me. Your breath warm against my pussy. Take me, Eve. Take my cock inside you. I smile at you. Your groan vibrates against my flesh. Fuck me Bastian. Thrust into me. Ease this ache in me.”

  My body coils. My fingers tease the sensitive flesh and I gasp. Bastian moans down the phone. He’s come all over his hand. I close my eyes and rub the sensitive flesh between my pussy lips quicker. My gasps are shorter. Then I shudder as the coils in my stomach snap. I gasp for air as I look at the ceiling. I am alone. “Bastian.”

  “I’m here, Eve.”

  His voice is breathless, and I smile. “You came, Bastian.”

  “I wasn’t the only one.”

  With a chuckle I push the hair away from my face. “I didn’t ring you for phone sex.”

  “No. Then why did you ring me.”

  “To let you know I’ll be in Noir Valley at the weekend.”

  Chapter 6

  Bastian – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  I didn’t want the call from Eve to end, but it did. This one phone call with Eve, has eased the tension from my body and mind, leaving me in a relaxed state I haven’t experienced in a week. I just masturbated at the back of the compound, with Eve at the other end of the phone. People are partying close by. Any one of them could have walked on us. I smile. They hadn’t. My thoughts shift back to Eve, and my smile is displaced with a frown. When Eve returns this weekend, we need a chat. The thought of another man touching her. Even if I’m with her, has my blood boiling. Not in arousal, in jealousy. Eve is mine. As I step from behind the tree. I scan the compound and find Flash and the brunette making out. Talking to Eve, listening to her voice as it warmed my blood. Listening to how I could play with her body has left me sated and I no longer have any use for the women. Instead of returning to the party I make my way to my bike. I’ll sleep at the house tonight.

  “Shit, Bastian. You’re like a mother hen.”

  I smile as I turn to Poppy. I’ve changed the bed sheets twice and checked the top drawer of the bedside cabinets making sure there are plenty of condoms. Maybe I’ll pick up another packet when I go over to Demon’s Lair later. “I’ve a visitor stopping over this weekend, Poppy.” My smile deepens as a slight flush covers her cheeks. The girl’s nineteen, and between Leon and Day frightening off any prospective boyfriends, she doesn’t bother going out much.

  “She must be special?”

  The soft laughter in her voice has me stopping in my tracks as I collect the dirty washing from the bathroom. I don’t use the house often and as I smell the laundry; I wonder how long it is since I last changed the bedsheets. “What makes you think she’s special.”

  Poppy steps from the doorway as I pass her. “Well, you don’t usually go to this trouble for one of the club skanks.”

  “You’re okay with me bringing her here.”

  “It’s your house.” Poppy shrugs. “You can do what you want.” Poppy’s tread is silent as she follows me down the stairs. “Who is she anyway?”

  “Eve. I think you’ve met her a couple of times.”

  “No. She’s not one of the skanks then?.”

  I smile as I shake my head. Leon and Day have forbidden Poppy from visiting the river boat and mixing with the women there. The one time she did, they had dragged her home, and no one heard from her for several days. Day’s mood had been as surly on his return and apart from the odd glance in his direction, no one mention it. “She’s from out of town.”

  “And you like her.”

  My cock twitches and the ends of my lips twitch as the coils in my stomach tighten. “Yeah, I like her.”

  “What is she like.”

  “You’ll meet her this weekend.”

  Poppy follows me into the kitchen and switches the kettle on. Then grabs two mugs from the overhead cupboard. “You don’t plan to lock her away in the bedroom while she’s here then.’

  After dumping a pile of dirty clothing by the back door ready to be binned, I return to one of the kitchen chairs and settle back into it. It’s moments like this I miss Sugar Jay. “I might let her out to make breakfast.”

  Poppy sits in the chair opposite. Her golden eyes watch me as she runs a hand through her multi-colored hair. “You should be the one making her breakfast.”

  “You think.”

  Poppy nods vigorously and strands of her hair fall forward. “Yeah. When I get a boyfriend. He’s going to spoil me like that.”

  “You have anyone in mind?” My smile deepens as Poppy hides her gaze from me and takes a drink of her coffee.
  “Not yet. But he’s out there waiting for me.”

  “If I promise not to say anything to Leon or Day. You’ll tell me who he is.”

  “I thought the Brothers didn’t keep secrets.”

  “It’s my house and I don’t fancy anyone trashing it.”

  Poppy’s chuckle fills the room. “I don’t think anyone would go to that trouble over me.”

  I study the younger woman. When she moved into the house, she was nothing more than a child. Now, she’s grown into a beautiful woman. My eyebrows meet in a v above my nose and I take a sip of my coffee. Recently Day has been watching the girl more and more. My stomach tightens. Day has a problem with the Davaros, and I wouldn’t want Poppy hurt because of him.

  I glance at my watch once more. Normally I enjoy time on the Demon’s Lair. Not today, though. Today I want to be at the house. To see Eve, but she’s not due till later this evening. With a shake of my head, I pick up my coffee.

  “I never knew you were such an eager lover.’ I raise my gaze to Alex. His blonde hair is held back in a braid, and although he is smiling, his blue eyes are dull.

  “She’s different. And I don’t know why.”

  “It’s the love bug – It’s caught you.”

  My smile is fleeting as I raise my drink and take a large swallow of the beer. “It’s not love. It’s lust. Just lust. My body craves her body. Once we’ve feasted this weekend. Everything will return to normal.”

  Alex’s eyebrows rise and he takes a healthy drink of his own beer. His gaze never left my face and although I don’t blink, my feet shuffle. “You feasted on her on her last visit. And this time you have no intention of bringing her to Demon’s Lair”

  I finish my beer and turn to Marie and ask for another which she hands over with an inviting smile. A smile which at one time would have the blood pumping to my cock. But not tonight. “Yeah. Well, we kept getting interrupted last time. At my place there’s less chance of any of you buffoons stumbling into my bedroom.”

  “What about Poppy?”

  “She’s all woman. She’ll understand. Besides, she has better manners than you lot.”

  Alex chuckle does nothing to ease the tension in my body. I look at my watch, it’s only three minutes later than the last time I checked. Alex notices the tell, and his smile deepens. “What time is she due.”

  “Not for a couple of hours.”

  Alex nods. “I did wonder why you were here and not at the house fussing.”

  I pull myself up to my six – four. Dwarfing Alex by two inches. “What makes you think I’m the fussing sort.”

  “A little angel over at your place. She thinks it’s fun.”

  My frown deepens for a different reason this time. Poppy hinted there was someone on the horizon. I hadn’t thought she meant Alex. “Do you see much of this angel?”

  Alex shakes his head. “I was at the store, she was there, and we chatted.” Alex turns to look at me. “I don’t have quite a death wish as to trespass on Day’s property.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Alex taps his nose. “Wait and see.”

  The House is Silent. Poppy had taken herself off to bed as I arrived. Although the television is on, the volume is low, and I haven’t bothered to close the drapes. My stomach twitches each time headlights flash into the living room. The engine of a car purrs in front of the house, and I jump from the couch and have the front door open as Eve climbs out and closes the door on a cab. My cock twitches. I want to walk over to her. To pull her into my arms. To take her lips and taste her. We’ve shared several dirty phone calls, now I’m ready for the real thing. Eve leans against the cab door. The light from the hallway plays with her body and my gaze wanders over her. Her dark hair is loose, hanging below her shoulders. Her top displays the plump cleavage of her tits, and I lick my lips as I remember the taste of her flesh. My gaze wanders lower. Her jeans cling to her body like a second skin. My glance falls to the junction between her legs. My mouth waters as I recall the sweet taste of her nectar as her thighs clamp against my head. My cock jerks in remembered pleasure of her soft mewls as she jerks against my mouth as she came over and over. Sweet Jesus, if I don’t stop thinking like this, we wouldn’t make it to the bedroom before I’m thrusting into her tight pussy. “Are you stopping there all night or coming in.”

  “I’m waiting for you to collect my bags.”

  Her soft voice wraps around my cock. “I’m a modern man and didn’t want to offend your independence.” I step outside as she walks to the trunk of the cab and pulls out her overnight bag.

  “And I thought you were a He-Man.” As she steps closer, her scent entices my nose. Two weeks without sex has me acting like a teenage boy in the throes of his first hormonal invasion.

  “I am all He-Man.” My smile deepens as I wrap my arm around her waist. “It’s just I have other plans for my energy.”

  “What about my energy.”

  “I’ll do all the work tonight while you lie back and enjoy yourself.”


  “Everyone I intend to keep.”

  Eve’s lips are as sweet as I remember them.


  Eve – Bastian’s Home Noir Valley

  I am tired and drained after the long journey, yet the heat emitting from Bastian does crazy things to my body. His kiss is everything but short and sweet. He devours me as he tastes every inch of my mouth with his tongue and I wasn’t complaining. How can I when I answer his kiss, thrust for thrust. Whisky and beer tease my taste buds and if I hadn’t been carrying my overnight bag, I’d have leapt on him and let him fuck me on the bonnet of the cab. Even now as I stand in the lounge, my pussy throbs, aches. ‘No houseguest.”

  “You’ll meet Poppy in the morning. She says she has a headache and has taken herself off to bed.”

  “And you had nothing to do with it.”

  “Nope. Want a beer?”

  “Sure.” I watch Bastian as he disappears from the lounge. I know who Poppy is and I glance towards the stairs, tempted to call her down.

  “Poppy is not discreet. If she wanted to stay, she would have.”

  “Thanks.” I accept the beer Bastian offers to me and with a smile I look around the room. Unlike my apartment, which is basic. This room is cluttered with books on a desk pushed against the far wall. The couch is large. Larger than my studio couch and is deep purple. There’s a large flat screen television pinned to another wall and the lounge window takes up most of the front wall. “I like your house.”

  “What you’ve seen of it.”

  “Yeah, What I’ve seen of it”.

  Bastian sits on the couch. His long legs spread out in front of him and he watches me. He pats the cushion, and I settle in beside his large body. His heat envelopes me once more. “It’s Poppy’s house really. I don’t spend much time here. Since Sugar Jay moved to Burntwood I’ve left the decorating to Poppy.”

  “Those are Poppy’s books.” I nod towards the desk as Bastian frees my hair from its braid. His fingers steadily stroke the nape of my neck and a trail of goosebumps pop along my skin. His breath is warm against my neck as he nibbles the flesh.

  “Yeah, she’s at school.” His tongue laps at the pulse which has come to life and beats in tempo with the pulse of my pussy. “That’s enough talk about Poppy.”

  I swallow a mouthful of air as Bastian’s hand slips under my top. His fingers heat my flesh as he strokes my stomach. “I thought you promised me a meal. Not that I was the meal.”

  Bastian’s chuckle rumbles against my shoulder and a shiver passes through my body. “I did.” He glances at his watch. “But it won’t be ready for another half hour.” His hair is loose, and I run my fingers through the thick locks. Watching it fall like a waterfall as it slips through my fingers.

  “So, I’m the appetite and appetizer.”

  Bastian lips tease my collarbone. “And dessert.”

  “Shame. I fancied Angel Cake”

  “You can h
ave that tomorrow. Tonight, you’re having Demon’s Cream.”

  My stomach twitches. I need to breath. To put space between Bastian and me. “You never said why you invited me to the house.”

  Bastian’s sigh warms the flesh of my breast, and my smile deepens as he sits back giving me room to breathe. “I’ve just worked four nights straight so I can spend the weekend with you. If we stay at Demon’s Lair, we’ll get no peace and I’ll be dragged into work.”

  My fingers tangle in Bastian hair and I enjoy the silky softness. He’s a clean man and so is his hair. He’s even trimmed his beard. “We could have stayed at mine.”

  “Yours is all packed away. You’re not worried about Poppy, are you?”

  My gaze goes to the stairs. All is silent and I shake my head. “I just don’t want to put her out.”

  “You won’t. You’ll like her.”

  “What about you? Bastian. A weekend away from the club. From your Brothers.”

  “I think they’ll survive without me.”

  I turn to Bastian and find him watching me. “When was the last time you spent time alone with a woman.”

  Bastian blinks and rubs his nose. Then he takes a swig of beer. His tongue runs over his lips as he swipes the beer juice lingering on his mustache. The coils in my stomach tighten and the muscles in my pussy clenches. His tongue has taken me to places I’ve never been to before and I’m looking forward to going there again. Bastian’s gaze is on my lips “Are you sure dinner won’t wait.” Just then my stomach growls, and Bastian’s eyebrow rises “I guess not.”

  “You’re not going to answer me. Are you?”

  “About what. Me and my women.”


  “You’re the first to be invited here.” His fingers are in my hair, and his touch tugs my stomach nerves.


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