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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

Page 18

by Brair Lake

“If you don’t talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. I won’t be your Old Lady. I’ll be gone. And I won’t be back.”

  A car pulls into the parking lot and I watch Firebird climb out. She glances over in our direction. Then she is greeted by Leon. After accepting the beers I’d ask for from him, she turns towards us. “Firebird’s here. I have to go back in. There’s a meeting I need to be a part of.”

  Eve nods. “I meant it, Bastian. We talk. You tell me everything. Or I’m gone.

  As Firebird approaches, I rise from the bench and nod. “Tonight. We’ll talk I promise.” The kiss we share is full of promises and reaches my soul. The tenderness of Eve’s essence wraps around me and as I break the kiss and step away from her, panic invades my body. She is a part of me, and I don’t know what I’d do if she ever left me. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’ll pick up a Chinese on the way home. Okay.”

  Eve nods, then she is in Firebirds arms. As I step back, I hear her tears.

  The saloon is full when I enter it with Leon, who locks the door before we join the others. Day nods at me. “How is she.”

  “Shook up. Wanting answers. How would you be, Day.”

  “The same I guess. I’ll also be wanting revenge.”

  I nod. “We need to get our ducks in a row. Jono and the Skull Collectors are dividing us. First, Ma Keyes. Then Poppy. Let’s not forget the raid. And now the shooting and kidnapping of Eve. They’ve got us running in too many directions.”

  Day’s frown irks me. “The business with Poppy has nothing to do with the Skull Collectors.”

  “No.” TJ watches Day. “But it has something to do with us.”

  Day glances over at Kit. Kit takes a swallow of his beer. Then he nods. “Clarence Davaro is the reason Tisha died.”

  “Shit.” Silence descends as we watch Kit. Then my gaze goes to Day. “Do you think it’s her father. Who’s stalking Poppy?”

  Day shrugs. “This meeting isn’t about Poppy. It’s about Eve’s kidnap and who’s responsible.” Day’s gaze comes back to me. “We do need to get all ducks in order. Jono’s getting information about the club. We deal with that problem. Then we can start poly filling the holes in the club.” He turns his gaze to the rest of the bikers. “Teddy helped us. We’ll give him the justice for the loss of Tina.” Day’s gaze is back on me. “It’s up to you. What we do to Teddy for his attack on Eve.”

  I nod. My heartbeat only started to steady once I walked into the meeting. My gaze goes to the window. I don’t want to lose her. She is part of me, and the last two weeks have been the worst of my life. The meeting doesn’t last much longer, and the room soon empties. I follow Leon until we are outside and standing on terra firma. “Leon.” The biker turns to me. His smile is in place as he leans against his bike. “Do you tell Firebird everything that goes on at the club.”

  He nods. “Yeah. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have her. Besides, she wouldn’t be able to run the boat when we’re away if she didn’t know what was going on.”

  “Does Day know.”


  “And he’s okay with this.”

  Leon looks around. His smile is lopsided. “She’s like a silent member. She signed a nondisclosure. Eve will have to sign one. I guess if you take her on permanently.”

  “And this was never discussed with the club.” More secrets. We need a full church meeting. The air needs clearing before the club disintegrates.

  “The whores don’t talk. And none of you seem serious about any other woman.” Leon scratches his head. His smile grows deep. “Guess we should discuss it at church next time.”

  “Yeah, we fucking should. I knew Firebird had signed a contract with the club. But I just thought it was the usual shit all the women sign.” I turn back to the river and smile. “I guess I better get myself a contract.”

  I find Day in his office, and as I walk into the room, he finishes his call and drops the cellphone onto the desk. “Oyster’s on his way back. We’ll need another meeting when he gets here.”

  I nod as I pull a chair up in front of Day’s desk and settle in it. Placing my feet on the desk. “What happened to the simple life we’re supposed to be living.”

  Day pours whisky into two tumblers and passes one over to me. “The pre-Jono days. I remember those times with relish.” Day takes a sip of his whisky, then he looks at me. “We get this crap sorted out. No more going slushy over some woman and life will return to normal.” He raises his glass at me. “Let’s drink to that.”

  I take a drink of the whisky, finishing it, then hold the glass out for a refill. “I need one of those new contracts.”

  Day leans back in his chair. A hint of a smile lingers at the corner of his lips. “What new contract.”

  “The one you have with Firebird.”

  “You taking Eve on.”

  “If she’ll have me.” I look Day in the eye. “There are two too many secrets, Day. This meeting with Oyster. We talk about Firebird’s contract. Once we have this mess with Jono sorted out, we sort out this business with your sister and Clarence Davaro.” Day nods and I take a sip of my whisky.

  I open the door to Eves home. The lights are low, and Enya fills the air. I follow the music into the living room. Eve has pushed the couch back, and on the floor is a blanket and a couple of empty plates. I lean over and kiss her. She tastes of toothpaste and smells of roses. Her hair tumbles free. This isn’t the greeting I was expecting. I break free of the kiss and shrug out of my jacket and cut. Hope soars through me. If I play this right, I have a chance of keeping Eve.

  Chapter 17

  Eve – Eve’s Home Noir Valley

  The house looks the same as I stand in the hallway and glance around. The lounge door is open, and I go towards it. The room still looks the same. There’s nothing out of place.

  “I’ll make a coffee.”

  I turn to Firebird and nod. The drive from Demons Lair had been in silence and I had been comforted by the fact Firebird hadn’t hounded me with questions. A shiver runs through my body as I stare at the couch. This morning I had sat on that couch held at gunpoint. A few days ago, I was shot. Shit, what the fuck has happened to my life. Where, once, my biggest concern was the idea of dying from cancer. “Here. Here’s a couple of painkillers.”

  I turn to Firebird and accept them along with a glass of water. “Thanks.”

  “You’re having a bit of an adventure, Eve. How are you doing?”

  I sit in the overstuffed chair. Firebird sits on the couch. “How do you cope, Firebird. How do you put up with this shit?”

  Firebird chuckles. “Believe it or not. It’s not usually like this. You know, it’s pretty quiet most of the time.”

  “So, it’s just me. Then.”

  Firebird shakes their head. “When Leon and I met, I was attacked. That was when I knew what they were like. They don’t take crap from anyone and some people don’t like that.”

  “This Jono. What is he like?”

  “He holds a grudge. A few years ago, there was a power struggle and he lost.”

  “And he’s not forgiven them.”

  “No. It cost him exile. It’s a turf war, Eve. Trust Bastian. He will take care of you. Or you can run and miss out on a great man.”

  “How did you know I was thinking of returning to Washington.”

  “I’ve been there. I was going to run.” Firebird smiles and it lights her whole face up. “Then I decided to stay. Best decision I made in a long time.” She takes a sip of her coffee. “One day I’ll tell you about it. How the man who stole my house, stole my heart.”

  “You trust them.”

  Firebird nods “Shit, I even have Day’s respect. Fuck, he hated me when we first met.”

  “That man needs pulling down a peg or two.”

  Firebird smiles as she sips her coffee and I shake my head.

  I don’t know what kind of pills Firebird gave me, but I find myself battling to keep my eyes open. When I wake the house is silent and on the coffee ta
ble is a note from Firebird.

  If you need me call me.

  The throb of my shoulder is back and when I glance at the clock it’s Just gone five. Bastian said he would be by later with supper and I decide to have a soak while the house is empty. Steam fills the bathroom and thick bubbles float in the bath. A sigh escapes me as I lean back in the hot water. I have choices to make and I wasn’t going to rush into it. Did I want a life with Bastian and all the crap which comes with it? Or do I go ahead with my original plan and run. Run. I knew the moment he touched me he was a dangerous man. I didn’t know him then as I do now. The day I ran into him at the hospital, he had been a stranger and he had lit a fire in me. Order. I like order in my life. Growing up with Mama hadn’t been easy and I had left as soon as I could to carve out my own life. Would living with Bastian be the same as living with Mama.

  As I stand by the lounge window, I hear Bastian and his bike, and a smile plays on my lips. I was relaxed, but this could be the effect of the pills I had taken after my bath. I cast my gaze around the room. The lights are low, Enya plays in the background, and a blanket is spread out on the floor. When the key turns in the lock my stomach lurches. Do we make love before we talk? What if Bastian is unable to give me what I want, and we don’t make love and I never get to feel his touch again.

  “Hello, Beautiful.”

  I smile as I watch Bastian remove his jacket and boots. Then he is standing in front of me. His scent surrounds me and my fingers curl as I itch to reach out to him. To touch him. To know he is real and not an apparition. A fact which is confirmed when his lips touch mine. As our tongues parry, I taste the whisky on his breath, and I break the kiss. “Are you drunk.”

  Bastian strokes the side of my face and my heart melts as he shakes his head. “No. I’ve only had a couple of whiskys.”

  I nod as I step away from him. That’s when I see the bag of Chinese food and I go to grab it. “Are we going to eat?”

  “I’d rather eat you.”

  “Food and talk, Bastian. If you prove to be a good boy. You can eat me to your hearts content.”

  Bastian takes the food out of my hand and turns to the door. “It’s Chinese. We can eat it hot or cold. So, we’ll have it later. For now, we talk. Then we make love.”

  “Make love or have sex.”

  Bastian turns and smiles, and my knees turn to water. “Why not both.”

  A flush rises over my body as heat floods my pussy. However, this evening turns out, I was having that man inside me. I blink as I watch Bastian return to the lounge. The gracefulness of his gait increases the desire in me, and I lick my lips. If I want to think, I need to stay away from him. I take a step to the blanket. All thoughts and reason are no longer my friend. “You’re a dangerous man, Bastian.”

  “You’re not an easy woman. Eve.”

  “No. With you I think I am.”

  Bastian stretches out on the blanket and I join him. The dress I chose to wear, is short, reaching mid-thigh. The material is loose and Bastian strokes the flesh from the curve of my ass to the back of my knee. He shakes his head. “You scare me, Eve. Because you don’t need me.”

  “Don’t need you.” I turn to lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. “You’re wrong, Bastian. I need you. Shit. Oliver says my works improved.” I turn to Bastian. His gaze is on me, “When I was in Washington, I went on a date. He was everything you’re not.” Bastian stills and he stops stroking my flesh. A cold chill passes through my body. “I want honesty from both of us. If I’m not honest with you. How can I expect you to be honest with me?”

  “You don’t have to tell me about the date.”

  “I do. I went on the date for me. Not to get at you. Not to make you jealous. But for me. I wanted to prove to myself I didn’t need you. That I was that independent woman before I met you. Shit, Bastian. You’ve snowballed through my life and I’m caught up in the avalanche.” I sit up and turn to him. “He’s a nice guy. The meal was fun, and we kissed. And that’s all we did. I missed you and I was coming back to find out what we had and if it was worth saving. And do you know what happened. I was fucking shot. And if that wasn’t enough. Another idiot holds me hostage and nearly shoots me. And all I could think about was you. What if I never got to see you one more time before I died. What if I never got to hear your voice, if only to say goodbye. That was the only time I ever truly hated you. Because I’d never get to say I love you. Then the bastard took me to Demon’s Lair. Held a gun to my head and I didn’t want to see you. I didn’t want you to watch me. To watch me die.” I draw in a deep breath and blink back the tears. “I didn’t want you to see me die. Not like that. For your last image of me to be nothing but brain and matter on a cold ground. I love you, Bastian. This thing between us, can work. But only if you talk to me. Tell me what the fuck is going on. I can help you. Protect you. If you talk to me. I’m strong without you. But stronger with you.” I’d spent ages doing my makeup and now as I watch, Bastian. I bet I look like a panda with black streaks winding down my cheeks.

  Bastian sits up and he pulls me into his arms. “I haven’t looked at another woman since we hooked up, Eve. I couldn’t understand why you should be different. To be the one to make me a one-woman man. But that’s what it’s like with you. And I never want to see you hurt. I tried to protect you. Tried to keep you out of the club’s business. To keep our lives and you separate to what was going on.” Bastian tilts my head until I am staring into his gaze. “You see where that has got us. I fucked up. I nearly drove you into the arms of another man. Nearly got you killed twice. Twice in about as many days. Shit, this week has been the worst one of my life. And I’ve lived through some shit. When I got that message about you being shot, I lost it. I never lose it. But I couldn’t cope with the thought of you being dead. Then this morning when I stepped out of Demon’s Lair and saw that gun pointed at your head, I would have done anything to change places.” Bastian’s lips touch mine. The kiss is soft and sweet, and it is all give. The kiss was of pure love and I accepted all of it. “Stay, Eve. I promise I will tell you everything.”

  “Everything.” Bastian nods. “Club business.” Bastian winces and I pull back. “Club business, Bastian.” He nods and pulls out an envelope and passes it to me. I open it. It was a contract. An NDA. “Bastian.”

  “It’s either that or you go through a twelve-month initiation with the River Demon’s.”

  I look at the contract, then at Bastian. “I like the thought of going through this initiation.”

  “I don’t. It involves sex with others. And I find I don’t want to share you. Not with anyone. Not even another woman. Anyway, we only have women club whores not bikers.”

  “I could be River Demon’s first woman biker.”

  Bastian shakes his head. “I love you, Eve, and if you come on a run with us. I’d never be able to think. Never mind get anything done.


  Eve – A Washington Hospital, Washington

  It’s a struggle for me to open my eyes and when I do, the room is blurry, and I blink several times as the white ceiling comes into focus. My arms are heavy, but I raise them and touch my chest. The bandages are in place and the tears slip down.

  “Hello, Beautiful.” I blink, but the tears refuse to stop as I turn to Bastian. He reaches for one of my hands and kisses the back of it. “I love you.”

  My smile is weak. “I love you.” My gaze shifts to Lynx. He’ll be one in a week and he is growing into the image of his father. Lynx was planned. I wanted to have the chance to breastfeed my baby before I had the operation and I’ve done it. We’d talked about it. Just as we’d talked about reconstructive surgery. Then Bastian introduced me to Linc. When my flesh is healed, Linc will give me my first tattoo. Together we have designed it and I cannot wait for Bastian to see the end result.

  I’d like to say my life is perfect. That since my life was threatened two years ago, there have been no more hiccups, but that would be a lie. Not that I’ve been shot or threatened
since. I’d like to believe those days are over. Bastian paid his price to Teddy. Day finally put all his and the club’s ducks in a row and laid the cards on the table and life became harder for the club. The Skull Collectors aren’t going away. Jono is out for revenge and we are unsure of the way the wind blows. I’d worried about dying and sorted the complication out. As I look at Lynx, I wonder if he’ll grow up with a father.

  Bastian brushes the hair way from my face. “Everything’s going to be okay.”


  Mia – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley.

  Mia slipped out of the cabin. The door closing quietly behind her. She leaned her head on the hard wood and glanced down the corridor. It was empty. With her shoes still in her hand, she ran to the metal steps and climbed them until she reached the outer deck. Another quick glance confirmed it was empty. Thirty steps took her to the top of the gangplank. She did another glance around, slowing her pace as she walked down the plank. She smiled at the River Demon at the bottom. His smile was one of self-indulgence and Mia tilted her head until her chin was jutting out. “Morning, Doll.”

  Mia’s smile was tight “Morning, Stamp.” Then she was fumbling in her purse for her car keys. It wasn’t until she was on the road for home and out of The River Demon’s compound she allowed herself to breathe. A glance in the rearview mirror confirms no one has followed her and a giggle escapes her. Why would anyone follow her? Especially him.

  All the way home, Mia tried not to think of the biker. The biker who had plagued her all summer and whose bed she had succumbed to. Her stomach twisted as she remembered the things he did to her. Recalling the pleasure he had given her. How he had brought her to climax after climax before he had thrust into her and taken her virginity. As she pulled into the drive of the home she shared with her parents. Her hands grew clammy as she looked at the house. The sun was only just rising and if luck was on her side, everyone should be still in bed. With a slow ease she opened the front door and hesitated at the doorway listening for signs of life. When there wasn’t any, she closed the door with a soft click and headed for the kitchen.


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