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Hired to Breed (The Hired Series Book 3)

Page 2

by Leann Ryans

  Stopping outside one of the high-rises, the other woman turned to face her.

  “This is the newest building. The bottom floor has been claimed for a restaurant and a daycare center, but no one has claimed any of the apartments above. There are four on each floor except the top two, which are divided into two suites each. If you’d like, I can show you the different floorplans.”

  “Just the suites, please,” Annalise responded as she looked up.

  It was a modern style building like the others and looked to be all glass and chrome. If the top floors only had two apartments each they would be a nice size.

  “I like to have space. And a view. Is the whole wall of the apartment glass?”

  Sandra nodded as she held open the door to the lobby, waving her inside. Two elevators stood behind a raised desk.

  “They are. They’re one-way windows, and they’re coated with Smart-Tint, so even if someone was high enough they wouldn’t be able to see inside. The tint adjusts to the level of light outside and helps cut down on the heat it lets in.”

  She ran a hand over the desk as they passed it to the elevators.

  “There will be security stationed here, mainly to redirect people to the proper entrance to the businesses. There’s no access from the inside since I thought the residents would prefer not to deal with crowds and such when trying to get to their homes. I don’t anticipate any real issues, but having the guards gives people peace of mind.”

  Annalise agreed.

  “That’s a good idea. I believe people will appreciate that setup.”

  Sandra shot her a smile as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened to reveal a bright landing space facing the outer wall of the building. The view through the glass showed the main street outside and most of the businesses that made up downtown.

  Two doors faced each other across the space, and Sandra led her to the one on the left, pulling out a keycard to unlock the door.

  “This is the top floor and both suites have the same layout. These are two bedrooms, and the ones below are three.”

  Annalise stepped into the empty space, surprised how cozy it felt despite the lack of furnishings. The living room was longer than it was wide, windows dividing it from a partially covered patio space that ran the length of the room. The plush carpet was generic beige, and the walls were still white, but she could see potential in it.

  Turning to the left, the carpet gave way to wood flooring in the dining area before leading into a kitchen on the right with plenty of matching oak cabinets and dark blue countertops. The appliances were all black and chrome, with the plastic still stuck to them, and the wall of windows lit the area so well there was no need for the overhead. A hallway opened in the far wall between the dining room and kitchen, with two doors on the left, and one on the right.

  The first one she came to was a small bathroom. Same wood flooring and cabinets as the kitchen, with a porcelain sink and standup shower. It was fine as a guest bathroom, but Annalise hoped the master would be better.

  Moving on to the second door on the left, it opened into a decent sized bedroom with a walk-in closet. The back wall was the outer one, that window overlooking the building beside them and some of the landscaping below. There wasn’t anything special about it, but it would work as a room for the Alpha if she chose to go along with this plan.

  She turned back into the hallway, opening the last door. The master bedroom was breathtaking.

  L-shaped, the main area was spacious enough for her bedroom furniture with room to spare for a sitting arrangement. Two walls were windows, giving a gorgeous view of the river and the untouched land beyond it.

  A smaller side area along the outer wall would work as a larger office space than she had currently, and she could see the door to the safe room behind it. She wouldn’t need it while she was here, but she wasn’t surprised to see it was a standard feature in a place where they hoped to attract omegas.

  The walk-in closet next to the office was wide enough she couldn’t reach the walls from the middle of the space. There were shelves above and below the pole for her to hang clothes on and there was enough room to hold her extensive wardrobe with no issues.

  A door in the back of the closet led into a massive bathroom with a large garden tub in the far corner. A standing shower large enough for two people not to touch stood beside it, with a double vanity taking up the wall beside the door. The floor was done in dark blue tile, with the countertops and tub made of white marble.

  “This is nice.”

  Sandra had followed her through the closet and grinned at her from the bathroom doorway.

  “I’m a fan of long soaks in the tub. Preferably one large enough for two.”

  Annalise could feel her cheeks heat with a blush. Turning to give the bathroom one last look, she sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

  “Yes, it’s very nice. Thank you for the tour. I’ll be in touch.”

  3. Annalise

  Annalise bounced her niece on her knee, smiling at the cooing baby as her sister wiped yogurt from her nephew’s face.

  “Are you really going to go through with this?”

  Her sister’s eyes bored into her when she looked up, the skepticism plain to see. They’d been having the same argument since Annalise first broached the subject of wanting a baby of her own.

  “I don’t have a mate and I’m not going to rush to choose one just to provide me with something I can get otherwise. I don’t have the time to get to know someone well enough to be sure they would make a good parent. I can afford to do it, but if I wait much longer it’ll be too late.”

  The moment she finished speaking, spit up poured from the baby’s mouth, splattering her black slacks. Her sister reacted instantly, passing her a wipe as she took her niece to clean her chin.

  Annalise dabbed at the mess, trying not to spread it as her sister watched with a raised brow.

  “You’re not that old, you still have time. Are you’re sure you want this? Alone?”

  She looked up into blue eyes that matched hers. Her sister was a few inches taller, as well as ten years younger, but looking at her was almost like looking into a mirror. Adalynn’s slightly darker hair and rounder cheeks were the only difference.

  “It’s worth it.”

  The words came out soft, the pain behind them evident even to her own ears. Annalise had succeeded in everything in her life except the one thing she’d dreamed of since she was a child. Seeing her nieces and nephew was the highlight of her week, but it was a constant reminder of what she lacked. The one thing she’d failed to achieve.

  Her sister’s face softened. Despite being so far apart in age, they’d always been close, and she knew how important it was to her to be a mother despite her fear. Annalise had done most of the work of raising Adalynn, and was always there for her nieces and nephew, but it wasn’t the same as having her own.

  “It is. But what’s wrong with marrying a beta and raising it together? Then you’d have help when you need it and the option to have more.”

  Annalise sighed and stood to grab her purse.

  “I don’t know anyone I’d want to marry, and I’m not going to marry someone just to have a child. They could end up like mother. It’s easier this way.”

  “Then just bed one if you don’t want to marry. It would be cheaper!”

  Annalise fought the urge to roll her eyes. While the best thing she could say about her parents were that they were absent the majority of her life, they’d at least left them with enough money to live a comfortable life once they passed. Her sister used her portion to buy a house and set up her life with her husband, while Annalise had invested and grown her wealth.

  “Money’s not an issue. An Alpha is more likely to give my child the best possible genetic advantage. They’re tested for this type of thing and have records I can check. Who knows what could happen with a random person I picked up at a bar?”

  “An Alpha is more likely to sire another Alpha.”
br />   Annalise’s breath caught in her chest at the reminder of the one drawback. All the research pointed to Alphas and omegas being less disposed to illness and disease, as well as having higher overall IQ, but it was also true that they were less likely to produce beta children. She was taking a risk by breeding with an Alpha, though she was proof that the parent’s dynamics didn’t always matter. As rare as omegas were, it was rarer still for one to be born to betas.

  “We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Perhaps Eden will prove to everyone that the mandates are excessive and unnecessary.”

  Turning to walk to the door, Annalise heard her sister’s snort. She was one of the ones who thought Eden was a mistake, and she couldn’t believe Annalise would risk living there, even for a short period.

  “I go meet him tomorrow, then I’ll make the decision. I only have about two weeks left.”

  “Bye, Aunt Ah-la-lise.”

  Little arms wrapped around her legs, stopping her before she could open the door. Leaning down, she smiled as she gave each grinning child a one-armed hug before they ran off to continue playing. When she glanced over her shoulder, her sister raised the baby’s arm, waiving to her.

  “Good luck.”


  The gardens surrounding The Haven were extensive, holding every different exotic flower a person could think of, yet it didn’t hold the same serene beauty Annalise had seen in Eden. There was something about the perfection, the precise planning and groomed appearance, that diminished it when compared to what Mother Nature achieved on her own.

  Annalise’s garden resembled The Haven’s, though on a much smaller scale, and she found herself wishing she’d let it be a little more… wild. But like everything else in her life, it was structured and arranged so everything was in its precise location.

  Swallowing a sigh, she turned her gaze to the blue wall behind the receptionist as the door opened. Recognizing the assistant who gave her the tour during the last visit, she let her lips lift in a smile as she strode across the floor.

  “Ms. Farah, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “Thank you. You as well, Margot.”

  “We’re ready for you, if you’d follow me?”

  Annalise strode beside Margot through the white halls to the director’s office, paying no attention to anything they passed. The only thing that mattered was what was ahead of her.

  She had received the additional information about the Alpha as she’d requested, and everything looked good. He was the oldest of three boys, the other two being betas despite his parents being an Alpha-omega pair. Everyone was healthy and smart, with no discipline problems, and while he had no children, his middle brother had sired two girls. It gave her hope that he would produce a healthy child with a reasonable chance of it being a beta female.

  The last step before she decided to go all in was to meet the Alpha himself. If he’d only be tending her through one heat it wouldn’t matter as much, but if she would be forced to live with him for nine months, she needed to assess him in person.

  Margot knocked on the office door before swinging it open and stepping aside. With a polite nod, Annalise passed her and walked into the room. Ms. Haranne was once again seated behind her desk, and across from her was the blond Alpha whose picture had so captured her attention.

  He was more stunning in person. His eyes were lighter than they’d appeared in the photo, a clear, crystal blue that seemed to flash as they met hers. Those firm lips lifted in a smile, showing off a dimple in his right cheek that caused her heart to stumble picturing it on a little girl smiling up at her.

  Ms. Haranne and the man both stood as she approached, the other woman coming around the desk to shake Annalise’s hand before turning to introduce her to the Alpha.

  “Welcome back. This is the Alpha you chose, Liam Burke. Liam, this is Annalise Farah.”

  Liam’s hand was warm, completely engulfing her fingers as he brought them to his mouth and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Tingles spread up her arm from where his lips touched her skin, causing her nipples to tighten into hard points.

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  The low rumble of his voice sent a shiver down her spine, warmth blooming inside her as she sucked in a sharp breath laced with his scent. She couldn’t deny how her body responded to his presence, and she hoped it was only due to her impending heat. She didn’t have time for distractions.

  “Liam arrived only moments before you, so I haven’t spoken with him yet. If you’d like, I can explain the details.”

  Ms. Haranne had taken her seat behind the desk while Annalise was distracted, but the director’s words pulled her back to the present.

  “Yes, please.”

  Liam released her hand when she pulled it away, offering her the chair he had been seated in when she entered. Accepting with a nod, Annalise settled with her hands in her lap as she waited for Ms. Haranne to address the Alpha.

  “Ms. Farah is here to negotiate a contract for breeding. She’s chosen you, but the usual protocols will have to be amended.”

  “Breeding?” Liam interrupted.

  His previous languid air disappeared as he leaned forward in his chair, glancing from Ms. Haranne to Annalise.

  4. Liam

  Every muscle in his body tensed as he gripped the arms of the chair. He hadn’t known what he was being called to the office for or he would have refused outright. It didn’t matter how sexy the little omega was.

  “Yes, Ms. Farah is looking for a stud to sire a child during her next heat. Since she doesn’t live nearby, once the pregnancy is confirmed we’re willing to have you transferred to Eden until the delivery.”

  A denial was on the tip of his tongue, but the mention of Eden caused him to hesitate.

  “Her heat is due shortly and you would tend her through it here as usual, minus the injection to render you sterile. Teeth guards will still be used to prevent bonding per her request, and once her cycle is complete we will begin the process of moving you to the apartment she’s secured in Eden.”

  Part of him was screaming to refuse and walk out. To make the omega choose another.

  But the rest of him was saying Eden would be worth it.

  An Alpha-camp unlike any other, where he could be free. Where he could walk the streets and be nothing more than another person.

  Where his brothers could visit for more than an hour, and he could finally meet his nieces.

  Under any other circumstances he would jump at the chance to go to Eden, but the thought of fathering a child he would never see turned his stomach. Studs weren’t allowed to deny a client, usually weren’t even consulted, except when it came to breeding. His contract allowed him to refuse.

  But when would he get another chance to go to Eden? His contract with The Haven still had eight years on the term unless he did something to get himself removed, and in that case he wouldn’t be given a choice as to where he went. If he had to wait eight years his nieces would be half-grown, and he would have missed it all.

  His head throbbed as he ground his teeth together. It had been too long since he’d been free to come and go as he pleased. Too long since he’d been able to see his family all together.

  He knew his family. If they got word he was going to Eden they wouldn’t be far behind. He wouldn’t put it past his parents to sell their house to move there with him. The problem was that Ms. Haranne had clearly stated the transfer was only until the delivery.

  “Once the child is born?”

  “You will return here for the remainder of your contract with us. If you wish to transfer to Eden permanently once it’s complete, you’ll be at the top of the list as long as you behave.”

  Ms. Haranne was aware of what she was dangling in front of him. Once Eden got up and running, it was something she frequently used to get what she wanted from her studs.

  Liam had to bite back the growl threatening to rip free. Family was everything, and these women were asking him to give away a piece of himse
lf that he would never get back.

  His focus turned to the woman beside him.

  She was short and slim like many omegas, with big blue eyes that tried to suck him in every time he looked into them. Her plush lips made him want her to suck something else in, but he tried to ignore the way his blood heated with each breath of her scent.

  She wore a pants suit that fit so snug it had to be tailored, and even his untrained eye could see the quality of the material. Everything from her manicured nails to her glossy white heels screamed wealth, so he knew Annalise had the means to provide for a child. The simple fact of her being at The Haven was proof of that since he knew these services didn’t come cheap, but money wasn’t all it took to raise a child.

  “What do you do for a living?”

  Annalise seemed surprised that he was questioning her, but after a glance at Ms. Haranne she returned her attention to him.

  “I’m a stock trader for an investment firm.”

  “So you’re gone all day?”

  Her brows drew together as she gave a brief shake of her head.

  “No, I work from my office at home. I occasionally have to attend meetings, but it’s rare.”

  “But you’ll still be busy all day. Who’s going to care for the baby?”

  He could see her irritation at his question, but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t help bring a baby into the world that would only be neglected.

  “I plan to take the first few months off, but I control the hours I work, so I can care for the baby and still do my job.”

  “Do you have any family? A partner?”

  Annalise let out a huff before smoothing her expression.

  “I have a sister with children of her own, and if I had a partner I certainly wouldn’t be here. And I’ve no need for one. Not that it’s your business,” she added before turning her gaze to the director.


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