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Heir to a Slave

Page 9

by Samantha Cayto

  But, Jason’s soothing tone overrode it. “Yes, do it, Diego.”

  For Jason, Diego would do anything gladly. Licking his forefinger first, he reached behind himself and worked the finger into his hole. The angle made it impossible to get it in too far, let alone reach his prostate. He understood, though, that this was more about goosing the free men’s pleasure than his own. So, he fucked his finger with as much enthusiasm as he could muster, really putting on a show. Again, it was all for Jason.

  It worked, too. Both men’s breathing became harsh, loud panting. The sound of flesh smacking against flesh increased, wet and sloppy. Jason groaned and cried out. His fist stopped pumping and squeezed Diego’s dick hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. He dared to open them and blink the moisture away. In doing that, he caught sight of Jason arching backward. A look of such ecstasy etched his beautiful face that Diego’s own release worked through the tight grip and spilled over Jason’s fingers. With a final thrust hard enough to lift Jason back off the bed, Mr. Kurt came as well. He snarled and snapped with his climax, like a feral animal.

  They held their tableau of sweaty, spent bodies for long seconds. Each of them struggled to recover his breath. A fleeting thought occurred to Diego as he pulled his finger free and sunk down onto his heels. A painter like his master might very well love to paint them like this. It was decadent and ultimately super-hot in its own way. He knew free people sometimes liked to have orgies. He’d never expected to participate in one, yet understood this was going to be the norm from now on. That wouldn’t be so bad. Nothing had hurt and while he loved being fucked by Jason, being jerked off had been pretty great, as well. This new reality might not be bad after all.

  Except, as he lay on top of Jason, Mr. Kurt turned his gaze on Diego. That hungry look sent a shiver through him. “Lick your spunk off your master’s fingers.”

  Diego immediately bent to comply. Pulling Jason’s hand up, he swirled his tongue around each digit. He didn’t mind, not really. The taste of himself on his master’s skin was hardly something to gag over. He made a show it to please the master’s boyfriend. Currying favor with the man would only make his life easier.

  Jason giggled and twisted his head to also look at Diego. “That tickles.” Pulling his hand free, he added, “Go ahead and wash up and bring a wet cloth back, please, for us.”

  Diego let go almost reluctantly, but he did like the idea of washing his ass juices off his finger. He heard Mr. Kurt murmur something about not having to say please to a slave, yet couldn’t hear Jason’s reply. It didn’t matter. Diego always knew the man would eventually drop the ingrained politeness he used with slaves. Mr. Kurt’s presence would perhaps hasten the change, that’s all.

  Diego was back in a flash with the cloth and gladly washed up his master’s hole even though the man made a grab for the cloth to do it himself. “Please let me, Master.” He knew better than to call the man by name in front of Mr. Kurt.

  When it was time to do the same for Mr. Kurt’s dick, he hid his distaste for the task and completed it with quick efficiency. Before he could leave the bed, though, the man grabbed his arm and held him in place. With his other hand, he tugged at one of Diego’s nipples hard enough to make Diego wince.

  “These pretty babies would look awesome pierced, don’t you think?”

  Jason gave Diego a lazy look. “Yeah, I suppose they would.” He moved an arm to prop up the back of his head. “What do you think, Diego? Would you like that?”

  The fingers holding his nipple increased their pressure. Diego got the hint. Pasting a smile on his face, he answered, “Yes, Master.”

  Jason yawned. “Okay, maybe we’ll do that this weekend. Let’s turn off the lights. I’m bushed.”

  With a smirk, Mr. Kurt released his hold and gave Diego a little shove. “Sure thing, babe. How about we have Diego sleep between the two of us. God knows this bed could sleep an entire army.”

  Jason chuckled, his eyes closing. “Sure, sounds good.”

  After returning the cloth to the bathroom, Diego shut off the lights to the room and climbed onto the bed and slithered into the space left between the two free men. He tried not to jerk when Mr. Kurt pressed his side against him. Instead, he concentrated on the gentle feel of the master on his other side. And, when the men lay their arms across Diego’s abdomen to clasp hands, he told himself it meant he was included in their embrace, not pushed aside. Even so, it took him a long time to relax into sleep.


  Diego woke to the familiar pain of a cock being shoved inside him. No warning and no lube. Just searing pain that caused him to break out in a cold sweat. He’d been there before, many times. What was new was the meaty hand clamped across his mouth, muffling the cry that tried to get out. His old master never cared about that, probably got off hearing it. Not this man who invaded Diego’s ass in the middle of the night. He wanted to take his pleasure quietly so that the master would never know what was happening. Diego understood that even before a harsh voice whispered in his ear in a barely audible tone.

  “Keep quiet, slut. If you wake up your master, I’ll make sure he whips this tight ass of yours for disturbing both our sleep. I’ll tell him how you crawled all over me, begging me to fuck you.”

  He punctuated his words with vicious thrusts. Although not quite as big as the master, the man had girth and knew how to make Diego feel every inch. Diego squeezed his eyes shut tight and gave a little nod to show he understood the situation and would comply. He knew that in a contest between the word of a slave and that of a free person, the slave would lose every time with potentially devastating consequences.

  So, he lay there silently even when the hand moved away, bracing his body to keep the bed from rocking any more than was necessary. The master, apparently, was dead to the world. No surprise. The man was a sound sleeper, and of course, his boyfriend would know that. Had the plan been all along to wait until the master slept soundly before Mr. Kurt reamed Diego’s ass? Probably. God, the man pinched Diego’s nipple even harder than before as he came in a hot spurt that felt like lava to Diego’s abused channel.

  The man pulled out with the same lack of care he’d shown already and rolling over, soon started snoring. Diego envied both men. He doubted he’d get back to sleep quickly, if at all. Swiping at tears that had sprung up, he admonished himself for being such a baby. What did he have to cry about anyway? This was his life. He knew that. These past few days had not been reality. He was too smart not to understand that. In fact, he was damn lucky that this furtive fucking meant that Mr. Kurt wasn’t sure whether the master would allow such harsh treatment of his body slave. A good sign and if the worst thing about Diego’s life was that he’d have to service his master’s boyfriend from time-to-time on the down-low, he’d be grateful.

  The tough part, the thing that would really make him cry, would be if the master joined in.

  Chapter Six

  “How about we do bars?” Kurt held up the little barbell nipple jewelry for Jason’s inspection.

  He frowned. “I don’t know. What do you think, Diego?”

  The slave stood quietly off to one side, gaze stuck on the linoleum flooring of the tattoo parlor. The kid had been awfully subdued all morning, skittish almost. Jason had chalked it up to the novelty of having another man in what had been a bed for two. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Perhaps Diego was more nervous about the piercing than he felt comfortable admitting to. After all, he’d been trained to please his master, not voice his own opinions.

  Annoyance at Kurt flared up. Why had he been so insistent on doing this now instead of waiting a few days? And, why had Jason gone along with it? God, he’d forgotten how forceful Kurt could be. In bed, that was a great thing. Jason loved giving himself over to a more powerful top who could really take him for a ride. Especially after the nerve-racking experience at Vince’s company, Jason had really needed the extra release that came from handing control over to someone else. But, in everyday life, Kurt could be a lit
tle too bossy and Jason a little too compliant.

  He stepped up to Diego and tipped his head so that he could catch the boy’s eyes. “Hey, you know you don’t have to do this, right? I mean, I don’t want you to say you like the idea to please me.”

  Diego’s lashes fluttered, and he glanced up at Jason. “I do want it, Master. Really. Only, I’m a little nervous it will hurt.”

  Was that all? Turning to the girl behind the counter, Jason asked, “How much does the piercing hurt?”

  The girl, who had almost everything pierced herself, rolled her eyes. “It’s a pinch. He’ll barely feel it. Slaves have a higher pain tolerance anyway. Everyone knows that.”

  Kurt grinned. “Yeah, Jason, everyone knows that. Stop being such a nervous nelly.”

  Jason wasn’t so sure that was true. Slaves were people. How could their nervous system be any different? “Is there a difference between bars and rings?”

  “Nope, except you can hang, like, weights on the rings. If you’re into that sort of stuff.”

  Kurt raised his eyebrows at Jason. “That could be fun.”

  Jason shook his head emphatically. “No way. I’m not that kinky.” Ignoring Kurt’s look of disappointment, he said to the girl. “We’ll go with the bars.”

  “Okay, over here,” she said, snapping on a pair of surgical gloves. She led them into another room with the kind of chair Jason associated with a dentist.

  Diego trailed behind them, and when Jason put his hand on the slave’s back to guide him to the chair, he made one last pitch for a change of mind. “You don’t have to do this.”

  Licking his lips, Diego seemed to glance at Kurt before he nodded. “I want to, Master.”

  Jason sighed. “Okay, then, up you go.”

  He watched Diego settle back and pull up his shirt at the girl’s instruction. The slave barely flinched when the first nipple got stabbed. Even less so for the second. And, just like that, it was over. After wiping the new piercings again with an antiseptic wipe, the girl gestured for Diego to get up. The slave swayed a bit as soon as his feet touched the ground. Jason immediately moved to put steadying hands around the boy’s waist.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Not quite sure of that, Jason continued to hold on for a few seconds more. Kurt came over and reached up to touch one of the bars that clearly showed through Diego’s T-shirt.

  “This is awesomely hot.”

  Diego hissed and jerked at the touch.

  “Careful,” Jason admonished. “It’s too fresh to play with.”

  “Oh, he’s being a drama queen,” Kurt said with a dismissive flick of his hand. Nevertheless, he moved away. “You know, we should get his tongue pierced, too. It makes for a great blowjob.”

  Jason led Diego out to the main room, still keeping a hand lightly on his waist, just in case. “Ick, I hate those things. No offense,” he added, looking at the girl, who herself had a mouthful of metal.

  “No worries. I know it squicks some people out, but your boyfriend is right, it makes blowjobs that much better. That will be eighty-five dollars.”

  Jason handed over his debit card, still not used to his bank account being so flush. He shook his head at Kurt. “Not doing it, sorry.”

  Kurt rolled his eyes. “I bet Diego would like it, though. Wouldn’t you?” he asked, shifting his gaze to the slave.

  With his hand still on Diego’s waist, he felt the boy stiffen a fraction, or maybe he imagined it because the boy nodded his head.

  “Yes, sir, I would like that very much.”

  Jason had to let go in order to sign the receipt the girl handed him. “I still don’t like the idea, but I’ll think about it.”

  “That’s all we ask, babe.” Kurt wrapped his arm around Jason and hugged him close as they left the parlor. “How about lunch? As much as I ate for breakfast, I’m starved already.”

  Jason chuckled. “You’re always hungry. Let me think about what’s a good place in this area.”

  “How about that Thai restaurant over there? It looks popular at least.”

  Jason followed where Kurt’s finger pointed and shook his head. “I don’t know. They have a sign about leashing slaves.”

  “So? No problem. You have it stuck in your belt loop, remember?”

  Jason wiggled away from Kurt’s embrace. “Yeah, but that means they won’t let him eat with us. For the last few days, I’ve been sticking to places that do allow it.”

  He could see Kurt didn’t like the answer, and that surprised Jason. He knew the guy got hungry fast and a little cranky, as well, when he did. But, it wouldn’t be fair if Diego couldn’t eat. It’s not like an Asian restaurant was likely to have sandwiches that Jason could hand down to a kneeling slave.

  A hand touched his. “Please, Master, it’s fine. I’m not hungry. I can get something at home later.”

  Kurt smiled. “See? Problem solved.” Before Jason could respond, the guy reached over and plucking up the leash, attached it to Diego’s collar. He yanked a bit to see if it was properly closed, hard enough to make Diego jerk.

  “Easy.” Jason grabbed the leash from Kurt and placed his own hand inside of his boyfriend’s. “Let’s go.”

  They walked over and entered the cool, peaceful place. The smells poked Jason’s stomach into grumbling, and he realized he was kind of starving, too. Although he couldn’t imagine that Diego wasn’t hungry, he decided not to press the matter. He needed to learn how to balance the needs of both men in his life. Weird that he thought of it that way. Diego might be only property in the eyes of the law, yet Jason had a hard time seeing him as such. In their short time together, he’d come to see the guy as more like a second boyfriend. He hoped Kurt would come to feel the same way. He knew that Diego would be a harder sell. Having been raised as a slave, he could hardly be expected to change his world view in a few days. If ever.

  Even seated at Jason’s request in a corner, there was little room for Diego. The slave squatted down and shot Jason a reassuring smile when he fussed over the lack of space. There wasn’t even bottled water to give to the poor boy, and Jason felt supremely uncomfortable with his own glass of tea and ultimately his order of pad Thai. Kurt seemed oblivious, and because it would only serve to make Diego more miserable by dwelling on him and the situation, Jason forced himself to eat and focus on his boyfriend. They’d been apart for more than a week and hadn’t had much chance to catch up.

  “So, remember that woman we met in Prague who has the gallery in New York?” Kurt asked. Jason nodded. “She sent me an email reiterating her invitation for us to come and see it and maybe submit a few pieces for her consideration.”

  The news brightened Jason’s mood. “Really? That’s awesome. I thought she was being nice.” He chewed on some noodles and considered what he might have in storage worth showing. “I’m not sure I have anything I’d feel comfortable submitting to her yet.”

  “You’re too modest.” Kurt dismissed his concern with a wave of his fork. That was one of the things Jason loved about the guy. He encouraged Jason. “Anyway, what would it hurt to go and see her? You can afford for us to go to New York now for a long weekend.”

  “That’s true. I can’t go right away, though.”

  “Why not?”

  “I still have estate things to figure out.”

  Kurt took a long swallow of his Thai tea and looked at Jason over the rim of his glass. “Like what? You’re your uncle’s only heir, right?”

  “Yeah, everything comes to me, except I met with his company’s board yesterday for the first time before picking you up. And, they made me an offer to buy out my shares in the company. I have to think about whether I’m going to accept it.”

  “How much are they offering?” When Jason gave him the number, Kurt’s eyes bugged out and sitting back, he thumped his hand on the table. “That’s unbelievable! What’s there to think about? Do you think you can hold out for more?”

  Jason shook his head. “The
company’s outside accounting firm did a valuation, so I know the amount’s fair. I guess I’ll sell because they made it pretty clear they won’t allow me to do anything there.”

  “You don’t want to anyway, right? They make like medical devices, and you’re an artist. Take the money and run.” Leaning over, he grabbed up Jason’s hand. “Babe, we could go anywhere in the world. Remember how much we talked about going to Tahiti and making like Gauguin?”

  Jason smiled. “Sure. That would be awesome.” He flicked his gaze down to Diego, squatting in the corner with his arms around his knees. “But, I do have other responsibilities.”

  Kurt frowned. “You mean the house? Sell it. That thing is a monstrosity. You don’t really want to live there, do you?”

  “No, it’s not my style.”

  He tugged his hand free to resume eating. Something about the way Kurt was jumping in to make plans for the rest of their lives together was a little unsettling. Sure, they were getting close to saying their “I love yous” but they still hadn’t known each other for even a year.

  “It’s more than the house.” He glanced down at Diego again. “I have the slaves to consider.”

  Kurt shrugged. “Sell them, too. Except Diego,” he added with a sly wink. “We’ll take him with us. We just have to avoid countries were slavery is illegal. Not that there are many of those.”

  That’s right. Slavery wasn’t universal anymore. Some countries had abolished it. Like Canada. He was pretty certain about that. If he took Diego there, the boy would be free automatically.

  “Maybe that’s exactly where we should go.”

  Kurt gasped. “Why?”

  Jason shrugged. “Maybe my slaves should be freed. Now that I have them, I’m not so sure it’s a good thing.”

  “Seriously? A boy like Diego was bred for service. He wouldn’t even know what to do with freedom.”

  Jason didn’t know about that. “Maybe. Anyway, I have too much to settle here to go anywhere right now. Perhaps in a few months I can consider taking a trip.”


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