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Heir to a Slave

Page 17

by Samantha Cayto

  Jason curled his fingers into the boy’s hair and hugged him close as that seemed to be what they both wanted. “Okay, I won’t. I don’t want to make this worse for you.” He placed a kiss on the bowed head and hoped that was okay.

  Apparently is was because soon Diego wrapped his arms around Jason and practically melted into his embrace. Hardness sprang up between them, testament to how turned-on the slave was from the contact. It was easy for people to lie, yet this reaction always rang true. Diego wanted him, and maybe being as young as he was, it was easy for him to become aroused at the least provocation. Still, Jason chose to accept that there really was no hard-feelings on Diego’s part, and regardless, Jason could take care of this one little need.

  He nuzzled Diego’s head up and captured his lips in a slow, deep kiss. At the same time, he reached between their now-dry bodies to find the stiffened cock. Wrapping his fingers around it, he began an equally slow jerk. He took care to build Diego’s arousal with steady strokes of his tongue and hand. He swept the soft, moist curves of his mouth while he tugged the hot, tight flesh of his dick. When Diego became more active, wrestling tongues and fucking Jason’s fist, Jason picked up the pace. Part of him wanted to tease and prolong the pleasure. But, sensing his boy needed the catharsis of a quick, hard release, he ignored his own wants.

  Diego moaned into Jason’s mouth. His hands grabbed Jason’s ass in a bold move that yanked him forward and forced their bodies to collide. Jason pulled out of the kiss because he wanted to see the look on his slave’s face when he came. A whimper of complaint passed wet, rosy lips before a muted shout poured out along with the hot cum splashing over Jason’s fingers. He pumped the boy through the climax, smiling at each grunt and groan and gasp he elicited before he finally stilled his hand.

  He tugged Diego tightly to him, then gave him another, shorter kiss. “Seems like we both could use another swim,” he muttered into the boy’s ear.

  Diego smiled as he opened his eyes with a lazy flutter. “Yes, Master. Yes, Jason.”

  That was all the reassurance he needed. With a wicked grin, he tugged the boy over to the pool and tipped them both into the cool, cleansing water.


  Diego stood nervously by Jason’s side. After their heartfelt talk by the pool, he and Jason had spent a lazy afternoon much as they had done that first week of knowing each other. He was free of the bad memories and fear that had been weighing him down for the past two weeks. He felt more secure now in his relationship with his master. Jason still wanted him. That was enough to make him happy again. Except that Jason had called all the slaves into the dining room after dinner for a big announcement, and Diego felt a little uneasy about what the man intended to say. He didn’t know as Jason hadn’t mentioned anything, but he assumed it was about where they were all moving to.

  Jason clasped his hands together. He seemed a little nervous, too. “So, thanks, everyone for a great meal and for all of your hard work since I’ve come to live here. I really appreciate your, um, diligence and loyalty.”

  Jason paused and tugged at one ear. “I know you probably are wondering what’s going on, what with the sale of the house and everything. And, to be frank, I’ve been struggling with deciding where to go from here. I’ve also been struggling with the morality of continuing to own slaves.”

  He flashed a smile at Diego. “So, I’ve decided to move to Toronto. Canada. I’m taking all of you with me.” He paused again. “Do you understand what that means?”

  It took Diego about two seconds to process the answer. “Slavery is illegal in Canada, Master.”

  Jason shot another smile at Diego and patted him on the arm. “That’s right. Once you all enter Canada, you’ll be free.”

  “Free?” Peggy blurted out. “What does that mean, Master?”

  “Hush now, girl,” Ginger admonished quietly, although her eyes had gone wide.

  Jason held out his hand. “No, it’s okay. Ask any questions you like.” When no one did, he kept talking. “See, I’m going to get a house up there, and you’re all welcome to live with me, doing the same things you do now. Except, you’ll get paid a salary the way a free person deserves for their labor.”

  Jason seemed to be looking for a more positive reaction from everyone. Diego jumped in. “That’s, ah, wonderful news, Master. But, it’s kind of scary, too.”

  “Oh, sure, I understand. I’m not going to, you know, drop-kick you to curb as soon as we arrive in Canada. I’ll help you get set up, and when and if you want to strike out on your own, you’ll have every right to do so.” He beamed back at them.

  Peggy burst into tears. “I don’t want to be free. Please don’t make me, Master.” When she started to sink to her knees, Ginger grabbed her and held her close.

  A stricken look passed over Jason’s face. “No, no. Please don’t cry, Peggy. I promise it will be okay. I’ll take care of you for as long as you need and want me to. I promise. And, if you have family that I can possibly buy and get up to Canada to be with you, I will.”

  Ginger patted a sniffling Peggy on the back and looked over at Jason. “That is very kind of you, Master. Thank you. On behalf of all of us, thank you. You’ve been a pleasure to serve, and we’ll gladly continue to do that for you, free or not.”

  Jason’s cheeks got a little pink. “Thanks, Ginger. I appreciate that. Now, it’s going to take a few more weeks to get everything wrapped up here and set up on the other end. We’ll get there eventually, and I’ll keep everyone informed as it goes along.

  “Okay, so, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m beat. I’m going to call it a night.”

  Notwithstanding their soon-to-be-free status, the slaves understood a dismissal when they heard one. With polite murmurs of good-night, they filed out of the room. When they were alone, Jason turned to Diego.

  “I guess that went as well as could be expected, huh?”

  “It’s a lot for us to take in, sir. Slaves never dream of being free because it’s not supposed to be possible. The idea of making one’s own decisions and being responsible for one’s own life is frightening.”

  Jason took a couple of steps closer to him. “You like the idea, though, right?”

  Diego shrugged. “I guess so.” He licked his lips, looked away briefly, then back again, working up the courage to ask the one and only question that mattered to him. “I can still stay with you right, Jason? You said we could all keep serving you the way we had been.”

  Jason didn’t answer right away. He ran his fingertips up Diego’s arm, making him shiver. “You’re a little trickier than the others, Diego. I mean your picking up my clothes and giving me the occasional massage notwithstanding, there’s only one service I really have ever wanted from you.” He swallowed hard. “That’s not something you pay for. At least, that’s not something I pay for.”

  Diego’s heart skipped a beat. “Please don’t make me leave you.” Desperation laced his question, yet he didn’t care.

  Jason smiled and cupped Diego’s chin. He ran a thumb along the jaw. “Oh, baby, I could never make you leave.” He closed the gap, his lips almost touching Diego’s. “It’s just that I don’t want a pleasure slave; I want a boyfriend.”

  “I could do that.” He heard the words leave his mouth in a low voice before his brain thought to say them. “I could be that.”

  Jason brushed his lips against Diego’s. “There’s nothing I want more.”

  Elated, Diego dared to take the initiative and covered Jason’s mouth with his own, plunging his tongue inside with an unbridled need. He clung to Jason while deepening the kiss, and Jason did the same. Their bodies practically fused together, pressing and rubbing until Diego’s cock throbbed with need and his lungs nearly burst from lack of breath. Jason’s clearer head prevailed, however, letting them both come up for air, except when Diego whimpered at the loss, Jason continued to peck and nip at Diego’s lips. At the same time, he staggered out of the room, dragging Diego with him.

no time as they stumbled up the stairs did their bodies ever truly separate. Neither could get enough of the other. Fingers grasped and grabbed, legs tripped up, teeth bumped, breath mingled, all the while, cocks ground against each other. They nearly went down a time or two in their haste to get to a place where they could strip and fuck. Jason’s obvious desire for him chased away any lingering worry Diego had over his place in this man’s life. He chuckled when they tumbled onto Jason’s bed.

  “If we’re not careful, we’ll knock each other out before we get a chance to strip.” He punctuated his comment by placing a wet kiss on Jason’s lips.

  Jason grinned. “I won’t let that happen.” His expression turned serious. “I will always take care of you, Diego. Please don’t doubt that.” He dropped his gaze to a spot on Diego’s chin. “I love you, actually.”

  Diego’s breath caught. “Oh, Jason.” He dove in for another frantic kiss. “I love you, too.” He whispered the words once he’d pulled his lips a fraction from Jason’s.

  “You don’t have to say that.”

  “I mean it,” Diego replied with a fierceness that he hoped conveyed his sincerity. Better yet, he would show him.

  Pulling away, he stripped off his T-shirt, then wiggled out of his jeans with a speed born of enthusiasm. He tackled Jason with the same intent, yet couldn’t resist latching onto a nipple the moment Jason’s shirt cleared his chest. He loved the way the man sucked in a quick, violent breath in response. Loved even more how Jason helped divest himself of his clothes. First shirt, then pants melted away. Diego continued his feast throughout, making sure to lavish attention on each hard nub before he licked his way down Jason’s ribbed torso.

  A stiff cock greeted him at the end of his journey, the tip all shiny with pre-cum, the skin a ruddy color. One large vein ran down the underside, and Diego always liked lapping his tongue up that thin ridge. Jason gasped at the touch. His hips flexed upward when Diego curved his tongue and speared it into the weeping slit. Diego dared to place his palms against the man’s hipbones to hold him down before sucking the dick deep into his throat.

  “Yes, fuck, like that.” Jason placed his hand on Diego’s head and pushed at the same time he fought against the hold on his pelvis.

  Taking a deep breath, Diego allowed himself to be filled with the hot, hard length. He relaxed his throat to accommodate it, then swallowed a few times the way he knew Jason loved. His reward was a deep growl and fingertips pressing into his scalp. He pulled up slowly, wagging his tongue back and forth as he did so. When the cockhead lay against his tongue, he sucked and laved with an intensity that soon had Jason writhing within his hold.

  “Shit, I’m going to come.”

  Oh, no, that wouldn’t do. Diego spit the dick out, scraping his teeth along the last bit of tip as he did so. He smiled at Jason’s groan of distress and nuzzled against the man’s balls. He sucked the sac into his mouth and rolled the tightening skin around a bit before letting that go, as well. He wiggled his way up Jason’s body to kiss him long and slow.

  “I want you to come inside me, please,” he murmured when their lips parted again.

  Jason’s groan morphed into yet another growl. The next thing Diego know, he was flat on his back with Jason sucking hard on one side of his throat.

  “I want to be inside of you, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you again.” Jason’s confession was given in a hushed tone.

  With strength and nerve born of desperation, Diego slid his hands between their bodies and gave Jason a hard shove. The guy backed off him immediately.

  Diego palmed his own hard dick. “Do you see how much I want you? Master?” Jason shook his head at the word and Diego shook his with equal fervor. “No. I like calling you master. I like having you take control of me in bed.”

  He waggled his cock. “This is the proof.” Bending his knees, he lifted and spread his legs. He slid two fingers of his other hand in and out of his mouth to wet them and pressed them into his hole. They went in with ease because he was so stoked to be fucked.

  “See how ready my body is to be taken by you?” He held his arms out. “Come to me, Master. Fill me. Please! I ache for you. I need you!”

  Jason didn’t move right away. He simply stared down at Diego, his gaze darting between his eyes and his spasming hole. Diego’s heart sank, thinking he’d failed to convince this man how much he wanted him. Craved him at this moment. Then, without a word, Jason dove for the nightstand and grabbed the tube of lube. Diego moaned in relief as he watched Jason slick up his cock and two fingers.

  The fingers breached Diego first, opening him even more. Jason curled them up to rub at the sweet spot that caused Diego’s vision to blur. He grabbed his knees to bring his legs up and out even more. Jason settled between them as he stroked in and out with just his fingers.

  Diego closed his eyes. “Please, Jason. Master, don’t make me wait anymore.”

  Jason pressed hard against Diego’s prostate, wringing another moan out of him and making him buck. “Such an eager and greedy boy. How could I ever let you go?”

  With that rhetorical question hanging between them, Jason pulled out his fingers and thrust his dick home in their wake. They both cried out as their bodies pressed together. Jason held himself still for a moment, grinding his pelvis against Diego’s before hitching his legs over Jason’s shoulders. Diego gladly let go so that he could grab fistfuls of sheet and ride out the hard, fast fuck.

  Jason went for speed and power, drilling into Diego as if trying to fuse their bodies. Diego bucked up to meet every stroke, urging Jason on, wanting him to go faster. He reveled in the stretch and burn of being filled completely and squeezed his sphincter as hard as he could so that he could feel every inch of that big cock dragging out and plunging in. He rocked his head back and forth, willing his climax to appear from the fucking alone. It teased him, just out of reach.

  Then Jason clasped Diego’s cock with his talented hand. Pencil, brush or dick, Jason knew what to do with his fingers. He plucked Diego’s rod with a sure grip and speed to match his thrusts. Diego cried out and bowed back as the first wave of orgasm overtook him. Ropes of cum splashed his chest the same moment as warmth began to coat his insides. Jason yelled. His fingers tightened on Diego’s cock and thigh, digging into both hard and soft flesh. The bite of pain goaded Diego into another spasm. He curled up and grabbed Jason’s shoulders to pull him down into a tight hug. Their bodies twitched and slid until their climaxes ended and their cocks were milked dry.

  They panted for long minutes in a tangle of limbs. Jason’s softening cock eventually plopped out, leaving Diego feeling empty. Except he knew he would be filled up again soon. They needed some time to rest.

  Jason rubbed his cheek against Diego’s head. “Did you mean it?”

  “Mean what, that I love you?”


  Diego tried to tilt his head up enough to look Jason in the eye. “Of course I meant it.”

  Jason tucked Diego’s head back under his chin. “That’s good, although I’m not going to hold you to it.” When Diego opened his mouth to protest, Jason shut him down before a word could come out. “I know you think you love me, but I’m going to wait until you’re free to ask you again. I read somewhere that slaves are trained to love their owners, so I don’t want it to be that.”

  “It’s true. Loving a master or a mistress helps slaves to accept their lot. Or, at least that’s what we’re taught. And, honestly, free people might think we do, but we typically don’t.” He traced a finger down Jason’s belly. “Maybe I don’t know what love feels like. I only know that nothing matters to me more than being with you.”

  Jason’s chest rose and fell on a big sigh. “Well, I’m not sure I know what love feels like, either. I mean, I thought I was falling in love with Kurt. I guess we have to see how our feelings play out. It’s going to take a good month to get to Canada and maybe years after that for everyone to settle in and get used to the idea of being free. As long as you’re w
illing to stay with me and work on forming a relationship as equally free men, there’s no point in dwelling on how ‘real’ our love is.”

  He kissed the crown of Diego’s head. “I’m happy and that’s a lot.”

  Diego snuggled in closer, a smile gracing his lips. “I’m happy, too, Master.”

  A groan ruffled his hair. “No more ‘master’ okay?”

  “Not even in bed?” Diego tried not to sound petulant even believing that he wouldn’t be punished for his behavior.

  “Do you really like calling me that when we fuck or cuddle?”

  “Yes, Jason.” He deliberately used the man’s name because he knew it pleased him and he hoped it made his assertion sound more serious.

  “Okay, then.” He rubbed his palm up and down Diego’s arm. “I guess I can admit I get a little turned on by the role-playing. As long as it becomes a game.”

  They lay quietly for a while longer before Jason spoke again. “Would you like me to see if I can track down your siblings? I may be able to buy them and bring them up to Canada.”

  Diego gave the question some thought. He had no real memory of his sister and only vague ones of the brother he barely saw. “I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to take care of myself, let alone others.”

  Jason tightened his hold. “I promise you no matter what you won’t be on your own. I’ll be there to help you even if you decide you don’t want to stay with me.” That last bit came out in a low tone, ladened thickly with emotion.

  Assuming no amount of words would reassure the man on this point—and it amazed him that it was the master who needed such reassurance and not the slave—Diego simply held the man close and rubbed his burgeoning erection against his flank.

  “I guess I’d like that once we’re settled. No one should be a slave if there’s a chance to be free,” he added as an afterthought, and worried he might have gone too far in his assessment of their society.


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