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A Wedding to Remember in Charleston, South Carolina

Page 24

by Annalisa Daughety

“I sure am.”

  Britney walked in and closed the door behind her. “Everything is going smoothly so far. The church is filling up,and the music is perfect.” She glanced at her watch. “In five minutes, it will be time for y’all to take your places.”

  “Did Luke’s dad get here?” Summer asked.

  Britney scrunched her face up in thought. “Is he the one in the wheelchair?”

  Summer nodded.

  “Yeah. I saw Luke talking to him a few minutes ago.” She smiled. “By the way, I think it’s very cool that y’all scheduled this so he could come.”

  They’d talked to Luke’s daddy’s doctor and had all agreed that if the ceremony was held in the morning, his daddy might be able to come. Summer was relieved to hear that Mr. Nelson was out there. She knew it meant a lot to Luke. Even if his daddy didn’t remember the occasion tomorrow, Luke would remember it forever. “I’m just glad it worked out.”

  “And a postwedding brunch is such a fun idea,” Ashley said. “You might start a trend.”

  Summer nodded. “Gram is excited because brunch is her favorite meal of the day. And my mom is determined to have a write-up about it in the society column.”

  Before she knew it, it was time. Her dad waited for her in the foyer. “Darling, you look amazing.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I know you’re technically already married, but it’s always been a dream of mine to walk you down the aisle. I’m thankful to get this opportunity.”

  One of the biggest surprises of all had been how close Luke and her dad had grown. It seemed like the two of them had put their old differences aside and had become something that looked a lot like friends. And Summer had even goneon a shopping trip to Atlanta with Mom and Chloe. She’d come away realizing that even though she didn’t have a ton in common with them, they could still enjoy spending time together. “Thanks, Daddy. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Katie Beth, Dale, and Colton stood with Britney by the door. Katie Beth wore a white dress with a red ribbon tied around her waist. The little boys were in matching tuxes.

  Summer knelt down to their level. “Everyone know what to do?”

  “I do.” Katie Beth smiled proudly. “We’re going to walk down the aisle all the way to the front where Uncle Luke is standing. If we get tired, we can sit down on the front row.”

  “That’s right, Katie Beth.”

  Summer walked back and took her dad’s arm.

  “Think they’ll be okay?”

  She nodded. “Katie Beth is a girl after my own heart. She’s got it all under control.” She chuckled. “Plus Colton and Dale know that Rose and Mrs. Sanders are on the front pew with prizes for them if they cooperate.”

  She watched as Britney opened the door for Ashley.

  Ashley glanced back with a wink and then proceeded down the aisle.

  “She’s a good friend, isn’t she?” Dad asked.


  Britney knelt down and gave the little ones last-minute instructions then sent them on their way, pulling the door closed behind them.

  Summer gripped Dad’s arm. “I’ve planned what seems like hundreds of these and always chide the bride for feeling jittery.

  But this is kind of nerve-racking.”

  He smiled. “But when you see Luke waiting at the end of the aisle, it will be worth it.”

  “It’s time,” Britney whispered. She opened the door as the “Wedding March” began.

  Summer and Dad paused in the doorway. Seeing the familiar faces of family and friends made the moment so special.

  Then her eyes found Luke’s, and everyone else faded away. As the music swelled around her, she walked toward him. She knew this was one of those moments she’d remember forever, surrounded by her friends and family and proclaiming her love for Luke. The past year had been tough, but they’d come through stronger than ever.

  And as Summer took her place next to Luke at the front of the church, she knew the next leg of their journey together would be even better than the last.

  Luke could count on one hand the number of times he’d been overcome by emotion. Watching Summer walk down the aisle toward him today would go on that list. She took his breath away.

  It was more than her physical beauty though. He’d known her for so long that he was well aware that she possessed much more than just looks. The way she treated people, the way she cared, the way her first instinct in any situation was to pray—those things made her so much more than just a pretty face.

  He took her hand as they faced the minister.

  “Luke and Summer have written their own vows,” the minister said with a smile. He nodded at Luke. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Luke turned to face Summer and took both her hands in his.

  She smiled.

  He took a deep breath. “Summer, I told you a long time ago that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. And that is even truer today. Seven years ago, I pledged to love, honor, and cherish you. I promised to stand by your side through the good and the bad.” He sighed. “And I know we’ve dealt with some difficulties over the past year. There’ve been things that have almost pulled us apart. But I stand here before you today promising that my love for you has never been stronger.” He gave her a tiny grin. “I know I might not say it enough. But Summer, I love you. I love you more than anything.”

  Her lip trembled, but she returned his smile.

  “A few months ago, we were trapped in the middle of a storm. Literally. And we held on to one another and made it through. I know that in our life together, other storms will come. During those times, we will need to cling to each other and to God.” He paused. “From this day forward, I promise to put God at the center of our relationship. Summer, you make me want to be a better man. The kind of man you respect and the kind of man who will make our children proud. I come here today and pledge to you my love, affection, and honor as long as we both shall live.” He squeezed her hands.

  “Summer,” the minister said with a nod to her.

  She smiled. “Luke, I’ve known you for half of my life. In some ways, that seems like a really long time, but then there are moments when I feel like we’re still seventeen and meeting up at the bandstand at the Battery.” She took a breath. “The past year has tested us. There were times when I didn’t know what would happen. But there was never a time when I doubted my love for you. I’ve always told people that I’m blessed because I’m married to my best friend. You’re the first person I want to share news with, both good and bad. You’re who I want to talk to about big decisions. You’re the one who can make me smile even through my tears.” She paused and looked deeper into his eyes. “We’ve both made mistakes. We’ve both put other things in front of our relationship. But I know in my heart that we’ve learned from those mistakes.” A tear trickled down her face. “Over the years, I’ve joked that you’re on my team. And I still feel that way. I choose you. Always. You are the one I want to go with on this wonderful, crazy journey called life.” She smiled. “I promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you until the end of time.”

  The rest of the ceremony passed quickly. The minister finally said the words Luke had been waiting to hear. “Luke, you may kiss your bride.”

  Luke pulled her to him and gently kissed her lips.

  They turned and faced the crowd and were met with applause as they walked down the aisle, arm in arm. A horse-drawn carriage waited for them out front.

  He helped her into the carriage and whispered, “I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too.”

  He leaned over and kissed her as the carriage began to move slowly through the streets of downtown Charleston.

  “I feel like a princess.” She grinned. “Thanks for letting me plan my dream wedding. It would’ve been just as easy for us to renew our vows right back at city hall.”

  He took her hand. “Nope. I wanted the world to know how we felt. No hiding this time. There’s no reason to be scared someone won’t approve of

  She nodded and then glanced around. “Do you mind if we make a stop before we get to the brunch?”


  “Thanks,” she said. She leaned up to the driver. “Can you go to King Street, please?”

  Luke wondered what she had in store but didn’t question the detour. As long as they were together, he’d sit back and enjoy the ride.

  Chapter 42

  Summer took Luke’s outstretched hand and let him help her out of the carriage. She turned to the driver. “This will only take a second.”

  “What’s this about?” Luke asked.

  She led him through the gates that led to the Unitarian Church Cemetery. “There’s someone I need to visit.”

  A few moments later, they arrived at the stone bench next to the unknown child’s grave. Summer glanced at Luke. “I come here sometimes to remember. Not just our baby, but all of those whose lives were cut short.” She sat down on the bench.

  He sat beside her. “It’s a beautiful cemetery. I don’t guess I’ve been here for years. Not since some long-ago elementary school history trip.”

  She slipped her hand in his. “I wandered in one day while I was on my lunch break. I found this spot and felt drawn to it.” She motioned toward the headstone. “I guess it gave me a tangible place to come to in order to think about our child and to pray for healing.”

  “Thanks for bringing me here.”

  She stood. “I think it’s time for me to say good-bye.” She knelt down and placed her bouquet of roses at the foot of the grave. “We can go now.”

  Hand in hand, they walked down the pathway that led to the cemetery gates.

  “Your carriage awaits,” Luke said with a wave of his hand. “I’ve always wanted to say that and mean it.”

  Summer climbed back inside the carriage, thankful for the peace she’d finally found.

  “Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nelson,” Justin said from the stage.

  Ashley turned from her spot at a table near the front of the room to watch a beaming Summer and Luke walk inside, holding hands. They made their way into the large banquet room and were surrounded by well-wishers. She shifted Colton in her lap.

  “Do you want me to take him?” Mrs. Sanders asked, gesturing to Colton.

  She smiled. “No, he’s fine.” She leaned forward so she could see his face. “Aren’t you, sweetie?”

  Colton nodded and banged his toy truck on the table.

  “We’re going to eat some pancakes in a minute, okay?”


  “Is this seat taken?” Summer asked, coming over to the table and pointing at a chair.

  Ashley smiled. “Please sit.” She gestured around the room. “This is awesome, by the way.”

  “I can give you my wedding planner’s card if you’d like.” Summer laughed.

  Ashley joined in her laughter then noticed movement on the stage. “What’s he doing?” she asked.

  Luke stood center stage and took the microphone from the stand.

  “I have no idea,” Summer confessed. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to thank you for coming today to celebrate the renewal of our vows,” Luke said. “Everyone in this room is special to us, and we appreciate your prayers and support. But it wouldn’t be right if we made this day totally about us.” He motioned for Justin to join him. “And now I want to turn the floor over to my best man, Justin Sanders.”

  Ashley shot Summer a questioning look.

  Summer shrugged.

  “Everyone loves a wedding, don’t they?” Justin asked with a smile. “But a wedding is more than a nice ceremony and pretty flowers. It’s about the joining of two lives. It’s about two people who are going to stand together through thick and thin.” He took a breath. “And I have to confess, I’ve always wondered if I’d ever find someone of my own. Someone who would be my partner and my companion. Someone who would love me no matter what.”

  He gripped the microphone and stepped down from the stage.

  Ashley watched, mesmerized, as he walked right toward her. Her heart pounded, and she clung to Colton like he was a lifeline.

  Justin stopped once he reached her and dropped to one knee. “Ashley, I know it hasn’t been that long since we met. But I also know that my whole life has changed for the better because of you. The moments that we spend together are the best I’ve ever had.”

  She wiped away a tear.

  “I’ve fallen in love with you, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” He smiled. “Ashley Watson, will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Of course.” She stood and hoisted Colton to her hip.

  Justin pulled both of them into his arms, and the crowd cheered.

  He kissed her lightly on the lips. “I’m going to make you so happy,” he whispered.

  “You already have.” She smiled.

  He headed back to the stage and put the microphone back on the stand.

  Summer walked over, a huge smile on her face. “Congratulations.”

  “Did you know?”

  Summer shrugged. “I suspected. Luke told me that there would be a couple of surprises.”

  “A couple? I wonder what the other one is.”

  Summer nodded toward the stage. “I’m thinking this might be it.”

  Justin, Luke, Jimmy, and Will were on the stage gearing up to play.

  “I didn’t know they were playing.” Ashley was surprised

  Justin hadn’t mentioned it.

  “Me neither.”

  Luke tapped the microphone. “There’s one more thing I need to do today.” He smiled broadly. “I started writing this song when I was seventeen but didn’t finish it until recently,” he explained as he strummed his guitar. “This one is dedicated to my beautiful Summer Girl.”

  Summer gasped. “I don’t believe it.”

  The opening chords of an unfamiliar song filled the room.

  Ashley glanced over at Summer. Tears flowed down her face as she listened to the song written just for her. She hugged Colton and glanced down at the beautiful ring Justin had slipped on her finger.

  There was a time when she would’ve been wary because everything was going too well. She would’ve been expecting something to happen to mess it up.

  But today, all she felt was joy. She’d been given a second chance at happiness, and even though life wouldn’t always be perfect, she was surrounded by people who cared about her and who would always stand by her.

  The Lord had blessed her with a beautiful life, and she wasn’t going to miss another minute of it worrying.

  Annalisa Daughety, a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, writes contemporary fiction set in historic locations. A Wedding to Remember in Charleston, South Carolina, is her seventh novel. Annalisa lives in Arkansas with two spoiled dogs and is hard at work on her next book. She loves to connect with her readers through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. More information about Annalisa can be found at her website,




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