Book Read Free

Delta Star

Page 3

by Iris Sword

  “...Yes, Commander Vuron is still hear along with his fated mates.” Xa’baar dabbed at Victorio’s lips with a wet cloth, tone icy as Victorio processed the information. Victorio had hid in the bathroom when a tall, dark-skinned Deltraxan forced his way into their home. Thankfully, Ba and Trax had given him the keycodes after he refused to allow them to upload his DNA. The Deltraxan had demanded to see Victorio as his mind raced, trying to find a way to enter the weapon’s vault and blow the intruder into bits. Instead, Commander Vuron had gotten into a shouting match with his son as Victorio and Xa’baar looked on, his father’s three wives and sole husband waiting in the tunnel outside. Once Victorio laid eyes on the Commander, he understood where Haltrax’s pompous personality and abundant wealth stemmed from. Trax’s father, as well as his step-moms and step-dad were dressed head to toe in shining jewels, enhanced tech, and thick black furs with matching hats. They looked like walking banks, and the only things keeping them from being mugged seemed to be the Commander’s status, as well as his oversized phaser hiding underneath his cape. At first, Victorio dreaded their visits as the Commander’s mates doted on him once they heard the news he was pregnant. Now, he sort of enjoyed their pampering, as well as watching Haltrax get chewed out by his father for not providing adequately for his son-in-law and future grandchild. No one seemed to challenge Haltrax other than his father, though Victorio wondered why they never asked about Xa’baar. The step-wives and step-husband seemed to avoid Xa’baar, and Commander Vuron just regarded him coldly. Victorio figured it was because Xa’baar wasn’t pregnant, so he was receiving all of their favor. But, it seemed to be something deeper causing the rift between the family members, Victorio just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  “...Vic’tor?” Xa’baar asked, standing slowly as he took Victorio with him.

  “Yes?” Victorio asked, wondering why Haltrax wasn’t with them. Lately, he felt anxious if both of his husbands weren’t around him. Plus, Haltrax was always by his side in the morning along with Xa’baar. They were a package deal, after all.

  “Allow me to wash and dress you...Vic’tor. The Commander, his Second-in-Command, as well as our fated wish to speak to you.” Xa’baar’s voice didn’t waver, though his face appeared incredibly sad.

  “Ooookay?” Victorio didn’t ask anymore questions, confused but curious all the same. The walked across the room, using the other door that lead to the shower pod. After washing up in the altered gravity, the pair returned to the bedroom. Victorio felt himself blush as Xa’baar coated his skin in ointment, taking time to work a fruity smelling cream into the stretch marks on his pregnant belly and rounding thighs and calves. Xa’baar hummed the whole time, enjoying the experience. After he was finished, he brushed Victorio’s hair. Victorio also demanded to keep his hair short, though that didn’t stop Xa’baar from trying to grow it out. Finally, he dressed Victorio in an elaborate fur set, the linen shirt and modified pants flowing around him like a white halo. The pants were originally a skirt without underwear, but Victorio wasn’t having any of it. He thanked Nova in his mind for teaching him how to sow so he wasn’t walking around with his ass hanging out..

  “After you, Vic’tor,” Xa’baar said, falling in step behind Victorio as they marched to the living room. Victorio didn’t like what was going on, or how Xa’baar was calling him by his name and acting like a servant. When they entered the living room, Victorio’s mouth flew open. Seated at the minimalist chairs was none other than Commander Vuron, Haltrax, and the humongous peeping tom from the Tri-Lunar Festival! He looked like an elephant Vic’tor had seen in old starlogs trying to sit on top of an egg, his body too massive for the small furniture, causing Victorio to laugh. Barrtaruk stood, hand over his hearts, now fully clothed in a spacesuit with a number of medals Victorio assumed he won in combat.

  “My name is Barrtaruk the Fierce, childhood friend of Haltrax’Vuron’Ekai the Second, Second-in-Command of—” Haltrax’s childhood friend began before being cut off by Victorio.

  “Save it for someone who cares! Why are all of your introductions so long on Deltrax? We met… Well, we saw each other at the festival. Hi Barr, I’m Vic. So what the hell is this all about? I’m hungry as shit…” Victorio trailed off, his stomach growling. He wanted to eat the fluffy egg looking sandwich Xa’baar cooked for him in the mornings.

  Barrtaruk looked to Haltrax and his leader before bowing, taking his seat. Victorio plopped down on the sofa, patting the space beside him for Xa’baar to sit down. He shook his head no, hovering by the hearth. Victorio frowned. What the hell is going on?

  Do not listen to my seed-bearer. Xa’baar has been good to you. And, I will reward you greatly...Vic’tor. Do not betray his love or my fidelity. Please. Haltrax beamed into his mind, taking a sip of his drink calmly.

  “Huh,” Victorio said out loud by mistake. He wasn’t used to the whole mind-meld thing just yet.

  “Ah hm. Precious child,” Commander Vuron said loudly, a sugary-sweet fake smile on his lips. Victorio knew a liar when he saw one. Tiger Chu had taught him well.

  “Uh huh?” Victorio crossed his arms around his chest, resting on his huge belly. The fetus was only a few rotations old, but he was already the size of a newborn or two. Xa’baar said Deltraxan pregnancies could last over a full solar rotation, filling Victorio with dread.

  “I would like to make an offer to you. You see, my seed has held onto that one for too long,” the Commander pointed his head toward Xa’baar. “You, however, have borne fruit. My loyal lieutenant is in need of a fertile goa’o, and my seed is already close to him. He is low in rank, but his merits outweigh his official title! That is why I have made him my Second-in-Command since my seed is retiring. Therefore, I will get to the point, Vic’tor. I ask that you eject Xa’baar’Zaydon from your union and unionize with Barrtaruk the Fierce!”

  “Ah, fuck no! Do I look stupid to you!? I don’t even know this guy, and you want me to throw away my baby’s potential daddy over him?” Victorio blurted out, taken aback by the bold statement. Xa’baar’s eyes bulged from his head, along with Commander Vuron’s. Haltrax held back a snicker, while Barrtaruk’s chin tipped up arrogantly, a smirk covering his yellow face.

  Well done, goa’o, Haltrax said within Victorio’s stunned mind.

  “...Insolent. But, that can be corrected. We will discuss it later once my grand-seed is born. Come, Second, I have something to discuss with you.” Commander Vuron stood with a flourish, and to Victorio’s surprise, Haltrax followed him. Who calls their own son by their title like that?

  Always one to avoid confrontation, Xa’baar retreated into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, leaving Victorio alone with Barrtaruk. They sat in awkward silence until Victorio found something to say.

  “So, about that festival. You know, that was pretty weird.” Victorio wanted to take a drink to numb his embarrassment, but knew it would only hurt the baby and his chances of executing his plan.

  “Weird? It does not translate. I know it made you feel uncomfortable, but your cock was hard, wasn’t it? You came unleashed, your eyes inviting me. Even your mind tried to reach for me before your husbands devoured you, goa.” His voice was impossibly deep, now that Victorio was actually listening to him. And, his accent was slightly different than Ba or Trax’s. Maybe it had something to do with his coloring?

  “Even that explanation sounds creepy! I can’t control when and if my body reacts, but you could’ve turned away. For fuck’s sake, you basically had that tree inbetween your legs dangling in my face!” Vicotiro wanted to shout, but said his piece in a hushed tone. He wanted to shame the stranger into apologizing. It backfired on him, Barr’s corona intensifying. He leaned forward, arms flexing. Victorio resisted the pull of his mind trying to enter; he didn’t want the asshole in one of his most intimate places.

  “Tree? That does translate. Hah! You wanted a taste, I understand. But, I would never touch what isn’t mine, especially something that belongs to a friend. Besides, I had to patrol Karta
rune the following night. I only meant to watch and enjoy with other singles. You, however, drew me in.” Barr was obviously trying to flex his creditales, but he didn’t understand the effect he was truly having on Victorio.

  “Kartarune! Why?” Victorio squeaked. The name slammed into Victorio’s mind, sending him spiraling into the past, to the very day Tiger Chu picked him off an auction block, and branded the orphan as his.

  “Why? Because that rogue planet profits over the despicable trade in flesh. A bounty hunter was caught within our territorial limits, and because Haltrax was already planning to step down, I was ordered to track him down. Once his retirement was made official, I was promoted. Now, I’m working the case. Why, does it interest you...Vic’tor? Me catching bad guys, I mean, does it make you hot inside?” Barrtaruk stood and crossed over, taking a seat next to Victorio who was lost in his own thoughts.

  The last time he’d gotten a signal from Nova, it had been around unregulated space near Kartarune. Victorio figured he was taking a detour now that a bounty was probably on his head. That area was a blackmarket perfect for a runaway to slip into a crowd unnoticed. Now, Victorio was afraid something had happened to Nova. Nova was supposed to have arrived on Deltrax already. If he could access a stronger signal, he could confirm the truth. Making sure Haltrax, his father, and Xa’baar were still busy, Victorio walked to the hearth and beckoned for Barrtaruk to follow.

  “I have a favor to ask you,” Victorio smiled seductively, leaning into the giant of a Deltraxan, though his heart wasn’t in it, “Can you take me to the Ranger’s station, and then, I’ll tell you?”

  ✦ ✦ ✦

  Deltrax, Sector VX19

  Space Ranger Headquarters

  “I knew you would come around, goa. Few can resist my charms! I like that arrogant part of you; it turns me on. Hahahaha!” Victorio kept his eyes glued to the ground as he made his way to the remote Ranger station Ba and Trax used to work at with Barr glued to his side. All eyes were on him, or more accurately, his swollen stomach and the huge, arrogant piece of shit walking next to him. Who talks about getting turned on by another man’s husband, his best friend's husband at that, in public? Barrtaruk the Fucker it seems, Victorio laminated mentally. His cheeks burned with shame. Barr made Trax look like a meek saint in comparison. Barrtaruk’s ego was in another galaxy compared to Haltrax’s stern waya. Once they finally arrived, Victorio breathed a sigh of relief, getting away from the slimeball as fast as he could.

  “So, what did you want to tell me? You know, I shouldn't even let you in here. It’s against regulations,” Barrtaruk asked, closing the chrome door behind them, grinning like a fool.

  “I’ll tell you shortly~” Victorio practically sung, mumbling curse words underneath his breath as he rigged the system to pull up schematics from nearby unregulated territory. Just as he feared, Nova’s travel pattern was erratic. Their private tracking system didn’t seem to be compromised, but somewhere around the time Victorio got pregnant, he’d entered unregulated space and never left. That could only mean one thing, Nova had been captured and was now being sold on the blackmarket. Victorio felt sick to his stomach. He had to find a way to save Nova before he disappeared for good!

  “What are you doing, Vic’tor?” Victorio froze, cold metal pressed to the back of his head. He fought the urge to hyperventilate, turning slowly with one hand up and the other on his swollen belly.

  “Haltrax?” Victorio stared into the eyes of his husband who was pressing a phaser to his skull. He lowered it instantly once he saw what types of maps Victorio had pulled up.

  “Belima’ar!” Xa’baar emerged from the shadows, rushing over to take Victorio into his arms. Victorio cursed. He’d walked right into a trap!

  “...So, what are you gonna do?” Victorio tried to appear brave, but his voice shook.

  “Save whoever you’re looking for, and get you to safety, of course.” Haltrax stated bluntly, “I am not stupid, Vic’tor. I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I have in the Ranger Federation if I were. You acted strangely ever since you landed. I realized something bigger was going on after we announced our retirement. The more you tried to sabotage our systems, the more suspicion I grew. Then, I saw the message from that criminal, and where you’d been searching, and put two and two together. Kartarune is famous for many things, but primarily trading flesh for credits. The fact you landed on Deltrax with so little, and was always on edge finally made sense. You ran away.”

  “Th-Then why did you pretend for so long? Is it because of...the baby?” Victorio was trembling in Xa’baar’s arms.

  “...Yes and no. I pledged myself to you until death do us part. This man you’re running from, he’s the worst of the worst. I knew in my heart there was a reason you were lying. And now, I’ve found it. I cannot return you to him in good conscious. Now, we must escape. There is no other way. My seed-bearer will know sooner than later who you really are, Vic’tor. Especially now that you have shamed him to his face, he’ll dig until he finds the truth. He’ll lock you up, take the unborn from your womb, and sentence you to death if he doesn’t sell you back to your master and collect the bounty on your head.” Hatrax stated ominously.

  Victorio all but collapsed, supported by Xa’baar. This whole time he thought he was two steps ahead, when in reality, he was lightyears behind. Trax had figured him out solars ago, and waited him out, trying to see where he’d lead him. If he’d been any other man, Victorio thought, he’d already be dead.

  “Just wanted to say that yes, I was in on it too! Played my part well, didn’t I? My friend needed help, and I don’t abandon my friends. That, and well, he said you may be receptive to another mate if things work out in our favor, and I’ll definitely get a promotion now that it’s connected to Kartarune!” Barrtaruk grinned, getting ready for the journey by pulling up more schematics while Deltrax stocked up on weapons and credits. Victorio sank into Xa’baar’s arms, stunned into silence, catatonic. Here he thought he’d have to go it alone, yet, his husbands were always one-step behind him. But just because Haltrax hadn’t killed him meant nothing. Once they realized the extent of who they were up against, Victorio wasn’t certain Ba, Trax, and Barr would save Nova or him even if they could.


  T9 Space Command Center

  Orbiting Tieqiú 9, Sector MZ14

  “Is he dead?” Tiger Chu exhaled a cloud of smoke before taking another drag of his cigarette, naked besides his signature charcoal-colored boots. He glanced down at the alien escort gagging for air on the floor. His penthouse, located in a command center orbiting the planet he owned, smelled of blood. But, it wasn’t his blood. No, it was the blood of yet another failed mercenary chopped into pieces inside the levitating jacuzzi beside him.

  “Very much so. And, you will be too, if you don't keep your mouth shut, slut. Get the fuck out of here!” Chu grinned a sinister grin as he shouted. The male escort nodded his head profusely, crawling on hands and knees towards the metal sliding door separating carnage from freedom.

  “This is Chu speaking,” Chu said as his holographic phone pinged, pulling up an image in front of his face of a man cloaked in all black. Chu sunk into his chair, though his muscles remained tense. He was on edge, and would remain so until he heard the words he’d been waiting for, for over a full solar rotation.

  “We’ve found him.” The mercenary hung up soon after. But, that was all he had to say. Chu shouted, elated, thumping his bloody chest like a wild beast. Victorio Chu, his personal servant, soon to be a slave, had fallen into his trap. The schematics sent over to him showed Victorio had fled into space, charting a course leading to the open slave market on Kartarune Chu had dumped Nova in. The vessel he was in was unmarked, most likely stolen. It was all going according to plans.

  “How I’ve missed you, you crafty little bitch. You slipped from my grasp once, but never again. Didn’t I tell you, Victorio? I always collect on a debt… Oh, what is this?” As Chu stared at a frozen 3D projection of Victorio taken
by an elite, hired-hand, his heart sunk. Then, he was blinded by rage. The swell of Victorio’s stomach was unmistakable, even though the image itself was blurred and out of focus. Chu didn’t care what happened to Nova, and he’d discipline Victorio once he got his hands on him. But whoever had knocked up his favorite pet would receive something far worse than death.


  Federation Space, Sector UA07

  Vuron’s Private Spacecraft Allegiance

  Xa’baar didn’t know what he hated most, the strained silence aboard Allegiance, or outbursts of furious fighting between his fated mates every so often. He stood against the wall, while Barrtaruk looked on amused. On either side of the command center was Haltrax and Vic’tor.

  “We could turn to the Federation?” Xa’baar offered, trying to break up the stalemate. They were fast approaching unregulated space, and his mates decided to have a screaming match about what was their best options for attack. Vic’tor could not fight in his current state, and Haltrac would never allow it. Neither would Xa’baar. But their spitfire demanded to be involved in the mission, claiming he knew Kartarune like that back of his hand.

  “You know more than me how my seed-bearer is. The whole lot of them is corrupt any!” Haltrax spat, leveling a glare Vic’tor’s way.

  You’re being unreasonable, fated.” Xa’baar whispered, afraid what all the fighting would do to Vic’tor and the unborn.

  “Look, I have to go with you. You look like a cop! Plus, I’m the one linked to Nova.” Vic’tor said.

  Haltrax scoffed, “Why should we put you and the unborn in harm's way anyway. Let us just go and regroup—”

  “No! If we leave now, Nova will be dead by the time we get back! Let’s just figure out what to do with the fetus.” Vic’tor cried out.


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