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Page 6

by Jessie Cooke

  He was squeezing and caressing her breasts through her clothes...not gently, but not painfully either. It felt as good as everything else and she could feel the warm, wet fluid slowly making its way down her thighs. When he let go of her and put his hands on his own waist, unbuttoning his pants, she was more excited than she could remember being for a long time. His dark eyes were locked into hers and they felt like they were penetrating her soul while he pushed his jeans and shorts down to his knees and revealed his twitching, throbbing, thick, hard cock.

  He pulled at her jeans and said, “Take all this off.”

  Beck immediately began to push them down, pants, shorts, and panties. She must not have been going fast enough because he grabbed them when she got them to her thighs and pushed then down to her ankles. They got hung up on her boots, but at last they were off and before she could even finish a thought, he spun her again so that her face was to the wall. She had to bring her hands up fast to keep her face from crashing into it and while she pressed them against the cold metal, he put an arm around her waist and pulled so that her hips would come out and her ass was pressed up against his hard cock. He slid a hand around and found her clit and began to pinch and pull at it, making her moan and squirm. She was wiggling her hips against him, desperate to feel him inside of her. She dug her fingernails into the metal when he pinched her clit hard, and he chose that moment to slide his big cock into her pussy from behind. She cried out and he reached up and took a handful of her hair in one of his hands and began to fuck her.

  He drove his cock into her, mercilessly, pushing her up against the wall even harder with each thrust. Beck wasn’t worried about that. What he was doing to her pussy felt so good that it made up for anything else that might be slightly uncomfortable. She was shaking all over, convulsing, really. He was still playing with her clit...and pulling her hair...and then he leaned in further and bit her on the shoulder and that was what tipped her over the edge. She had to bite her lip almost to bleeding to keep from screaming. Jace wasn’t done, though. He kept fucking her, hard and fast, his own relief the only thing in sight at that moment. She was surprised. Normally when she was finished, she’d want him to finish fast. But she honestly believed that she could do this all day...and then some.

  What seemed like hours later, but was probably only ten or fifteen minutes, Jace pulled so hard on her hair that she thought he might rip it out of her scalp. He let out a loud, wild, primal grunt and then she felt his thick cock swell, filling her pussy even more, just before she felt the rush of his orgasm. It was running down her thighs as he leaned into her and tried to catch his breath...and she was still okay with him holding onto her. She suddenly regretted walking out on him that morning. His big, rough hands felt so good on her body.

  Jace let go of her hair, pulled his cock out of her pussy, bent down, and grabbed his pants...when Beck turned around, he was pulling them up and he looked at her and said, “Thanks. Lock the door on your way out, will you?” She felt an ache in her chest but she knew his callousness was well-deserved on her part. She put on her shorts and her pants and by the time she looked up again, he was across the shop, looking at a small bike. She considered going over there and trying to talk to him...but what was there to say, really? The sex was hot, but he was weird, and she wasn’t looking for any more than that anyway. She liked her freedom...loved it. She buttoned and zipped up, realizing the first thing she’d have to do when she found a room was take another shower. With one last look at the man across the room who had just blown her mind for the second time that day, she opened the door, turned the lock, and closed it behind her without looking back again.


  Sabrina’s back was hurting. Her feet were swollen. Mason was wrapping himself around her legs every time she took a step away from him, and getting anything done was a struggle. But when Blair noticed her frustration and told her to take a break, she said no. “I need to help as much as I can,” she said. “I feel so worthless lately.”

  “Baby girl, you are not worthless. That little monkey on your legs there will attest to that, and I’m sure his daddy would too.”

  “His poor daddy has been getting the shit end of my moods lately. I feel so bad. He wouldn’t have been out there in the shop and he wouldn’t have gotten hurt yesterday if not for one of my crazy moods.”

  “Hey, come sit down.” Blair took her hand and led her past the big industrial-sized oven that Mackenzie and Charlie were both standing in front of. Sabrina paused when she got a whiff of a heavenly scent coming from one of the pots on the stove.

  “Oh my God, that smells so good—what is it?”

  Charlie smiled. Ash’s little sister was home just for a few weeks on break from college and Mackenzie had just gotten back from a trip to New York to handle business that she couldn’t take care of from the West Coast. Sabrina missed both women when they were gone. She loved her girls, the old ladies, and Charlie. They were a tight group and she didn’t know what she’d do without them. Charlie said, “I made buffalo chicken dip.”

  “It smells amazing.”

  “I’ll get you some,” she said with a wink. “I made a lot.”

  Blair took her arm and led her to the table while Charlie dipped a big spoonful of the dip into a paper bowl and then put a handful of corn chips in another one. She carried them over and set them down in front of Sabrina, who grabbed one even before thanking the other girl profusely. “No,” Blair said. “Listen to me, okay? What happened yesterday was not your fault. You know your husband. His primary goal is taking care of his family and this club. No matter what, he would have shown up out there when this went down and who knows? Maybe if he showed up later, he would have been hurt worse and Wolf may have been killed.”

  Sabrina was eating the chips and dip. They tasted amazing. She nodded at Blair and said, “I know. He’s amazing...I just worry about him, and if I was ever even partially to blame for something that happened to him...”

  “Chip!” Mason was holding his little hand up to her. She smiled and put a chip into his palm.

  “Chew it good, baby.” She looked back at Blair and said, “He wouldn’t really talk about what happened yesterday. Did Wolf tell you that Bruf stopped that man from killing him? Because if that was the case, I’d feel a lot better about him being there because of me.”

  Blair shook her head and smiled. “I thought we already established he would have been there anyway. But yes...I mean, Wolf wasn’t sure yet whose gun the bullet came from that killed that guy yet, but it had to be Bruf or Jace...”

  “What about the chick?” Charlie said, as she came over and set a glass of water down in front of Sabrina. Sabrina and Blair both looked up at her and almost simultaneously said:

  “What chick?”

  Charlie looked at Mackenzie, and Mack said, “There was some blonde woman here early this morning, waiting to talk to Wolf. I saw Manson rush her into the office. When I asked him who she was, Manson was tightlipped, as usual, but Marissa was serving breakfast and she said she heard some of the guys talking about her. They said that the cops were all over her and they saw them take her gun too...they think she might have been the one that shot Morrison’s goon.”

  The rumor mill at the club ran rampant, but there was usually at least a grain of truth to what was said. “So, she was involved in the shootout too? And Wolf met with her, this morning?” The tone of Blair’s voice told Sabrina that was probably not the version of the story that Wolf told his old lady, and she wasn’t happy about it. Charlie and Mack seemed to get that too. Once again, Charlie looked to Mack who said:

  “I saw her, but the rest of it is just rumor for now. Maybe, if Wolf didn’t tell you that she was a part of any of this, the rumors are bullshit. You know how things grow and evolve around here without all the facts.”

  “What does she look like?” Blair asked. Another shared look between Mackenzie and her sister-in-law. Charlie was beginning to look like she wished that she’d stayed out of it.

  “Um...” Mack started.

  “She’s hot.” Marissa, Maz’s old lady, seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Of all the old ladies, Marissa was probably the least vocal and the least opinionated. Sabrina had never heard her say a bad word about anyone, and Marissa even seemed to go out of her way to find something nice to say about everyone. So, when she said the other woman was hot, no one was surprised. It was when she seemed to need to drive her point home and said, “Seriously, hot. When I asked Maz if he saw her or knew who she was, he could suddenly barely remember how to speak English.” She rolled her eyes. The ladies all laughed.

  “So, do you know who she is?” Blair asked. “Or what she’s doing here?”

  “Just what I heard the guys talking about. Maz claims he’s never seen her before and the other guys were saying she barely drove through the gates in front of the shop yesterday when the shooting started, and Cubbie, who came over from the front gates when it all went down, said she just pulled out a gun and took out the guy inside.”

  “So she was the one that saved Wolf’s life?” Sabrina said. Blair narrowed her eyes. It was becoming more and more obvious that Wolf hadn’t mentioned her. If Sabrina were Blair, she’d want to know why. As a matter of fact, she wanted to know why Bruf hadn’t mentioned some strange woman being there and killing someone to keep him from killing Wolf. The women weren’t privy to a lot of club business, but something like that was something Wolf would not normally keep from Blair, or Bruf from her...why the mystery?

  “What’s going on in here? Don’t we have a barbecue to prepare for?” Wolf walked in with a smile on his face and a joke in his voice, but when the women all turned their focus on him, he lost the smile quickly and said, “Damn, who died?”

  “Just the bad guy,” Blair said. “Apparently thanks to a seriously hot woman with a gun, though, and not Bruf and Jace?” Most of Wolf’s face was covered in hair, but Sabrina saw the color drain out of it and she knew there was something to the rumor around the club.

  “Well,” Wolf said, clearing his throat, “we still don’t know whose gun fired that bullet.” Sabrina’s focus was on Blair. Her club sister was smart enough not to call her husband out in public, but judging by the way Blair’s eyes were narrowed on his face, he would get called out in private, soon enough.

  “Mama!” Sabrina looked down at Mason. While she was talking, he’d gotten into one of the cans of nacho cheese the girls had opened to heat up for the barbecue. His entire little brown face was covered with bright yellow cheese.

  She sighed. “Okay, baby, let’s go clean you up.” She grabbed a paper towel and as she was wiping his hands, she noticed that the rest of the women had gone back to work. Even the club girls that had been milling around and listening to the old ladies’ conversation had scattered. Blair had taken Wolf off to a corner and Sabrina couldn’t wait to get home and find out what was really going on from her own old man. She picked up the baby, wrapped his legs around her big belly, and headed out. She’d help set things up later, but right then as soon as she cleaned up the cheesy toddler, she meant to find out why Bruf had failed to mention there was a “hot” woman involved in the gunfight.

  Wolf had given Bruf the morning off and told him to rest and let his arm heal. He wasn’t expected up at the club until that evening before the guests started showing up for the party. Sabrina found him in his recliner at home, arm up on a pillow and some old gangster movie on the TV. He laughed when he saw Mason’s face, but the smile fell slightly when he looked at his old lady. “He been giving you a hard time?” Bruf asked, still trying to suppress a smile. Mason was smiling too and reaching for his dad.

  “Not really,” she said. “It was my fault. I was talking to Blair and not really paying him enough attention. I’m going to bathe him and put him down for a nap. Don’t go anywhere, though, please. We need to talk.”

  “Okay...about?” Maybe it was her imagination, but he sounded nervous. Bruf was good at hiding his emotions, so if anxiety came through, it ran pretty deep.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, ignoring his question. She took the baby down the hall to the bathroom. It took her a good forty-five minutes or an hour to bathe him and then convince him to lie down and close his tired little eyes. Once he was finally asleep, she went back into the living room. Bruf was drinking a beer. She looked at it and cocked an eyebrow. It was barely noon, and it was unlike Bruf to drink so early in the home, anyway.

  He noticed her look and said, “The arm was hurting. I thought it might help.”

  “Okay.” She sat in the chair across from him. “I have a question. Please be honest with me.”

  “I’m always...”

  “I mean, don’t omit anything.”

  Bruf sat up and put the footrest down on the recliner. He leaned toward her and said, “Baby, what’s wrong? What’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure. Who is the pretty blonde woman? The one that was involved in the shootout yesterday?”

  She watched her old man’s face closely. She knew him well enough that she hardly ever had to guess what he was thinking. But the look he had on his face at the moment was a mystery to her. “She’s an old friend of Coyote’s,” he said. “She came to see him. She didn’t know he was dead. When she showed up, all that shit out there was going on. She shot the guy who almost killed Wolf.”

  Sabrina frowned and said, “Okay...but why is everyone being so secretive about her? She saved the president of this club. I would think everyone would be buying her a round of drinks. Instead, she seems to be getting brushed under the carpet like she never existed. What’s that about, Bruf? I mean, who is she, really?”

  Bruf rubbed his chin absently as he told Sabrina the story of Coyote and Rebekah. Before he stopped talking Sabrina knew there was something he was holding back. He was a terrible liar, not that he did it often, but that was probably why he was so bad at it. Something in his beautiful green eyes told her that whatever he was holding back carried a lot of pain or shame...or some kind of emotion along with it. She waited until he was through and said:

  “Wow, that’s amazing considering what I know about Coyote. But what are you not telling me, Bruf? Do you know her?”

  “I met her...once, about twelve years ago.”

  “You were just a kid twelve years ago,” she said.

  He shrugged. “I guess. I was eighteen.” He was stalling, and Sabrina was getting more anxious as he did.

  “Baby, just tell me what’s up between you and this woman, because I’m sure what I’m imagining is a lot worse.”

  “I had sex with her, once.”

  “Okay, from what you’ve told me, you had sex with a lot of women. That was all before me. But I get the feeling that even though she was before me, there’s something else. Bruf, I love you and I trust you, but you’re making me crazy here.”

  “She got pregnant,” he blurted out. Sabrina felt her belly tighten just then and as she wrapped her arms around it and doubled over, she saw Bruf get to his feet. This conversation would have to be tabled for now. The child that Sabrina had thought was Bruf’s only biological kid was about to make an entrance...two months early.


  Beck was bored, and horny. More horny than bored. She thought about getting dressed and going out. The motel room was small and ugly. She was tired of looking at it and she’d only been there a matter of hours. But it was late...after 2 am...and the bars in California would be closed anyway. Fucking tight-ass state. She reached over and grabbed her smokes off the nightstand and just as she lit one, her phone rang. She looked at the number; it was local, so she knew it had to be Wolf, or the cops. So far, they were the only ones that had it.


  “Rebekah, I’m sorry to call so late.” It was Wolf.

  “It’s okay. I was up.”

  “We need to talk.”


  “I don’t want to talk here. The club is already buzzing with rumors about you. Can I come to you?

  “Sure.” Beck learned young that when it came to men, you never gave them more than they asked for, and sometimes not even that. She could tell by Wolf’s sigh that he was getting frustrated, but club president or not, she wasn’t ready to kiss his ass...yet.

  “Where are you?”

  “Red Roof Inn off Herndon and 99.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there within the hour.”

  “Alright.” She hung up and stared at the phone, wondering what it was he had to say to her that couldn’t wait until the sun came up. She wondered what his old lady was going to think about him going to her motel room at three in the morning. Mrs. Wolf didn’t have anything to worry about from her. She thought of Coyote as a surrogate father. Fucking Wolf would be like doing her brother, and even she drew the line at that.

  She lay there a little longer and wondered if she had time to masturbate before he got there. She was really horny. She kind of wished that she had given Jace her number. But the way he’d left things earlier, he probably wouldn’t call her anyway. Beck hated being horny all the time. She was like a man. She thought about sex every ten seconds, all day long. When she was young, in high school, her mother had sent her to a therapist. It was a waste of time. She went out of her way to shock the therapist, who told her that her “problem” stemmed from not having a father and she was “seeking male attention, the wrong way.” The thing was that even then, Beck didn’t see it as a problem. Sex was fun. It made her feel good. End of story. As long as no one was getting hurt, she didn’t see the problem.


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