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Lifeguard’s Thick Fiancée

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by Amber Branley

  Lifeguard’s Thick Fiancée: A Sweet Older Younger Story

  Amber Branley

  Copyright, 2020, All Rights Reserved

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  Chapter One – Luke

  Chapter Two – Anna

  Chapter Three – Luke

  Chapter Four – Anna

  Chapter Five – Luke

  Chapter Six – Anna

  Chapter Seven – Luke

  Chapter Eight – Anna

  Chapter Nine – Luke

  Chapter Ten – Anna

  Chapter Eleven - Luke

  Chapter One – Luke

  I pull my truck onto the shoulder of the highway when I see the woman in the ocean. I’m off duty, but I’m always alert, and what I see makes my heart rate skyrocket.

  She’s out in the ocean all alone. No one seems to notice that she’s struggling in the tide; flapping her arms back and forth frantically. I slam my foot on the gas pedal and plow my 4x4 through the parking lot, up onto the curb, and out onto the sand. I hit my foot on the brakes when my truck reaches the water and then I jump out from the truck right into the sea.

  I remember my training. Years of it. I swim methodically, robotically like I was trained to swim, towards the girl far out in the tide. When I reach her, I grab her and she slumps over on my shoulder. She’s gasping for air, choking on the saltwater. It all feels like a blur to me; it happens so fast. When we reach the sand I put her on her back and start to perform CPR, and for a moment I feel hopeless.

  Oh god…

  Then she spits up a mouthful of salt water and stares at me with wide eyes that tell me she’s shell shocked. Her mouth is hanging open and she says, “Did I die?”

  “No, sweetie, you’re alive.”

  I breathe a long sigh of relief and look up at the sky. Then I look back down at the girl who’s laying on the ground, staring up at me. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  She sits up and breathes heavily. Her gaze softens and she looks at me and says, “You saved my life.”

  “I’m just doing my job. I’m a lifeguard.”

  She wraps her arms around me suddenly. “Thank you so much,” she says through tears. “I was just passing and wanted to stop for a swim, and I’m not a great swimmer – oh, God, I’m so stupid.”

  “No you’re not,” I say, shaking my head as I rub her back. She’s got her head shoved into my chest. “This happens a lot. You’re fine now; I got you.”

  She looks up at me. Her eyes are red and wet. Then she smiles and says, “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “No need to thank me,” I shake my head. “I don’t think you should drive for a while. You might still be in a state of shock, at least a little bit. You good to relax here for a while before you get in your car?”

  “It’s okay, I don’t have a car anyway,” she says, then bashfully looks at me as she blushes. “I’m a hitchhiker. I was hitching up the coast.”

  “You need a ride?” I furrow my brow. A hitchhiker. Not safe for a girl like this.

  “You’d give me one?” Her eyes light up. She looks so much healthier now, and my heart rate slows down. She’s going to be alright. I still can’t get that moment out of my head, though, when she wasn’t breathing as she lay on the sand.

  “Of course,” I smile.

  She grins back at me and then grabs her bag on the sand and changes in the restroom. When she comes out a moment later, I get a good look at her curves. God, she looks heavenly. She’s got thick legs – I’m talking majorly thick, and a booty for days.

  “You’re so tall,” she says, smiling. Then she coughs a little.

  “You okay?” I ask, a look of concern filling my eyes.

  “Fine,” she says, snickering. “Think I still had some water down there.”

  “I’m glad you’re not driving now. I want to keep an eye on you for a while; make sure you’re feeling good. You ready to go?” I smile.

  “Sure am,” she says.

  We walk towards my truck and I hold the door for her. She hops in and glances around nervously. “Sorry I’m getting your seats wet,” she says shyly, clenching her teeth together in a nervous smile. “I didn’t have a towel so I’m still wet.”

  “No worries. This thing’s seen a whole lot worse than some salt water,” I laugh, turning the key in the ignition and firing up the engine. Besides, I’m the one who’s really soaked. I get out of the truck for a second, grab a change of clothes I always keep in the toolbox of my truck bed, and quickly undress and then put on the dry clothes.

  As I change, I can see her staring out the window at my body. She’s grinning.

  I toss my wet clothes into the bed of my truck and then hop back into the driver’s side. I reverse out of the tide, and then head back over the beach towards the highway. “Where you headed?”

  “As far as you’re going,” she said cheerfully. “I’m heading up north to Oregon.”

  “Oregon?” My eyes widen and I pull out onto the highway. We’re in Southern California. “You’ve got a long way to go.”

  “Yeah,” she sighs as I shift my old white 4x4 into drive and then head back out onto the highway. “I guess I’ll take my time getting there.”

  “I’m Luke, by the way,” I say.

  “Anna,” she smiles at me.

  “Pleasure to meet you. You from Oregon?”

  “I grew up all over,” she says after a long pause. “I’m just going up there to start fresh, though. Been living in Arizona these last few years. Got tired of it.”

  “Skipping California?”

  “Too expensive to live here,” she laughs. “Wish I could afford it, though.”

  “It sure is expensive,” I say.

  The sky grows dark pretty quickly; rain clouds come out of the East. Then the raindrops start falling hard and fast, with no end in sight based on how dark the sky has become. Traffic is creeping on the highway, and cars start to pull off into the emergency lane due to the heavy rainfall. I keep trucking along, going about fifteen miles an hour as my windshield wipers bounce back and forth at their highest setting. They don’t help much, so I keep my eyes glued to the road and try to see the lane dividers.

  “God, it’s an awful storm,” she says.

  “Sure is.”

  I see the light of Melvin’s diner up ahead; a green and welcoming fluorescent glow. I’m tempted to pull off and wait this storm out, and buy this girl a bite to eat in the meantime. The rain falls heavier and heavier, and so I swerve into the dirt parking lot at the last second and put the truck into park.

  “Hungry?” I look over at her.

  She’s smiling, and when I see that smile I feel like I melt a little inside. Call me crazy, but I’m pretty dang sire I’ve just got and fallen in love at first sight.

  Chapter Two – Anna

  He leads us into the old ocean view diner, and as he does I can’t take my eyes off him… He’s got a way about him, that’s for sure –a way he walks that drives me crazy. His body is tight. I don’t know how else to describe it.

  When I got to watch him change clothes, it was like a dream come true. I could tell he worked out, to say the least. His body was crazy hot – six pack abs, a chiseled chest, shoulders that looked like bowling balls, and arms that were thick like tree branches.

  Needless to say, I’m pretty into this guy, and I think he knows it because he keeps smiling at me and giving me mischievous, flirty looks. He holds the door of the diner for me and we walk inside and then sit at a booth in the corner. The waiter brings us menus and we both order the same thing – pancakes.

  After all, it’s still pretty early, and pancakes are always good.

p; But what’s better than pancakes is this little impromptu date I’m having with this guy. Because that’s what it is, right? It’s a date. There’s no doubt about it. I mean, it wasn’t planned or anything, but that’s definitely what it’s turned into, because both of us can’t seem to stop flirting with each other…

  “Girl as cute as you shouldn’t be hitchhiking,” he says.

  “Me? Cute? I wish,” I laugh.

  “You’re just being modest,” he says with a big grin.

  “No, seriously. I wish I was. But I’m not,” I say.

  “You are. Very.”

  “Thanks,” I blush, but still don’t see how he can possibly think I’m cute. “And you’re very… Nice to look at, too,” I say awkwardly, and then feel myself grinning from ear-to-ear.

  Nice looking? Ugh. How embarrassing. Why couldn’t I just tell him the truth? The truth being that he’s a total dream boat, and I’d love to have him as my forever guy. I mean, I know that sounds crazy considering I only just met him, but what can I say?

  He’s my literal knight in shining armor. He saved my life, and all I want now more than anything in the world is to have my arms wrapped back around him like before on the beach when I gave him that big hug.

  He smiles at my compliment and shrugs. “Thanks,” he says, beaming at me. Then his smile fades and he asks curiously, “So why Oregon, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t know,” I shrug. “Just thought it looked beautiful in pictures. Mysterious, quiet. The Pacific Northwest all seems mysterious to me.”

  “I guess it sort of is a mysterious place,” he says thoughtfully, gazing into my eyes.

  Ugh, he’s so dreamy! Why is he looking at me like that?

  “You’re so hot,” I say suddenly – unable to keep it in, I guess. Then I clap my hand over my mouth and my cheeks turn so red. I can’t believe I just said such an embarrassing thing.

  “Oh – my – god… Sorry I said that.”

  “It’s okay,” he laughs, waving his hand. “You’re hot too.”

  “I’m chubby.”

  “Chubby?” He scrunches his brow together. “No way. You’re perfect. You’re curvy. You got a body girls would kill to have.”

  “You’re so nice to me,” I say dreamily, and then the waiter brings us our drinks. I got orange juice and Luke got apple juice.

  “Cheers,” he says, and we clink our glasses together and laugh. He takes a sip and says, “You feeling alright still? Not lightheaded or anything? Not loopy?”

  “I’m good,” I say. Then I pause. “Wait, do I seem loopy?” I laugh.

  “No,” he grins. “Just making sure since you were unconscious for a few seconds. Was worried about you.”

  “I could have sworn I was dead,” I sigh and look down at the table. “I remember the fear. Then it turned into a disorienting feeling. The water came over me, swallowing me up. Then it was dark.” I look up at him and see his blue eyes staring into mine. I continue, “Next thing I remember is opening my eyes and seeing you hovering over me.”

  And I remember his lips on me as he kissed me – I mean, as he performed CPR on me. His lips felt so good…

  “Yeah,” he says. “But don’t think about it now. You’re fine now. No worries about anything – it’s all good.”

  “Thanks to you,” I say, and my voice sounds all dreamy again. “You’re my hero.”

  “Just a guy doing his job,” he says, shaking his head.

  He doesn’t know it, but he’s a superhero to me. And whatever it takes, I want to have him as my own. To hell with Oregon. If I can have my way, I’ll stay right here in Southern California with him at my side. I mean, a girl can dream, can’t she? I know it’s not realistic, but I can at least fantasize about it…

  The waiter brings the food and I’m no longer feeling very hungry. If anything, my appetite has all but vanished, and I’ve got butterflies in my stomach that won’t seem to leave as I stare at the blue-eyed hunk across the table from me. He’s so gorgeous, I think as I watch him eat, and all I can focus on is how much I want him to be mine.

  Chapter Three – Luke

  I manage to scarf down my food, which isn’t saying much considering I’m always a fast eater – but for some reason I wasn’t that hungry as I ate it. I feel like – and this sounds like I’m getting soft, but I don’t care to admit it – I feel like I have butterflies as I stare across the table at Anna.

  She’s just so gorgeous, and I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do about it. I’ve got to face reality, though, that’s for sure. And the reality is that she’s a hitchhiker who I’m giving a ride to. That’s all. And when she gets where she wants to go, then we’ll part ways and most likely never see each other again.

  That’s the reality. And it’s a grim reality at that.

  I don’t like to admit it, but I’ve got to be realistic. I don’t have a future with this girl. I’m forty years old and she must not be a day over twenty two. I’m too old for her, and we’re from different parts of the world. She’s not going to drop everything and settle down here just because she wants to try being with me.

  We’re riding down the highway now, heading north. I don’t know how far I’m going to drive, but I’m off work tomorrow and I don’t feel like leaving this girl. I’m halfway tempted to drive her all the way to Oregon. But when we make it to Ventura County, she looks over at me and says, “We can stop driving.”

  I slow down a little bit on the Pacific Coast Highway and glance over at her. “What do you mean?”

  She’s smiling, but she looks kind of nervous. She’s blushing and says, “I know this sounds crazy, but I was thinking – what if I do try to live here in California? Maybe I could start fresh here instead of Oregon.”

  I bite my lip, trying to hold back my grin. I feel a euphoria rising up in me. I’m on the verge of just letting loose, laughing my heart out and slapping my hands on the steering wheel because of how happy I feel. But I refrain from doing any of that, and all I say is, “I think that would be awesome.”

  I pull off the highway onto a suburban street and glance over at her for a second before I look back out at the neighborhood ahead of us. “You want to go back to LA? Need a place to stay?”

  Her eyes light up. “You’d – you’d let me stay at your house?” She beams at me. Then she quickly adds, “Temporarily, of course – I’ll get out of your hair soon.”

  “You stay as long as you like,” I smile at her.

  She looks at me, staring deep into my eyes, and I can’t take my own eyes off of her. She’s so damn gorgeous, and she’s got to know that eventually. She doesn’t have the most confidence, but I can help her work on that. I can help her see her true beauty.

  I realize then that we’re both moving closer to each other, until our lips suddenly collide and we begin to make out. Things get hot and heavy fast, and we both quickly pull away and she blushes. Then we stare at each other, saying nothing, until she says, “Screw it,” and then we begin to kiss again.

  I wrap my hands around her face and pull her in close to me. Her plump lips feel magical against mine. My body is tingling, my heart thumping in my chest. I’m head over heels in love with this girl who I just met, and I know I’m going to do whatever it takes to make her my forever.

  She’s my soul mate. She’s my destiny, and I know nothing’s going to tear us apart.

  Chapter Four – Anna

  After that kiss, I feel like I’ve lost all sense of direction, time, and place.

  Needless to say, I feel incredible right now as Luke drives us down the road. Where we’re going, I’m not sure, but I’d assume it’s his place. At least, I hope that’s where we’re headed. Because he got me feeling so hot and bothered when he kissed me like that, and all I want right now is for him to kiss me again. Just a kiss, that’s all.

  At least, for now… If I’m able to control myself.

  Truth is, I don’t know if I will be. Because I’ve never done anything like this bef
ore. I mean, I’ve never done it before. I’ve been saving myself for the right guy, and right now I feel like I’ve finally found him. I know I’ve found him.

  He’s sitting across from me, eyes on the road, big, beefy arm on the steering wheel as he leads us down it. He glances over at me and smirks. He’s so cute when he smirks like that. “How long have you been on the road for?”

  “Three days now,” I say. “Just been taking my time and seeing things along the way. I rode with a family from Flagstaff then down to I-10 where they stopped at Blythe. From there I rode with a woman truck driver to Palm Springs. Then I got a ride to Malibu, where you found – saved – me today.”

  “You must be tired as heck from all that traveling.”

  “Not now,” I say. “Not when I’m with you. I feel so much energy with you,” I say, sounding shy as ever.

  “You’re so cute. We’ll head back to my place and I’ll change into some decent clothes, wash this salt off with a hot shower and then rest if you like. I can show you around my property.”

  “Sounds cool.”

  When we get there, however, I’m taken aback – I’m shocked as hell, honestly, because while a tour of his property sounded cool to me, I wasn’t expecting his property to be so… Big. Seriously. He’s a lifeguard, and yet he’s got what looks to be a millionaire’s house.

  I can’t help but ask him about it. “You’re a… Lifeguard?”

  “Lifeguards in LA get paid a decent salary, depending on the position. I’m a captain. On top of that I’ve got another side business digitally. That makes about the same as my lifeguard position does.”

  It all makes sense now. It fits together like the pieces of a puzzle. He’s filthy rich, and that explains why he’s got a massive house and a massive backyard in Brentwood, up in the hills. I can’t stop gazing at his gorgeous, picture-perfect sloping backyard as we stand on the back porch of his house.

  “This place is beautiful,” my voice sounds like it’s in shock.

  “Thanks,” he smiles and takes me by the hand. “Took me a long time to design it, but finally came up with a plan I was happy with four years ago. Let the builders do the rest of the work.”


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