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The Calling (The Andovia Chronicles Book 1)

Page 5

by Tiffany Shand

  She glowered at him. “I couldn’t control what happened earlier. And it’s not like you’re forthcoming with answers.”

  Ranelle and Lucien trailed behind them, bickering as usual.

  “You have to stop actively using your power,” Darius said. “Not only can your power kill, but it can enslave people too.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Nyx snapped. “I hear thoughts. That’s all.”

  “You can compel people too – like you tried to do with me. Your compulsion runs much deeper than that. Your power can enslave someone to your will. It’s a natural part of being a mind whisperer.”

  “How?” She furrowed her brow.

  Darius sighed. “I don’t know how it fully works. We only have legends to go by. You’re the first mind whisperer in a generation.”

  “What happened to the other ones?”

  Darius hesitated. He couldn’t admit his family had wiped them out. Nyx distrusted him enough already.

  “What’s the prophecy about?” Nyx repeated. She then froze and spun around.

  “What’s wrong?” Darius frowned.

  She shivered. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

  Darius paused and sent his senses out. A chill ran across his mind. No. This couldn’t happen now. They were out in broad daylight. Rae, Lucien, we’re not alone, Darius warned.

  Ranelle and Lucien stopped their bickering and went on alert.

  Lucien sniffed. I don’t sense anything.

  What is it? Rae asked.

  “What is going on?” Nyx demanded. “I can hear you talking to each other. You’re all on edge, why?”

  “We need to keep moving.” Darius motioned for them to follow. “Pick up the pace.” He took hold of Nyx’s arm and tugged at her. “Come on.”

  “I’m not a hound you can order around, druid.”

  He repressed a sigh. Spirits, he would be glad to get rid of this girl. He let go of her. Can you hear me? Darius lowered his mental shield in the hope her power would pick up on his thoughts.

  Nyx gasped. Yes. How…?

  Good, then believe me when I tell you we need to move. Now!

  The four of them sprinted through the woods.

  Darius used his mind’s eye to scan the area with his senses. The clearing lay up ahead. Once there, he could set up a circle and get them to the port, then they would be safe. Or at least he hoped so. Darius did not want to deal with any darklings.

  I will tell you about the prophecy later, he told Nyx.

  You had better, druid. Nyx gripped his arm. I feel something.

  What? He frowned and tugged on her arm so they could get going again. We need to keep moving.

  Cold, iciness. Nyx shuddered as she trotted beside him. Do you know what it is?

  It’s — Darius grabbed hold of Nyx, pulling her tight against him as the ground in front of them gave way. Green plumes of smoke rose from the gaping void where the ground had been.

  Nyx stifled a cry of alarm. “What happened?”

  “It’s a rift. An opening where the veil between our world and the next meet.”

  A mass of darkness shot out from the abyss.

  No. Darius’ blood went cold. The mass grew denser.

  Ranelle took to the air and fired an arrow that went straight through the growing mass.

  The mass then broke apart and formed into several wispy beings with glowing eyes.


  Darius muttered a curse. He shoved Nyx to the side then dove out of the way too. A piercing shriek rang out.

  So much for daylight serving as protection. Darius had never expected a rift to open here in the lower realm. So far they have been limited to the islands of Andovia. Had something or someone followed them here?

  Ranelle fired another flaming arrow. It, too, shot straight through the darkling.

  What are these things? Nyx yelled at him.

  Darius winced. Darklings – evil spirits. They are what killed the trader last night. He didn’t have time to tell her what little he knew about the creatures.

  Lucien moved with supernatural speed as he shot out of the way from another darkling coming at him.

  Darius gasped as tendrils of smoke wrapped around his throat.

  Nyx screamed as a darkling came at her. Light burst from her hand.

  A ball of blazing blue fire swirled around them. It first hit the darkling choking him, then the others. The darkling screamed and shot back into the rift.

  A man with long flaming red hair stood there, glowing staff in his hand. “Seems I’ve arrived just in time,” Ambrose said.

  Chapter 5

  Nyx stared at the spot where the strange shadow creature had been. “What was that?” She let out a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. She coughed as green plumes of smoke rose from the gaping hole that lay a few feet away from them.

  “That was a darkling.” A tall redheaded man with a braided beard stood before them. He clutched a wooden staff with a glowing orb atop it and wore a deep forest green robe. “That,” he motioned towards the rift, “is a rift caused by a tear in the veil of existence.”

  Energy crackled around him so much it made Nyx’s temples throb. Good gods, what was he? He had so much power she had to take a step back, but it did little good to ease her pain. Nyx rubbed her aching forehead. “Which is what?” She had no idea what the man was talking about.

  “That is a long story. This rift leads into the underworld. The veil is a boundary between this world and the next. The boundary has been tampered with and dark things that are not meant to walk in this world have come through.”

  Nyx pushed her long hair off her face. None of this made any sense to her. She had thought the druid coming to find her had been strange enough. Now they had started talking about rifts and evil spirits.

  “Ambrose. Thank the spirits you are here,” Darius breathed.

  Who were these spirits the druid kept mentioning? The gods? Nyx didn’t bother asking. Why did it matter? She had to concentrate on getting away from these people, but she kept getting distracted. First by losing control of her powers and now by this newcomer’s strange roiling energy.

  The newcomer shook his head. “I can’t leave you alone for one moment, can I, boy?”

  “Gideon sent me to find the mind whisperer. This is Nyx Ashwood.” Darius motioned to her. “Nyx, this is my mentor, Ambrose Brethian. He is a druid from Eldara — one of the Andovian Islands.”

  Ambrose motioned to Ranelle and Lucien. “Why are they here? I thought you were coming to find the mind whisperer on your own?”

  “We wanted to come along,” Rae said. “It’s not often we get to visit one of the lower realms. I needed to get out of the library for a bit.”

  “We had to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble,” Luc added and grinned. “He would be lost without us.”

  Their thoughts buzzed through her mind, and Ambrose’s energy grew more intense. Oh, for the love of the gods, how much more discomfort would she have to endure today? Losing control over her so-called power had been hard enough.

  A wave of weariness hung over her like a heavy cloak. Ambrose’s power struck her like an oncoming storm. Did all druids have this much power? If so, she didn’t want to be around any more of them. She had to get away, but Darius was so close to her and with the other druid there she didn’t know if she would get far.

  “How did you know where we were?” Darius asked.

  Nyx backed away further and glanced around for any possible escape route. Her wing ached from where it had been torn earlier, so she doubted she could fly. When one of her wings had been torn before, it had taken days to heal properly. It didn’t matter where she ran though as long as she got away from these people.

  “I’ve been tracking rifts for the past two days.” Ambrose frowned. “Are you alright, child?” He made a move towards her and Nyx stepped back.

  “Please stay away from me.” Nyx raised her hands. She almost didn’t care if she lost control of her
power again. She needed this man to keep away from her. His energy hurt so much.

  “Nyx’s powers are much stronger than we expected.” Darius took hold of Nyx’s arm as she turned to leave. The world at once fell silent, and the pain in her head settled to a dull ache. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or annoyed by that. She chose the latter. Why did this druid have to keep doing that? The silence might be a blessed relief, but she did not want him touching her. People never came near her, nor did she welcome the feeling.

  “We can’t leave the rift open.” Ambrose gripped his now glowing staff. “This is worse than we feared. I had hoped this problem would be isolated to just the Andovian islands. I didn’t realise it would spread to the lower realm so fast.”

  Darius frowned. “What do you suggest we do? We haven’t been able to close any of the rifts before now.”

  Ambrose ran a hand down his long beard. “Perhaps a shield will help. We can’t stay here in the lower realm to monitor things, but I don’t want things to become as bad here as they are in Andovia.” He raised his staff. “It may not stop the darklings, but it should slow them down.” Energy pulse from his staff and a glowing layer of light shimmered over the rift.

  Nyx’s mouth fell open. Incredible, she had never seen anyone use magic like this before. She was tempted to ask Ambrose about how it worked but decided against it. Darius was too busy explaining Nyx’s powers for Ambrose to answer her questions.

  They moved past the rift and trudged onward.

  Did anyone not know about her? she wondered. As much as she wanted to use her power again, she couldn’t risk losing control like she had earlier. The gods only knew what they would do to her if that happened.

  Nyx didn’t know what to make of the newcomer either. He had power, that was for sure. Lucien was a little gruff. Ranelle seemed nice before Nyx had almost killed her. The druid was another story. He was just like his awful father. She didn’t want to know any more about him.

  Ambrose’s energy hit her hard again as he came closer to them and Darius let go of her arm. Ambrose stopped and drew a large circle on the ground with the end of his staff, marking it with strange symbols.

  “What’s that for?” Nyx frowned.

  “It will transport us near to the port where we will catch our ship,” Ambrose replied, and Nyx winced. “Are you well, child?”

  How could she explain to someone that their energy hurt her? This had never been a problem before. Only people’s thoughts bothered her.

  “No, I’m cursed and your… your energy hurts me.”

  “Ah, you can sense power. That doesn’t surprise me. I find your energy quite…uncomfortable myself.”

  “My what?” She rubbed her aching temples.

  “You are like a fire, burning with it,” Ambrose told her. “Perhaps that is what my magic feels like to you. When we get on the ship, I’ll see what I can do to ease your discomfort.” Ambrose motioned for them to go inside. “All of you step into the circle.”

  Darius took hold of her arm and dragged her into the circle.

  “Watch it, druid,” she grumbled.

  “We both know you’ll try to escape again.” Darius gave her a look as if challenging her to deny it.

  Nyx glowered at him. She had been considering that possibility. She still needed to get away from these people, but Darius wouldn’t let go of her. Damned druid. Nyx cursed. Why wouldn’t her influence work on him? Especially now when she needed it most.

  Ambrose said some strange words and the circle illuminated with light.

  “Why are you holding my hand?” Rae demanded of Lucien.

  “I’m not. You grabbed my hand,” Lucien grumbled. “We both know you’re scared of transporting anyway.”

  “I am not. That was you, Wolfsbane.”

  Nyx made a move to run for it, but Darius kept a firm grip on her arm.

  Light blazed around them, and Nyx’s body became weightless for a moment.

  Nyx gasped as the light blinded her. Her head spun from the strange sensation, and her stomach recoiled. She thought she might be sick.

  They reappeared in an alleyway. The smell of steaming food and the sound of voices hit her hard as Darius relinquished his grip on her. They had to be in the city.

  Good gods, Nyx had never been able to cope in the city. Too many voices and the energy crippled her. “How do you expect me to get through this place?” she hissed at Darius. They had no idea how the curse affected her despite claiming to know about mind whisperers.

  “You can hold on to me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, that makes me feel so much better, druid.”

  “You’ll be fine.” Darius gripped her arm and the circle faded.

  They passed through a bustling cobblestone street. This didn’t look anything like the city of Lyrelle where Harland had taken her a few times. This place seemed much cleaner with large stone buildings, houses with proper roofs and a bustling marketplace. Lyrelle had a market too, but most of that had been old junk. This place had food, clothing, jewellery and everything in between. Some of the jewels even looked real. Harland had always taught her how to know the difference between the good stuff and the bad stuff. There was no point in stealing things if they weren’t worth good coin.

  Nyx waited for the drone of voices to hit her like a swarm of angry bees.

  It didn’t.

  Nyx had to find out why Darius affected her this way. Was it because he was a druid? No, that seemed unlikely since Ambrose didn’t mute out her power. Was it because he was a Valeran then? Perhaps, but she didn’t know enough about them to be sure.

  Nyx’s mouth fell open at the sights and sounds. Her stomach groaned at the smell of different spices. She hadn’t eaten anything since last night and hadn’t realised how hungry she felt until then.

  People held out gems and other objects. Nyx wanted to stay and look at everything, taking it all in now that she could absorb things without being overwhelmed by her curse. But Darius tugged on her arm every time she tried to stop and stare at something. What she wouldn’t give to use her influence on him, but at the same time he was probably the only thing dampening her curse.

  “Come on, we can’t miss the ship,” he told her.

  “It’s all rubbish anyway,” Lucien remarked when he caught Nyx’s wistful gaze.

  Rubbish? The stuff she had glimpsed in Lyrelle was rubbish, but this was exciting. She wanted to look and explore. More than anything, she wanted to get away from these people.

  “Says someone who doesn’t appreciate fine things.” Ranelle scowled at him.

  “Not all of us like horde junk, dragon lady.”

  Ranelle swatted him over the head. “I’m not a dragon, Wolfsbane.”

  Lucien winced. “No, you’re a —”

  Nyx stopped listening and forced herself to focus. She had to escape. This seemed like a good place to do it. At least now she could concentrate enough to get a good look around. The question was how would she get the druid to let go of her? She could get lost in the crowd and find somewhere to hole up for a while.

  This might be her last chance to escape before they got on that ship and took her to Andovia. She didn’t know enough about the upper realm to understand what kind of challenges she would face there. At least here in the lower realm she knew what she was up against. She still had her pack with stolen money in it that she had been saving for a time when she could escape from Harland. Nyx had never imagined it would turn out this way. At least the druid and his companions hadn’t bothered checking to see what was inside it.

  Nyx imagined a wall around her — sometimes that helped when her curse overwhelmed her. She focused on a wall of solid stone. Nyx tugged her arm free from Darius’ grasp. She stepped forward and gasped. Voices hit her so hard she couldn’t breathe.

  Should have made him…

  How much does he want for that?

  These apples are a bargain.

  Oh, good gods. She needed to run, to hide in an alley somew
here away from the chaos of so many minds. Had the druid brought her here on purpose? He must have known she would be overwhelmed by such a place.

  “Just breathe.” Darius took hold of her arm.

  The voices lessened but didn’t fade until he took hold of her hand. It felt strange to be so intimate.

  “I am not holding hands with you,” Nyx hissed.

  “Skin to skin contact will make it easier for me to neutralise your power,” Darius said. “Is that better?”

  “No.” She wanted to run, not be stuck with him and led into a new life of untold dangers.

  Bloody druid. Power or not, she would get away from him, one way or another.

  Chapter 6

  Darius kept a firm grip on Nyx’s arm as they passed through the city. Merchants called out and showed off their wares. People pushed through the bustling crowd. This place was much smaller in comparison to the cities of his homeland.

  Nyx looked both uncomfortable and fascinated. “This is…extraordinary.” She gasped at the sight of several ships. The wooden vessels groaned and swayed as they bobbed up and down on currents of air. Their massive, coloured sails were flapping, and gold sparks whirled around them. “What are those?”

  “Ships.” Darius bit back a smile.

  “No, ships float on water. I met a sailor once in a tavern, and his thoughts were fascinating,” Nyx said. “These don’t look like any kind of ships I’ve seen.”

  “They float on air instead of water.”

  Nyx bent to peer under one of them. “How do they stay upright?

  “We use old magic,” Ambrose answered. “The ships are similar to sea vessels; except they navigate through the air instead of water.” They headed for a smaller ship with the name Affinity emblazoned on the side. Ambrose hurried along the walkway and ascended the ship.

  “We should have flown in by dragon. It would have been so much easier and quicker,” Lucien grumbled. “I hate these things.”

  Darius knew his friend always got airsick whenever they flew on these vessels, but he enjoyed them. They weren’t as exhilarating as flying on a dragon, but they were ideal for long distances and more comfortable. Dragons would have drawn too much attention if they had brought them and these vessels were better equipped for carrying large groups of people.


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