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The Calling (The Andovia Chronicles Book 1)

Page 11

by Tiffany Shand

  “Dead, but not gone. I’ll always be here to haunt you. You belong to me, girl.”

  “I belong to no one, least of all you.” She took a few deep breaths, flapped her wings and grabbed onto another branch. “You lied to me all these years by making me think I’m cursed. You never wanted me to know I had magic, did you?”

  “You can’t run. And what difference would it have made if you had known? You’re a slave and still belong to me. You always will, even in death.”

  Her hands clenched into fists. Would it have made any difference if she had known the extent of her magic? Perhaps it would have given her the courage to turn against him sooner. Nyx had always planned to run away and find freedom with her sisters. That hadn’t changed because she had been dragged to the upper realm and forced to become a servant to one of the Valeran brothers.

  I might not be able to get away from you, but I can ignore you. Nyx imagined a protective grove of trees around her, just as she had done last night when the druid and his friends had been looking for her in the woods back in her realm. Light flashed around her, but for some reason the grove wouldn’t appear as it had before. Odd, she always retreated to that place of safety whenever she needed to escape from something. It was what kept her going through over the years of dealing with Harland’s abuse. Nyx couldn’t understand why it wouldn’t work. Perhaps it was because she felt so exhausted.

  Why wouldn’t Harland leave her alone? Was it because this place was full of spirits? Maybe not. She had seen him earlier that day before they even came to Andovia.

  “Killer, you can’t run.” Harland reappeared on the branch above.

  Nyx growled. “Go away.” She shifted up onto the next branch. Gods, it took a lot longer climbing these trees than the ones she climbed back in her forest. She had to move faster. What would make Harland go away? Nyx didn’t dare use her magic or the druid would sense her.

  “It won’t take long for everyone here to see you for the monster you are” Harland goaded. “Why don’t you jump? It is a quicker and much more painless death than you would have found on the pyre.”

  “Why? So, I can be with you?” She sneered. “You’re the monster, not me.” She stepped along the length of the branch and took to the air so she could get to a higher point.

  “I never killed anyone,” Harland snapped. “I always knew you were dangerous. That’s why you were my favourite girl. No one could outdo my little Nyxie.” Nyx pulled down a large branch that snapped when she threw it at Harland. It passed straight through him. “You won’t get rid of me that easily.” He laughed.

  Nyx ignored him and climbed higher. In the distance loomed more trees in every direction, their thick canopies blocking out any sign of an escape route.

  Ignore him. You will never get anywhere if you keep talking to him.

  “Don’t think you can run from me so easily, girl.” Harland grabbed onto her wrist and heat seared her skin.

  Nyx bit back a scream. If she made too much noise the druid would hear her and drag her back. How on Erthea was he physically touching her? His fingers felt solid and real.

  “You will never escape me. I owned you in life. I will have you again in death.”

  Tears stung her eyes. Get away from me! Energy flared through her, and it was enough to make Harland retreat. Nyx scrambled onto another branch and clutched her burning hand. Ripping off a piece of her tunic, she wrapped it around her palm. Nyx put her head between her hands and sighed. There had to be a way to make Harland leave her alone.

  Something thunked onto the branch beside her.

  The druid?

  She lowered her hands. A large winged fae stood there, its fangs gleamed and its eyes shone an eerie yellow.

  Not the druid. Now what? Could she never be left alone?

  “Who are you?” Nyx scrambled up. She didn’t want to risk being attacked whilst in a vulnerable position. Her senses screamed of danger.

  “I am merely a servant of the darkness. You are a clever girl to climb so high.” He lunged at her.

  Nyx jumped back. “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I just want to be left alone.” She reached for the familiar weight of her sword. Of course, it wasn’t there. She lost it sometime the night before, and it had been left behind back in Joriam.

  The strange fae swiped at her. “The prophecy will never come to pass.”

  “What is this stupid prophecy about?” she demanded. “Because I’m not part of it. All of you are mad.”

  He lunged again, his claws grazing her neck.

  No, don’t! Power whirled up from deep inside her. Energy reverberated from her eyes into his, knocking Nyx backwards. She screamed as the blast sent her falling.

  Nyx flapped her wings but fell too fast for it to make any difference. Wind roared past her. Nyx crashed from one giant leaf to another, screaming as she descended. She squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself for the inevitable impact. She landed with a thud and strong arms wrapped around her.

  “This is becoming a bad habit.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Druid? Watch out!”

  Her attacker and two more like it appeared. Good gods, what were these creatures? Why were they so determined to kill her?

  “Give us the girl,” one of them said. “She can’t be allowed to live. We will never allow another mind whisperer to take power. She will bring about the dark age.”

  “The darkness is already upon us,” Darius snapped. “You are fools if you can’t see that.” He dropped Nyx to the ground and lightning sparked between his fingers.

  Nyx landed with a thunk. “Help me,” she hissed at one of the beasts. Nyx had no idea if her power would work. If it had, the victim usually became protective towards her and did whatever she commanded. It was one of the few things she liked about her abilities. It came in handy at times like this.

  “What are you doing?” Darius hissed at her.

  Running away.

  Her assailant lunged for Darius whilst the other two fae came at her.

  Darius raised his hand and hit the fae with a lightning bolt.

  Her assailant dodged another bolt.

  Nyx remained on the ground, too weak to move. She guessed using her power so much today had taken its toll. She had never used her influence to this extent before.

  “You used your power on him,” Darius groaned. “Didn’t you listen to anything we told you?”

  “I didn’t have a choice. They were trying to kill me,” she snapped. “Stop being so judgemental. You know I can’t control it.”

  “This Sluagh is now under your control – but I think you know that, don’t you?” Darius demanded. “You have no idea how dangerous this is. You’re turning people into your slaves.”

  “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, druid. It wears off, and he’s just helping me to escape.” Nyx stood then wished she hadn’t. The world around her spun, so she dropped to her knees again. “Tell me about the prophecy. Why do they want me dead?” Good gods, how would she escape when she couldn’t stand?

  “The prophecy talks of an age of darkness that will engulf all of Erthea,” Darius answered. “Two fae will rise and meet on the coming battlefield, surrounded by darkness. But it’s unclear if the two chosen will stop this darkness or bring it about.”

  The Sluagh lunged for Darius again. “Both the chosen must die or all fae will be forced to obey their will.”

  Nyx swallowed the bile in her throat. “What does that have to do with me?”

  “You’re the first mind whisperer in a generation. Some races say one of the chosen will wield great power with their mind,” Darius said. “Will you get this thing to back off? I came to take you home with me.”

  “Home?” She scoffed. “I don’t have a home anymore. No thanks to you.” Nyx slumped forward and rested her head against the cold hard ground. Darkness threatened to pull her under, but she wouldn’t give in to it. “Why did you save me from… your brother?”

  “Because it’s safer this way. With Ambrose, you can
learn to control your gift. My brother would force you to use your power for awful things.” Darius raised his hand and hit the Sluagh with a fireball. The creature screamed in agony as his body erupted in flame. He then fired on the other two Sluagh and killed them both.

  Darius sighed and lifted Nyx into his arms. “Can I please stop having to save you now? I’m exhausted, and this is getting tiresome.”

  Nyx managed to scowl. “Your fault…” Her head slumped forward as she finally gave in to exhaustion, and let the darkness drag her under.

  Chapter 12

  Darius sighed. His body weary with exhaustion. Nyx had slumped into unconsciousness in his arms. She would need to rest for a while. It surprised him she hadn’t collapsed long before now. That must mean she had high resistance when it came to using her power to influence others more than once in a day.

  He trekked back through the forest, his mind racing. How had those Sluagh known about her? Ambrose had warned him attacks against her were possible, but Darius hadn’t expected them so soon. Her power must have attracted them to her, but he had thought the Sluagh were long gone from these islands, banished early on in his father’s reign.

  It shocked him how Nyx had used her influence on the Sluagh, especially as she had lost control twice now in just under a day. It had to be well past midnight now. Running through the woods in search of her hadn’t been very enjoyable and tracking her hadn’t been easy. Darius had no idea how she had managed to escape detection for the last couple of hours. Maybe she used her power to shield herself without even knowing it. After all, Nyx must have some control even if she didn’t realise it.

  Darius decided against waking her. It was better if she rested and stayed quiet for once. He noted a piece of tattered cloth around her palm. She’d injured herself.

  Nyx mumbled something and wriggled in his arms.

  He considered stopping to draw a circle to transport them to the house, but he would have to put her down to do so. He didn’t want to risk her running again if she woke up. So, he continued on foot. Ambrose’s house loomed ahead, perched on the branches of a great tree. Darius took the platform up and walked into the sitting room.

  Warmth greeted him as a fire crackled in the hearth. A fur rug covered the wooden floor, and a table with chairs and two large divans all made from dryad wood took up the space. A bookcase housing rows of books and other objects stood on the other side of the cosy room. It was a world away from the Crystal Palace and felt like a true home in a way that place never had.

  Ambrose rose from his chair as Darius brought Nyx closer to the fire. “You were gone a long time. I feared you had been detained at the palace.” His brow furrowed at the sight of Nyx. “Is she hurt?”

  “She ran off and got attacked by a few Sluagh. She used her power to influence one.” Darius sighed. “I had to kill them. Holy spirits, why do I have to be saddled with her?”

  “Because she is safer here with us than anywhere else. Good, we can’t have them coming after her again or being left under her influence,” Ambrose said. “She will need to rest now. You look exhausted too, boy.”

  “I know keeping the extent of her power hidden is the right thing to do, but she’s the most infuriating person I’ve ever met,” he grumbled. “She won’t stop trying to run away.”

  Ambrose chuckled and called out, “Ada?”

  A small, wrinkled woman with leathery skin that looked like bark came in. “Aye, master?” Her beady eyes widened when she saw Darius. Darius forced a weak smile at the Brownie. “You’re home, boy.” Ada beamed. “About time too. You been getting up to mischief?” She came over and pinched his cheek. She always liked fussing over him.

  “I’ve been busy,” Darius replied. “But it’s good to be back. I hope I won’t have to leave again for a while.”

  “By the great mother, what happened to that wee girl?” Ada motioned towards Nyx. “Is she injured? Should I fetch healing supplies?”

  “We had an eventful day. It’s a long story,” Darius said.

  “Let’s get her nice bath. I’ll have one drawn up for both of yer. Ya look a state, my boy.”

  Darius wanted to protest. He wanted nothing more than to go to bed and sleep for a week. But he knew it was best not to argue with Ada. She meant well, and he adored her.

  Darius left Nyx on the chair and headed to his room. It looked just as he’d left it with its bark-covered walls. He had a map of the entire upper realm hanging on one wall with the rest of the room occupied by a bed, a table and a bookcase filled with neatly organised books and other objects. The rest of the room had a couple of trunks filled with weapons. He dropped his cloak and pack on the foot of the bed, kicked off his boots and slumped onto the rich red covers. He’d closed his eyes for a few moments then take a bath.

  He was asleep before his head even touched the pillow.

  Darius woke to the sound of screaming. Argh, what now? It felt like only moments since he had fallen asleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he dragged himself off the bed. He guessed Nyx must have woken up. Sunlight streamed in through the open window, and a cool breeze blew in. He must have slept more than a few moments then.

  What was Nyx screaming about now? Ambrose’s house was heavily warded so he doubted anything could have broken in to attack her unless another darkling had emerged.

  He sighed and rushed down the hall to find Nyx in the hallway pointing a fire poker at Ada. “What’s going on?” Darius demanded, and all trace of exhaustion vanished from his body. He couldn’t believe Nyx was threatening Ada of all people. What could the Brownie have done wrong?

  “This thing just attacked me.” Nyx motioned towards Ada.

  Ada turned pale and had her hands raised in surrender. “It was just a misunderstanding, my boy. Tell her I mean no harm.”

  “Nyx, this is Ada. She’s Ambrose’s house Brownie. She’s not a threat to anyone.”

  “What’s a Brownie?” Nyx glowered at him. “She was touching me. You can’t expect me not to defend myself.”

  “She’s fae like you, now put the poker down.”

  “She attacked me,” Nyx insisted.

  “I only came to tend to your injury,” Ada said. “Your hand is burned, and I came to put some salve on it.”

  “Nyx, no one in this house will harm you. Now, please put the poker down.”

  Nyx lowered the poker. “Where am I?”

  “Ambrose’s house. You passed out last night, so I brought you here and left you in your room to rest.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I have a room?”

  “Yes, you didn’t think I’d lock you in a cell, did you?”

  “That wouldn’t surprise me. You said I’m a danger to everyone around me.”

  “As I said, no one here is going to hurt you. Locking you away wouldn’t do any good. You’re not a prisoner.”

  Nyx scoffed. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Come along, miss.” Ada took the poker from Nyx’s grasp. “I ran a bath for you. I’ll help you dress, then you can have some breakfast.” Ada gave Nyx a gentle push in the direction of her room.

  To his relief, Nyx went along with her.

  After Darius had washed and dressed in a dark tunic and clean trousers, he pulled a green jerkin over the tunic and made sure his sword and crossbow were ready for when he left. He headed down to the dining chamber. A large table took up most of the space surrounded by six chairs. A tablecloth covered the dark oak wood and plates of food covered the entire length of the table. Ada always made more food than they could eat despite Ambrose’s objections. She often gave the leftover food to those less fortunate.

  Ambrose already sat at the head of the table with a book open beside him.

  Darius’ mouth watered at the sight of the small feast. He couldn’t remember the last time he had eaten. Yesterday he hadn’t been able to get a single decent meal and made do with the small provisions he had taken with him when he left to go and find Nyx.

  “I heard you had a commotion wit
h Nyx,” Ambrose remarked. “Is everything alright? Did she try escaping again? I did set up a few wards last night, but I thought she would be too exhausted to run again.”

  “It was a misunderstanding.” Darius slumped into his seat. “Are you sure having her here is a good idea? She’s insufferable. I know she needs our help, but…” He sighed in exasperation. “I can’t have her as my servant.”

  “Would you rather your father or brother have her?” Ambrose arched an eyebrow.

  “No, but she’s… she will keep trying to run away. And we have more important problems to deal with, like the darklings.” Darius poured himself some tea. “I thought I might head out to spirit grove and see what the spirits can tell me.”

  “Good idea. Take Nyx with you.”

  Darius gaped at his mentor. “But… you’re supposed to be helping her control her powers.”

  “Of course, but I want to see what the spirits know about her.”

  “The spirits in the forest came around her last night,” Darius said. “The Sluagh knew who she was too and thought she was part of the prophecy.”

  “That came much sooner than expected.” Ambrose spread jam over his toast. “After you’ve been to the grove, you’ll get back to your usual duties.”

  “What am I going to do with Nyx? I can’t perform my duties if I have to worry about her running off.” He would never get any work done if he had to keep chasing her.

  “Make good use of her then. Show her the forest, teach her your range of duties.”

  Darius scowled. “I don’t have time for that. She won’t like anything about the forest or anything we stand for. She will cause more harm than good with her powers.” He reminded himself to look up mental blocks and see how his father had given him such a strong one. Once he knew what to do, he would place one on the other guards and anyone else who might be at risk from her powers, like Ada. “I know we need to help her get her powers under control, but perhaps it is too dangerous to have her here. She will put innocent lives at risk. Nyx can barely control herself, let alone her abilities. What if she somehow enslaves people?” Darius doubted her spelled bracelet would rein her power in forever. Sooner or later it would seep through. Her magic was like a dam waiting to burst and it would destroy everything in its wake.


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