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Big Bad Claws

Page 7

by Michele Mills

  He grinned, loving her determination. He was proud of this female for showing up on a planet illegally and coming straight for him. His Bride was tall and lithe and her proud nose was in the air, despite the fact that every single Xylan they passed openly stared at them. Everyone. The entire colony knew he’d asked for her hand and that she’d rejected him straight to his face. The other females had heard everything and must’ve passed the vid around faster than a bolt of lightning.

  Yes, everyone on the colony knew he’d been rejected.

  Fuck them to the final fires. He was still pissed at how few of his so-called “friends and coworkers” had stood at the Fever Brothers’ side and allowed Daxon to be banished. It was ridiculous. And he still had no idea who was behind the death of his parents. Sometimes he didn’t mind living on the edge of town because it meant he saw the assholes less often.

  He should’ve waited to ask for her hand. This was true.

  It wasn’t the smartest idea to blurt out his intentions the moment they were able to communicate, but he couldn’t change how he felt. Zayzon was always the Xylan who couldn’t keep his mouth shut. The Xylan who strode forward to offer himself as a test case. He was always chosen first for anything. The loudest, his voice always heard above all others. He was literally first in everything. And everything had always come easy when it came to mating. Of course, he’d ask her the moment he was able.

  It never occurred to him that she’d decline. Plus, it was only right to assist this female. Now all of the citizens on the colony knew he’d identified this female as his Bride and that he’d placed her honor before his. Leah of One didn’t realize it, but this meant they all knew her denial was simply a delay, but a delay he hated.

  And why would this female reject him when so many had asked? Every single Manager on the colony with an unmated female in their line had requested his hand for testing at one time or another. Managers of ancient and acclaimed Margol lines on Chronos, who could trace their beginnings to the first fires, had contacted him for testing. He’d declined them all.

  And yet this one human female, whom he’d bent down on one knee and personally asked, face to face, did not want to test with Zayzon of Forty-Five? It was wholly unexpected.

  It was frustrating, being this close but not allowed to claim her. His Bride was finally here and sleeping in his bunk, but he was unable to unlock his own arousal. She wanted him, but he couldn’t touch her with passion until they clasped hands and their mating bond was initiated. He was dormant until she clasped his bare palm.

  Palm to holy palm.

  He wasn’t yet enflamed, but he felt a constant nagging need to remain by her side, and to protect her and keep her safe and happy.

  She hadn’t said yes yet to their testing and the subsequent claiming, but it was just a matter of time. Her reasoning for denial was nonsensical. She thought she needed to protect him? Heh. But he knew she wanted to mount him. She was constantly aroused. Her eyes always followed him, and she made sure to stand right next to him. She’d left whatever danger had happened on her own world and had come straight to him for safety. Right into his bed. And slept naked in his room, without a single worry creasing her brow. She’d subconsciously known she was coming to her mate.

  She didn’t understand that when she was in trouble, she’d run straight to him. And he was the one who would keep her safe.

  They used the public transport again and finally, arrived back at the compound. He was happy to be away from the prying eyes. But, his brothers immediately swarmed around them the moment they entered the domicile, loudly tossing out blunt questions.

  “Why did you ask her so soon?” Chief thundered. “Can’t you ever wait? You have no patience.”

  Zayzon blew out a breath. They obviously knew the news.

  Rook waved his tablet in the air. “Everyone on the colony knows what happened,” he confirmed. “It’s going viral.”


  “I can’t believe she said no,” Trunk declared, as if his Bride weren’t standing right there.

  “Who was in the room with you?” Heavy questioned. “Was it Pycana?

  Pycana? Oh damn. He’d thought one of those females looked familiar. “Yes,” Zayzon answered, “it was Pycana.”

  “Pycana pulled the vid of your proposal and shared it with the entire colony. She’s had it out for you ever since you denied her sister.”

  Zayzon winced. He’d forgotten about Pycana’s sister.

  “Heh. Claws has angered so many females with his blunt refusals he can’t even keep track of who he’s angered.”

  He shrugged. It was true.

  “Did you bring back food?” Cannibal asked.

  “No,” Zayzon growled at his brother’s idiotic question. “Why would I be thinking of food right now?”

  “Well, I would be…”

  “Hi, everyone,” Lila of One broke in. “It’s nice to finally be able to understand and meet all of you, I’m Lila.”

  All six of his brothers turned to stare at her with stunned silence.

  “Why did you deny him?” Scar barked.

  Lila looked taken aback by his brother’s harsh tone. She pressed into his side. “Well, I—"

  Zayzon wrapped his sleeved arm over her shoulders and pulled her in tight. “It doesn’t matter why she denied me,” he snarled. “All you need to know is that you’re to treat her with respect.”

  “We will all treat Lila with respect,” Chief shouted.

  “Of course it matters why she denied you,” Scar grumbled. “It’s ridiculous. All of us can smell her arousal.”

  His other brothers ignored Scar and began greeting Lila warmly. Zayzon took the time to introduce his Bride to each of his brothers by their crew names, as he knew they preferred. “You met everyone earlier, but let me make sure you know them by name. This is one over here is Heavy, and here is my brother Trunk, that one is Chief, and there’s Scar for obvious reasons, and this eating machine is Cannibal and this young pup over here is Rook.”

  “Ooh. Seven brothers?”

  “Well, actually there are nine of us. Our eldest brother, Daxon, is working off planet, and Hook moved out recently with his Bride but he’s still part of our crew. Now only seven of us live here together. Our crew is known as the Fever Brothers.”

  “Eight strong,” Trunk yelled out.

  All of them, including Scar, raised their fists in unison and chanted, “Eight strong!”

  “Oh wow,” his Bride breathed. He liked that she wasn’t scared or intimidated by the crew. Other females, and even males, often scurried away in fear at their collective vocalizations. But the only thing this female seemed to fear was the outdoors, and maybe strangers, but other than that his Bride was a tower of quiet human strength. Pride glowed in his chest.

  “Why are you called Fever Brothers?” she asked.

  “Our crew was given that designation because of our intense fever-bond with our Illibrium.”

  “And our number one position in the leaderboards for crystal acquisition.”

  “This too. And also, we really are brothers. Not all crews are comprised of brothers from the same immediate line. This is unusual.”

  “Is that why everyone was staring at us outside? Are you famous on this colony?”

  “Everyone is frightened of his Claws. They keep an eye on him. But they might’ve been staring at you because you were wearing those ridiculous clothes. But truthfully it was because they’d all seen the vid of how you’d denied Zayzon,” Scar grumbled.

  Her chin dipped to her chest.

  “Lila, what is the name of your line?” Chief asked, obviously trying to change the subject. “Where is your home planet?”

  His Bride bit her full lip.

  “I just want to get to know our future sister better,” his brother explained.

  Zayzon let out a heavy sigh. “It’s okay. The problem is my Bride thinks she’s protecting us by not giving us any information about herself.”

ting us from who?” Trunk asked.

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. She won’t tell me.”

  “I can’t tell any of you,” Lila answered with a rough voice. Her tiny hands were fisted at her sides and her dark eyes flashed with emotion. “That is sweet of you, Chief, to want to know me better, but I’m not Zayzon’s Bride and I need to keep all of you safe while I’m here on Timbur for the next moon cycle. To do that, I can’t tell you anything about me or my past. The less you know, the better.”

  They let out collective growls.

  He waved a claw at her. “This is why she denied me. She says she’s not free to mate with anyone because there’s something or someone dangerous she’s hiding from.”

  “What is it?”

  “She won’t say. She thinks she needs to protect all of us from whatever is threatening her by keeping it secret.”

  “She thinks she needs to protect us?” Chief asked with a comically exaggerated look of confusion on his face.

  His other brothers chuckled. Zayzon’s lips twitched. It really was hilarious.

  His Bride stamped her foot. “You guys, it’s true. Zayzon, I can’t tell any of you the truth about me. What you don’t know won’t hurt you.”

  “Zayzon? Claws, why does your Bride call you by your birth name?”

  “I told her to use my birth name. She’s my mate. Only my mother and my mate will call me this. All others will call me by my crew name.”

  They nodded.

  “I’m right here, you know,” his female gritted. “I can speak for myself.”

  “Well, tell us then, why won’t you test compatibility with Claws?” Scar asked. “He’s scented you. We all have this same ability. When we entered the house last night and noted that the door was unlocked, we stormed inside thinking to find armed intruders, but the compound was quiet, not a thing out of place. And Claws immediately noted a scent none of the rest of us could smell. He followed it to his quarters and found you asleep on his bunk. He declared that you were his mate.”

  His Bride turned her head to meet his gaze, surprise etched across her features.

  “I told you this,” he responded.

  “I know, but hearing it from them brings it into sharper focus.” She shook her head. “I’m not totally against clasping claws with Zayzon and testing mating compatibility someday in the future. It’s just that right now, for the next moon cycle, I can’t commit to anyone. This is terrible timing.”

  Zayzon stood taller, his chest expanding with pride. His female wasn’t opposed to testing? It was simply her circumstances. He had been right. She was admitting it.

  “Well, at least when she was in trouble, she had the good sense to run directly to you,” Chief noted.

  “True,” Zayzon answered.

  His Bride rolled her eyes. “It was completely random. The assass—” Then she tightened her lips and gave them all a mulish stare.

  “Assassin?” he questioned. “Is that what you were going to say?”

  She blew out a breath. “I was helped to come up with a plan for escape and I’m working my plan. I’m taking care of myself. Right now what I need is a place to hide, off the grid, for the next moon cycle.”

  “What happens at the end of one moon cycle?”

  His Bride pursed her lips, refusing to answer. So he gave them the little information he had. “Minecorp has given us one moon cycle to finalize my claim on this female.”

  His brothers nodded.

  “Also, at the end of one moon cycle I will turn twenty-one years old,” his female admitted.

  He crooked a ridge at her, surprised to find out how young she really was.

  “You’re just a baby,” Scar grumbled. “So very young.”

  “Finally, someone who is younger than me,” Rook laughed. “I’m not the youngest anymore.”

  “What happens when you turn twenty-one?” Chief asked.

  His Bride again refused to answer.

  “Well, you will stay here,” Zayzon said. “No matter what the circumstances, this is your home.”

  His Bride smiled. She bent and picked up the ancient bot working near her feet, the one she’d brought earlier to the front room. It looked like it was about to fall apart, but for some reason she found it “adorable.”

  “Thank you for letting me stay. I appreciate that and it gives me peace of mind, but actually I can’t just be a freeloader in your home for the next moon cycle. I need to keep busy. How about…” She glanced around and grimaced. “Can I stay here as your housekeeper? I can work for you guys, cleaning and organizing your house, in exchange for somewhere to live and eat. I just need somewhere to hide for one moon cycle and then all of this will be cleared up. I think if I remain inside and hidden it will be safe for you.”

  “The whole colony knows she’s here,” Scar pointed out.

  “Yes, but they know her as Zayzon’s future human Bride,” Chief responded. “No one knows her actual name or any specifics about her. If she remains hidden this will stay the same. And none of us will tell them your name.”

  “I don’t understand why she needs to be our housekeeper,” Trunk said. “This domicile doesn’t need to be cleaned.”

  His Bride’s jaw dropped. “Of course it does. This place is a huge mess.”

  “What is she talking about?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Hook left and never brings his Bride over here. There must be something wrong with the compound. They did give us the most remote quarters on the colony. I think we’re just used to it now.”


  “Okay,” Chief answered. “You can clean our domicile. This is fine.”

  Lila smiled, looking genuinely pleased at the idea. “I promise I won’t do anything you won’t like. I actually have lots of experience with this. I have organized my entire home, as well as the homes and quarters of family and staff. I need to keep busy this moon cycle or I’ll lose my mind.”

  “Staff? You have staff?” Scar asked.

  She frowned and didn’t respond to this either.

  “You do not need to acquire a job in order to stay where you belong,” Zayzon groused.

  “Zayzon, I’m not your mate. I’m not your Bride. I’m just a human in need of a favor—a place to hide. You need to let me give something to you in return for what you’re all doing for me.”

  He blew out a breath and gave her a curt nod.

  “I’m worried though. I was hoping that my presence here would remain secret, but now they know I’m here because of the implant and your proposal.”

  “No one is going to alert New Earth to your location,” Chief said. “They consider you Xylan now. Alerting New Earth or anyone else is not needed. Also, you’ve been entered into the database as Lila of One.”

  “Oh, good. That’s perfect. I’ll get started on organizing this place tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but don’t touch any of my food,” Cannibal declared.

  His Bride barked out a laugh. “I won’t touch your food. I promise.”


  Finally, after lunch Zayzon had had enough of his brother’s prying and his female’s non-answers. He scooped Lila into his arms and carried her back to their bedroom.

  “Wait,” she yelled out. “Get Max.”

  He stopped. “Who?”

  “The tiny cleaning bot. His name is Max. You can’t just leave him out in the front room. That isn’t his normally programmed location. He’ll be confused.”

  Zayzon grimaced and turned, trying to look for this damn bot.

  And then Heavy stepped forward and handed the red bot over to his Bride. “Here it is,” he rumbled. “And I like the name.” He winked at her.

  She gave his brother a wide smile in return.

  Grr. Zayzon needed some sleep. His brothers needed sleep too. Even his Bride needed rest after her late-night arrival. “I worked a double yesterday,” he said as he strode down the hall with both Bride and bot in his arms. “And I have to work again first thing tomorrow a
t sunrise. I need a nap before dinner, and you need rest too.”

  “Okay,” she breathed.

  He loved having her this close. When he’d reached adulthood, he’d found ways to begin casually scenting all of the unmated females on Timbur, without being obvious. Never had his senses lit up like this. None of the females on the colony were his Bride. He’d finally decided “fuck it,” he wasn’t going to mate because he didn’t want to bother searching off planet. He’d taken himself off the mating database because he was tired with dealing with the flood of requests for his hand—some respectful and some downright stalkerish. And there’d been too much going on these last few years, with the death of his parents and the banishment of his brother, and the Fever Brothers’ demotion. He shook his head, bemused at how strongly he’d felt that he wasn’t going to ever find his Bride and how he’d never, ever want to mate with a delicate human.

  And here he was, with a human mate, and she was the center of his world.

  He supposed he deserved this turnabout.

  “Why do you have to work this much?” she asked. “Shouldn’t you be allowed a longer break between shifts?”

  He stopped at the end of the hall and set her on her feet. “This is part of our penance. We received the worst domicile and the worst shifts, only after everyone else has chosen.”

  “Oh.” She glanced at the row of doors. “There’s only one bedroom in this place for each of you? Are you sure there isn’t somewhere else I can rest while you sleep? I came into your room by accident last night. I truly thought that this compound was abandoned and empty. I didn’t know I was taking over your bed and you’d be coming home soon. You can have your bedroom back now. I can sleep somewhere else in this compound for the next moon cycle.”

  What nonsense was this?

  “No, you can’t sleep somewhere else. There are only enough quarters for each of us.” He rubbed at his chest because this untruth pinched his hearts. He opened their door and gestured for her to walk inside the room first, then followed behind and closed the door. Xylan didn’t lie, but his motives were pure—he wanted his Bride close.


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