Catching Hearts

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Catching Hearts Page 6

by Celia Crown

  I want this pretty little thing to cum first before I feed her hungry cunt with my thick cum.

  A well-timed thrust and a change of angle snap a pair of green eyes open, it’s hazy and disoriented with glassy desire being taken over by a shrill whine and drops of tears rolling down her heavily tinted cheeks.

  I take her quivering folds with a gritting of teeth, taut jaw and pulsing neck doesn’t help much when her small cunt squeezes impossibly tight. She’s already tiny and her pussy isn’t meant to take something as big as my shaft, but she did.

  My heavy gasps and her choked mewls are the only sounds in the private room. Her shaking arms are having a hard time holding her body up as she tilts her chin and I press my lips to her trembling ones for a slow and passionate kiss.

  There’s no need to rush.

  I want to enjoy the feelings, enjoy our time together, and enjoy the faint hiccups from her delicate body.

  Aftershocks of the orgasm don’t satisfy Evie as her hips buck to scrape her walls around my girthy length. My size is big and I’m so snug in her walls that any movement would stretch those straining slits to a wonderful world of gratifying pain. She doesn’t have to tell me anything because I feel it.

  I feel everything that’s happening to her, my eyes don’t let a speck of detail run off into the void.

  The underside of my cock has a prominent vein that throbs strongly, tugging on her swelling walls.

  I should have taken her back to someplace more private than a backroom of the fucking university library, but her teasing set the pouncing animal in me into a frenzy.

  I had to brand the shape of my cock inside.

  This, though, is so much better than some romantic rut in the sheets. I wanted quick and dirty, so did she with her defiant attitude.

  Savoring her virginity should be a special occasion, but romance is what she will get during dinner. Right now, she needs a firm reminder that her pussy is mine and she is mine in every possible way.

  “Where do you want me to cum, Evie?” I grunt, snapping my hips like a wild unhinged beast.

  Her legs brush up against my side, pulling me closer to her body, and I didn’t think I could feel more love in my chest. Her begging eyes reflect another level of greediness that I can’t compete with, she’s clawing and stealing what’s left of my heart.

  I want to be hers.

  I am hers.

  “Inside, please,” she cries my name with shame etching on her freckled cheeks.

  God, she’s so fucking gorgeous.

  I sink my teeth into her neck, her scream gets stifled by my shoulders as my cock swells up with so much cum. Expanding and pulsing, my cock is stuck inside her quivering folds, and without a second passing, I let go.

  Ropes and ropes of fertile cum smearing and spraying hotly in the deepest part of her cunt, she moans and sighs shakily into my neck. There’s so much that it’s leaking out from her stuffed slits, dribbling down the sodden table with the creamy whites glaring back at me with brown as its background.

  “Adam,” she murmurs weakly.

  “My Evie,” I whisper back.

  Hearing her voice call to me, a tone begging for more has my hand ducking behind her thighs and lifting her up. Her arms scrabble for my neck as I keep her trapped to the cold wall, her pussy jumps at the shock and I receive plenty of stars behind my eyes.

  I pull back gently, just barely an inch and then plunging back in. It’s a slow tempo that I give her, drawing out those sensitive nerves in her post-orgasmic shivers as I let her hips drop down to be able to drag her clit on the abrasive material of my shirt.

  “Y-yes!” she moans happily. “Please, Adam, more!”

  Fire licks my body on a gradual increase of heartbeats, my throat echoes a guttural noise that she responds with her own moans.

  She has no stability in her body as I’m the only thing that’s preventing her from falling, and she trusts me to not let her go. Evie’s next orgasm is coming, her pussy is spasming in preparation to flood my cock with her cum.

  My ears pick up the wet smacking sounds of sticky fluids between my legs and hers, it’s messy and fulfilling to my heart that I can make her this drunk on me.

  “No more avoiding me,” I demand her answer with a thrust that roughly seeps into her consciousness.

  She shakes her head, “Promise. I want to be with you.”

  Blood pounding loudly in my ears, my back aches to rub my swollen cock inside with sensual rolls. I’m too busy chasing after this new height of pleasure to understand the filthy and unrestrained cries from her.

  “Touch your pussy, Evie,” my crude words make her lips wobble. “I want to feel your cunt cum on my cock.”

  She whimpers, using shaky hands to play with her bundle of nerves.

  “That’s it, play with your pussy. Milk the cum out of my big cock, I’m going to breed this cunt. I want you to look at me when you cum, Evie. Look at me and let me see every little pleasure you feel.”

  Evie hiccups, bringing her doe-eyes to mine through her lashes. She’s shy with tentative circling on her soiled bud, sounding all the whimpers through my ears like a good little girl.

  I praise her and she cums.

  It’s sensation overload; her fluttery lashes bat sexily at me with green eyes hazing over in lust and face twist debauchedly, however, her tiny silky pussy is a different story. Violent spasms and jerky shivers wreck her flushed body as I continue to hammer her cunt with haste.

  She bounced with each whip of my pelvis, calling my name like a prayer while she forgets that this is the library. She doesn’t hide her voice anymore, she’s moaning and crying in overstimulation as I pummel her leaking pussy.

  “A-Adam, Adam,” with a pitch higher, she chants my name, “Yes—yes, oh, ah!”

  Yes, call my name, I purr in my head.

  The coiling in my stomach snaps with my relentless hips, spearing her clenching cunt one more time before I push until there is no space between us and she has taken all inches of my girth.

  Carnal desire wraps my brain in deadly fangs, sinking its teeth into my control as my cock expands with another round of creamy cum pooling and sullying sloppily on her wet muscles.

  It’s mind-numbingly intense, my body shudders above her limp form. She’s shaking so much; too overwhelmed by this primal fever in me, too taken by the fixated possession for her.

  I nuzzle at the crown of her head.

  Chapter Nine


  “I have a game over the weekend,” Adam begins after helping me adjust my panties.

  I have noodle legs, they’re wobbly and with heaviness in them. It’s a good kind of soreness that has me shivering in thoughts. Adam didn’t let me wipe the cum that’s pooling onto the center of my underwear, knowing that he put a load of milky cream in me as an intimate act that I would gladly repeat if I didn't have the English paper to turn in.

  He’s kneeling for me to slip my shorts back on, he grazes my naked skin as he presses a kiss to my exposed hipbone. I squirm at the sticky mess as he pops the button close with the vibration of the zipper being dragged.

  “I want you to come.” when he kisses my lips, it’s as if the world fades away again.

  I smile against his lips, “I’ll be there to cheer you on.”

  Turning around to find my computer, it’s in sleep mode when I swipe the mousepad. I blush at the wrinkled papers, stacking them together looks odd as some are pristine while others look like it went through a storm. I quickly attach the document and upload it to the correct submission box, then an email telling me that my submission had been received.

  I have overcome the fight between giving my fingers a break or letting my brain relax for the rest of the week.

  Adam opens my folder for my other notes and stacks the mountain of written notes in one section that’s labeled English. I like this silence, after an intense love-making, I find it hard to concentrate on anything other than the pleasant aching between my legs.

nbsp; He tugs on his cap, pulling it down to half of his face to avoid suspicion, but I doubt anyone wouldn’t notice a behemoth walking around the campus with a girl whose hair is red.

  “Dinner?” he suggests, hauling my heavy backpack to his broad shoulder.

  Such a gentleman, I giggle softly.

  “Thought you’d never ask,” I lock our fingers together and he appreciates my initiative by not letting go.

  I unlock the door and step out first, scoping the fourth floor of the library. People seated in their chairs with eyes glued on their books, notes, or laptops. Surprisingly packed considering it’s late, but everyone has their own deadline of something from their classes. No one can get away from the dreadful projects and papers, I have an inkling that all professors talk shit about students and force everyone to at least write one paper in their semester.

  Winter is the worst season, shit-talking goes around campus a lot. I hear that because it’s winter, gloomy and slushy snow, professors tend to be in a lower mood than sunny spring semester. Just that reason alone, many students believe that if professors can’t feel good about themselves then the students would have to suffer with them.

  “I didn’t know there were so many rules in football,” I huff with a pout.

  I would have asked Adam for help, but my professor wouldn’t believe me if I had a professional football star as my source. He’d think everything I wrote is a lie and I’d get a failing grade, better safe than sorry when it comes to my classes.

  Adam shuts the door behind him, moving his cap lower, “What did you learn?”

  I draw a blank, “Uh, stuff.”

  His chest rumbles deeply, “I was available.”

  Retaining information about the classes I chose is hard, remembering information on a paper that I didn’t even want to do is harder. I have wiped the memories of every single football detail from my brain and leave room for cells to heal from a massive amount of information overload.

  “I didn’t want to bother you, with practice and all that sweaty stuff.”

  He cocks an eyebrow at me as I guide him down the hall to the elevator. Walking down four flights of stairs wouldn’t be a struggle for a man with lungs for running, it’s not my style to feel the burns in my calves.

  “And I would have put together time for you.”

  I swoon and scrunch my nose at him when my cheeks flush, “I doubt your coach would appreciate one of his stars sneaking off to meet me just for football lessons.”

  “Yet, here I am. Teaching you a basic of football, there’s still more to learn.” Adam clicks the ground button and the elevator drops down quickly.

  It opens to a floor full of people.

  My chest shudders in laughter, what we were doing was not about sports.

  “Stamina is key to all sports.” Adam purrs gravelly.

  I let him hear my whine of embarrassment and I glance around to see if anyone has heard. A classily dressed boy meets my eyes and he looks away quickly to his friend, they whisper and quickly come up to me.

  All of this is happening too quickly as they whisper loudly, “For future references, the backroom is allowed for one person.”

  I sputter in shame and jerks my head up to Adam who has his hat blocking a full view of his face.

  Oh god, people on campus will know me as the girl who had sex in the library.

  I’m a walking cliché!

  Spontaneous human combustion would be a wise choice to exit this excruciating moment if I had the power, I’m so humiliated to have people overhear our affair in the backroom like some hormonal teenagers going at it.

  “That was—it’s not what it looks like!” I squeal, dread rising in my voice as the two boys had humor in their eyes.

  My head gets tipped down by something rough and an uproar of screams surrounds me. I take a look to the side and I see people, mainly women, sprinting up to Adam and I. Whatever caught everyone’s attention must be huge, this library is notorious for its silence.

  “It’s Adam!” a girlish scream pierce my ears and I wince at the sharp pain.

  Peering up at the giant man, he has his eyes set on the front door and proudly shows his identity without a care to the world. Bodies filter in our space, I stay close to Adam as he drops my hand to favor a spot around my waist.

  Of course people notice and take photos.

  Adam ignores the call for autographs and pictures, he presses me to his side and his large body parts a sea of people for us to leave. I keep my head down and follow his lead, I hear voices calling me his girlfriend and my chest swells with pride.

  I want to face the snapping phones with a brave face, but this is too sudden and way too risky for me as I go to this school. I don’t want a big target drawn on my back by some jealous bimbo who thinks she can do better than me.

  Maybe, maybe not. I don’t want to meet that hypothetical bimbo.

  Adam gets us to his car quickly with swift moves and rapid turns, dodging fans is a piece of cake for him when I know he is one of the most sought-after bachelors.

  I did research to quench the thirst.

  “Are you hurt?” Adam knocks the cap off my head, turning my face side to side.

  The doors are locked providing me a layer of security that I can breathe easily.

  “I don’t think so?” I can't tell because adrenaline is still kicking in my system.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers solemnly.

  I look into his dark eyes, searching for the reason for his apology. I understand that he wants to protect me from the embarrassment from the two harmless boys, it’s why he put his cap on me to draw attention on himself so they could forget about what happened.

  “You did that on purpose,” I point out, and the lack of remorse in his eyes confirms my theory.

  I’m not a bit mad.

  “I want the world to know you’re mine,” he slants his lips over mine, muffling my words.

  Melting in his car seat filled with freshly detailed cleaners, I say, “You’ll get so much hate.”

  “I care about what you think, others are irrelevant.”

  As if stealing my heart isn’t enough, this man is stealing my soul too.

  “The pictures they took will be on tabloids, it’s only the matter of time before they find you,” Adam said, inhaling at my temple.

  He murmurs, “I want to get in front of it to protect you. They will tear you apart, I want you to be prepared.”

  I stroke the strong line of his jaw, caressing his chiseled cheek, “What if I don’t want this fame?”

  He stops, face twists in pain as his voice is torn between solemn and regret, “I don’t know.”

  “Would you let me go?” I ask, air puffing on his lips.

  I can see the struggle in his eyes to close the distance between our lips, “No, I can’t let you go.”

  A shift in his face tells me I’m dealing with the titan rather than Adam, “You can’t leave me, I won't allow it. If I have to chain you to my bed, then so be it.”

  I kiss him, the passion behind his kiss demolishes the thought of being separated from him. If I wanted to, really wanted to, I know he would just about to do anything to keep me.

  Legal or not.

  This man probably has no qualms about legalities and laws, he has his own set of rules and I am to never leave him is one of them.

  “You’re staying with me from now on.”

  My brain skirts to a stop and the screeching of wheels in my head is loud, “Now?”

  “Now,” he confirms, “Paparazzi aside, I think you need a bit more convincing.”

  “Oh really,” I smirk, living with him doesn’t sound bad if the apartment lease won't mess with my line of credits.

  I can't leave Julie on her own, she’d only buy paper plates and plastic forks without me by her side.

  “You sound convinced,” he picks out my words, keying the car to make it purr alive.

  I tell him the truth, “No one has paid this much attention to me.” />
  “Leave those doubts, you are special to me.” Adam pulls out into the streets and zooms down the lights.

  “How so?” I ask, holding onto the seatbelt.

  “I just know.” keeping an eye on the street, he gets all the green lights.

  Lucky him, I always get stuck with red or the dangerous yellow.

  “If you must know, I feel the same.”

  The side of his face only shows half of a wide smile, my heart flatlines and jump starts at the radiance behind his face. Happiness shines through his dark eyes and the pearly whites of his teeth glisten, I mirror his smile and settle back into the seat to let him drive in silence.

  Safety first.

  It’s not long when he drops both of us off at the same VIP meeting building. The car gets parked with his fine skills and he’s hauling my ass into the building to avoid potential sneaky trespassers with cameras.

  “My team trains and live here for the time being.”

  My mouth opens, “Oh. That means I’m going to see them a lot?”

  “Keep your eyes on me,” he stresses, he’s not menacing with my backpack on his shoulder.

  Adam with furball chain on the zipper is very scary.

  “We meet again, Chiquita!”

  The man with a name I could never remember shows up with a towel over his sweaty gym clothes.

  I suddenly remember how much I dislike football.

  Stinky armpits.

  “You’re here,” Julie says from the man’s side.

  “You’re here.” I point a finger.

  She shrugs lightly, a cheesy grin plays on her rosy lips. “I’m here to support him.”

  I roll my eyes, “I’m sure he appreciates your support with his ‘training’.”

  “It’s a form of exercise,” Julie plainly states.

  Adam’s hand brushes up on my waist, holding me still to his side.

  “That’s the biggest lie I’ve heard from you as of today. No doubt there will be more as the night goes on.” I nod to myself, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What do you know about exercise. I can’t even shovel you out of your bed for a morning run.” Julie complains, dramatically pawing at the man’s muscular arm.


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