Catching Hearts

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Catching Hearts Page 7

by Celia Crown

  “Don’t bother me with that when you have Willis to accompany you.”

  Julie sighs loudly, exacerbated with her eye whites flipping up, “Walter, think Walter from Prometheus.”

  “I might call him David on accident.”

  Julie groans, “His name is Walter Romero, call him Romero.”

  Chapter Ten


  The days where Evie slept in my arms were the best nights of sleep I have ever gotten; she was so soft and delicate, smelt like a damn flower and slept like a log. She hardly moved, and her pretty hair gets into my face, but that’s the price to pay when I got to fuck her into the bed with my hand fisting in those luscious locks.

  Coach Russell had chewed me out on responsibilities and that I should have told him that I was chasing after skirts. Coach is old-fashioned, so his phrasing of things can be a bit odd.

  He had me doing extra rounds of training, but that was fine. I was regenerated through Evie’s sass when Romero tried to playfully mess with her.

  The home game is finally here.

  I think it came too fast, I didn’t have enough time to spend with Evie because the world had found out about our relationship at the library. Everyone is speculating that Evie is either an up-coming model or my daughter because of her small stature compared to mine.

  I let the media run wild with accusations and all the redheads came out to play and claim that they were my Evie, some claimed they were pregnant with my babies. We had a controlled conference and spilled the truth out; I was in a committed relationship and I wanted the world to respect my privacy because Evie is important to me.

  I have asked them to leave the identity of the woman alone, but as a precaution, I had Evie stayed in the training camp until the game.

  She and her friend Julie had reserved seating for the game, the rules aren’t stiff enough to not allow those who are close to the football players to be seated with them.

  I can hear the roaring of the crowd from behind me, the hyped energy is getting to me as I want to perform my best for Evie. This is her first in-person appearance where everyone knows who she is and what she looks like, but this is also her first game. She had told me she wasn’t into sports, so she never gravitated towards my side of the world.

  The air is thick with electric tingles running through the hot summer breeze, today is a lot warmer than other days and it must be the upcoming thunderstorm that everyone’s been chatting about all over the news.

  I have Evie at my side as the players clip on their gears, “Nervous?”

  She nods shakily, doe-eyes marveling the big field of grass as I brush her hair away from her forehead.

  If I was in her shoes, I’d be more than amazed. Running into the field to make a fool out of myself would be my response to the call of freshly cut grass.

  “I’m not going to get hit, right?” she asks with a squint of her eyes in doubt, “Balls like my face—wait, no. That’s really wrong. Forget I said that.”

  I chuckle at her red cheeks, she pouts at me with those plump lips. “You’re not going to get hit. I’ll catch it if it goes to your direction.”

  She scoffs, “Even when you’re on the other side?”

  “Don’t underestimate me,” I steal a kiss, she squeaks in surprise when a crowd of wolf-whistles causes a slight vibration in my skin.

  “I never did,” she rocks on the back of her shoes, cranking her neck to meet my eyes. “You got this.”

  A laid-back nasally voice speaks from behind me, spiders crawl onto my arms at the familiar tune of a hum as I harden my face into a scowl.

  Gareth Carlton, some British fuck the other team scouted.


  I spin to the opposing player, also a rival quarterback. “What do you want.”

  “Just want to say hello to your beautiful girl.” Carlton smiles, his boyish charm is shining through the sleazy gaze he has set onto my Evie.

  “Ah!” Evie shouts behind me, “You!”

  She steps in front of me and sets her face into one of the biggest scowls I have seen, her imaginary cat furs are standing up with a hiss from her lips.

  “You know me?” Carlton doesn’t notice her animosity.

  I hook my arm around her waist, firmly plastering my ownership on her hip as she glares daggers at the other man.

  “Oh, I know you, alright,” Evie snaps, “You’re that pretty boy in swamp thing with your geese quaking after you.”

  Carlton and I echo our familiar confusion.

  Julie comes in with Romero who’s more entertained by this than I am, he crooks a smirk at me while I glare at him. He needs to control his woman before she makes this worst.

  “What she means is that you’re the guy that came to our campus to ‘demonstrate’ football in that hideous camouflage shirt with your groupies screaming after you,” Julie explains, and I understand every word.

  “Oh, darling. I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t sign an autograph for you. Bloody me, why don’t we go and find a nice place for me to properly introduce myself.” Carlton leers with that smile that all women have trouble saying no to.

  I growl loudly and mold Evie to my side.

  “The only thing you’re signing is my medical bills,” Evie said, crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side.

  Julie comes on with her clarification for everyone who is not up to date with what they know, “You knocked her out with your football.”

  Carlton swallows at my Evie’s long stare, she’s unimpressed by the man’s charming exterior.

  “I apologize?” Carlton’s weak smile makes her upset as her brows furrow.

  My sassy Evie doesn’t need to charm more men than she already did, she had won over all my teammates and I refuse to let this outsider get a piece of Evie that belongs to me.

  “Leave, Carlton,” I demand.

  He squares his shoulders and raises a cocky eyebrow at me, “Or what?”

  “You’ll find out on the fields,” I bark, the threat is laced heavily in my words.

  His lips curve in a half smirk that sends a shiver down Evie’s body as she quakes in my arm, I push her behind me and she gladly takes my body as a shield from this unpleasant man.

  Tension crackle between us, coach Russell comes into the scene with a stern warning for Carlton to stay the hell away from his team. Carlton had the balls to smile like nothing is happening and turns to my Evie with a look of hunger in his eyes.

  “I win, she’s mine.” Carlton challenges.

  Anger burst through as every muscle in me fires up with tension rolling off me like steam, my lips curl in a snarl at the audacity of this fool. The day I let another man take Evie is if I die, but I will haunt the living shit out of that ballsy bastard. Blood pump heatedly in my ears as I dig my nails into my palm, like a spring, my body reels back in force to connect my fist into his face.

  Romero is behind me, ready to hold me back if I decide to jeopardize our home game.

  “What do you think about a trip on my gorgeous yacht, love?” Carlton flashes Evie a large smirk.

  Evie’s arm encloses around my waist, her little fingers just made it to the other side. It’s comforting to know that she’s touching me and soothing the beast in me to settle down.

  “I’d have to kindly reject your offer,” she smiles courteously, and I want to take her away so Carlton can’t be subjected to her angelic presence, “You condescending twat.”

  Romero sputters his snort and laughter as coach bit his knuckles to remain the professional man he is, I don’t bother to hide the grin that split on my face. This is the Evie that I know; beautifully kind and sassily polite, she breaks the stereotype of fangirls.

  Not that she’s one, and I’m glad she isn’t. If she was, I’d still feel the same, Evie’s pull on me goes beyond simple attraction.

  “You’re going have to excuse Evie, she’s been holding that grudge for ages,” Julie states plainly with a bored look on her face.

  I feel the
gentle strokes on my side as her touches calm me, the curses in my throat fall back and my vision clears away for me to see the unnerving expression on the other quarterback’s face.

  It would seem that Carlton isn’t used to rejection

  “Women flock around me, are you shy? There’s no need to be so catty, but I do love a woman with spirit.” Carlton’s eyes curve with a mischievous chortle.

  Pure disgust is on Evie’s face as she gags with a hand over her mouth, “Yes, just shy of throwing up.”

  Our coach barks from the side, “Get back to your team and stop stirring shit, Carlton!”

  Romero nods like a dog next to me, sounds of agreements are unnecessary but Romero keeps making them.

  “Remember, Ross,” Carlton sniffs and beams at me, “I win and your little spitfire is mine.”

  I growl, “I’m not agreeing to it.”

  “You don’t have to,” he tilts his head, “This is on the honor of our teams.”

  “What?” Evie and Julie question his words, confusion clouding their face as I turn to Carlton.

  “I’m not letting Evie be a wager—” I get interrupted by Evie who boldly scoffs.

  She rolls her eyes, a face of exacerbation. “Sure, Adam will accept this little game of yours.”

  I jerk my head down to her with wide eyes, I take her shoulders and yank her attention to me as I narrow my eyes at her. I don’t know what she’s planning, but the mischief in her green hues tickles the nerves on the back of my neck.


  She kisses me to shut me up, then she turns to Carlton with uninterested attention.

  “If Adam’s team wins, you’ll publicly worship the Titans.” her cruel words makes Carlton’s shoulders jump in anxiety as he knows that my team can take them down without much effort.

  Romero’s amazed yet frighten tone voices, “Remind me to never mess with you, kidney bean.”

  When Carlton didn’t answer, Evie’s foul intention laces in her words. “What’s the matter? Scared of hurting your manly pride?”

  She knows how to make a man fire up, I’ll give her that as a set of determined eyes glares into mine.

  “Be prepared to get your arse beaten,” Carlton hisses, jerking around to put on a charismatic smile that has fans screaming his name.

  Feminine voices shrill their love and idolization to him as he waves and walk off to his team. Masculine voices shouting and yelling for Carlton’s team to defeat the Titans, as if they can put a dent in our advantages.

  “Why did you do that?” I demand, gripping Evie’s jaw with our eyes meeting in a heated competition to stay the dominant ones.

  She simply replies, “Because I know you won’t let him have me.”

  My heart surges with adoration reluctantly as I huff with a soft frown to her, she beams toothily at me with those freckled cheeks puffing up.

  “If I know one thing about you, it’s that you’re too competitive.” Evie kisses my neck, she has to feel my pulse kick up when she scrapes her teeth on my skin.

  She playfully sinks her teeth into my muscle, branding her mark on me as I have done to her body during our nights together. Remembering back to our nightly activities, my cock stirs with my lungs expanding in response to the quickened heartbeats under my ribs.

  “This is my first time seeing you play, I want some action going on. I can’t help but wonder what your best play is,” she said, humming when she kisses the bite.

  I fist her thick hair, pressing her face to my neck as I snarl in her ear. “You want the animal in me to come out and play?”

  She giggles and wraps her arms around my waist, pushing her perky tits to my chest. “Might as well let him play with me too after the game.”

  My eyes darken with sinister plans, “I’ve thought about fucking you in the locker room.”

  “Yeah?” she breathes.

  “In the showers,” I clarify, “You will have to keep your voice down. This isn’t the library, my teammates will hear.”

  Never in a million years will I ever let my team hear her wanton moans, I will have to keep her mouth occupied with my cock.

  “I can’t wait,” she laughs.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m not sure what I was expecting.

  Everything is so out of this world; the game clock ticking down as anticipation flare throughout the rows of people holding their breath, the speed of football players zooming from one side to another with their bodies slamming against each other, and the haze of adrenaline inching into my heart as I’m on the edge of the bench.

  Titans live up to their name; taller than normal players, and much heavier and buffer than the other team as they dominate the entire field in less than the quarter of the time. They whizz across the field in a blur that frustrates me because I can’t keep up when Adam is in one place before barreling to another spot.

  The other team doesn’t stand a chance.

  Every few times, I could hear a loud curse from one of the players and helmets being thrown onto the grassy field. It’s hilarious to see grown men behaving like children when the Titans score points.

  Common sense tells me that Adam should not be able to physically run that fast, his body mass should have slowed him down no matter how I look at it because he’s packed with muscles and the uniform on his colossal body is unjust to the sexiness emitting from his confident face.

  Trying to get past the behemoth-sized men of Titans is virtually impossible, they are the walls of defense and bulldozers of offense.

  “I understand why you’re obsessed with football now.” my breath hitches at the lowering number on the timer.

  Julie screams at the top of her lungs when her man tackles one of the opposing players with the ball, “Get him, boo!”

  “Have you seen the balls? They’re huge!” Julie drops back on the bench.

  I pause, my heart pounding in my ribs. “What?”

  Are we on the same track of mind?

  “I can appreciate other kinds of balls, dearest Evie.” Julie cocks a grin at me, her brows wiggle suggestively.

  “It gets him all rough and hot for me,” Julie giggles behind her hands bashfully, her cheeks color at that wild imagination in her head.

  My lashes flutter when my eyes struggle to roll to the back of my head, “I haven’t seen Walnut get that aggressive once.”

  “Walter,” Julie corrects with a glower, “He treats me like a whore in the sheets, but a princess in the streets.”

  I peer back to the field and witness one of Adam’s teammate with the freakishly long limbs sprinting away from the players trying to get to him. His body is flexible as his legs blur at how fast they’re moving.

  “He’s different from other men,” Julie comments with a dreamy sigh.

  I nod without looking at her, “I’m sure you don’t meet men who could sneeze and you lose your skin in the process every day.”

  “I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” Julie whispers in my ear with one arm bracing herself on the bench.

  “He sneezes like a kitten.” she grins.

  I mimic a soft and high-pitched sneeze as an example, “Like that?”

  “Even cuter,” she bites her lip, but her grin is too wide to be contained.

  I’m having a difficult time picturing a man as muscular and buff as a professional football player with a creaky sneeze. It would destroy his masculine reputation, I try to see it in my head what he would look like and what the actual sound is.

  I laugh at the comical depiction in my head. Looking towards the countdown of the timer, there’s still time left.

  I tell Julie, “I have to use the bathroom.”

  She offers, “Want me to come with you?”

  Shaking my head, I smile. “No, just stay and fawn over your man.”

  I leave the private viewing section, the walk to the bathroom is quick when I know where it’s located beforehand. Some people walk past me with a look of recognition, I have bee
n the face of almost all tabloits and social media.

  The woman who stole a titan.

  Homewrecker at it again.

  That one made me laugh because according to that news source, I was wedging myself into a perfect relationship between Adam and another athlete. It said something about them dating for years and is high school sweethearts, a beautiful man and a stunning woman.

  It’s so absurd that Adam’s reassurance that he’s not in any of those affairs gives me another laugh.

  One mind-blowing thing that happened since the news broke out that I was with Adam is that people with access to the university had been emailing me through my school email about how they want to be friends with me and claim that they’re in my classes and wish to meet up for note exchanging in my apartment.

  Jokes on them, I don’t live in that place anymore.

  My school email had been suspended because the system thought my email got hacked to receive so many messages in one day.

  I laugh to myself as I wash my hands after doing my business. The thick paper towel scrapes on the back of my hand, tossing it away on my way out of the bathroom.

  This stadium is very spacious, but I still get cornered by a group of girls.

  What a cliché scene for a high school movie.

  “What can I do for you ladies?” they had cornered me to the wall with the bathroom door right next to me, it’s a bit unsanitary but they leave me no place to turn to as they snootily hiss at me.

  All three women have the tiniest cheerleader outfit on; I get a full view of their breasts spilling out because their heels are longer than my neck. They jiggle with every word that comes out, but my eyes are so focused on the bounces.

  Can’t blame me for being taken back, I’m eye level with their tits.

  Then their skirts flip and flop, I see some men walking past getting a look at them. The way they dress can only mean one thing, they want attention, but they get angry when people stare.

  “So, you’re that woman.” the leader bimbo scoffs, eyeing me up and down.

  Her sidekicks laugh with so much fakeness that their stiff breasts take the second place.


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