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by Duncan, Juliette

  His playful grin lightened the moment, but a hard lump had formed in her throat and she could barely speak. Over the past weeks she’d been asking herself and God those very same questions. Although he wasn’t asking her to marry him, it was almost the same thing. If she agreed to let him court her, how old fashioned was that? She giggled at the thought of being courted, it would lead to marriage unless something unforeseen happened. Ben was the most loving and kind man she’d ever known, and having spoken at length with Pastor Stanek about the divorce issue, she had peace in her heart, and she could imagine herself married to Ben and sharing her life with him. Being a mum to Jayden would be a challenge, but with Ben by her side and God in her heart, she could face whatever that might entail. Her heart overflowed with love for him. Yes, she would allow Mr. Ben Williams to officially court her.

  She took his hands in hers and smiled into his eyes. “Yes, I do feel the same about you, Ben, and yes, I’d love you to court me.”

  He leaned forward, and taking her in his arms, kissed her properly for the first time. She responded as his lips caressed her mouth, not caring one iota what the other diners might think.

  When they returned to the hospital, they peeked into the room before entering. Tessa’s mother was watching television, her father was leaning back in the chair with his eyes closed. Jayden was still asleep. Tessa knew her face was flushed and her mother would know exactly what had happened the moment she saw her. After dinner, she and Ben had taken a stroll along the river. She’d never felt so alive nor so much in love. With his arm around her she felt safe and secure, and she knew she would agree to marry him whenever he decided to ask.

  Her mother looked up as they entered, her eyes widening before a delighted smile grew on her face. Her father stirred and pulled himself up in the chair. He cleared his throat. “Jayden hasn’t woken up,” he said, glancing at the bed.

  Ben walked to Jayden’s side and lifted his hand. Such tenderness and compassion. As Tessa gazed at the man she loved, warmth spread through her body.

  “Thank you for staying with him.” Ben lifted his head and smiled at her parents.

  “Our pleasure.” Her mother’s eyes had watered. She took a handkerchief out of her bag and dabbed them.

  “What are you crying about, love?” Her father placed his arm around her mother’s shoulder.

  She sniffed and sat straighter. “You need to ask Tessa that.”

  Her father turned and raised his brow. “Well?”

  Tessa slipped her arm around Ben’s waist and looked up at him.

  He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I think your wife has guessed that Tessa and I are now officially a couple.”

  Her father’s brows shot up. “My word, son. Congratulations! When’s the date?”

  Tessa laughed. “No, Dad. We’re not engaged. We’re just courting.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s still wonderful. Come here, both of you.” He shook Ben’s hand and then hugged them both. Her mother gave up dabbing her face and joined in.

  A short while later, Tessa flew through the front door of her house and nearly stumbled over Sparky. He barked eagerly at her sudden appearance and ran around in circles.

  Stephanie called out from the kitchen. “Quiet, Sparky. I'm working on my last case study, and it needs to be good.”

  Tessa sashayed into the kitchen. “Stephanie! You're not going to believe it.” She grabbed her friend's arms and swung her around. “Ben and I are officially courting!”

  Stephanie stopped her and held her at arm’s length. “It’s about time, that’s all I can say!”

  Tessa laughed. “He asked if he could court me—so old fashioned and proper! And I said yes. I can't believe this is actually happening. Pinch me so I know it isn't a dream.”

  “You're not dreaming.” Stephanie smiled as they embraced. “I couldn't be happier for you.”

  Chapter 22

  Jayden was allowed to go home the next day around noon. He was subdued as he climbed into the seat beside his father. Ben had decided to let a couple of days pass before having a serious talk with him about staying away from Owen and the entire drug overdose situation.

  “Are you angry at me?” Jayden asked quietly.

  “Angry? No. Disappointed? Yes. But I hope you’ve learned something worthwhile from this.”

  “I have.” He looked down at his hands. “Never agree to a dare with Owen again.”

  “Fair enough, but I need to have a serious talk with you about him at some stage. But right now, we have more important things to be concerned about.”

  “Like what?”

  “I need your help in picking out a ring.”

  Jayden stared at him, eyes wide and mouth gaping. “Have you asked Tessa to marry you?”

  Ben’s heart fell. He thought Jayden had been warming to Tessa, but his reaction indicated otherwise. Ben shook his head and swallowed his disappointment. “No, but I did ask her to be my girlfriend, and she agreed.” When he pulled up at a red light, he turned his head and met Jayden’s gaze. “I thought you liked her.”

  For a long moment Jayden remained silent. “She’s all right, I guess.” He looked down and fiddled with his hands. “Do you think I’ll ever see Mum again?” His voice was quiet and carried a truckload of sadness.

  Ben sighed heavily. “I don’t know, son. I hope one day she’ll come to her senses.” He slowed down to take a corner. It was beyond his understanding how Kathryn could be so uncaring about what she’d put Jayden through, but he doubted she’d ever realise the full extent of the hurt she’d caused. He glanced at Jayden and his heart went out to him. God, please help him get through this.

  After several moments of silence, Jayden lifted his head. “At one of our puppy training classes, Tessa told me her favourite colour was orange. Maybe you could choose a fire opal.”

  Ben sighed in relief and gave him a broad smile. “Great idea.”

  * * *

  The next few days were a flurry of happiness and excitement for Tessa. She was in a constant state of gratitude to God for the goodness He was showing to her and for all the blessings He was sending her way. And Michael was now just a distant memory in her mind. After waiting and wondering when a good man would come into her life, she could hardly believe she was being courted by the most wonderful man she could ever have dreamed of. Her heart was full of love for Ben, and for Jayden too, though of a different kind.

  Whilst she spent as much time with them as she could, she still managed to find time to help Elliott pull off the surprise celebration for their parents’ thirtieth wedding anniversary. Hearing about her mother's horrible first marriage had heightened her respect for her parents’ long-lasting love.

  The day of the anniversary dawned bright and sunny. Tessa joined Elliott on the beach early in the morning. Together, with the help of Stephanie and a few other friends, they ensured the tables and chairs for dining were set up just right. Tall, slender white candles, encircled by pink roses, stood in the centre of each table. Green and white streamers and balloons fluttered overhead in the light breeze. Elliott pointed to a group of people busily setting up a small stage. “See, sis, I hired a live band to play tonight. Nothing too fancy, but they sound swell, so I hope you’ll be wearing your dancing shoes.”

  “I will, and I’m pretty sure I'll have the best partner on the sand,” she answered with a wink. Her face lit up as several vans came into view. “Look! The Bussey's crew are here to start the catering.”

  Elliott laughed. “You really are excited, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, it’s going to be a great night.” She turned as Stephanie joined them and slipped her arm around her waist.

  “How’s the cake coming along, Steph?” Elliott asked.

  “Quite nicely. Mum and I finished frosting it late last night. We were going to make a thirty-layer cake—one layer for each year your parents have been married, but it probably would have been too much.”

  Elliott nodded. “I think s
o, but it would’ve been kinda neat!”

  Tessa chuckled. She’d miss her brother when he left to return to the States.

  “So now it’s just a huge three-layer black forest cake, and on the top is a photo of your parents surrounded by whipped cream and a heart of maraschino cherries.”

  “I can’t wait to see it,” Tessa said, giving Stephanie a squeeze. “You and your mother are the best bakers I know.”

  “Forget about seeing it,” Elliott said. “I can't wait to sink my teeth into it.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to hold your sweet tooth until this evening,” Stephanie said as she slapped him playfully.

  Their parents were scrapbooking old photos when Tessa and Elliott dropped by the house later that day. “Do you have any special plans to mark your anniversary?” Tessa asked after she’d hugged and kissed them both.

  “Not really. Just being with each other is special enough, but we’re going to take a walk along the beach later.”

  “Maybe have some dinner out,” her father added.

  Tessa exchanged a glance with Elliott. “What a coincidence,” Elliott said. “Tessa and I were just on our way to the beach ourselves. Why don't we go together?”

  Their parents agreed, and when they arrived a short while later, they were speechless as family members and friends greeted them with clapping and cheering and happy anniversary wishes.

  It was a grand evening of celebration that lasted well into the night. After much of the food was eaten and before the dancing began, Tessa called everyone to attention and launched into the speech she’d prepared. “Mum and Dad, Elliott and I want you both to know how much we love and appreciate you.” She paused as her voice caught in her throat. Don’t get emotional now, Tessa... She swallowed and drew a deep breath before continuing.

  “After thirty years of marriage, your love for each other seems to have only grown stronger. We’re truly blessed to have such inspiring and godly parents. Thank you for teaching us to be the best we can be. I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for you two.” She paused again and steadied herself. This was much harder than she thought it would be.

  She glanced at her notes before continuing. “Your humility, strength, patience, and success push me to be better and to do more each and every day. Growing up, there were so many little things you did for me that I took for granted. I’d now like to say thank you for all those little things, and the big things too, that helped us be the family we are today.

  “Dad, thank you for respecting mum and being a man of character and faith. Thank you for your hard work, for teaching me about God, and for always making the best out of life.

  “Mum, thank you for your style, your class, and your positive outlook. Thank you for doing my hair every morning before school, for all the wonderful meals you cooked, and for encouraging me to go after my dreams.

  “I’m thankful to have been raised by the both of you. The love you have for each other has inspired me to strive for something similar when I get married.” She glanced at Ben sitting beside Elliott and Jayden, and her heart warmed. “By example, you’ve taught me the true meaning of relationships and family. So, from Elliott and me, happy anniversary, Mum and Dad. You deserve this night.”

  Her father wiped tears from his eyes as he and her mother kissed in front of everyone. Standing, he gazed around at the group of family and friends before settling his gaze on Tessa and Elliott.

  Tessa reached for Ben’s hand as her father cleared his throat.

  “Thank you, Tessa. Thank you, Elliott. You’ve left me speechless. Your mother and I had no idea you’d organised all of this, as well as the cruise tomorrow, and we’re very appreciative of all the effort you’ve put in. It’s been a wonderful night, so thank you.” Tears pricked Tessa’s eyes when he smiled at her. “I can only say that I hope your Mum and I see many more anniversaries together. And we look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for the both of you. Although we think we know what, or whom, I should say, He’s got in store for you, Tessa.” His eyes twinkled as he winked and raised his glass. “We wish you every happiness.”

  Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulder and popped a kiss on the side of her head as everyone clapped and cheered. They then raised and clinked their glasses with her parents.


  Three months later, Tessa received a text from Ben asking her to meet him at the park during her lunch break. Nothing unusual about that. They tried to spend as much time together as they could, so after she finished surgery for the morning, she cleaned herself up and headed out.

  The park was only a short walk away, and the cooler temperature made walking quite pleasant. She headed for the large Moreton Bay Fig they always sat under, but was surprised to find he hadn’t arrived. She checked her watch. Unusual for him to be late.

  A dog running towards her in the distance caught her attention. It looked like Sparky, but it couldn’t be, Sparky was at home. She looked a little closer. It was Sparky, and he was running straight for her with a bow around his neck.

  She gave him a cuddle and a pat as he wagged his tail excitedly. “What are you doing here, little man? And what’s this?” She found a small package attached to the bow. The tag said open me. “What’s going on, Sparky? Who set you up like this?” She looked around, but saw no one. “Guess I’d better open it.” She took the ribbon off his neck and opened the package. Inside the wrapping she found a small box. Her eyes widened as she opened it slowly. A beautiful white gold diamond ring sparkled up at her.

  “What…?” She looked up as Ben appeared from nowhere and knelt down before her. She felt numb all over. “Ben…” Tears filled her eyes. Her heart thumped as her knees weakened.

  He took her hands in his. “Tessa, I’m hopelessly and madly in love with you. I have been for a long time, and I would be the happiest man alive if you agreed to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  “Oh Ben, of course I’ll marry you.”

  Standing, he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off her feet. As he kissed her, cheers and clapping filled her ears. When she finally managed to extricate herself from his lips, she turned to see who was making the noise. Stephanie stood in front, holding Sparky on a leash, Mum and Dad, with arms wrapped around each other and huge beaming grins on their faces stood to her side, and Jayden stood with Bindy on her other side. No Elliott, but apart from him, the most important people in her world had come to witness this momentous and special occasion.

  She gazed into Ben’s dreamy eyes and for a long moment thought she was floating. God had given her her heart’s desire, and she couldn’t be happier. “I love you, Ben.” She leaned up and in front of everyone, kissed him slowly and tenderly.

  * * *

  Ben, Tessa and Jayden’s story continues in…


  READ THE BONUS CHAPTER OF “TESTED LOVE” right after my note.


  Hi! It’s Juliette here. I hope you’ve enjoyed the first book in “The True Love Series". Ben and Tessa’s story continues in Book 2, “Tested Love”, (free to read on Kindle Unlimited), or you could grab the Box Set and get all 4 books in the series at almost half the price of buying them individually. Your choice!

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  With gratitude,




  Chapter 1

  Brisbane, Australia

  Tessa Williams slipped her arm through her husband’s as the newlyweds stood on the pavement gazing at the house they were about to call home. “I’m so glad we chose this house, Ben. I absolutely love it!”

  Both the architect and builder had done a great job of creating the modern sleek family home, blending it into the surrounding neighbourhood of New Farm, renowned for its trendy renovated worker’s cottages; cute cafes and shady, tree-lined streets. The house sat on a narrow block. A row of lush green agapanthus in full bloom lay on either side of a short path leading to the modern double doors she and Ben had spent hours choosing.

  He kissed the side of her head. “Me too, my sweet. It’s perfect.”

  Jayden, Ben’s fourteen-year old son, raced past them with Bindy, his Scottish terrier, yapping at his heels. They headed directly for the backyard where Tessa’s dog, Sparky, scratched at the gate and barked excitedly. Stephanie, Tessa’s old house-mate, had dropped him off a little earlier. Tessa knew her energetic dog was excited to see her, but she wanted to inspect the inside of the house first. Grabbing Ben’s hand, she pulled him along the path to the front door, letting out a small gasp as he whisked her off her feet and carried her over the threshold, kissing her tenderly as he placed her back on her feet.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as he gazed into her eyes. “We should ask God to bless this home, before we do anything. What do you say?”

  She smiled lovingly into his soft milk chocolate eyes. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

  He kept his arm around her and she leaned her head against his chest as he thanked God for bringing them together and giving them a fresh start. “Father, your faithfulness and grace are amazing. Thank You for the gift of marriage and for all the good things You have in store for us. And thank You for this house. Please make it into a home where your love touches everything we do. We ask You to bless this home and this family. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


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