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Page 28

by Duncan, Juliette

  Preston continued speaking, but all Ben could hear was a sickening whirring in his head. Jayden wasn’t coming home anytime soon. A lump formed in his throat, and he could barely manage a polite thank-you.

  Tessa clutched his hand as they left Preston’s office and entered the lift. She remained silent as he stared vacantly at the city below.

  “I should have got a custody order. And I should never have trusted Kathryn.”

  How could he have been so stupid?

  Chapter 2

  Tessa rolled over and reached for Ben, but instead of a warm body, her hand found a cold, empty space. She let out a sleepy sigh and opened her eyes. The neon red numbers on the clock flashed three a.m. She dragged herself out of bed, wrapped her robe around herself and tiptoed downstairs.

  A flicker of light in the outdoor work area Ben had claimed for his home office caught her attention as she passed through the living room. After filling two glasses with water, she slid the door open with her foot and padded across the grass, still wet from the rain the day before. The full moon, half shrouded in wispy clouds, cast a ghostly silver glow over the entire backyard. Tessa couldn’t help but think that somewhere, halfway across the world, Jayden might also gaze at that same moon.

  She draped her arm gently across Ben’s hunched shoulders as she stood beside him. “Any success?” She knew the answer already, but still, she had to ask.

  Ben shook his head. “No, but he’s seeing my messages on Facebook.” He let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s ignoring me on purpose.”

  She leaned over the back of Ben’s chair and wrapped her arms around him. “It might not be Jayden’s doing. Maybe Kathryn’s telling him not to answer.”

  Ben’s body stiffened. “He’d reply if he wanted to. He messaged Kathryn for months behind our backs.” His breathing quickened. “I’ve a good mind to go over there and drag him home myself.”

  Tessa inhaled slowly. How many times had they had this conversation? She unwrapped her arms and perched on the edge of Ben’s desk, facing him. “And what would that achieve? If you went over and dragged him back, do you think he’d stay?”

  Ben shrugged before turning his attention back to the computer screen.

  “We need to trust God to bring Jayden home when he’s ready. Besides, we have a lawyer working on it as well.”

  Ben’s gaze didn’t shift from the screen. “Preston’s been working on it for two weeks and hasn’t done a thing.”

  Tessa crossed her arms and studied her husband. She hated what this was doing to him. There were so many ‘if-only’s’, but the reality was that Jayden had been unhappy at home for whatever reason, and had been taken in by Kathryn’s promises of a better life in America. They both believed that the life Kathryn could offer Jayden would be shallow and meaningless, but how long it would take Jayden to realise that for himself was unknown. They just had to keep praying and trusting God would work in Jayden’s heart, and that one day, hopefully not too far away, he’d decide to return of his own accord. But Ben wanted to confront Jayden and force him to come back. Like that was going to work. In fact, Tessa feared it might drive him further away.

  “We have to keep trusting God. He can bring Jayden home faster than you, or I, or Preston could ever do. We’ve been praying for Jayden for a long time, and although it doesn’t seem likely right now, I believe God’s heard and will answer each one of those prayers. One day Jayden will wake up to himself and choose to come back of his own accord. I know it’s not easy, but we have to leave Jayden in God’s hands. He wants the best for him just as much as we do. We have to trust God together.” She held her hand out.

  Ben slowly broke his gaze from the computer screen, took Tessa’s hand in his and squeezed it. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just feel so helpless.” His voice caught in his throat.

  Tessa stood and eased herself onto Ben’s lap. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him close. “It’ll be okay, you’ll see.” As she rested her head on his and prayed quietly for Jayden, tears streamed down her cheeks, dampening Ben’s hair.

  “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”

  “Give me a minute, then I’ll come up.”

  As she met Ben’s gaze, her heart ached for him. He wouldn’t be coming back to bed anytime soon, and there was little she could do about it. She leaned down and kissed him gently before pulling back and looking deeply into his eyes. “We’ll get through this, Ben. I know we will.”

  He smiled weakly and nodded as she slipped off his lap.

  Tessa glanced at the clock as she entered the house. Too late to go back to bed, especially if Ben wasn’t joining her. She’d take a shower and have a longer quiet time before going to work. Passing Jayden’s bedroom, she paused and peeked inside. Everything was exactly the way he’d left it before they’d gone on the ski trip to New Zealand. She stepped inside the room and turned the CD player on. It wasn’t one of her favourite CD’s, but the heavy metal reminded her of him nonetheless.

  Books with rugby balls for book ends lined his shelf. Scouting medals and science awards hung on the wall. A tennis trophy stood on top of the eight-drawer dresser surrounded by framed photos of their dogs, Bindy and Sparky, and one photo of the three of them taken on one of their beach trips. Tessa picked up this last photo and fought back tears. She remembered the day it was taken. Jayden hadn’t wanted to come and was barely smiling; but at least they were together. Now, they were thousands of miles apart.

  Pressing the photo to her chest, she breathed out slowly. Ben shouldn’t be taking the full blame for Jayden leaving. If only I’d been a better stepmother, Jayden might still be here. Perhaps her work colleague, Harrison, was right. If she’d stayed home and gone to all of Jayden’s games instead of working so hard, maybe he wouldn’t have felt so neglected.

  She bent her head as tears flooded her eyes. She’d been so focused on trying to keep Ben positive, she hadn’t thought too much about her role in Jayden’s decision to leave, but she’d failed him, no doubt about it. Gulping, she squeezed back her tears. I’m sorry, God. I messed up with Jayden. I should have spent more time with him. Done more with him, but I didn’t, and now he’s gone. She sniffed and clutched the photo tighter. Please bring Jayden home, dear God. Please give us another chance to get it right. Tears spilled down her face as she curled up on Jayden’s bed and fell asleep with the photo pressed to her heart.

  Later that day, Tessa escaped into her office and closed the door. Trying to focus on work was such a challenge, even though in some ways it helped her get through the day. No one at work knew about Jayden leaving. How could she tell Harrison of all people that her teenage stepson had run off with his mother? He’d just throw it back at her and say she shouldn’t have been working. Just like he’d told his own mother.

  She sighed as she opened her sandwich and clicked on her personal email account. Since Jayden had disappeared, she hadn’t much interest in normal things like checking emails and staying in touch with people, but the thought had hit her while sorting some invoices that Jayden might have emailed her. Unlikely, but what if he had? She quickly scanned her inbox. Her heart fell. Nothing from Jayden. But there was one from Margaret, her friend from church, who was also Harrison’s mother. Tessa bit her lip. She should have called Margaret and told her about Jayden. She of all people would have understood, having been estranged from Harrison for years. But it had been hard enough telling her parents.

  She clicked on Margaret’s message and began to read:

  ‘Hi Tessa,

  I’m well, and I hope you and your family are doing well, too. I hope you enjoyed your holiday—you’ll have to tell me all about it. Missed seeing you at Bible study again last night, so thought I’d give you an update on everyone. Sherry gave birth to twins last week. All three are doing well and should be home tomorrow. We’ll also have to vote on a new group leader soon because Yvonne announced her engagement and is moving to Sydney. I know the other women have to give
their recommendations too, but I personally think you’d do a wonderful job as our next leader. Your strong faith and cheerful disposition is just what we need. Remember, if you have anything you want to share or anything you want us to pray for, just let me know.

  Your friend in Christ,


  Tessa leaned back in her chair and stared at the screen. Strong faith? She wasn’t so sure about that. For Ben’s sake she’d stayed as positive as she could over the past few weeks, but did she really believe God would answer their prayers and bring Jayden back? Margaret would make a better leader, surely. How many years had she prayed faithfully for Harrison to let go of the past and forgive her? Never once had she given up hope, even though she would have liked God to have answered more quickly.

  She began to type a response but picked up the phone instead and dialed Margaret’s number. Margaret answered within three rings.

  “Margaret, Tessa here. Thought I’d call instead of emailing.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve got some news…” As she shared about Jayden’s leaving, she struggled to keep her emotions intact and fought to finish the story without breaking down completely. Maybe she should have just replied to Margaret’s email.

  “My poor girl, that’s terrible news.” Margaret’s compassionate voice was almost Tessa’s undoing.

  Tessa gripped the receiver and forced herself to stay in control. “I know. Ben and I are devastated. Can you please pray? We’d really appreciate your support.”

  “Of course. I’ll contact the prayer group right away.”

  “Thank you.”

  As soon as Tessa hung up, her phone rang—it was Ben. Unusual for him to call during the day. She grabbed the phone and answered. “Hey Ben, how are you doing?”

  Ben let out a dejected sigh. “Just came back from meeting with Preston.”

  “Any progress?”

  “A little. Kathryn’s split with Luke Emerson, which we kind of guessed. Jayden doesn’t have a visa, so he can only stay in the States for ninety days legally, but Preston thinks that doesn’t mean a thing. Lots of people overstay, sometimes for years. He reckons they’ll just keep moving. Maybe even disappear.”

  “Oh Ben.” Tessa’s heart plummeted. At least there was half a chance of getting Jayden back if they knew where he was, but if he and Kathryn disappeared? Tessa lowered her voice. She didn’t want Harrison or any of the staff listening in. “Has Preston made contact with her?”

  “Not directly, but he’s got her address.”

  “Well, that’s a start. When’s he lodging the child abduction application?”

  “Soon. It’s just about ready, but he doesn’t hold much hope.” Ben’s voice had a resigned ring to it.

  “We need to keep strong, and keep praying.” Tessa closed her eyes as she held the phone to her ear. If only she was as confident as she sounded.

  “I know, but it’s so hard.” Ben let out a sad sigh.

  “We’ll get through this. I know we will.” Please let that be true, God.

  “I love you, Tess.” Ben’s voice caught.

  Tessa squeezed back tears. “I love you too, Ben.”

  After hanging up, she rested her head on her folded arms and let her tears flow. Early afternoon sunshine flooded her office but her body remained cold. Despite her assurances to Ben and pleas to God, despair had begun to creep into her heart. Would Jayden ever return?

  Chapter 3

  Four weeks earlier

  Jayden's chest tightened as the private jet carrying him and Kathryn circled above Miami International Airport. He peered out the window at the sprawling city below. Water and skyscrapers—not so different from the Gold Coast. Just bigger. The sky was awash with streaks of red, pink, and orange as the sun inched itself slowly above the horizon. He shielded his eyes from the sun’s brilliant rays as the plane banked before commencing its descent.

  "Excited?" Kathryn flashed Jayden another of her over-the-top smiles from her leather reclining chair opposite him. During the flight, which had been the coolest flight he’d ever been on, the plane being decked out like a small fancy apartment with leather lounges, flat screen televisions, and full surround sound, Jayden had got the feeling that his mum was trying too hard. There was something fake about her smile, as if she was trying to convince herself and him that she was happy. And she’d hugged him way too much. He was fifteen, for goodness’ sake, not five.

  Jayden nodded. “Yeah. It looks great.” He tried to sound enthusiastic, but truth was, he didn’t know whether to be excited or nervous. Was his decision to leave Dad and Tessa and start a new life with his mum in Florida a good one? She’d promised him so much, but he didn’t really know her anymore. He continued gazing out the window until the plane hit the runway and began taxiing towards the terminal.

  “Well, here we are, Jay!” Kathryn leaned forward and squeezed his knee as she flashed him another one of those smiles. Jayden winced at the nickname she’d given him. Neither Dad, Tessa, nor Neil had ever shortened his name. A lump formed in his throat. They’d probably be out looking for him.

  “Come on Jay, grab your bag and let’s get out of here.” Kathryn stood and adjusted her shirt. She flicked her hair over her shoulder as Jayden pulled his lime-green and black duffle bag out of the storage shelf. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he followed Kathryn down the stairs. She looked more like a model than a mother in her skinny jeans and tight fitting shirt.

  They whizzed through Passport Control. Arriving by private jet must hold certain privileges. Kathryn led the way to a fancy looking black convertible parked near the terminal. Jayden whistled under his breath as he climbed in and clicked on his seatbelt. Mum really has done all right for herself.

  “Like it?” Kathryn tilted her head, raising one eyebrow as she lowered the roof.

  “Yeah, it’s cool.” Jayden turned his head and held his mother’s gaze. “Is this the car you said I can learn on?”

  “The very one.” Kathryn smiled smugly as she brought the car to life and accelerated towards the freeway.

  The faintest of smiles grew on Jayden’s face. Maybe it was going to be all right after all.

  "You're so quiet, Jay," Kathryn shouted as she looked over her designer sunglasses at him. The wind whipped her hair as she zipped around the slower cars.

  Jayden let out a shaky laugh. “It’s hard to talk over the noise.” But really, he wasn’t sure what to say. He’d like to know if Luke would be there when they arrived. She’d only mentioned him once the whole time they were on the plane, which was kind of strange. Last time he’d seen his mum was at that Pro-Am tournament in Brisbane. The day he’d discovered she’d left Dad for Luke Emerson, the international golfer he’d admired for years. Jayden’s chest heaved at the memory. He’d been so angry that day, and he’d vowed never to see her, or Luke, again. So what was he doing sitting in a car with her now? And what would it be like living in a house with Luke Emerson? Jayden’s heartbeat quickened.

  He had to know if Luke would be there. Jayden swallowed hard and stared ahead, waiting until Kathryn slowed down. When she exited the freeway and entered a residential area, he cleared his throat. "I…I was just wondering who’s going to be there.” He pinched his fingers together as he waited for the answer.

  Kathryn glanced at him as she turned into a broad tree-lined avenue. Huge mansions stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see, but the streets were empty. “No one, Jay. It’s just you and me.” Her voice was slightly high-pitched and wobbly.

  Jayden’s head shot around. “You’re not with Luke anymore?”

  "Didn’t I tell you?" She gave a dismissive wave of her hand and lifted her chin.

  Jayden let out a huge sigh of relief.

  She opened her mouth as if to say something else, but instead, raised her hand to her cheek. Was she wiping tears from her eyes? He wasn’t sure. She glanced at him and swallowed before she gave him another of her smiles. “We’re going to have such fun together, Jay.”
  He drew a deep breath as he tried to control the thumping in his chest. Surely Mum didn’t just want me here because Luke’s gone. She wouldn’t do that, would she? He studied her as she continued talking, a little too fast and a little too upbeat. Maybe she was just nervous.

  "My place is new, and I think you’ll love it, Jay. It’s right on the water and we’ll be able to do so many things together."

  He forced a smile before turning to look out the window. The clear crystal water and sunny blue sky reminded him of Australia and his last outing to the Gold Coast with Dad and Tessa. He hadn’t wanted to go, but Dad had made him. At least he’d got to go jet-skiing.

  The ring of his cell phone sounded from his pocket. He pulled it out and sighed. Dad. Again. How many times has he called? Every time the plane had stopped to fuel up, all Dad’s missed calls had popped up, but this one was live. Dad was calling right now. Jayden’s pulse quickened. Should he answer? Every time he thought about the way he’d left, without an explanation and without even saying goodbye, his chest tightened. He shifted in his seat and was tempted to answer, but then the ringing stopped.

  Kathryn peered over. "You know you can block his number so you don't have to be bothered with him calling."

  Jayden stared at the phone for a second and then slipped it back into his pocket. He shrugged. It was too soon to block Dad’s number.

  Kathryn slowed the car and turned into a parking lot with a well-lit sign reading ‘Biscayne Bay Luxury Homes’.

  Jayden’s eyebrows lifted. Fancy. Very fancy. He followed her to the entrance of the luxury condo.

  “Well, here we are, Jay. What do you think?” She held the door open, her eyes bright and expectant.

  He stepped inside. The house at New Farm was pretty cool, not that he’d ever told Dad and Tessa that, but this was sick. The water was right there, just through the glass doors. He couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice as he walked towards the view. “It’s amazing!”


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