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Page 37

by Duncan, Juliette

Penny’s eyes sparkled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Tessa swallowed the lump in her throat as she caught Ben’s eye. Was he thinking the same as her? Would they still be in love like that when they were this couple’s age?

  “Probably just women’s business.” Larry winked at Ben. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Thanks, that’d be great.” Ben smiled and then joined Tessa on the couch, resting his arm behind her, twiddling a lock of her hair in his fingers. How long since he’d been this relaxed? It warmed her heart and confirmed they’d made the right decision.

  Chapter 19

  The following morning, it took Tessa a few moments to remember she was in Ecuador, not Brisbane. Lying in bed with her eyes closed, she breathed in the fresh mountain air wafting in through the thin curtains and relaxed. Bindy and Sparky weren't wagging their tails, waiting to be fed and walked. No vet clinic or city office to rush off to. Such a great feeling, being here with a changed Ben. Tessa lurched forward. Ben. He was meant to be flying to a remote area in a tiny plane this morning. Her heart raced as she turned her head. He was already gone.

  She jumped out of bed, threw on a light robe and opened the door just in time to see the plane taxiing down the patch of dirt that was the runway on the other side of the river. She waved frantically until the plane disappeared into the early morning mist.

  "They probably won't be back until noon." Elliott had taken the steps two at a time and joined her. "There’s only space for two in the cockpit, otherwise you could have gone too.” Elliott planted a kiss on her cheek. “Maybe you can go next time."

  Tessa pulled back, shaking her head. “No way—you won’t get me in a tiny plane like that!”

  "Oh, come on, sis. Don’t be a wuss." There was a glint of a tease in Elliott’s eyes before his expression grew serious. “Trust me, nothing beats the exhilaration of soaring above the clouds and gazing down on huge mountains from a small plane, especially when you're doing it for a good reason."

  “I’ll think about it.” Tessa shifted her gaze back to the mountains. The sun was just breaking the horizon, dispersing the mist and shedding light over the entire valley. “This is so beautiful, Elliott. I could sit and look at it all day, but that’s not what I’m here for.” She turned her head. “So what have you got planned for me today?”

  "If you’d like, you could help Penny with her medical rounds, and then when Ben gets back, you can both help with building the playground for the school."

  Tessa smiled at him. “Sounds great.”

  Shortly after, Tessa joined Penny in her kitchen where she was busy collecting pill bottles, medicine droppers and syringes. “We need to re-use most of the equipment,” Penny said as she placed the droppers and syringes into a bucket of boiling water.

  Tessa raised an eyebrow.

  “Supplies are very limited.”

  “Oh.” Of course they would be. Tessa gulped as she thought about all the supplies they had sitting on the shelves at the vet clinic.

  The morning sun warmed Tessa’s skin as she and Penny set out to visit their first patient—a mother whose baby had been running a fever for the past ten days. Nearly all of the locals were out and the mission bustled with their chatter and the laughter of children. Half of the men and some of the young women were on the other side of the river with Elliott, Larry, and Robert, setting up desks and bookshelves and putting the final touches on the interior of the school building. The other men had gone off to work in the surrounding rice farms. The older women washed clothes on the edge of the river, beating them out on large flat rocks before hanging the wet clothes out to dry on rope stretched between the trees.

  They all seemed happy. So different to back home where hardly anyone smiled as they went about their daily business. Here, an atmosphere of community permeated the entire mission ground. Young children to wizened grandparents living and working together, happily.

  Several of the locals came up to Tessa and shyly introduced themselves, telling her in broken English how glad they were to have her and Ben with them. Despite the language barrier, Tessa felt she already belonged.

  As Penny made her rounds, Tessa helped by handing her the supplies she needed and making friends with the children she encountered. She soon lost track of how many chocolate bars she handed out to their great delight. For the most part, though, Tessa observed as Penny administered shots, squeezed out drops, changed bandages, handed out pills, and applied medicinal salves and ointments. Penny explained things to Tessa as she went along, so that next time she’d be able to participate more.

  After the last patient for the day had been seen, they strolled back to Penny's house for lunch.

  “I really enjoyed this morning, Penny, although it was kind of strange…”

  Penny turned to her with a puzzled look on her face. “Strange? In what way?”

  "Well, usually I’d be at work at a clinic… a vet clinic.”

  Penny’s eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I work with animals, not people." Tessa chuckled. "Just a slight difference.” She blew some stray hair off her face. “I thought I worked hard then, but after this morning, I’m not sure.” She stifled a yawn.

  "It takes time to get used to the heat. And you’re probably still jet-lagged." Penny gave her an understanding smile as she opened the front door and turned the fans on. “Let me make some lunch and then maybe you should take a short nap before helping with the playground. You don’t want to burn out on your first day.”

  “Sounds divine.” Tessa stifled another yawn.

  Mid-afternoon, Ben and Trevor returned in the plane. Ben waved as he weaved his way through the muddy plot of land beside the school building to where Tessa and the others were assembling the equipment for the playground.

  Tessa brushed the mud off her hands before letting Ben hug and kiss her. She’d never seen him so animated.

  Ben brushed back damp, sweaty hair from her forehead. “We had the most remarkable time. It wasn't only the breathtaking sights, but the village was so appreciative of the supplies we delivered to them. You should have seen their faces. They couldn't stop thanking God and us enough. I haven't had such a good feeling about something I've done in the longest time."

  She held him at arm's length before pulling him close and returning his hug. Yes, this was the Ben she knew. Only a few short weeks ago, he’d been depressed, distraught, and distracted over the situation with Jayden. His face, which had been heavy with anxiety and worry, was now full of life. Jayden still hadn’t returned, but at least the real Ben was back.

  Chapter 20

  Over the following weeks, Ben and Tessa worked alongside Elliott and the others in laying the wooden floor of the school building, assembling desks and installing chalkboards. They also worked on the playground construction. Tessa loved watching Ben work. Although more at home with spreadsheets and figures, he hammered and sawed, dug and shoveled, and came home each night complaining about blisters and sunburn, but he was happier than Tessa had ever seen him.

  But Jayden was never far from their thoughts. Each night Ben and Tessa prayed for him. They prayed for his safety, and pleaded with God to continue knocking on the door of his heart. And they never ceased praying for his return.

  Every morning, Ben checked his emails on the mission’s computer. Occasionally there’d be an email from Neil, but never one from Jayden. One morning Ben came back with a worried look on his face.

  “Is there news?” Tessa’s heart went into freefall as she immediately imagined the worst. She grabbed Ben’s hand as he sat beside her at the table and peered into his eyes.

  He sighed. “Not really. Just an email from Neil.”

  She raised a brow. “What did he say?”

  “It’s what he didn’t say that’s concerning me.” He paused and met Tessa’s gaze. “I think something’s happened to Jayden he’s not telling us.”

  “Like what?”

  Ben sighed deeply. “I don’t know. It’s just
a feeling.”

  She held Ben’s gaze and tried to push the negative thoughts she’d had to the back of her mind, but she couldn’t help wondering what might have happened.

  “Do you think he’s hurt? Or in danger?”

  “I said I don’t know. Normally Neil says that Jayden’s having a ball over there, but this time all he said was that Jayden was okay.” Ben paused, drawing in a deep breath. “Maybe I’m reading too much into it.”

  “Can you ask Neil?”

  “I did, but I’m not expecting him to let on.”

  Silence filled the air for several seconds.

  “I think we should try to see him.”

  Tessa nodded, tears pricking her eyes. “Yes, we should.”

  “Come on you two love birds. Break’s over.” Elliott stood at the end of the table with his arms folded, an amused look on his face.

  Ben squeezed her hand. “Just the person we wanted to see…”

  After Ben explained what had happened, Elliott was only too happy to give them as long as they needed. Ben booked seats on the first flight he could get from Guayaquil to Austin, Texas. They’d leave on Monday morning, the day after tomorrow.

  That Sunday, everyone living on the mission grounds and a few others living nearby, gathered together in the church building for worship and preaching like they did every Sunday.

  The only musical instruments the church had was Trevor's guitar, which he played expertly, and a pair of tambourines that Penny and one of the locals shook in time to the beat. A wooden crate, emptied of its store of oranges, served as a drum which nine-year old Santiago banged on with fervour. Everyone joined in singing the mixture of English and Spanish songs. Ben and Tessa had quickly learned the words to the English songs. They listened when the Spanish ones were sung, understanding a few words here and there.

  Tessa hummed along, but tears pricked her eyes when Maria stood and began singing "Amazing Grace" unaccompanied in Spanish. She squeezed Ben’s hand and closed her eyes. Lord, please let Jayden know your amazing grace. Be with us as we go to him, and let his heart not only be open to us, but to you also, dear Lord. Although weighed down by thoughts of Jayden, God’s presence was real and Tessa was comforted by the knowledge that he cared more for Jayden than either she or Ben ever could, and they could trust him to do whatever was necessary to bring Jayden to salvation. And home.

  Larry had been scheduled to preach, but at the last moment had taken ill. Tessa smiled as Elliott stood and walked to the front. When he’d spoken to the youth group at Gracepointe Church several years ago, his preaching had been very ordinary. She expected him now to speak God’s word with passion and skill. He’d grown in maturity, both as a man and as a Christian, and her heart swelled with pride as Elliott smiled warmly at the eager faces waiting for a message from God.

  She wished she knew what he was saying, but when he finished and the familiar tune of “What a friend we have in Jesus” began to play, she smiled. Yes, Lord, what a privilege it is to carry everything to you in prayer.

  Monday morning came quickly, and before they knew it, Ben and Tessa were in the air flying towards Texas with hope in their hearts. Neil had given them the last address he had for Jayden, and they gave this to the taxi driver at the airport. Jayden’s ninety days were up, and it was possible, no probable, that he and Kathryn had moved on again. But they had to at least try.

  Being mid-afternoon, they would hopefully catch Jayden on his way home from school and avoid seeing Kathryn. If they were still there.

  Ben sat quietly beside Tessa in the back seat of the taxi. Her palms were sweaty, as were his, despite the cool of the day.

  “Nervous?” She looked up into his eyes.

  He nodded, shifting in his seat.

  She squeezed his hand.

  She tried to steady her breathing as the taxi whizzed down the freeway and turned off into a suburb full of older apartments, many in need of a refurb. One corner block was covered in graffiti that someone had tried to remove without success, just making a bigger mess instead. Tessa jolted forward as a youth wearing torn jeans and a baseball cap backwards crossed the road ahead of them. He was listening to music by the way his head was moving. Not Jayden, surely? She turned her head as they passed and let out a breath. Not Jayden.

  But surely they were in the wrong suburb? The Kathryn Ben had described wouldn’t live in a suburb like this. Would she?

  The taxi slowed, pulling up in front of an apartment building that looked the same as the others. Three stories high, dark brown brick. No garden. A row of mailboxes, some overflowing with junk mail possibly months old.

  “Can you wait?” Ben leaned forward, offering the taxi driver money.

  The taxi driver turned slightly in his seat and shook his head. “Got another job, sorry.” He handed Ben a card. “Call when you’re ready and I’ll come back.”

  Ben paid the fare and thanked him before he sped off, leaving them standing on the pavement with their suitcase between them.

  Tessa glanced at the building and her heart fell. Somehow she knew this was a mistake.

  “What do we do?” She tried to keep her voice steady, but it wobbled a little.

  “I’m not sure. Wait, I guess.”

  Tessa swallowed the lump in her throat. They stood out like sore thumbs. She shivered as a cold breeze hit them, picking up some of the loose junk mail, and sending it further down the street to lay there until another blast came through.

  “Shall we knock?” Tessa lifted her gaze to Ben’s. A look of hopelessness filled his eyes. She reached for his hand.

  “A few minutes?”

  She nodded. They shifted to the other side of the road and stood against a brick wall. A car rounded the corner and they both looked up. Kathryn? It kept driving. Tessa let out her breath.

  A boy of about twelve on a skateboard stopped in front of them. “Can I help you?” His Texan drawl was heavily pronounced.

  “Thanks, but we’re waiting for someone.” Ben’s voice sounded so obviously Australian.

  “Okay.” The boy hopped back onto the board and skated off.

  Minutes passed. The lump in Tessa’s throat slipped to her stomach.

  A long yellow bus came down the street and slowed, stopping a little to their right on the opposite side of the road. Tessa’s pulse raced. They glanced at each other. A school bus.

  The bus drove off. Three girls had hopped off and they chatted as they walked the other way. A boy of about Jayden’s age stood checking his phone and then headed towards the apartment building.

  Tessa’s shoulders slumped. “It’s not him.”


  “Maybe we could ask if he knows Jayden?” Tessa glanced at the boy disappearing up the stairs.

  Ben’s shoulders lifted. “It’s worth a try.” He picked up the suitcase and stepped off the curb.

  Tessa took a breath and then sprinted across the road, leaving Ben in her wake. “Excuse me. Hello.” She held her hand against her chest and tried to catch her breath.

  The boy stopped and turned around, his forehead puckering. “Me?”

  “Yes, sorry. We,” Tessa turned, motioning to Ben to hurry, “we were just wondering if you know a boy called Jayden? He’s about your age, and he’s Australian.”

  A shadow slipped across the boy’s face. “Yeah, I knew him.”

  Ben placed the suitcase on the ground beside Tessa and stepped closer to the boy. “Knew him?”

  The boy leaned on the railing, chewing gum. “Yeah. He lived here for a while, but then one day, he and his mom disappeared. Gone, just like that.” He cocked his head. “You his dad?”

  Tessa grabbed Ben’s hand. The colour had drained from his face.

  “Yes.” Ben’s voice was not much more than a whisper.

  Tessa’s heart thumped. This was their worst nightmare. She sucked in a breath and looked at the boy. “Do you know where they went?”

  The boy shook his head and shrugged. “No idea. Like I said, they jus
t disappeared. One day they were here, next day they were gone.”

  “Was Jayden…” Tessa gulped and took another breath. Her voice softened. “How was Jayden? Was he okay?”

  “Yeah, he’s a cool dude. Straight. A bit boring.” He glanced at Ben. “Sorry.”

  The boy’s comment brought a smile to Tessa’s mouth and heartened her. She squeezed Ben’s hand. Jayden was okay. They may not know where he was, but he was okay.

  “Can you tell us anything else?”

  The boy lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. “He talked about you sometimes. Said he missed you.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. She glanced at Ben. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat.

  “Anyway, I got to mind my little sister.”

  Tessa smiled warmly at the boy. “Thank you, ah… sorry, we didn’t even get your name.”


  “Thank you, Roger. It’s been great talking with you.” Tessa twisted, pulling a notebook and a pen from her purse. “If you hear from him, could you let us know? I’ll give you our contact details.”

  “Sure, but I doubt I will. They left before Christmas, and I haven’t talked with him since.”

  “You never know. He might call.”

  Roger shrugged, but took the paper anyway.

  “Thank you.” She let out a deep sigh as Roger turned and headed on his way, lifting his hand in a half wave.

  With Roger gone, Tessa turned and faced Ben. He looked crestfallen. His shoulders hung low and his eyes had a vacant stare. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around, pulling him close. “At least we know he’s okay.”

  Ben’s chest rose and fell with measured breaths. Eventually he pulled away, staring at his hands momentarily before lifting his gaze to meet Tessa’s.

  “I want to lodge a missing person’s file, Tess.” He held her gaze. Despite the obvious heaviness of disappointment, his eyes held resolve.

  She rubbed his arms. “That’s a great idea.” She didn’t have the heart to say she thought it would be waste of time.


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