Wild at Heart

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Wild at Heart Page 4

by Rhonda Laurel

  “You looked like you had a good time with your friends.”

  “Oh, I did.” She laughed. “I meant the nightmare with Brooks. What an ass. I don’t know what I saw in that guy.” She shook her head.

  “My momma always says, if you know now what you didn’t know before, you wouldn’t have bothered in the first place.” He smiled.

  She laughed. “I know there’s some wisdom in there. What is it?”

  “Something about hindsight being twenty-twenty.” He scratched at his beard.

  “Few people would repeat their mistakes.”

  “I don’t know. Some mistakes are fun.” He moved closer to her. “You handled the situation like a champ. And the only pity I saw around the table was for Liv. Brooks is just using her.”

  “Yeah. She’s not my favorite person, but no one deserves to be someone’s consolation prize.”

  “Liv seems like a shrewd girl. It won’t take long.”

  “I mean it, you were great.” She took off his riding jacket that she was wearing and handed it back to him. “No worries on the camping. I’ll come up with something by tomorrow morning and tell everyone it’s been canceled.”

  “Don’t cancel.”


  “I’m game if you are.”

  “Are you sure? You just arrived in town.”

  “It’s no problem.”

  “Wait.” She folded her hands across her chest. “Is this some sort of macho posturing?”

  “No. I’m supposed to be the boyfriend. How would it look if I didn’t show up to Brooks’s little weekend of fun? I was thinking of your honor.”

  “Uh hum.” She smiled. “I’ll pick you up after five. I have work tomorrow, but Sam usually cuts out around two on Fridays. I have to go shopping.” She held up her phone. “Let’s exchange numbers.”

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the contacts app. “If we were in Knoxville, I’d take you to my store to get fitted out in the best gear. We have what every Fancy Girl needs when she’s communing with nature.”

  “Make sure you wear something brightly colored, so I’ll be able to distinguish between you and a grizzly bear.”

  “Maybe I’ll slap on some cologne instead of rubbing a pine cone over my body,” he drawled, moving closer to her.

  Shannon swallowed hard. Right now, she wouldn’t mind running her hands all over his body, and the power of that urge surprised her. It was as if something magnetic were pulling them toward each other. Those playful, hypnotic blue eyes were twinkling with mischief. Or was it desire? Perhaps it was the warmth that exuded under that rugged sexiness. Sure, he had that dangerous vibe, but she felt safe with him.

  She lifted up on her toes to meet his lips as he moved in to kiss her. She had on some pretty high heels and still barely reached his shoulders. They were moments away from locking lips when a familiar voice called out from the house and stopped them short. It was Leigh.

  “Chance McGill. Where on earth have you been?” Leigh stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip.

  “Sometimes she forgets I’m older than her.” He sighed, then waved at his sister. “Hi, Leigh Ann.”

  Shannon waved. “How’s my favorite country music starlet?”

  “Hi, Shannon.” Leigh beamed. “It’s so good to see you again. I hope he didn’t get you into any trouble.”

  Shannon looked at Chance. “No, he was a perfect gentleman.”

  “Are we talking about my brother?” Leigh retorted. “Never heard anyone describe him as a gentleman before.”

  “Leigh Ann,” Chance interrupted. “I’ll be inside in a minute.”

  “OK.” Leigh stepped back inside and closed the door very slowly.

  The interruption had killed the moment though. Suddenly she felt like it was time to skedaddle. “I better get going.”

  “Are you OK to drive?” He opened her car door.

  “I’ll be fine. I nursed that glass of wine all night.” She slid into the driver’s seat.

  He closed the door, then crouched down to eye level. “Call me when you get home.”

  “I will.” She fastened her seatbelt and turned on the engine.

  “Good night, Fancy Girl.” He stood. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Good night.”

  Chance watched as Shannon pulled out of the driveway. When he got inside Leigh was sitting on the couch next to Rafe with a big ole grin on her face. She had a bowl of popcorn in her lap, and there were a couple of beers on the table. It looked like they were getting ready to watch a show, but the television was muted. The way they were intently focused on him, it was becoming apparent he was going to be the entertainment. They looked so cute together wearing their matching Squatch Watchers T-shirts.

  “Where have you been?” Leigh munched on some popcorn.

  “I didn’t know I had a curfew.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Now you know how I felt all those nights waiting up for you.”

  “Feels good for the shoe to be on the other foot for once.” She passed him a longneck. “I want details.”

  “What details?” He took the beer, plopped down on the couch next to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Like how Shannon picking you up from the airport turned into a date,” Leigh said.

  “It wasn’t a date.” Chance cleared his throat. “She was in a bind for an escort to this party for one of her friends who’s going to law school. I offered to go with her.”

  “Since when are you so amiable?” Leigh gave him a quizzical look. “It usually takes you two weeks to call a woman. And that’s if you’re very interested.”

  “Hey, I’m not inflexible,” Chance shot back. “I’ve made concessions in past relationships.”

  “You broke up with the one girl because she used your toothbrush.”

  “Who does that? If that wasn’t a red flag, I don’t know what is,” he huffed.

  “What about Rebekah? She was nice.”

  “And crazy. She wanted us to get matching tattoos. We’d known each other three months.”

  “I agree with the tattoo thing,” Rafe chimed in.

  “Says the man with the Army tattoo.” Leigh pulled up his sleeve.

  “Different scenario.” Rafe waved a hand. “That tattoo was about my commitment to protecting this country.”

  “Would you get a tattoo of my name?” Leigh asked.

  “I’d happily have your name stenciled anywhere on my body.” Rafe smiled and put his arm around her.

  Chance saw his chance to get out of this wonky conversation. Rafe and Leigh were a diabetic’s worst nightmare with all their sugary sweet talk. It was almost as bad as Tate and Isabelle. Tate didn’t care who was around when he was feeling romantic. He’d sing Isabelle songs and tell her how beautiful she was no matter the setting. The tough-as-nails men he knew were all mush when it came to the women in their lives. He’d yet to meet a woman who could inspire spontaneous displays of affection from him.

  But he didn’t have a problem showing Shannon affection tonight. Sure, it was fun seeing that jerk Brooks lose his cool, but touching Shannon felt good. He’d missed that intimacy of being in a long-term relationship with someone. At that comfortable stage where a touch of a hand, a quick kiss on the lips was just as satisfying as a hot and heavy roll in the hay. The passionate flame didn’t dissipate. It smoldered and burned stronger because of the connection that had been made.

  “You two are really gross when you get all lovey-dovey.” Chance lifted up off the couch. “I’m hitting the sack. I’ll leave you two to the latest episode of Big Foot Attacks.”

  “What about the details about the date tonight?”

  “I’ll tell you over breakfast,” Chance replied.

  “I’m going shopping with Teri-Lyn in the morning. At the rate this family’s expanding with babies and having weddings, I’m behind on my gift shopping. And I have to get Tate his birthday present. Did you get his gift yet?”

  “No, I’m still working Tat
e’s gift. Who’s pregnant now?” He scratched his temple. He’d tried in vain to keep up with the text alerts that went around, and he had to admit it was hard. There was always a new member of the big extended family popping up.

  “Corbett and Anna Beth. They are both so excited.” Leigh gave him a loopy smile. “All of the men in the Holbrook clan are engaged.”

  Poor fools. He looked at Rafe. “What are your morning plans?”

  “I have work in the morning, but you want to meet at the Bright Star for lunch?”

  “You two would eat there when I have the day off,” Leigh huffed.

  “Which means we’ll get decent service for once.” Chance stuck his tongue out at her. “Rafe, can we make it early though? I’m going camping this weekend, and I’ll be leaving around five.”

  “Not a problem. How’s one o’clock?” Rafe said.


  “You just got here,” Leigh pouted. “You’re leaving already?”

  “No. I’m camping with Shannon and her friends. I’ll still be in the state of Texas, and I’ll be home by Monday. I told you I’d be here for Tate’s birthday party. I meant it.”

  “Good.” Leigh nodded. “You can help pick up some of the party supplies.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Chance lifted off the couch.

  “Before you go, dear brother. Let me get this straight. So you’re taking Shannon and her friends camping after knowing her for one day?”

  “Sometimes it’s more of who’s doing the asking,” Rafe mused. “If the right woman asks, a man will do just about anything for her.”

  Leigh smiled. “Apparently Shannon has the magic touch.”

  “Good night you two. Enjoy your Bigfoot Chronicles.” Chance headed upstairs.

  Once he got to the bedroom he used whenever he was in town, he sat on the bed and began taking off his boots. He usually was ready to crash after a long day of travel, but tonight he felt invigorated. The feel of Shannon’s hands still lingered on his shirt. He’d almost kissed her again, this time it wasn’t for pretend, and if Leigh hadn’t opened the door, he would have. He hoped Shannon didn’t back out tomorrow. It promised to be an eventful weekend. Who knew pretending to be in love with a beautiful woman could be so interesting? Not that a man would have to pretend with Shannon. She was beautiful, fun, and spunky. She was part of that rich crowd, but she didn’t put on airs.

  While everyone was talking about exotic vacations, expensive new toys, and the latest celebrity they were hob-knobbing with, she talked about how much she enjoyed her job and how she was learning a lot about her dad’s business. Sure, it got drowned out by the superficial chatter, but he could see that it was important to her to talk about something other than material things. Shannon was trying to reinvent herself.

  He knew the feeling. It wasn’t so long ago he’d wrestled with some heavy life decisions before taking a chance on opening the store.

  He could get lost in those bright, playful eyes and the way his heart sped up when she flashed him that contagious, dimpled smile.

  This trip was going to be very interesting indeed…


  Shannon scurried around her office, trying to get the report Sam had asked for earlier to review when she returned. It had been a month since they’d moved into this executive suite, and she still had a hard time finding things. It was a little after noon, and the activity in the office had been non-stop since she greeted Sam with her morning coffee. There were meetings and other things going on, and she always looked on in amazement as Sam kept up with the flow of it all. Which meant, as Sam’s assistant, she had to be at the top of her game at all times. When her dad proposed she get a job with Regency, she’d just assumed it would be something cushy in the marketing department.

  Working as Sam’s assistant challenging and educational. Shannon being the boss’s daughter meant nothing to Sam. It was no surprise that Sam was an effective leader. She’d heard her father recount stories of Sam’s heroism and intelligence around the dinner table and had admired her courageous spirit. She was beautiful, tough, and married to super hunk ex-football player and Blake Enterprises CEO, J.J. Blake. They had three handsome sons who were full of energy and mischief. It was an interesting peek into the world of the Blakes.

  She’d get more work done if she wasn’t thinking about Chance every two seconds. The kiss he’d laid on her at the restaurant was the reason she didn’t get a good night’s sleep. Sure, it was improvised to play up the idea of them being a couple. But it sure felt good and real. There was no hesitation or awkwardness. Just like when they’d almost kissed before Leigh opened the door too.

  He’d given such a good performance for her friends that somehow, with a little help from Brooks and his macho posturing, the charade would continue the weekend. The last thing she wanted to do was go camping. She hadn’t been camping in years, mainly because she hated being out in nature. If she wasn’t being bothered by the insects zipping about, she was on high alert for dangerous animals and poison ivy.

  Why would anyone want to go trekking around in the woods for weeks at a time? She had to admit Chance fit the sexy, mountain man bill perfectly. The untamed beard, broad shoulders and lean legs. And not to mention his ass. Her friends shamelessly ogled him last night and didn’t care that she was around. Chance was a man’s man when that phrase meant something.

  Brooks, on the other hand, was a weekend warrior and more interested in taking selfies of his feats to post on social media. He didn’t like being challenged for the title of the alpha male in the pack. Speaking of Brooks, Janie had texted her earlier saying Brooks had booked a private lodge. So it was still a go unless she put the brakes on it. But what if Brooks didn’t believe she and Chance were dating and wanted to call her bluff? No. She had to go. Even if it meant looking at him and Liv drooling all over each other.

  Shannon beamed when Sam walked through the door. “How was the meeting?”

  “Long but productive.”

  “Did my dad ask about me?” Shannon asked.

  “Just once. Once I told him you were doing just fine, he didn’t ask again.”

  “Good.” It was embarrassing that her dad checked up on her. After complaining, he’d finally stopped randomly dropping in on her at the office.

  “The reports you wanted are on your desk. After reviewing your schedule, I took the liberty of moving your meeting with the head of the Drake Group to next week just in case your overview of the baseball stadium goes longer than expected.”

  “Wow.” Sam stopped in her tracks.

  “I checked the status on the shipping of your birthday gift for Tate. It should arrive at the ranch on Monday. Anna Beth updated the baby registry, so I jotted down a few things that haven’t been purchased yet.”

  “I was thinking of getting her a spa package too. But nothing at a Blake Hotel. Otherwise she’ll be micromanaging while she’s getting a pedicure.”

  Shannon giggled. “I’ll book something at one of the exclusive spas in Dallas where she’ll have no say over the staff.”

  “She’ll appreciate a day to unwind and get pampered before she goes back to being mommy again,” Sam said.

  “I’m having a problem tracking down a gift for T.K. I don’t know how he thinks anyone would be able to get that authentic Tibetan chiming bell in time for his wedding.”

  “He’s the most difficult Holbrook man I know.” Sam laughed. “And he’ll also do anything to make Aurora happy. She wants it, he’ll get it.”

  It was another auspicious time for family and friends. All the men in the Holbrook family found themselves engaged at the same time. One of the conditions of Aurora saying yes to T.K. was that she’d marry him after their two sons, Austin and Logan, married first. T.K. went on a mission to get his boys hitched before their momma changed her mind.

  “I also put in a few links for gift ideas for Rafe and Leigh.”


  “I saw Rafe’s name on the insurance document
review list, so I looked. He’s either going to propose or just bought a very expensive doorknob.”

  “Yes. But keep it between us. He hasn’t popped the question yet.” A smile spread across Sam’s face. “He wants to do it at the perfect moment. He says he’s looking for the perfect setting.”

  Shannon tapped her lips with her finger. “Maybe he could go back to the place where he and Leigh met? That would be tres romantic.”

  “That would be hard.” Sam laughed. “Well, when they met first met in Tennessee, Rafe was there to haul her back to Texas for breaking into Tate’s house and stealing his car.”

  “Leigh was a bad girl.” Shannon wrinkled her nose. “It’s hard to believe they clicked as a couple. Rafe is so straight and narrow.”

  “Leigh certainly has sewn her share of wild oats. Rafe was a little tightly wound. Together they smooth out those rough edges for each other. It’s the perfect recipe for a good relationship.”

  “You think so?” Shannon sighed.

  “Sure. She encourages Rafe to have fun. Rafe shows her that fun is good as long as things are getting done.”

  She nodded. “What did J.J. smooth out for you?”

  Sam thought for a moment. “He helped me understand that it was OK to be happy again. When my fiancé died while on duty, a part of me just closed up. I hadn’t realized how big the wall was until I met John. I wanted to let him in.”

  “Wow.” Shannon slid into the chair opposite Sam. “You were engaged before?”

  “Yes, to a really great guy. He died in the line of duty.”

  “Oh.” Shannon’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know. Is that when you came to work for my dad?” She remembered how excited her father was about Sam joining his security firm. He saw great potential in her.

  “Yes. After he died, I felt like memories were crashing down on me. We worked in the same unit and had the same friends. It was difficult to move on when everything around me reminded me of him.”

  “It must have been hard.”


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