Wild at Heart

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Wild at Heart Page 5

by Rhonda Laurel

“It was until I came to the realization I needed a change of scenery. I quit the force after hearing a rousing speech from your dad one day at a police association banquet. I joined Regency. Made great friends like Rafe, then one day I walked into Blake Enterprises to meet with John for the annual security review and the rest is history.”

  “I’d say excellent history,” she said. “You two make a fantastic couple.”

  “Thank you.” Sam smiled. “I was so busy this morning, I forgot to ask how it went picking up Chance at the airport.”

  “It went well.” She smoothed her hair. “He’s quite a character. And he thinks very highly of himself.”

  “Wow.” Sam smirked. “You got the full Chance experience from one car ride? He usually parses it out over a period of time.”

  “Well, it was more than a car ride.” Shannon looked around the room. “He went to Fiona’s party with me.”

  “What did he do? Follow you?”

  “No, it’s something that just happened. I was in a bind. Chance offered to go with me.”

  Sam just looked at her like she didn’t believe a word she said. She remembered that look. Sam had been using it on her since she was a child. Of all the people who’d been assigned to protect her over the years, Sam was the only one who could anticipate her every rebellious move. It was Sam’s sternness that kept her in line.

  Well, most of the time.

  “Rafe and Leigh were both busy,” she continued. “Chance would have been sitting home with nothing to do.”

  “Really.” Sam gave her a neutral look.

  “He said he didn’t have any plans.” Shannon shrugged. “It was fortuitous that he did come. Apparently, I was to be ambushed by the news that my ex-boyfriend Brooks is dating my frenemy, Liv.”

  “Uh huh,” Sam said. “Lucky Chance was there with no plans for the night. Did you accomplish your goal?”

  “Yes and no. Everyone was so taken with Chance that the sting of Brooks and Liv’s relationship news was neutralized. Brooks couldn’t let it be, so he decided to do some macho posturing with Chance, and the next thing I know, we’re all going camping.”

  “Camping.” Sam’s brow furrowed. “You hate camping. Remember Camp Chickawaka? The camp you went to when you were thirteen? Your dad sent Rafe and me to get you after three days.”

  “I remember.” Shannon rolled her eyes. “It was the longest three days of my life. I couldn’t believe the primitive conditions there.”

  “Yeah. Who knew you’d have to share a bathroom and that S’mores weren’t made from your favorite Swiss chocolate. Barbaric.” Sam bit back a smile.

  “Don’t forget about that tarantula we saw in the cabin.” She shivered.

  “It was an itty-bitty spider.”

  “Well, it looked like something out that movie Arachnophobia.”

  “What’s changed?” Sam asked. “Sounds like roughing it is the last thing you’d want to do.”

  “I’ve grown up since then. It could be fun.” She bit her lip. “I can catch up with the girls while keeping an eye on Brooks. I have a feeling he’s going to cause trouble.”

  “Brooks wasn’t that smart though. The wilderness is Chance’s home court. I don’t think he’s going to be a man who loves the outdoors like Chance.”

  “I was hoping we’d just roast some marshmallows and tell ghost stories,” Shannon said. “But I know it’s all wishful thinking. Men can be so territorial.”

  “Especially when they’re fighting over a woman.”

  “Oh.” Shannon waved a hand. “Chance is just putting on a show. He said he didn’t like the way they tried to ambush me.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “I’m serious. He was totally onboard playing the dutiful boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend? Are we talking about Chance McGill? Dead ringer for his famous older brother but hates when people mention it?”

  “He didn’t seem to mind last night when my friends were fawning all over him.”

  “Chance can be a charmer. I think it’s a McGill trait. I say it’s bound to be a weekend to remember. Two men vying for your attention. It’s going to get…interesting.”

  “No. It’s not like that.”

  “Uh huh.” Sam rose from her chair and went over to the file cabinet. “I’ve got things under control here. Why don’t you take off and get ready for your camping trip?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Go, have fun. Don’t break any hearts. Don’t let the guys get too carried away with the macho stuff.”

  “I draw the line at bear wrestling and skunk throwing.”

  “Too bad. I think Chance would win both categories hands down.” Sam sat back down. “Have a great time.”

  “Thanks.” Shannon stood. It would be rude to just run out after bending Sam’s ear about her problems. “What are your plans for the weekend?”

  “I plan to get in some quality time with John and the boys and try to get some shopping done. Maybe cross a few items off the growing list of bridal and baby registries and get that squared away. And I may work on the family tree project while trying to keep up with the men in the house. After all these years of working on it, I think I’m almost finished.”

  “Sounds like a solid weekend plan for a happily married woman.”

  “Yes, it is. My days of dating excitement are well behind me.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. You have some pretty awesome date nights.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Sam smiled.

  “Give the boys a kiss for me.”

  “Will do.”

  Shannon gathered her things and headed for the parking lot. The extra time would give her a chance to shop and figure out her game plan for the weekend. But she suspected her biggest challenge was fighting the feelings that were beginning to well up inside about Chance.

  * * *

  Chance looked at the menu at the Bright Star even though he already knew what he was going to order. He’d been coming to Leigh’s workplace long enough to know that their brisket was divine and would hit the spot before he got ready for the camping trip.

  He’d chatted with Rafe and Leigh as they readied to get on with their day. Rafe headed out early and reminded him about their lunch date. He’d been able to share a banana with Leigh while she scuttled around the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand, catching him up on the details for Tate’s birthday party.

  He looked at his watch. Rafe would be there any minute. With the exception of not picking him up last night, Rafe was punctual and did everything he said he would as promised. He was glad about that. Leigh needed someone in her life who would keep their word. Heaven knows she didn’t get that kind of support and stability from her father. Joe made promises he didn’t keep, and Leigh’s heart had been broken many times.

  “Chance, honey. It’s so good to have you back,” Lurline, who was as much a staple around the restaurant as the owner Cal, said in a bubbly tone. “I heard you were back in town. Leigh couldn’t stop talking about your visit.”

  “Hey, Lurline. Always good to be back.” He smiled. “I have to make sure Leigh Ann is staying on the straight and narrow.”

  “I can attest that she’s been on her best behavior,” Lurline said as she placed a basket of nachos on the table. “What can I get ya?”

  “I’ll take the brisket with greens and mac and cheese. I’ll have chili and a beer to start. Make it a double order. Rafe will be joining me.”

  “It must be my lucky day.” Lurline scribbled on her notepad. “All the handsome fellas are stopping by to see me instead of Leigh.” Lurline laughed and walked toward the kitchen.

  His phone pinged, so he took it out of his shirt pocket. The notification appeared on the screen that he’d received a text message from Shannon. His heart quickened a little. Was she going to cancel? Did she tell her friends that last night was all a charade? Why did he care?

  He took a deep breath and opened the text. By the photo, it was obvious the trip was still on. She’d sen
t a photo of two brightly colored backpacks. They were a good brand and were durable. He texted back that the brand was a good choice. She replied saying she meant which color should she get. He laughed. Let’s see, the choices were pink or turquoise. He knew from every female in his life, from Leigh to his niece Mackenzie, that pink was the way to go. He responded with his answer. She responded with a smile emoji.

  If only that were the most difficult problem on his plate these days. The trade show had sparked a desire to expand his business. Call of the Wild was going great, but now was the perfect time to start planning the future of the company. Porter and Theo were excited about the possibilities, while he was still thinking things through. They had enough capital to open another store and expand their online store; all he had to do was get the ball rolling.

  He looked up when he heard a familiar voice coming from the back of the restaurant. John Jacob and Cal were having another one of their lively discussions about food as they moved from the back area into the main restaurant. Cal headed to the back office, but John Jacob was coming Chance’s way.

  “John Jacob.” Chance stood to shake his hand.

  “Chance, my boy.” John Jacob gave him a good hug instead. “Good to have you back. How was the trade show?”

  “Great,” he said, surprised. He’d mentioned the trade show the last time he’d visited. How on earth did John Jacob remember that? “I took your advice. I went with an open mind about expansion, and I learned a few things worth considering.”

  “Excellent. The hallmark of a good businessman is an openness to new ideas.” He nodded. “I’d like to hear all about your new business ideas when you drop by the ranch.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that.” Chance tried not to grin like an idiot. A man of that caliber taking time to talk to him was amazing.

  “We’ve missed you. Teri-Lyn is making a chocolate cake just for you for the Sunday dinner.”

  “Yum.” He patted his stomach. Teri-Lyn and the ladies spoiled him with scrumptious food and baked goods. “I think I gain five pounds every time I come to the ranch.”

  “Tell her that. It will make her day. My wife likes to make sure everyone in our family is well fed and happy.”

  Chance blinked. He was still getting used to being part of the Blake family. They’d welcomed him and Leigh with open arms ever since their tumultuous entry into their lives. Which perplexed him because he knew John Jacob’s history with his father, Joe.

  John Jacob looked at his watch. “Well, I’m off to play a round of golf at the club with Jack. He can be a real crybaby when he misses his tee time. You’d think the man that owned the best security firm in the world would have more patience.”

  “Jack Stanton?” Chance asked. “You know Shannon?”

  “Yes. She’s my goddaughter. Shannon’s a sweetheart and the apple of her daddy’s eye.” John Jacob’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s the matter, son? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “It could be because Chance had a date with Shannon last night,” Rafe said with a mischievous grin as he approached the table.

  “I didn’t know you were seeing Shannon.” John Jacob looked at him. “And I thought I was up on all the family gossip.”

  “Nothing happened. We met last night,” Chance said quickly. “We went to dinner. I did her a favor,” he said as if that justified what happened. What difference did it make who asked who?

  “Shannon is a force of nature.” John Jacob chuckled. “It takes a special man to be with her.”

  “And he’s taking her and her friends camping this weekend,” Rafe added.

  “You two don’t waste any time,” John Jacob chided him. “You move faster than a tick on a slow-moving hound dog.”

  “It wasn’t really a date.” Chance ran a hand through his hair. “I went to dinner with her as a favor to her. But I probably would have asked her out anyway. I mean, who wouldn’t? She’s beautiful. I met her ex-boyfriend, who’s a total tool. He brought up the camping to me, I didn’t back down.” Chance let out a deep breath. He felt like a rambling schoolboy.

  Rafe chuckled. “John Jacob, I think you broke him.”

  “Son, relax.” John Jacob bit back a smile. “A good woman makes a man tongue-tied.”

  “Just think.” Rafe patted Chance on the back. “If you were really dating Shannon, you’d have half of Regency breathing down your neck.”

  “You wouldn’t put in a good word for me?” Chance replied.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll vouch for you.” John Jacob winked. “I better be going, boys. I think Jack and I have a lot to talk about today.”

  “Uh, sir—” Chance tried to say, but John Jacob was quicker at getting out of the bar than he expected.

  Rafe took a seat. “I hope you know the can of worms you opened.”

  He glared at Rafe. “I’m glad you could get a good laugh at my expense.”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault you decided to tangle with Shannon.”

  “You know me. Pull the pin on a grenade, then run for my life.” Chance took a seat too. “So, what’s so important you didn’t want to talk to me in front of Leigh? Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is great. Leigh and I are in a good place. She has her music and working here. Work is good at Regency. In fact, things are so great I’m going to ask Leigh to marry me.” Rafe pulled a ring box out of his pocket.

  “Finally.” Chance rolled his eyes. “I thought you two would be shacked up forever. It’s bad enough my sister moved to Texas, then she had to go living in sin with you.”

  “She wanted to stay here in Texas. I would have followed her to China to be with her. She had a job she liked and could work on her album with Tate.”

  “It doesn’t take this long for a man to know if he wants to marry a woman. If my sister wasn’t madly in love with you, I would have knocked your block off a long time ago.”

  “Your sister wanted to live together and get to know each other before jump—” Rafe stopped when he looked up and saw the smirk on Chance’s face. “You’re yanking my chain.”

  “Of course. Congratulations!” Chance shook his hand.

  “That was a mean trick.” Rafe huffed.

  “Payback for the fun at my expense just a few minutes ago.” Chance popped a nacho into his mouth. “I knew you two were made for each other when you hauled her back to Texas from Tennessee.”

  “Do I have your blessing?”

  “You have my blessings times a thousand.” Chance beamed.

  “Good. I will talk to Tate when he gets back from vacation with Izzy and the kids.”

  “Tate will give his blessing too. You and Leigh are one of the things we unanimously agree on when we talk.”

  “You two talk?” Rafe gave him a quizzical look.

  “Izzy suggested it.” He shrugged. “She said we were being a bad example for the boys. Brothers are supposed to get along.”

  “Ah.” Rafe smiled. “Izzy used her soft, diplomatic touch.”

  “Izzy can get me to do just about anything.” Chance sighed. For all his bickering with his brother Tate, he had a more affable relationship with his wife, Izzie. He couldn’t help it. She was pretty, warm, and friendly. He’d been immediately at ease the first day they’d met and had become close as she was determined to make him and Tate be civil to each other. “Now let’s see the ring.”

  Rafe carefully opened the box. “I searched for weeks and finally decided on this one.”

  It was a beautiful, pear-shaped ring in a diamond-encrusted setting. It was bright, exquisite, and sparkly, just like Leigh.

  “I think she’s going to love it,” Chance said.

  “I talked to your mom. She’s given me her blessing.”

  “Momma loves you.” It was true. Their mother fell in love with Rafe when he and Leigh went to Tennessee to meet the family. He’d get no resistance from them.

  “But.” Rafe’s demeanor changed. “There’s one person I have to talk to before I pop the question.”

  Chance went tense at the change in Rafe. The solemn look on Rafe’s face meant he’d tried tracking down Joe. Which was no easy feat. Joe McGill had always been a hard man to pin down, especially when there was something important going on. Leigh and Rafe tying the knot was very important, but he doubted his father would see it that way. Trying to be proper and including Joe in their happiness was a disaster waiting to happen. Joe was out of the picture, and everyone was better off for it.

  Chance shook his head. “You don’t have to talk to Joe.”

  Rafe let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not thrilled about talking to the man either, but I’m going to marry his daughter. I think a talk is in order. It’s the right thing to do.”

  “Have you tried to see him?”

  “A few times.” Rafe balled his hand into a fist.

  “Let me guess, he was too busy.”

  “I went to the trucking company where he works a few times. I’m usually either too early or too late, despite knowing the schedule he keeps.”

  “He’s worked there a long time. They’re protecting him.” Chance’s jaw ticked. “Why don’t you just have one of your staff track him down and haul his ass down to the Bright Star?”

  “I could do that, but I’m trying to give him his space.”

  “You do want to get married this century?” Chance folded his arms across his chest. “Because by the time he’s ready to talk, you two will be senior citizens. Trust me. It’s not worth the trouble for a man who will find a way to ruin the happy occasion.”

  Rafe thought about it for a moment. “But I want to be able to tell Leigh I tried.”

  “Hot stuff coming through!” Lurline came hurtling toward them with their food order. Rafe put the ring back into his pocket. “Thanks, Lurline.”

  “You’re welcome, sugar.” She looked at both their faces. “What are you two up to?”

  “Nothing,” said in unison.

  “You two lie worse than my third ex-husband.” She shook her head as she headed back to the bar.

  “You better get a move on that proposal.” Chance dug into his brisket. “The little antenna of every woman you know in a fifty-mile radius just perked up. When are you proposing?”


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