Book Read Free

Wild at Heart

Page 13

by Rhonda Laurel

  “Much better, thank you. The doctor said I was fortunate it was a minor sprain.”

  “That’s great.” Rafe smiled.

  She searched their faces. “What’s wrong?”

  “We have a VIP with a ridiculous request,” Sam said. “We don’t have the manpower to waste right now on something so trivial.”

  “I have a fussy senator who went to a golf tournament and left his lucky nine iron at home.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

  “He wants it delivered personally. He thinks someone is going to steal it if they get wind of who it belongs to,” Hunter said.

  “I can take it to him.” She shrugged. “Sam, you’re scheduled to conduct training sessions this week. It’s not like a few hours away will derail the things I do for you.”

  “I can’t ask Sam to deplete her staff for my client’s request.”

  “It’s not a problem if you don’t mind, Sam.” Shannon looked at her. “I have half the golf courses in Texas in my GPS. I’ll drive it over and be right back.”

  “The client is in Bermuda for a golf tournament,” Hunter replied.

  “Shannon can do it.” Sam beamed. “Do you mind?”

  “Would I mind going to a tropical island to deliver a golf club?” She bit back a smile. “The things I do for this job.”

  “Great.” Hunter rubbed his hands together. “I’ll owe both of you big time for this.”

  “We’ll remember and collect on it,” Sam said.

  “I guess that crisis is resolved,” Rafe added. “Although I think you should have someone go with you.”

  “How about taking that fake boyfriend of yours?” Hunter said as he exited the office.

  It wasn’t a bad idea. In fact, it was a great idea to go on a little adventure with Chance. She turned to Rafe. “Do you know where Chance is?”

  Rafe smiled. “He’s at the ranch.”

  “You better get going.” Sam looked at her watch. “And Shannon. It would be a shame to go to paradise for just a day. Why don’t you stay a couple of days?”

  “Thanks!” She hugged Sam, then went back to the desk and tidied up a bit. She jumped on her computer and responded to urgent emails. She could address the remainder when she returned. She had to go home and pack a bag and grab Chance. It would only be a couple of days, but she was sure it would be the perfect setting to have a talk about what was happening between them.

  * * *

  Chance had never been so exhausted in his life. Wrangling the boys all day wasn’t an easy task, but he’d done it. They’d picked out some nice gifts for their dad and were excited about his party. Tate was going to be the proud owner of a few more ties, a World’s Best Dad T-shirt, and new picks for his guitar Loulabelle. Chance took the boys to eat, and they talked about school and their extracurricular activities. They loved to play sports, do arts and crafts, and find trouble wherever they could. The kids on the ranch were all engaged in the outdoors, the family wasn’t big on plopping kids in front of televisions for hours on end. So he taught the kids to find adventure on that massive acreage they lived on.

  They still hated the mandatory music lessons from their parents, but he had to admit they were quite good. They also asked him more questions about his new girlfriend. They were surprised to learn they knew her already. Shannon did visit the ranch from time to time. He promised he and Shannon would take them out to the zoo or wherever they wanted to go.

  Finally, when he returned them back to their parents, they were tuckered out too. It was a good time to finally have that sit-down with John Jacob. He’d seen John Jacob’s truck headed toward the stables, so he’d try there first.

  He parked in the stable lot and followed the path to the main stables. John Jacob was standing by a fence watching the horses getting some exercise while grazing in the field.

  “John Jacob.”

  “Chance my boy.” John Jacob gave him a hug. “How’s life treating you?”

  “Fine, just fine. I do admit I am a little tired. I had Tate and Izzy’s boys today, and they just about wore me out.”

  “I’m glad it’s not just me.” John Jacob laughed. “They are definitely a handful. I was beginning to think I was getting too old to keep up with them. I need a nap after all the grandkids descend on the house.”

  He’d seen all the kids in the family together. It was happy chaos. “It’s not just you.”

  “Rafe have any luck finding Joe?”

  “No. I’m afraid not.” He grimaced. “It’s ridiculous. Rafe could have him hogtied and brought back to Texas.”

  “I think Rafe is thinking about the long game. Fight with Joe now, and he’ll have a contentious relationship with him for the rest of his life.” John Jacob adjusted his cowboy hat. “Joe likes the drama. I think Rafe is doing the right thing by not feeding into it.”

  “One day I swear I want to be free of that man.”

  “We’re never really free of family.” John Jacob sighed. “We just learn how to deal with them with a long-handled spoon, as my father used to say.”

  “Are there any spoons that can reach outer space? Because I’d like to send Joe to the moon.”

  “Enough about Joe.” John Jacob looked at him. “How’s business?”

  “We’re in good place. I think it’s time we start thinking about the next phase of business development. I talked to a few people at the trade show who owned a couple of stores. It’s not as horrific as I thought. The idea intrigued me now I’m thinking about how to apply practical application. I’m going to discuss it with Porter and Theo and see how they like it.”

  “Sounds like you’re putting together a solid expansion plan. As long as you’re realistic and stay true to your bottom line, it could work.”

  “I have to admit it’s scary.”

  “What’s holding you back?”

  “Fear of failure,” he said bluntly. The doubt had been hidden in his heart. What if he was gambling with a good thing and he lost everything? The Knoxville store was a great, stand-alone store, but he knew it could be more.

  “Everything worthwhile is scary at first.” John Jacob nodded. “You just have to jump in and take a chance.”

  He was ready to expand a few aspects in his life. Shannon being the main one. All that talk with the boys about his new girlfriend made him realize how much he wanted her to be a part of his life. They’d planned as far as Tate’s party, they were going together. But he wanted to be with her if she were ready for a relationship.

  “You know what, I’m ready,” he said firmly.

  “You talking about business or romance? I hear you’ve been upgraded to boyfriend status.”

  Boy, word traveled fast around this ranch. “Uh.”

  “Easy son.” John Jacob put a hand on his shoulder. “I can help with the business part. I’d like to invest in your company. I’ll leave the romance part to you.”

  “I can’t accept any money from you. I mean, I don’t want you to think I’ve been talking to you to hit you up for money. It’s been an honor just getting advice from someone like you.”

  “Chance, I think you’ve been part of this family long enough by now to know that we help each other. I’m offering you the same thing I offered all of my kids when they were making their way into the world. We all need a little help every now and again. You have a dream, I’ll gladly invest in it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say we’ll have a sit-down next week after Tate’s party and figure this out. There’s a big commercial space available at Mackenzie Square. It’s yours if you want it.”

  “Thank you!” He shook his hand.

  “What’s all the handshaking for?” Shannon called from behind them.

  Chance turned around to see her coming their way. His great day just got even better.

  “Shannon, sweetheart.” John Jacob gave her a hug. “We were just shaking on a business deal. Chance is going to open a Call of the Wild at Mackenzie Square soon.”
  She clapped. “That’s wonderful!”

  “How’s my favorite goddaughter? How’s the ankle?”

  “Just fine, Uncle John.” She looked at her foot. “Not ready for heels yet, but I’m getting there.”

  “You’re a tough cookie. I knew you’d be on the mend soon. What brings you by?”

  “I came to see if Chance wanted to go on another adventure with me. I have to run an errand for Hunter. I could use the company.”

  “What do you have to do?”

  “Deliver a nine iron to some senator at a golf tournament in Bermuda.”

  “A job assignment on a tropical island. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

  “I know, and my dad didn’t even orchestrate it. I’m just doing my job as a dutiful assistant.” She looked at Chance. “What do you say?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “You take good care of her,” John Jacob said.

  “I will, sir.” He put his arm around Shannon and headed to the parking lot. “I just have to go to Rafe and Leigh’s and pack a bag.”

  “Cool. I’ll make hotel arrangements.”

  “I’ve got that covered. My friend Milo has a place there. He’s always telling me I could use it if I ever visited. It would be a cozy house, but it would be fun.”

  She smiled. “OK.”

  This had to be the most amazing day of his life. Things were going great. If he’d been able to track down Joe, everything would have been perfect.


  Shannon walked as swiftly as she could out of the hotel. She’d delivered the precious golf club to the Regency agent who was in charge and wanted to skedaddle before something else wacky popped up.

  “Mission accomplished,” she said as she hopped into the rental car and put on her seatbelt.

  “Everything is squared away with Milo. He said someone is waiting for us at the house with the keys.”

  Chance put the car into drive, followed the roundabout, then made a right turn out of the property.

  She noticed that he looked solemn. They were in paradise. There was nothing to frown about. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was thinking about where we just left. The hotel was beautiful. Now I’m taking you to some little house for a couple of days.”

  “Hey, the place is not important.” She put her hand on his. “We’re in paradise. There’s no bad view in paradise.”


  “I just think, it’s neat that we get to spend some time together. We can have a nice long talk.”

  “You’re right,” he said as he listened to the GPS.

  She watched the scenery as the directions led them onto King’s road. Chance handled driving like a champ. It always confused her when she visited places that drove on the opposite side of the road than in America. But he took it stride, and she watched the breathtaking ocean views.

  “I hope we’re not lost.” He looked around. “It looks a bit upscale, don’t you think?”

  She looked at the display. “We’re not lost, it says we should arrive in three minutes.”

  Shannon and Chance couldn’t believe their eyes when he turned into a driveway and met an iron gate that led to a long stretch of road.

  “This has to be wrong.”

  “Press the button. Maybe they’ll be nice enough to give us directions.”

  Chance pressed the button. “Excuse me, we’re lost. We were looking for 1010 Queen’s Drive.”

  “This is it. Are you Chance McGill?”

  “Yes.” Chance looked at Shannon.

  “Very good. We’ve been expecting you, sir. Please follow the path until you reach the main house.”

  The gates opened, and Chance shifted back into drive. Shannon looked at him. “What did you say your friend Milo did for a living?”

  “He’s a marine biologist. I met him on an expedition a few years ago.”

  They drove down a palm tree-lined road for about a half mile before they pulled up to the house. It was a glorious sandstone and white, two-story structure with a pristinely manicured lawn overlooking the ocean.

  “Hello, sir. Madam. My name is Preston.” A man in a white cotton shirt and pants greeted them. “Mr. Karandides said to extend every courtesy to you, as his home is yours. I will have someone get your luggage and take it to your room. We’ve selected one of the rooms that has a great ocean view. There is a twenty-four-hour staff on call, and the cook is preparing a feast for you. Mr. Karandides has said you like shellfish.”

  “I do.” Chance hopped out of the car.


  Another person rounded the car and opened Shannon’s door and held out his hand to assist her out of the vehicle.

  “Wow.” Chance whistled as he held out his elbow for her to grasp. “I was not expecting this.”

  “Wait. Did Preston say Milo’s last name is Karandides?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “If his dad is Arnesto Karandides, he’s a shipping magnate. They are filthy rich,” she said.

  “Milo did say his dad worked in shipping. I thought he meant he was a captain or something. What do you know?” Chance mused. “Low-key Milo is loaded.”

  “We’ll have to send him a fruit basket or something as a thank you.”

  “He’ll just tell you to donate to the wildlife fund for sea animals.”

  “Done,” she said.

  As soon as they unpacked, Shannon was ready to explore. They went to Hamilton and strolled the shops. She liked holding hands as they walked about and took in the sights and sounds. She bought a dress and a pair of shoes she saw in the window of one of the boutique shops. They had a light lunch in a cozy restaurant, anticipating the feast for dinner at the estate.

  Soon it was time to get back. She decided to wear her new dress for dinner. Chance wore a light blue cabana shirt and a pair of white slacks. The staff was superb as they waited on them. They watched the sunset as they enjoyed their seafood feast. It was a feast fit for a king. Once they were finished, they retired to the balcony of their room. Chance held her as they stood by the railing.

  “I’m keeping a tight grip on you,” he said, kissing her. “No falling on my watch again.”

  “Yes, we don’t need another mishap.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “What happened to you in Paris?”

  She tensed and couldn’t talk for a moment. Thinking about Paris was always a source of anxiety for her. But she wanted to tell Chance.

  “We were vacationing in Paris, having fun. One night I thought it would be cool to ditch my security detail, who were really strict, and go to this fancy nightclub.” She swallowed hard. “While at the club I met this guy. He spiked my drink. I was separated from the girls. The next thing I know, I wake up in this dingy room. They’d kidnapped me.”

  He gripped her tighter. “You don’t have to go on.”

  “I want to. I’ve spent too much time trying to push it out of my mind.”


  “I immediately figured out that this was a trafficking ring and they were trying to assess what price they should charge for me.” Her voice quivered. “I blurted out that my dad was rich, and he’d pay a king’s ransom to get me back. That stopped them from going any further. They sent a ransom note, but by a stroke of luck, Trevor was nearby and caught wind of it.”

  “Trevor?” He said the name like it sounded familiar to him.

  “Trevor Reed.” Her voice cracked. “He used to be a CIA agent, and he’s related to Isabelle and Morgan. He works for Regency now. Rescuing me kind of put him in a tight spot with his bosses. But he also decided to quit and join the private security sector when he rekindled his relationship with his high school sweetheart Theresa.”

  Chance took her into his arms. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, babe.”

  “I wasn’t hurt physically, but the psychological damage was extensive.” Tears started streaming down her cheeks. “I’ve had
to struggle to be out again around people.”

  “Is that why you don’t drink?”

  “Yes. I’m deathly afraid someone will spike my drink. I don’t drink anything I haven’t opened myself or I didn’t see the source it came from.”

  “And you haven’t dated much.”

  She pulled back to look into his eyes. “I tried to get back into the world and date again. I tried with Brooks, but I never felt safe enough with him to be intimate.”

  “I suspected part of his anger over us being together was that he hadn’t slept with you.”

  “You did?”

  “Brooks is easier to read than a pamphlet. He wears who he is on his sleeve.”

  “Shallow waters, eh?”

  “Did they catch the guys who’d kidnapped you?”

  “Yes.” She swiped at her cheeks. “That’s the silver lining. They caught them and ended up exposing a massive trafficking ring. Something good did come out of it.”

  “It was clever of you to keep them at bay.”

  “You’re the first man I’ve felt safe with since that time.”

  “I’ll always be here for you, Shannon. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” He caressed her cheek.

  Shannon looked into his eyes and saw what she’d always wanted to see from a man. It was a passion mixed with a fierce protectiveness. It was the kind of thing you could have if you truly cared deeply for someone.

  “Shannon.” Chance swallowed hard. “I love you. I think I fell in love with you the minute I saw you at that airport.”

  Her heart was racing. She felt the same way too. “I love you too.”

  Chance pulled her up into his arms and kissed her. She opened her mouth when his tongue parted her lips and swept into her mouth. Kissing him felt good right down to her soul.

  “I want to make love to you.” He pulled back. “But I don’t want to pressure you.”

  She nodded yes. “I’m on the pill.”

  “I have condoms.”

  She giggled. “I think we just hit the safe sex lotto.”

  Chance picked her up and took her over to the bed. She undid the buttons on his shirt as he searched for the zipper on her dress. Once the dress was out of the way, he unclasped her strapless bra and threw it onto the floor. He tugged on her matching black lace panties and slid them off her. Finally free of their clothing, he pulled back the bed linen, laid her down on the bed, then covered his body with hers. He was just as gorgeous naked as he was in clothes. Muscles everywhere and strong corded thighs. The light-colored chest hair was smooth and felt silky against her breasts as their bodies meshed.


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