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Wild at Heart

Page 16

by Rhonda Laurel

“I think we can shave that checklist down to maybe ten things?” Sam said.

  “You have a lot of support in the Blake family.”

  “We rally hard for family. You know that, Jack,” Sam mused.

  “Yes, I know.” Jack looked at Chance. “John Jacob’s exact words about you as he was whooping my butt on the golf course that day were, ‘He’s one of my boys.’”

  “I don’t think I could ask for a better character recommendation.” Chance nodded at John Jacob.

  “I don’t know if that’s good or bad. But I know this man means what he says.”

  John Jacob smiled. “He’s an enterprising young man with great ideas. His outdoor recreation store is doing great, and he’s thinking about expansion. As a matter of fact, I’m officially one of his investors.”

  “Is that right?” Jack squeezed Shannon’s hand. “If you’re someone who can make my Pumpkin as happy as I’ve seen her lately, maybe we can shave the checklist down to five.”

  The band stopped playing abruptly. Rafe had gone onto the stage and took the microphone. Chance searched the crowd for Leigh, who was standing near the stage with a silly smile on her face.

  “Excuse me.” He grabbed Shannon’s hand. “I need to be front and center for this announcement.”

  He waded through the crowd until he got to Leigh. She jumped into his arms and gave him a good squeeze. “Chance. Something wonderful just happened.” She held out her hand. “Rafe proposed.”

  “Congratulations, sis.” Chance kissed her on the cheek. Joe had done the right thing.

  “Congratulations.” Shannon beamed. “Nice rock.”

  “Everyone. Can I have your attention?” Rafe said into the microphone. “A few minutes ago, I asked Leigh to be my wife, and she said yes.”

  The crowd went wild.

  Rafe continued. “I just want to say that—”

  A scream pierced through the air. Everyone looked around to see where it was coming from. A crowd began to form next to one of the tables. A minute later Wyatt rushed to the stage and whispered something to Rafe.

  He smiled, then continued. “It appears Leigh and I have been upstaged. Wyatt just informed me that Anna Beth is in labor for real this time.”

  The family gathered around the expectant couple. Anna Beth grasped Corbett’s hand.

  “Wait!” Anna Beth said loudly. “Leigh. Where are you? Before I leave, I want to see the ring.”

  “Babe, I think having the baby is a little more important right now,” Corbett said as he pried the plate of Swedish meatballs out of her hands. “I think we should get going.”

  “I beg to differ. This baby has been yanking my chain for a week. Now that I’m having fun at a party, it’s show time.”

  Leigh came forward and flashed the ring.

  “It’s beautiful honey.” Anna Beth smiled. “Congratulations to you and Rafe.”

  Tate appeared at her side. “Anna Beth, it’s my birthday. If you have the baby in the next couple of hours, we could share a birth date, and I’d win the family’s betting pool for the birth.”

  “Yeah, I’ll work on that.” Anna Beth shot him a look.

  “The baby should be named after me too,” Tate added.

  “Don’t press your luck, McGill,” Anna Beth replied through gritted teeth before letting out another good, healthy yelp. “Yikes. Maybe this isn’t another false start.”

  “They don’t know the sex of the baby yet.” Isabelle swatted her husband’s arm.

  “Actually, the baby’s name has already been decided,” Corbett said as he helped his wife out of the chair. “Boy or girl, it’s going to be named Blake.”

  “Isn’t that adorable?” Morgan clasped her hands together.

  “You know what would be more adorable?” Seth waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “I’ve told you before. If you want another little one in the house, you better get another dog and name it baby.”

  “Seth, you’re preaching to the choir,” Channing said.

  “How about we concentrate on Anna Beth and the baby?” Cassidy said. “I’m about to be an auntie and a godmother.”

  “We’re ready to go.” Bo waded into the crowd. “Dean’s getting a security escort to the hospital.”

  “This baby is going to make a grand entrance into the world.” Anna Beth put her hand on her back and did her breathing exercises and walked toward the exit. She turned to Corbett. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Corbett smiled and kissed his wife.

  The crowd backed away so the expectant couple could leave, but they were smothered with kisses and well wishes as they went. Just before they were out of the ballroom, Anna Beth shouted. “Thank you, Chance!”

  “Why is she thanking you?” Shannon looked at him.

  “I gave the baby a pep talk while Anna Beth ate her hot wings.” He smiled.

  The band went back to playing, and the crowd became animated again. There was never a dull moment with this family. Chance searched the crowd for Rafe and Leigh. They were on the dance floor. Although, the band was playing a fast tempo song, the two of them were dancing in a slow rhythm as if a love ballad were playing. They were in their own little world, enjoying the moment.

  He looked past them and saw Joe watching them from the other side of the dance floor. As much as Chance didn’t want him there, he’d deal with his tumultuous feelings for his father tomorrow. Joe seemed resigned to behave, and it didn’t hurt that John Jacob was only a few feet away from him. Right now, all that mattered was that Joe had finally done the right thing and spoke with Rafe. And he could see by the stoic look on his father’s face that he saw that Leigh was happy too.

  “Let’s dance, Ms. Stanton.” He took her by the hand.

  “I thought you didn’t dance.”

  “I was waiting for the right partner.” He pulled Shannon into his arms and twirled her around. There was nothing like that gorgeous, dimpled smile of hers that warmed his heart. He got lost in those beautiful, twinkling eyes as they continued to dance and have fun.

  “Do you mind if I cut in?” Jack Stanton asked.

  “Not at all, sir.” Chance kissed Shannon on the cheek and stepped away so Jack could dance with her.

  He went over to the bar and ordered a scotch on the rocks.

  John Jacob approached. “I’ll have what’s he’s having,” he said to the bartender.

  “John Jacob, I can’t thank you enough for speaking up for me with Shannon’s father.”

  “No problem. Jack’s not as surly as he may seem. Shannon is his life, and he’s doted on her since the day she was born.”

  “I recognize the sentiment.” He smiled and pointed to the dance floor where Seth and Mackenzie were having a sweet, father-daughter dance moment. Jack Stanton acted the same way every man in the family behaved with Mackenzie.

  John Jacob laughed as he looked on. “I can’t help it. She’s my grandbaby.”

  They both watched Seth and Mackenzie until Joe and Leigh danced by, obstructing the view. Chance started twirling the ice around in his glass at the sight of his father.

  John Jacob placed a hand on his. “You’re going to turn the ice into a snow cone if you keep that up.”

  “I guess my frustration is showing.” He knocked back the drink and set the glass down on the bar.

  “Let’s just say it would be a bad day for you to play poker.” John Jacob smiled.

  “I can’t help it.” Chance sighed. “Every time I’m in the room with that man, my blood pressure spikes.”

  “Joe’s always been an infuriating son of a bitch. He always knows the right buttons to push in a person. Heck, Teri-Lyn even punched him in the nose one time.”


  “Yeah. When she gets mad, watch out.” John Jacob laughed. “It was a long time ago, when we were all a hundred years younger.”

  “I must admit I’m confused. You were the last person I would have expected to help get Joe here.”

p; “Why is that?”

  “You two have had a contentious relationship for many years from what I hear.”

  “Yes. We have.” John Jacob nodded. “As much as I would have liked to ignore Joe for a good portion of my life, I couldn’t. We share a tangled history. We share children.”

  “I don’t understand.” Chance wrinkled his brow. He knew John Jacob and Teri-Lyn stepped in and took care of Tate. But he’d said children, plural. “Children?”

  “You, Tate, and Leigh,” John Jacob said. “I’ve had a complicated relationship with Joe since the day I met him. He was always a tortured soul. He had a tumultuous home life that helped shape who he is. Don’t get me wrong that doesn’t excuse his behavior over the years. I guess I just understand him better.”

  He listened attentively. He’d never heard anything about his father’s past.

  John Jacob continued. “When Tate’s momma died, Joe came back into our lives with a vengeance. Tate stood his ground and made it clear he didn’t want anything to do with Joe again. Then just when I thought my relationship with Joe was done, you and Leigh entered our lives.”

  “Who could have guessed Leigh squatting in Tate’s house would have set all of this into motion?”

  John Jacob looked at Rafe and Leigh, who were now talking to J.J. and Sam. “These are the things I choose to think about when I think of Joe. It’s been God’s design to have Joe in my life. For all the trouble he’s caused, he gets credit for some things too. Joe’s made my family bigger and, in many ways, stronger.”

  Chance looked at him in amazement. The fact that John Jacob had such a positive perspective after all that had happened was a testament to his character. “How?”

  “Rafe and Leigh are getting married. You and Shannon are falling in love. My kids are happy. What more could a man ask for?”

  He could feel his cheeks heating at the mention of falling in love with Shannon. He saw her on the dance floor talking to her dad as they swayed to the music. He’d never been in love before. Sure, he’d flirted with passion and lust, but he’d never really been able to fully commit to the emotions that came when surrendering to love. The moment he’d seen Shannon, he’d known he didn’t have that fight in him—to deny his emotions and feelings. He didn’t want to anymore. He wanted what he’d deprived himself of for so long. Love in its simplicity with a wonderful woman.

  “Shannon is a very special woman,” he said simply.

  “Yes, she is.” John Jacob patted him on the shoulder. “A man gets the kind of twinkle you have in your eyes once in a lifetime. Don’t waste any time. Tell her you love her and that she’s beautiful every day.”

  “I will.” Chance smiled.

  Shannon and Jack were making their way to the bar. He took his leave of John Jacob and went over to her. The band had stopped playing. Tate took to the stage.

  “Hello everybody! It’s the birthday boy. I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you in the room for coming out tonight. As you all know, my new album is coming out next month, and that means I’ll be back on the road, touring. It is my great pleasure to announce that I will be headlining with my newly engaged sister, Leigh. Come on up here, Leigh.”

  The crowd erupted in applause as Leigh took the stage.

  Tate continued. “I’m proud to be part of such a wonderful family, and even though I don’t mention him often, I’m awfully proud of my brother too. Come on up here, Chance.”

  “Is this how he repays me for getting him a motorcycle?” Chance shook his head.

  “Get up there and wish your brother a happy birthday.” Shannon kissed him on the cheek.

  “I love you, Shannon.”

  “I love you too, Chance.”

  Chance got up on stage and hugged his brother and sister. He looked into the crowd and saw Shannon smiling at him and his heart warmed. He had everything he wanted. A thriving business, an amazing family, good friends, and a wonderful woman who was as tough as she was beautiful. They had the same fighting spirit. He looked forward to many adventures with Shannon. Life was beginning for the two of them, and in the future, he could see marriage and babies with her. He’d never dared to dream that far ahead before. She was the woman of his dreams. The woman who’d tamed his heart and set him free.

  ~ About the Author ~

  Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. The multi-published author has written many works since her debut in 2012, most notably The Blake Boys series. The extensive series chronicles the Blake family as they live and find love on the Twelve Horseshoes Ranch.

  Other works include: Ebb Tide, Shutter, California Bored and Tourism and Memories of You. She also writes the Hollywood themed series: Hollywood Heat, which features Star Crossed, Hollywood Rush, Double Exposure and the upcoming Vendetta Inc. And the All or Nothing Series (A Blake Boys world companion series): Hard Target, Second Chance at Love, Family Matters, Love at Last, Covert Affairs, Restless Heart, Hot Pursuit, A Taste of Romance, and Wild at Heart.

  The author is happily building her backlist.

  Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

  ~ Also by Rhonda Laurel ~

  Try more of the All or Nothing series!

  A Taste of Romance

  All or Nothing Book Eight

  Rhonda Laurel

  When their worlds collide, romance blossoms like a fine wine.

  After several missteps with love, Marco Di Giovanni has sworn off romance for good. Nowadays he puts all his energy into his family's vineyard. But that changes when Trina Reed, a beautiful, up-and-coming singer, shows up at the vineyard after leaving Los Angeles—and her career—behind. He's happy to play host, but he doesn't expect the sparks that fly between him and the beautiful, vivacious songbird. He has two failed attempts at serious relationships behind him—he doesn't need another. But Trina's like a fine wine: mysterious, exciting, and with just the right amount of sweetness that captivates the senses. Now it looks as if he might lose his head when it comes to matters of the heart…

  When a PR stunt to boost her album debut goes awry, Trina decides to take her cousin's advice and get away from the chaos. She heads up to Napa Valley to unwind. But things quickly heat up when she meets Marco Di Giovanni. The vineyard owner is handsome, charming, and just the kind of fun distraction she needs right now. The two have little in common, but that doesn't stop the smoldering chemistry between them. Her home is in Philly, her career in Los Angeles, but her heart is yearning for the chance of love in a vineyard…

  Buy A Taste of Romance here

  Hot Pursuit

  All or Nothing Book Seven

  Rhonda Laurel

  Passion and danger are never far from this quarterback and private investigator...

  Life is never dull for quarterback Riley Sloane, especially when he has Parker Carson for a girlfriend. Parker has just thrown herself into danger yet again during a high-speed car chase. Now he's looking to slow her down enough to have a serious talk about their future together. But when the reckless private detective becomes a contestant on a popular obstacle course television show, their future shifts to the back burner as intrigue and mishaps begin to plague the show. He'll do whatever it takes to keep the woman he loves safe as Parker tries to uncover the dangerous game someone is playing with the contestants. Now he just needs to find the perfect moment to persuade her to take their love across the finish line...

  Parker auditioned for a regional spot on an obstacle course contest as a lark—but when she wins big, she's suddenly thrust into the televised world of competitive sports. She needs a distraction after
wrecking her beloved car in a car chase. Unfortunately, she gets more than she bargains for. Not only is Riley hinting at big changes in their future, her fellow competitors start getting injured in bizarre accidents during the show. As Parker continues to rise up the ranks, the danger shifts to her. Parker must figure out who's engaging in sabotage to win the competition before someone gets killed. But the most dangerous thing might be opening her heart and taking the next step with Riley…

  Buy Hot Pursuit here

  Restless Heart

  All or Nothing Book 7

  Rhonda Laurel

  Can the right woman tame this cowboy's restless heart?

  When a fire erupts at a local restaurant, Austin Holbrook rushes into the burning building to save the life of a woman trapped inside. Afterward, the low-key cowboy tries to avoid the fuss and attention of being labeled a hero. He doesn't want to talk to the press, but he isn't prepared for the heat between him and Savannah Brewster, the reporter pursuing the story for the local paper. Savannah is smart, determined, and beautiful. And she refuses to leave without her story. As his attraction to Savannah grows, he must decide whether it's time to reconsider his aversion to long-term relationships. After watching his parents' marriage go down in flames, he has turned his back on the possibility of finding lasting love. So why is his heart telling him Savannah just might be the one?

  After moving to the sleepy town of Harper's Grove, reporter Savannah Brewster's first story is covering a fire and a dramatic rescue by a local rancher. At first she isn't happy about doing a puff piece about a small-town heartthrob, but at least the story will take her mind off her recent breakup with her boyfriend. She isn't prepared for her instant reaction to Austin, the hunky, hot commodity who's just as handsome and mysterious as his reputation suggests. Too bad he's a closed book and not exactly known for serious relationships. She's determined to get the scoop no matter how much he wants to dodge the spotlight. There are moments when he's open with her, and the sparks fly as she sees a different side to the man. But as things heat up, she finds out she has a rival for Austin's affections who just might end her career for good...


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