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Those Who Wait

Page 19

by Haley Cass

  Her cheeks were only stained in the slightest blush, and Charlotte faintly wondered if Sutton was just too deeply entrenched in everything that had happened so far, that her body had simply decided it couldn’t blush anymore on this topic.

  On a much more pressing level, Charlotte wondered if it really would be taking advantage, because Sutton wanted her. She knew Sutton was attracted to her, and not only that, but she was sitting here in her apartment asking for Charlotte to show her the wonders of sex! Without being in a relationship!

  If that wasn’t her own agency, she didn’t know what was.

  “Sutton –”

  “And sleeping with you would probably be, like, really, really good,” Sutton’s voice dipped into a timbre that made Charlotte shiver, her spine tingling, heat settling low in her stomach.

  Charlotte considered herself a relatively good person. She cared about those less fortunate than herself, she had worked hard to make a change in the world, and her goals in politics would only further those efforts.

  That being said.

  She was by no means a saint. Especially not when it came to having women in her bed and making them come so hard they forgot their names.

  Actually, she was very much not a saint in that regard, and the idea of turning Sutton’s active and creative mind to nonsense with her fingers and tongue was enough to make Charlotte’s body react without her permission.

  “But, if you don’t want me, then –”

  Charlotte ducked down. Because how did Sutton not realize that was exactly the opposite of the problem?

  One of her hands cupped Sutton’s jaw, her thumb stroking the soft skin of her cheek, as she used the other to brace herself on the chair right next to Sutton. Close enough that the inside of her wrist was brushing against the bare warmth of Sutton’s leg.

  She felt Sutton’s breath hitch as she moved in close enough that there were only millimeters between them. And there was no hesitation as she pressed forward, her lips brushing against the soft, pink, plump ones that she’d thought about more than once.

  A sigh left her at the contact, because yes, they were as soft as they looked. She reveled in it, as she tilted her head to slide her mouth along Sutton’s enough to capture her bottom lip within her own.

  Sutton responded immediately, her mouth opening to pull Charlotte’s top lip between her own, and sucking on it softly. Those long fingers slid into Charlotte’s hair, loosening her bun, her hair spilling down her back.

  It had been months since Charlotte had kissed anyone. Even longer than that since she’d well and truly desired the woman she’d had like this. Not that she’d had sex with a woman that she wasn’t attracted to on some level, really. But, there had been nothing like this.

  Nothing like Sutton’s hands flexing in her hair. Nothing like having the taste and feel of someone’s lips that she’d thought about for months. Nothing even quite like the electric feeling she got from the way Sutton’s thigh brushed against her as she crossed her legs, and then uncrossed them.

  Charlotte had never desired a woman for so long without being able to have her, and the idea of having Sutton was making her lightheaded.

  But as good as it felt, she couldn’t… couldn’t lose herself in it. Even if it would be so easy to.

  With a gentle nip at the bottom lip she had captured, she felt Sutton’s whimper more than heard it. It was more than enough to send the spikes of pleasure even lower, and she closed her eyes tightly as she pulled away.

  Only far enough, though, so that she could see the brightness in those blue eyes so close to her own, and feel the erratic exhales of Sutton’s breath hitting her cheek. She tried to search Sutton’s gaze for what she was expecting to see – fear or regret or embarrassment or something.

  All she saw was a heavily lidded gaze, eyelashes so long they cast light shadows over her cheeks. Sutton leaned in a little bit to follow her, before she seemed to catch herself. It made a smile ghost at Charlotte’s lips.

  “Sutton…” she had to break off, swallowing hard, “You’re sure that you want this?”

  She leaned another inch back, tilting her head to look at Sutton more clearly. She took in her flushed cheeks before her gaze wandered to look at Sutton’s mouth as she slowly licked her lips, and… fuck. Charlotte looked back to her eyes, which seemed less dazed than a moment ago.

  Sutton slowly nodded, twice, before she cleared her throat, “I’m nervous. But I think I will be with my – my first woman, no matter what,” she confessed in a low voice, and Charlotte felt Sutton slowly slide her hands down, fingers disentangling themselves from her hair, before her hands fell back into her lap.

  There it was. Charlotte had never had any qualms about being someone’s first woman. She didn’t care if she was a woman’s first woman or her only woman or, really, what happened in the other woman’s personal life after their encounter.

  But this wasn’t just any woman, it was Sutton.

  Bowing her head slightly, she squeezed her eyes closed and tried to keep her mind as clear as she could, despite the electricity charging between them. Despite that she could still feel that slight tingling on her mouth from contact with Sutton’s.

  Only to open them again when she remembered what Sutton had said before, that she’d never gotten clarification on. “What did you mean when you said a deal?”

  Sutton blinked up at her in momentary confusion as her hands twisted together, eyebrows furrowing in a look that was absurdly cute. Before her expression smoothed back out, and Sutton sighed softly, looking unsure as she explained, “I meant, well – I thought, that maybe we’d be getting different things out of it. You could, um, be my first woman experience, and… show me what it’s like,” she broke off, her blush catching up with her now, as she shook her head at herself.

  “And, well, you said that you… liked to have sex whenever you’d been stressed out about things like work in the past. But because of the election and everything, you took down your profile, so you haven’t been having sex. Even though you’ve been ridiculously stressed,” she rambled on, her hands flexing against her knees, and she focused her gaze just beyond Charlotte’s head as she spoke.

  Before she slid her eyes to fix on Charlotte’s, and her heart pounded in her chest at the heat in them, before Sutton took in another one of those strength gathering breaths. “So, you know everything. And you kissed me.”

  “I did,” she murmured, and the fact of the matter was that she truthfully had no resolve left.

  Sutton was an adult, she had her own reasons for wanting this. For coming to Charlotte’s apartment and wanting to have sex. Who was Charlotte to turn her down, when she so clearly was into this?

  She breathed in deeply through her nose, holding it in as she turned her head slightly. Just enough to try to breathe any bit of fresh air. So that she wasn’t surrounded by Sutton’s perfume and she could try to gather herself.

  But what else was there to gather? She was ridiculously stressed out, she had an interview coming up, and she’d had this whole worry about Sutton on her mind for the last few hours.

  Taking Sutton and being able to forget real life – because Sutton had been the one to suggest it! – seemed like the best possible scenario, honestly.

  The only thing was that… she couldn’t help but feel like she was somehow taking advantage in a way. She truly didn’t want to be one of those women she’d warned Sutton about. There was a loose plan forming in her mind about how she could do this, without it being blurry.

  She could make it a night for Sutton, though. For Sutton to experience being with a woman, as she’d said. If she was the only one doing the touching, then it wasn’t anything like she was using her. If anything, it would purely be Sutton using Charlotte for sex, and – God – Charlotte was so okay with that.

  Because saying she’d be getting nothing by having the pleasure of making Sutton Spencer come would be such an understatement.

  She took a deep breath, and wondered if her pla
n was as solid as she thought it was or if she was only thinking that through the haze of lust in her mind. Only for it to come rushing out of her in a light whimper when she felt Sutton lean in and press a light, tentative kiss under her ear. And then another under that. Fuck.

  Turning her head, she captured Sutton’s lips with hers, more forcefully this time than before. Especially because now her mind was already set.

  If Sutton wanted Charlotte to show her what it was like, then Charlotte was going to give her exactly what she wanted.

  This time, she didn’t suckle softly at her lips. Instead, her tongue slid over before licking into Sutton’s mouth, and she surged forward from where she was still crouched in front of Sutton.

  Swallowing Sutton’s gasp, she felt her eagerly respond. Her tongue stroked against Charlotte’s as one of her hands came up and landed on her shoulder, before her fingers dug in slightly.

  She slid her own hand from where it rested on the cushion to glide her fingertips over Sutton’s bare thigh, reveling in the smoothness. As she nipped her teeth lightly at Sutton’s tongue, her hand scratched up to just under the hem of that dress.

  And she could feel Sutton’s shiver, just as she heard her moan softly in the back of her throat. Charlotte couldn’t control the smirk on her lips as she pulled back – simultaneously scratching her nails back down Sutton’s leg – because this was going to be so fun.

  Rapidly darkening eyes took in the way Sutton’s eyes didn’t flutter back open, and her mouth remained parted.

  She couldn’t resist leaning in to place another kiss against the corner of her mouth before she reached for the hand Sutton had on her shoulder. Easily entangling their fingers, she stood up. “Come on, darling.”

  Now Sutton’s eyes fluttered open, dazed a bit still, before she followed Charlotte’s lead. She frowned, and had to clear her throat twice before she adopted a wondering look. “Where –”

  “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it properly,” she murmured, because she was getting this one night, and she was not going to miss the opportunity to see the way that red hair contrasted with the stark white of her pillows. She wanted to see the way Sutton’s long, lean body spread over her bed.

  She wanted Sutton to clutch her sheets as Charlotte made her come. Repeatedly.

  She was going to fuck Sutton the way she’d wanted to since the first time she’d seen her message on that app. Anticipation rushed through her, pulsing into her core as she led the way down the hallway toward her bedroom.

  With a glance over her shoulder, she saw the way Sutton was taking in everything in her bedroom for the first time. Despite the fact that Sutton had been to her apartment several times now, the tour had never extended into her bedroom.

  She felt Sutton’s hand shake slightly in her own, as she took in a trembling breath and offered in a whisper, “I like your picture.”

  Charlotte quirked an eyebrow at that, unable to stop herself from grinning and shaking her head, because of course she would be taking Sutton into her bedroom for sex, and Sutton would immediately see the family picture she had on her dresser.

  “Thank you,” she offered back. No teasing because she knew Sutton was ridiculously nervous. It had taken her so much courage to get this far. Like, she never would have imagined this would be something Sutton would even want, let alone actually say she wanted.

  Sutton had come to her – at least in part – because she knew what to do; she didn’t want Sutton to feel like she was, in her own words, an awkward disaster even when she was here with her. So she stroked the back of Sutton’s hand and offered her a comforting smile. As comforting as she could manage with how much she wanted to peel off Sutton’s dress and kiss down her body, anyway.

  It might have been a bit predatory.

  Still, the trembling she felt in Sutton’s hand lessened just a bit at it.

  “We’re friends,” she whispered, and she saw the way Sutton shuddered as her breath hit her collarbones. She very narrowly resisted biting them. For now.

  Sutton nodded, and she could see her swallow before she said back, “Friends,” in a low tone.

  “And this isn’t going to change anything,” she asserted, this time not just for Sutton, but for her own peace of mind as well. She arched an eyebrow up at Sutton, stomach dipping low from want, even as she waited for a response.

  Which came quickly, Sutton squeezing her hand lightly as she affirmed, “I don’t want it to.”

  Relieved, Charlotte took that as the only confirmation she needed, and she dipped her head enough to trail her lips up Sutton’s neck. It was a light touch; just enough for her to feel the soft skin of her throat, for her to feel the way Sutton’s pulse jumped.

  She was almost ridiculously pleased that Sutton’s body was so sensitive to her touch, but then she didn’t know why she was surprised. Sutton reacted to even a light touch, never mind when she was trailing kisses up and down the column of her neck.

  She moved to her tip toes, whispering, “Take off your shoes,” before she pulled back. And with an indecent amount of satisfaction took in the way Sutton stared at her with wide eyes for a moment before complying.

  As soon as Sutton’s heels hit the floor with a thud, bringing her to a more manageable height – because as ridiculously sexy as they were, Sutton was already tall enough to move Charlotte onto her tip toes – she reached out to tug Sutton forward. She pushed up on her tip toes once more, pulling her into a searing kiss.

  Sutton whimpered as Charlotte flicked her tongue up to stroke the roof of her mouth, and she slid her hands down her sides. The dress was so tight that she could feel the curves of Sutton’s body and the fans of heat flamed even hotter inside of her.

  There was a voice in the back of her mind that wondered exactly how Sutton was going to react, but she didn’t stop as she traced her hands even lower, cupping her toned ass. She knew that Sutton liked to run – she knew that she’d done track in high school and throughout undergrad – so it was no surprise at all that she was all so defined under all of her soft skin.

  But surprise or no, she loved it. She pulled Sutton even closer to her, the fronts of their bodies melding together easily, and a groan worked its way out of the back of her throat, because she’d missed this. Having a woman in her arms, trying to shift even closer, like she couldn’t be close enough. Missed the jagged thrill of anticipation slash through her, and know she was making the woman she was with feel that, too.

  And the fact that it was Sutton… just made it remarkably better.

  She slid one of her hands up, sucking on Sutton’s tongue as she did, and found the zipper at the top of her dress. The urge to undo it without a second thought had her flipping the zipper up and tugging it only slightly between her fingertips.

  Easing back, she asked, “Can I –?”

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually asked that – typically, both parties knew that was where this would be leading to, and she wouldn’t hesitate.

  Sutton squeezed her eyes closed and released a low breath as she nodded. “Yes. Yeah. I’m just –” breaking off, she fidgeted her hands at her sides, and admitted, “I – I’ve only ever even been with two men. And neither of them, um. It was never…” she trailed off, and even in the dimmed lighting of her room, she could see the color in her cheeks.

  Leaning in, she pressed her lips to one of them, feeling how warm it was under her lips, as she whispered, “Okay, what I need you to do for me, is relax. Because this is about you. So, just let me,” she tugged slightly on the zipper, enough that it gave and started to slide down, “Make you feel good.”

  She felt the shuddering breath Sutton released brush her shoulder, and she continued pulling down the zipper until the dress loosened and fell at her feet. Sutton stood in front of her, with only a tiny sheer lace thong on.

  Brown eyes darkened, taking in the sight. Fuck, she’d known Sutton had an amazing body, but knowing it and seeing it were two different things. And as she took in
all of that creamy skin, and the way her hair had fallen just over her shoulders so that the tips of red were brushing over already hard nipples, she licked her lips.

  She was going to devour this woman.

  Charlotte shifted on her feet slightly, pressing her thighs together because she could already feel how wet she was just by some light touching and looking. But she gathered herself within a few seconds, because she could see in the way Sutton fidgeted that she was close to covering herself up.

  Reaching out, she quickly caught Sutton’s hands in her own, keeping them at her sides. “Don’t,” her voice was low but firm.

  She felt a quake run through Sutton as she dipped her head to make eye contact with her; she ran her hands up her sides, gliding her fingers over such soft skin, before stroking back down. She purposefully wasn’t touching Sutton’s breasts – even though she really wanted to – or even her ass again – even though, she also wanted to.

  Charlotte was trying to be . . . good right now. Despite her spotless professional record, though, she’d never not played a little dirty when it came to her personal affairs.

  That thought kind of disappeared when Sutton ducked down and attached their mouths again, wrapping her own arms around Charlotte’s waist. She met the kiss with fervor, and without conscious thought, her hands started to roam again.

  They mapped Sutton’s back, slowly sliding up her spine, delighting in the shivers that she felt that made Sutton arch her back toward her, and pressed them entirely together. She could feel the hard press of Sutton’s nipples against her chest, and she groaned in appreciation.

  She slid her mouth to suckle on Sutton’s bottom lip, pulling it within her own, trapping it as she laved attention upon it with her tongue. Charlotte scratched her hands down Sutton’s back and over her ass again, feeling the flimsy lace under her fingers, before she turned them around easily and walked so that Sutton’s knees hit the bed.

  A breathless chuckle left her at Sutton’s squeak when she was falling backwards, only to be cut off when her breath hitched in her throat. Sutton fucking Spencer in her bed, with red hair spread wildly over her sheets and her legs spread enough to allow Charlotte to kneel between them was the view of a lifetime.


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