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Those Who Wait

Page 30

by Haley Cass

Then Charlotte shrugged, before she winked. “You’ll learn.”

  And the flush that she already felt on her cheeks only intensified when Charlotte reached up, slowly, sliding her hands along Sutton’s shoulders as she felt her shirt being slowly pushed off. She arched her back slightly to let her shirt fall down her arms more smoothly, feeling a little exposed, as she had last time, to be standing in front of Charlotte topless.

  But then she thought of the desire that was evident on Charlotte’s face as she took her in, murmuring, “So, you wore this –” She hooked her finger into the lacy cup of Sutton’s bra. “For me?”

  Though her brain felt like it was short-circuiting again and her breath left her in a rush, she nodded. “I wanted to look nice,” she murmured, in place of the voice in her head that belonged to Regan telling her to show off.

  “You do,” Charlotte assured her, stepping closer so that her tank top rubbed against Sutton’s bare stomach, and she felt goosebumps erupt from the contact. “But just so you know, you don’t need to wear anything special when we do this.”

  Sutton was about to nod again even as she felt slightly dizzy with how hard her heart was pounding from Charlotte’s proximity. Because – they were just friends. She wasn’t Charlotte’s girlfriend, trying to impress her with matching bra and underwear.

  But then Charlotte’s hands were on her waist, then scratching around to her back as she pushed onto her tiptoes again to bring her mouth to Sutton’s ear. First she sucked on the lobe and she felt her knees weaken before Charlotte’s words were roughly whispered, “Because it’s just going to end up on my floor.”

  The choked sound that left Sutton as her words sunk in and her warm breath brushed over her skin was unstoppable.

  Then Charlotte’s mouth was on her jaw, making Sutton shudder. Only for her to realize, moments later, that Charlotte had unhooked her bra without her realizing, as well.

  It was impressive, and she liked more than anything that Charlotte’s fingertips stroked along her shoulders before sliding the fabric off. Because Sutton recognized it for what it was – the chance for her to slow things down.

  Except slowing down was the opposite of what she wanted.

  As Charlotte’s capable hands slid slowly up her sides before cupping her breasts, Sutton shifted slightly from foot to foot as arousal ran through her. She remembered just what Charlotte could do to her, and how she could make her feel. The memory of the incredible feeling she got from Charlotte’s hands and mouth on her body was more than enough for her to give herself over to it.

  But what she wanted more than anything was to be able to make Charlotte feel like that.

  Her hands came up to grab at Charlotte’s wrists just as her thumbs brushed over her already hard nipples, and she moaned quietly before biting her lip. Charlotte paused instantly, though, her hands going slack in Sutton’s. “Is everything –”

  “I want to touch you, this time. I mean – first. I want to touch you, first,” she got out, taking in the way her eyes widened and Charlotte licked her lips.

  Charlotte’s breath shuddered out. “You’re sure?”

  A flash of excitement bolted through her at the fact that she could see how much Charlotte wanted this too, and she hummed. “Yes. I’m positive.” Her eyes tracked down Charlotte’s body before moving back up – was she ever sure – before she released Charlotte’s hands.

  Which both came back up to pull Sutton’s head down, capturing her mouth again. This kiss was more aggressive than before, and a thrill shot through her at the realization that Charlotte and all of her careful control was letting some of that façade crack. That she was showing Sutton the desire underneath as her mouth opened, more frenzied than before. Her tongue pushed into Sutton’s mouth and she eagerly met it with her own.

  She brought her hands back to Charlotte’s hips, her thumbs brushing under her tank top, as she wondered what would be the best way to take it off. Because she didn’t think she could be as smooth as Charlotte was – no, she knew it.

  God, she wanted to touch Charlotte, to see her naked, finally, after having not been allowed to last week. But she also wanted to be good.

  Her thoughts started to get the better of her, and she broke their kiss. Her cheeks colored with embarrassment as she had to clear her throat. “I – I want to make this good for you. I just don’t… I’m not… I don’t want to do anything wrong and you know I’ve never…” She closed her eyes tightly, hating herself.

  Charlotte’s hands slid to cup her jaw lightly, thumbs brushing her cheeks. “Darling, take a deep breath for me.”

  She complied, and slowly opened her eyes, to find Charlotte’s smiling softly, if a bit strained, back at her as she continued, “Hear me when I tell you that I know you haven’t touched another woman before, and I know it’s nerve-wracking. But that’s why we’re doing this. You truly can’t do anything wrong here, okay? And I’m not going to ask you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

  She blew out the deep breath she’d taken, unsure of how to better convey that she trusted Charlotte. She just had doubts in herself.

  Her inhale was sharp as Charlotte, almost as if she could read her mind, leaned in and flicked her tongue over the bow of her bottom lip. Before she whispered, “And let me tell you, that knowing you haven’t done this before but that you want me enough to have started what’s between us? Turns me on like you wouldn’t believe.”

  The nerves that had arisen to break through the heavy desire that had settled inside of her quieted slightly. “I want to touch you,” she repeated. “But, can you just – can you tell me what to do?”

  “It just so happens –” Charlotte spun them, and started walking Sutton backwards until her knees hit her mattress, and she sat down. Charlotte ducked her head, brown curls curtaining the two of them, as she leaned in to nip at Sutton’s earlobe. “That I love telling people what to do.”

  A strangled laugh started in the back of her throat, because only Charlotte. But it fell back down again when Charlotte pushed her back and then trailed her fingers down Sutton’s stomach, leaving a tingling path in her wake, to hook her fingertips in the top of Sutton’s leggings. “Take these off,” she demanded.

  Sutton complied, her heartbeat quickening at the husky tone of Charlotte’s voice. Once again, there was that exposed feeling – because she was completely topless, her nipples hard and aching, only in her black underwear that was already wet – as Charlotte watched her for a few moments.

  But that feeling went away marginally when Charlotte sighed low in her throat, before bending down again to press her lips to Sutton’s as she ran her fingertips up Sutton’s thighs. She pulled back to whisper, “You’re sexy without even trying, darling. Let that be another lesson for you to keep, all right?”

  She nodded… and then she nearly choked when Charlotte took a small step back and brought her hands to the bottom of her tank top before pulling it off in one swift motion. She hadn’t been wearing a bra, Sutton realized dimly. And last week she hadn’t taken off her bra, not to mention she hadn’t really been in an ideal position for a good look.

  Now, Sutton’s eyes darkened as she took in the sight of Charlotte. The way her hips curved into her waist and then back out at her chest, revealing the epitome of perfect curves. And – God. Her breasts were bigger than Sutton’s own, her nipples already tight, and Sutton’s fingers itched to touch in a way she’d never felt before.

  When she finally trailed her eyes up to look Charlotte in the face, she expected to be embarrassed about staring but was surprised when she wasn’t. Maybe it had something to do with the hungry way Charlotte was watching Sutton watch her, or the excitement that shone in her eyes.

  Sutton’s attention was drawn to Charlotte’s hands, as they moved into the waist of her yoga pants. And apparently her underwear as well, because in another easy motion, Charlotte Thompson was standing only inches away from her – completely naked.

  All of her skin looked so, so soft and smooth
, naturally a few shades darker than Sutton’s own, and she gulped as she took everything in, her throat dry. Then Charlotte’s mouth descended on hers again, lips melding together hungrily.

  This time, she hesitated less than earlier before she lifted her hands from where they rested on the mattress, and she brought them up to stroke along the outside of Charlotte’s thighs. Her skin was as soft as she’d thought.

  Before her curious hands explored any farther, Charlotte broke their kiss to nudge Sutton’s nose with her own as she breathed, “Move back – sit against the headboard.”

  She didn’t want to move away from Charlotte at all. She wanted to feel her body against her own, to feel those curves and her body heat. But from the look in Charlotte’s eyes, she figured that would happen soon.

  Anticipation crawled through her as she scooted back to sit where Charlotte directed. And she didn’t have to wait before Charlotte followed, kneeling on the bed and following Sutton.

  Who had never been more turned on in her entire life, excepting maybe the last time she’d been in this bed, than watching Charlotte crawl to her. Then up her legs, until she was nearly straddling Sutton’s thigh.

  Nearly, but not quite. Because Charlotte was hovering just over her leg, balanced on her knees still, but Sutton could feel her heat. She could feel Charlotte, and that alone stole her breath again as she tilted her head back to look into dark eyes.

  Charlotte brought her hands up, balancing one on Sutton’s shoulder and the other cupping her jaw, an imploring look in her eyes. There was an unspoken question there, and Sutton shook her head. “I’m good. I’m more than good. Can I…” She bit her lip and lowered her eyes to focus on Charlotte’s clavicle, which was right in front of her, before gathering her courage. “Touch you?”

  The smile she got in return was touched with desire and a little bit of exasperation. “Yes, Sutton. I want you to touch me.”

  It was all she needed to hear, and it made her feel a little awe because this ridiculously hot woman above her – wanted her. Wanted to be touched by her.

  Sutton trailed her hands up Charlotte’s legs, fingertips starting where her knees met the bed, before they trailed up her thighs again, feeling her muscles as Charlotte shifted slightly. Then she skimmed her hands up over Charlotte’s stomach, before scratching lightly down, thinking about the reaction Charlotte had when she did it to her back.

  This time Charlotte groaned, and Sutton marveled at the way she could see the way her stomach flexed. And when she moved her fingers upward, she paused for a moment before she got to the curve of Charlotte’s breasts.

  But only for a moment, because Charlotte was starting to breathe a little heavier, and the hand that had been on Sutton’s shoulder slid down to Sutton’s chest. Her head fell back on a groan when Charlotte lightly pinched her nipple, then tugged, and the feeling shot through her.

  “Touch me,” Charlotte urged, and Sutton’s shaking hands listened.

  She traced her finger over the curve that her knuckles had just brushed, and then moved her fingertips in circles, watching as she could see Charlotte’s goosebumps in reaction to her touch. She could see the way dusky nipples tightened and she wanted – she wanted –

  With a deep breath, she decided to just do it because that’s what had gotten her this far, and Charlotte would probably like it. Sutton had loved when Charlotte had her mouth on her nipples.

  Experimentally, she leaned in and ran her tongue on the same path her finger had taken. And Charlotte groaned, louder than Sutton would have thought, her hand tightening in Sutton’s hair, and she’d never felt more emboldened in her entire life. Her mouth moved in a slow, smooth journey before she latched onto one of her nipples, pulling it between her lips.

  The reaction was immediate, Charlotte’s hips pushing down against her leg completely. Sutton pulled back on a gasp. “You’re so wet,” she breathed out, looking up at Charlotte’s face.

  Dark eyes had closed as curvy hips ground down into Sutton’s thigh, and they fluttered open again a few seconds after Sutton had spoken. She arched an eyebrow at the same time that her hips moved in a slow circle, and Sutton’s mouth fell open at how indescribably good it felt. To feel how turned on Charlotte was, to know that she caused it.

  “I am,” Charlotte agreed, her voice so low Sutton hardly heard it. “You know,” she started, before pausing to take Sutton’s hand in hers and guiding it back to her chest. She took Sutton’s hand and mimicked the way she’d touched Sutton’s chest. Sutton quickly did it herself, though, and she relished in the way Charlotte’s head fell back on a moan, before she kept talking, “Last week, you thought I didn’t want you. But I was so close –” she broke off and started a new rhythm with her hips.

  Sutton could feel her clit dragging over her thigh and she experimentally shifted up into Charlotte. And was rewarded with Charlotte’s breath hitching, and Sutton wasn’t even sure she would remember how to talk because she knew for a fact now that she’d never been more turned on in her life than at this moment.

  Charlotte let out a shuddering breath. “I was so close, and I was moving like this, against you, as I made you come. You have no idea how close I was to coming just like this.” Her breath ghosted over Sutton’s mouth as she finished, “It won’t take me long tonight.”

  She leaned her head a fraction back from where she’d been watching the way Charlotte’s hips rolled, and met her gaze. The look she was giving her was heavily lidded, and her hand threaded through Sutton’s hair as she leaned in, tracing over Sutton’s ear with her tongue and making her shiver, before murmuring, “Put your hand between my legs. I want to come with you inside me.”

  It was Sutton’s turn to moan now as she slowly slid her hand down. She stroked her fingers over the top of Charlotte, just above her clit, and felt her shudder. Then she lifted her hips just a bit and Sutton hesitated, moving her head back to make eye contact with Charlotte again.

  Who gave her a patient smile, despite the need that was evident on her features, before she reached down and met Sutton’s hand with her own. Charlotte whispered, “Two fingers.”

  Sutton quickly obliged.

  And Charlotte shifted again and Sutton’s fingers were engulfed in wet heat. They both groaned, and held still for a beat.

  Then Charlotte’s hand held onto Sutton’s shoulder as her forehead fell onto Sutton’s, eyes staring intensely into hers. She moved her hand as best as she thought she should as Charlotte moved over her.

  She never heard a better sound than the whimpers that left Charlotte’s throat, and she felt conflicted because she wanted to kiss her, but she didn’t want her to stop making those amazing sounds. It was solved for her when Charlotte’s eyes went bleary and snapped shut, as she tilted her head and moved in for a kiss, speeding up her hips.

  Working her tongue into Charlotte’s mouth and her fingers into her heat, she felt wetness drip down her hand. Sutton didn’t know if she’d ever felt better in her entire life.

  Which, then she shifted her hand so that her palm bumped against Charlotte’s clit and their kiss was broken because of the strangled cry working out of Charlotte’s throat, so yes, that was even better.

  “Fuck – yes, Sutton, keep doing that,” Charlotte urged her breathlessly.

  She maneuvered her hand so that she could rub Charlotte’s clit every time she thrust her hips down. She was rewarded by the volume of the sounds that started to fall from her mouth, and how every breath Charlotte took in was more ragged than the last.

  Around her fingers, she could feel Charlotte tightening and it was… she wanted to keep doing this. She wanted to feel this, to make Charlotte clench around her. It was with that thought that she used her thigh to push up her hand as Charlotte moved down.

  Immediately, a choked cry broke from Charlotte and the hand she had braced on her shoulder tightened in a vice grip. She was coming, hard, even more wetness coating her fingers, now dripping down her wrist, and she rubbed her clit slowly, the way she would t
o herself.

  Which seemed to be the right thing to do, as Charlotte let out a long, shuddering moan and slowly worked her hips with Sutton’s hand as she came down, occasionally jerking against her.

  Sutton’s heart was thundering in her ears in tandem with the way she could feel Charlotte’s beating as her body slumped against her chest. They stayed there for a few long moments, with Charlotte’s forehead having fallen onto Sutton’s shoulder. When Sutton got over her dazedness, she had the sense of mind to reach up with the hand that wasn’t currently still between Charlotte’s legs to gently rub at her back.

  Which caused Charlotte to let out a weak chuckle that only lasted for a second before she husked out, “Mmm, scoot so we can lay down.”

  Sutton bit her lip before she slowly adjusted her thigh so that she could move her hand away from Charlotte, who let out a small groan at the feeling. Then she did as Charlotte wanted, scooting down on the bed enough so that she could lie back. Charlotte rolled off of her and onto her back.

  Sutton missed the warmth but then moved up onto her side, leaning on her elbow so she could look down at Charlotte. Who was lying on the bed with one arm flung over her eyes and a pleased, calm look on her face, brown hair a tumble of curls all over her pillow, and Sutton felt a disbelieving giggle work its way out of her throat.

  She didn’t even try to stop when Charlotte dragged her arm from her face, her eyes opened – still a little hazy – and she asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s, um, nothing,” she shook her head, the hair that had fallen over her shoulder moving over the sheets with the movement.

  But . . . she’d realized as she took in Charlotte’s dreamy, relaxed face and even the way her voice was just a little slower, a little more lethargic, that she did it. She’d not only found out how to make Charlotte’s stunning brain shut off, but she’d caused it.

  Sutton had never felt particularly confident in areas that involved sex; it just never felt quite right. But at that moment, as she was in Charlotte’s luxuriously comfortable sheets, settled on her side, with one hand still resting on Charlotte’s leanly-muscled thigh and wearing only a pair of lacy black underwear that were now ridiculously wet… she felt relaxed enough to smile and not even want to hide at the way Charlotte’s eyes dipped to her chest as she laughed.


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