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Broken Promises

Page 11

by Kelly Elliott

  “Have a wonderful night, Walker. I’ll see you tomorrow evening.”

  “Unless I get out of here.” Walker said.

  I pulled out my phone. I sent Courtney a message to tell her I was at the hospital.

  As the nurse walked by she smiled. “Good night,” she said with a wink.

  I smiled back and said, “Good night. Enjoy your evening.”

  Turning around. I caught Walker staring at me. I smiled, but he looked away.

  “Walker, um, can we talk?”

  “We’ve been talking every day, what makes today different?”

  I approached his bed. “This,” I pointed between us. “What’s happening here? You’re treating me like a stranger. Like I’m a bother to you.”

  He stared out the window. “Walker! I deserve to be treated better than this.”

  He snapped his head back to me. “Exactly, Liza. You deserve someone who can actually do the things he promised you. I’m not that person.”

  I sucked in a breath. “What? What do you mean?”

  His eyes filled with tears as he looked into my eyes. “Our dreams. The dreams we talked about the night before I feel off that stupid horse. What if I can’t…What if I’m not able to give you all of that?”

  My mouth fell open. “All I want, all I’ve ever wanted is you. I don’t care about that other stuff. I care about you. You’re walking. You’ll make a full recovery.”

  He shook his head. “I just need time, Liza. I need time.”

  “Time for what? Please tell me what’s happening here, Walker, because I thought you loved me. I thought you wanted…us.”

  A sob escaped my throat as he slowly looked into my eyes.

  The door to his room opened and his doctor began talking as I wiped my eyes.

  “Well, Walker. Looks like you’re heading home tomorrow. You’ll want to use a cane for a bit until you feel your strength building back up. We’ve got you all set for outpatient rehab. I still can’t believe how lucky you were, son. Those muscles should start feeling better every day with the rehab.”

  I looked out the window and could see Walker’s reflection. He was watching me. He nodded when the doctor said something, then looked at me. I twisted the double-heart ring on my finger, trying to convince myself that he was just confused and scared. That he didn’t mean to push me away.

  The doctor stayed a few more minutes, then shook Walker’s hand.

  “I’d say you’ll be out of here around one tomorrow afternoon so let your folks now. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  The doctor looked at me as if noticing me for the first time since he’d walked in. He gave me a polite smile before excusing himself and heading out the door.

  I took in a shaky breath. I attempted to plaster on a smile for Walker. “I’m glad you’re leaving tomorrow,” I said.

  He nodded. “Yeah, me too. Maybe I’ll feel more myself when I get home.”

  I nodded as Courtney and Reed both came into the room. Everyone started making plans for bringing Walker home.

  Courtney smiled at Walker, then me. “Everything will be okay once we get Walker back home,” she said.

  I gave her a weak smile, as did Walker. If only I believed those words.

  I SAT ON the trucks’ tailgate as I watched Walker. He still wasn’t acting normal, and he only talked to me when he had to. Most of the time, there was nothing but silence.

  Daddy came riding up on a horse and stopped short of Walker. I watched Walker’s body language change. He kept stepping away from the horse, almost like he was afraid of it. Jumping off the tailgate, I approached the animal. I smiled and brought the horse closer to me.

  My father asked, “When do you think you can ride again?”

  Walker’s eyes filled with something I’d never seen there before. Fear. He was scared of the horses.

  “I’m doing pretty good in rehab. Shouldn’t have to go that much longer. Starting to lift weights, so I’m sure I’ll be back and helping with the ranch in no time.”

  Daddy slapped his hand on Walker’s shoulder. “Son, I just want you to heal completely. We don’t need you going off and hurting yourself. We’ve got some help, so don’t worry. I want you to heal—it’s only been three weeks since the accident. You and Liza should take a trip somewhere—maybe to the coast. Spend a few days together.”

  I looked at my father, shocked. He winked at me and I giggled.

  “Nah, I can’t leave. Still have a few more rehab sessions, and then I want to get to work on the ranch. It’s killing me. I feel useless.”

  My father’s expression changed as he stared at Walker. He cocked his head at me. I could see it in his eyes. He felt sorry for me.

  “I’m going to head on back. Want to ride with me, sweetheart?” My father asked.

  I shook my head and was about to say no when Walker said, “Go on ahead, Liza. Spend some time with your daddy.”

  My heart dropped and I balled my fists up tight. “I need to talk to Walker, Daddy.”

  My father nodded, climbed up on his horse, and took off. I took a few deep breaths and stood a little taller, deciding I would give Walker what he wanted: space.

  I turned to him. “I um…I think I’m going to head out of town for a bit.”

  Walker frowned. He looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped.

  “I have a friend from college who’s staying at her grandparents’ place in Destin, Florida. She’s been bugging me to visit. I think I’ll take her up on the offer.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  My jaw trembled. “Isn’t that what you want? Time away from me?”

  He shook his head and, again, refrained from speaking.

  Fine. If this is how he wants to do this. This is how we will do this.

  I walked toward his truck and looked over my shoulder. “Do you mind giving me a ride up to the house?”

  He ran his hand through that messy hair of his, and I wanted more than anything to run my hands through it. “Liza, please don’t think…”

  I spun around. “Don’t you dare try to make this better now. Do you know when the last time you kissed me was? Do you have any idea?”

  He nodded. “The morning of the accident.”

  My jaw dropped. I wasn’t sure if it was his remembering that surprised me, or the tears in his eyes.

  “You’ve done a damn good job of pushing me away, Walker. You’re getting what you wanted.”

  I opened the passenger side door and jumped in, slamming the door shut and staring straight ahead as I spun my ring on my finger. Walker got in the truck and headed for my house.

  WALKER PULLED UP to my house and parked. I opened the door and started to get out.


  I turned around. “Yeah?”

  “I love you.”

  I gave him a weak smile. “I love you, too, Walker. Call me when you’re ready to move on with life.”

  Shutting the door, I walked up the stairs to our front porch. Somehow I managed not to cry. I pushed the door open, but looked back to see Walker still sitting there, watching me. I lifted my hand and he lifted his. When I shut the door behind me, I leaned against it, sliding down to the floor as I let the sobs take over my body.

  I SAT ON Lindsey’s front porch wrapped up in a blanket. All I could do was stare out over the water. I’d been in Florida for almost two weeks. Walker had called a few times, but I’d only talked to him once. He wanted space. I was giving it to him.

  Lindsey handed me a cup of hot chocolate. “Did you tell your folks about the job?”

  I smiled as I took the mug from her. Llano School District had called to offer me a position as a first grade teacher. I was beyond thrilled. The current teacher was leaving after this semester to stay home with her baby, due in January.

  I shook my head. “Nope, not yet. I was going to tell them when I get back home.” I continued watching the water.

  Lindsey sat down next to me sighed. “You should call him.”

nbsp; I glanced at my phone. “I talked to his mother earlier. She said he’s been acting strange. And I know what’s wrong—he’s afraid to get back on a horse. It’s gutting him.”

  “Shit, I’d be afraid, too, if I woke up to hear that there was a chance I might not walk again. I mean, his whole life is that ranch. Can you imagine, though, your job relying on you doing something almost every day that you were afraid to do?”

  I turned to her and nodded. “I don’t think he’s talked to anyone about it. Courtney, his mom, just said he’s avoiding everyone. He’s been focusing on building something, but she didn’t say what.”

  Lindsey blew over her coffee mug, peeked at me, and said, “Maybe he needs someone to guide him.”

  Glancing back out over the water, I whispered, “He pushed me away. He doesn’t want my help.”

  “He loves you more than life itself, Liza. He’s afraid of losing everything.”

  “He could never lose me.”

  She chuckled. “He’s halfway there.”

  I gave her a look. “What does that mean?”

  “You ran away, just like he did,” Lindsey said. “The moment things get tough, Liza, you can’t just up and leave. You’ve gotten so damn good at pushing each other away that you don’t realize how much you hurt each other in the process. Do you love him?”

  I swallowed and wiped a tear that had escaped from my eye. “I love him more than anything.”

  She smiled. “Then why are you here, when he needs you there?”

  I pushed off the blanket and reached for my phone, quickly texting my parents.

  Me: I’m heading home today.

  Dad: It’s about damn time.

  I smiled when I read my father’s reply.

  Mom: I’m glad, sweetheart. He needs you, even if he doesn’t act like it.

  Why my parents insisted on letting me learn the lessons of life on my own was beyond me. Sometimes I just wanted someone to tell me things. Like, “Stop being an ass and stay here by his side.”

  I smiled at Lindsey. “I’m going to go get the love of my life back.”

  She raised her mug and said, “That’s my girl. Go pack. I’ll take you to the airport.”

  I practically ran into the house and up the stairs. Fifteen minutes later, I was packed and ready to go.

  I BOARDED THE plane and found my seat. When I went to turn off my phone, a text came through.

  Walker: I miss you. I’m so sorry I pushed you away.

  My heart beat harder. I twisted the ring around on my finger and chewed on my lip. I just needed to get back home. I needed to be in his arms.

  Me: I’m sorry I walked away. I love you, Walker.

  Walker: God, baby, I love you so much. Come back to me.

  Me: I need you so much.

  I took a picture through the window of the plane and hit send.

  Me: I’m sitting on the plane right now.

  Walker: I’m headed to the airport now.

  I giggled as I replied.

  Me: You’re lucky it’s a non-stop flight. See you in a few hours.

  I turned off my phone and slipped it into my purse. Placing my fingers on my lips, I imagined Walker kissing them. I couldn’t wait to be in his arms again. I would help him through whatever he needed. I would never run from him—or anything—ever again.

  I MADE MY way down to the baggage claim. Glancing at the arrivals board, I saw that Liza’s flight was coming in. I’d had to call her parents to find out what flight she was on, since neither of us had thought about it when we were texting. I lifted my baseball cap and ran my hand through my hair. I watched the escalator, waiting for her to come down.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Jessica. Before I even had a chance to react, she threw herself into me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Walker,” she said.

  I was stunned for a moment before I pulled her arms from around my neck.

  “Hey, Jessica.” I nudged her back and away from me.

  She looked me all over and bit her lip. “I’ve missed your touch, Walker.”

  I dropped my hands from her arms and took a step back.

  She cocked her head to one side, giggling. “Did I spook you, maybe? Old feelings coming back to the surface again, baby?”

  My lips parted slightly and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Did she really think I missed her? As if I could want her after walking in on her fucking another guy?

  I tried to talk, but she came closer. “You look like shit, baby. What you need is a good blow—”

  I held up my hands. “Stop. Honestly. First off, I’m completely and utterly in love with Liza. Second, you cheated on me for months. You really think you can just show up and offer sex? That everything will fall back into place? You have problems, Jessica.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. She wasn’t used to being told “no.”

  “You’re a dick. I knew you loved her as soon as I saw the two of you together last summer. The way you looked at her turned my stomach.”

  “Your point is?”

  “I’m saying that you’re walking away from the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  I shook my head. “No, Jessica. I’m not. I’m walking away from the biggest mistake of my life. The best thing that has ever happened to me will be coming down that escalator at any moment and I can’t wait to hold her in my arms.”

  Jessica gasped and then squared her shoulders at me. She smiled, giving me the finger. “Fuck off, Moore,” she said before turning on her heels, grabbing her suitcase, and walking away.

  Ugh. What did I ever see in her?

  I felt Liza before I saw her. The hairs on my body came to attention and her perfume invaded my senses. I turned around and Liza was standing there. The smile plastered on her face told me she’d probably heard all of that. Her eyes looked me over from head to toe, licking her lips. My dick instantly jumped. Finally, our eyes locked.

  “Walker,” she whispered as tears formed in her eyes.

  I walked over to her, took her face in my hands, and slammed my lips to hers. We both moaned as she dropped everything she was carrying and brought her hands to my chest. Our kiss was probably more passionate then it should have been for the Austin airport baggage claim. Someone walked by and whistled. That’s when I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers as she moved her hands to my arms and held on. Her breaths were just short of panting. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  I finally found the words to speak. “I can’t wait…we’re booking a hotel in Austin.”

  Liza laughed. She closed her eyes and said, “I’m so sorry.”

  I shook my head and closed my eyes. We stood with our foreheads pressed against each other. “No, baby. I’m the one who should be sorry. I was a fool for pushing you away. I swear to God I’ll never do it again.”

  “Promise me, Walker. I don’t want any more broken promises.”

  I looked into her eyes. “No more broken promises, baby. No more.” I picked up her carry-on suitcase and handed her purse to her. “Let’s go. I want to bury myself inside of you and stay there forever.”

  Her eyes lit up with desire. It was everything I could do to not take her right there in front of everyone. I took her hand and practically dragged her out the door and to the parking garage.

  WE BARELY MADE it to the Omni and into the room before Liza and I started pulling each other’s clothes off. Our kisses were hungry. I ran my hands all over her body. I couldn’t get enough of her. I couldn’t wait to taste her.

  I unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. My mouth took her nipple and I sucked on it as she tipped her head back. I moved my hand into her panties and slipped two fingers inside her, quickly finding evidence of how much she wanted me. I pushed my thumb against her clit and Liza hissed out, “Finally,” as I worked my fingers in and out.

  I moaned as I moved my lips up along her chest, making my way to her neck. She pushed
off my hat and grabbed my hair with both hands, tugging hard.

  “Liza, I want to be a gentleman. But, honestly, I just want to be inside of you.”

  Her eyes filled with lust as she bit her lip. “Now…do it now, Walker. I need to feel you before I explode.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I lifted her and slowly pushed my dick inside her as she whispered, “Oh God, yes.” I slammed her against the wall and she gasped. I didn’t care if there were people in the next room. I needed her so much that I couldn’t think straight.

  I pulled out and pushed back in as she cried out in pleasure.

  “Harder, Walker. I’ve missed you so much!”

  I moved in and out of her as fast and hard as I could.

  “Walker!” She screamed out as I pumped into her, pushing in further each time, making her cry out again. “Yes, Walker! Yes!”

  I felt my buildup and I couldn’t wait to pour myself into her. Then it hit me. I stopped.

  “Fuck, Liza. I don’t have a condom on.”

  Her eyes widened, dazed, as she kept moving her body to get the friction I knew she needed. “W—what?” She panted.

  I blinked slowly. “We almost forgot again, baby. We get too wrapped up in each other. I need to put a condom on. I’m so sorry, sweetheart I know you were coming, but I was about to explode when I remembered.”

  She shook her head. “Do you have one? Please tell me you have one!”

  I laughed and nodded. “Yep.” I slowly pulled out of her and placed her gently on the ground before running over to my pants to get my wallet.

  “Liza, you should get on the pill. Being inside you with no barrier feels too good.”

  She giggled and covered her mouth. “I’ll go to the doctor this week.”


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