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Broken Promises

Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

  I walked over to Raindrop and ran my hand along her neck. Someone cleared her throat behind me; I turned to see Liza leaning against the barn. She was breathtaking. But something was off. She’d been sick since we got back. She looked nervous. Scared, even.

  I started walking to her. Liza was chewing on her lip, so I knew she was either thinking hard about something or nervous. Usually when she was deep in thought she’d stare off in silence.

  “Hey,” I said as I stopped and kissed her on the lips.

  “Hey,” she said, barely above a whisper. “Would you go for a ride with me?”

  My heart dropped into my stomach. “Um…”

  Liza placed her hand on my chest and smiled. “It’s okay to be afraid, Walker, I’m afraid too, but we can do this together.”

  I looked into her eyes as tears built in mine. She slid her hand down and took my hand in hers as she made her way back into the barn. She walked up to Raindrop and looked over her shoulder at me. “Let’s ride her bareback, okay?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded and turned for the tack room.

  A few minutes later, we were both on Raindrop. I was holding onto the reins as Liza sat in front of me. We walked for the longest time in silence as I got use to the feel of sitting on a horse again. It had been six weeks since my accident, but it felt like it had happened yesterday.

  “How does she feel?” Liza asked, resting her head back against my chest.

  I smiled and realized how incredible it felt to be on a horse again. Granted, Raindrop was nineteen years old and probably one of the sweetest horses ever.

  “It feels better than I thought it would,” I said, kissing the top of Liza’s head.

  “I knew it would fall back into place, Walker. Sometimes, we have to face our greatest fear to realize it wasn’t really a fear after all—just a small hole we needed to step around.”

  Chuckling, I said, “That sounds like something your daddy would say.”

  “Nope, I just pulled that one out of the air,” she said with a giggle.

  We walked for a bit more in silence until we came to one of the tanks. It reminded me of the days Liza would come down here, throw a blanket down on the dock, and read.

  “Have you been coming down here to read at all?” I asked.

  She sighed and shook her head. “Not like I need to. Maybe I’ll see if my mom wants to. We use to come down here all the time and read. It’s a good place to think.”

  Something was off with her. She must not be feeling good.

  I stopped Raindrop and dropped the reins, allowing her to graze while we sat on her.

  “Turn around, Liza, and look at me.”

  Somehow Liza gracefully turned and faced me, sitting on Raindrop. I placed my hand on the side of her face and moved my thumb across her soft skin.

  “Talk to me, Liza. Something’s not right. Are you still feeling bad?”

  A small smile played across her face as she looked away. Looking back at me, she said, “I turned down the teaching position. I’m going to continue working for Daddy.”

  I sucked in a breath. “What? Liza, why? This is your dream, baby. Why would you turn it down?”

  She pulled her lower lip in and began to abuse the hell out of it. Something was wrong and my heart pounded.

  “Liza, please tell me what’s wrong.”

  Slowly peeking up at me she gave me a drop-dead beautiful smile. “Oh, Walker. Nothing is wrong at all. I just have a new dream and I’m a bit…scared about it.”

  I pulled back some so I could see her better. “A new dream? What in the world would you want to do more than teach?”

  A single tear slipped from her eye and slowly moved down her cheek. “Be the mother to your child.”

  I stared at Liza for a good thirty seconds as her words penetrated my mind. Be the mother of your child.

  “We’re…you’re…” I ran my hand through my hair. Holy shit. Holy…shit.

  She nodded, pulling a pregnancy test from her pocket. “I had an appointment this week to get on birth control. When I didn’t start my period, I was worried. Then, with being so sick all week, I was curious. Now I’m just scared,” she said.

  My eyes widened. “Scared? Baby, why are you scared? This is amazing. This is…this is…” I looked all around and started laughing. “This is the perfect example of how it only takes one time!”

  She laughed and threw her arms around me. I pulled her to where she could wrap her legs around me. Raindrop didn’t budge as I held Liza in my arms.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  She nodded. “Are you happy, Walker? Honestly?”

  I kissed her with as much love as I could. When we pulled away, I whispered against her lips, “I thought our first kiss was amazing. Then the night you said yes to being my wife—that was fanfuckingtastic. But this, Liza? Nothing compares to having a child with the woman I love more than life itself. I’m the happiest man in the world right now.”

  She smiled and pressed her lips to mine as Raindrop walked over to the water’s edge.

  I pulled my lips from Liza’s and said, “I think we’re about to get wet.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Oh, I’m already wet.”

  I HAD LIZA up against a tree and was about to push into her as she hissed through her teeth. “Hard, Walker. Give it to me hard.”

  I closed my eyes and did just that as I slammed into her. We both let out a gasp before I moaned at the feeling of being inside her with no barriers.

  “Liza, you’re so warm, baby.”

  Liza moved her hips to get me to move but I wanted to enjoy this moment.

  “Move, Walker. Move!”

  I placed my lips on her neck, asking, “What do you want, baby? Tell me, sweet Liza.”

  “You…I want you to move…” she panted as I slowly pulled my dick almost all the way out before pushing it back into her.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Liza?”

  She moaned. “Oh, God, Walker. Yes. Please yes.”

  I moved faster as Liza held onto my shoulders, moving right along with me. Our bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat—we couldn’t get enough of each other.

  It didn’t take long before we were both calling out each other’s names. We slid down and I held Liza in my arms as we sat in silence and watched Raindrop graze.

  “For once it’s okay that we forgot about the condom,” I said.

  Liza laughed. “I’ll never forget this day, Walker.”

  I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer. “Neither will I. Especially after your dad beats my ass.”

  She looked up at me as we both busted out laughing. I moved my lips to her lips and kissed her quickly.

  “Should we go tell your parents first, or mine?” I asked.

  She bit her lip. “Can we keep it our secret for a little while? I want to take it all in. And I think you should probably ask Daddy about marrying me.”

  I nodded. “Then my lips are sealed until you’re ready.”

  She smiled sweetly and rested her head on my chest. “I love you, Walker.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  I TOOK A deep breath before I rang the doorbell. I knew Liza, her mom, and my mom were all in Austin today, shopping. It had only been twenty-four hours since I’d found out I was going to be a father. I’d talked to my dad last night about building a house on our property. It took him less than five minutes to figure out what was going on. I laughed as I thought back to our conversation.

  “I WANT TO build a house dad. With the money I have left over from what Mom’s parents set aside for college and whatnot, I can pay for the whole thing with cash if I do most of the work.”

  My father turned and looked at me and smiled. “Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  I smiled and nodded. I followed him out the back door as we walked toward my parents’ huge garden.

  My father stopped and turned to me. “What’s on your mind son?”

  “What do you mean

  My father laughed and shook his head. He started walking again, so I followed.

  “What’s on your mind, Walker? I know my son well enough to know when he’s holding back something he needs to say.”

  I ran my hands over my face and stopped walking.

  My father smiled and said, “Liza’s pregnant.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why do you have to do that, Dad? Why do you always know shit?”

  “Because I’ve seen that look before, Walker. In my own reflection, just after your mother told me she was pregnant on the night before our wedding.”

  I smiled. “Were you happy?”

  My father’s eyes got watery and he nodded. He cleared his throat. “Oh, yeah. I was very happy, Walker. I can still smell the perfume she was wearing when I think of that moment.”

  “Liza is scared.”

  “I’m sure she is. But things happen for a reason. Would I have liked to see you build that house, get married and live a little first? Yeah. But I just want you to be happy, son.”

  I took a deep breath. “I forgot to mention. I asked Liza to marry me when we were in Austin. And no one is supposed to know either one of these secrets, Dad.”

  My father’s jaw dropped. Then he chuckled. “Jesus, you know how to drop the bombs on a person. Is there anything else I need to know?”

  I pursed my lips and thought for a second. “No. No, I think that covers it.”

  THE DOOR OPENED and Layton smiled. “Hey, Walker. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Layton reached out his hand as I shook it and walked into the house.

  “Yeah, um, yes sir. It’s all um, it’s all good. Fine and dandy. Yep.” I lifted my hands up and said, “All good here.”

  Layton stared at me as I babbled on like a scared little boy. He turned and headed into the living room as I sighed and rolled my eyes at myself. Idiot.

  “Have a seat, son.” Layton said.

  I sat down and looked around nervously. It felt like I was in high school all over again, asking to take a girl out. Except, this time, I was asking to marry that girl and, oh yeah, I’d gotten her pregnant, and she was giving up her dreams for me. I felt sick.

  Layton crossed one leg over the other as he smiled at me. He was enjoying this. I could see it on his face.

  “So, what’s up?”

  What’s up? That’s how the conversation is going to start?

  I went to speak, but nothing would come out. “Um…”

  Layton raised an eyebrow. He shook his head. “Son, if you’re trying to ask for permission to marry my daughter, you’d better spit it out. Dallas is about to kick off, and I don’t want to miss it.”

  My mouth gaped open and I sat there frozen. But soon I found my senses—and my balls. “Yes, sir. I’d like permission to marry Liza.”

  Layton put his leg down and rested his arms on his legs. “Walker Reed Moore. I love you like a son. I always have, and I always will. I see how you look at my daughter. I think I saw it before you even knew how you felt. The only thing I ask is that you always put her first.”

  I nodded.

  “You treat her with the respect she deserves and you love her and your kids with your whole heart.”

  When Layton mentioned kids I almost choked on my own spit. “Yes, sir. Always. Liza means more to me than the air I breathe. I love her so much…it scares me.”

  Layton’s expression softened. “Isn’t love amazing?” He asked just above a whisper.

  “Yes it is. It really is.”

  Layton stood and clapped his hands together. “Come on, I have some cold beer and a pizza with our name on it. Let’s get our football on.”

  I smiled, stood up, and walked toward the kitchen. Layton slapped the hell out of my back and started laughing. The rest of the afternoon was spent with us drinking, eating, and yelling at the refs for bad calls.

  When Liza and her mom came home, Layton and I were both pretty toasted. It was four football games, three six-packs, and one pizza later.

  Liza was beaming as she looked between her father and me. Whitley had her hands on her hips and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Liza did the same thing when she was mad.

  “Layton Morris. Did you get Walker drunk?” Whitley asked.

  Liza came over and sat down next to me. She gave me a questioning look, and I nodded a ‘yes.’ Her eyes filled with tears and I looked away. Liza was so emotional—at least now I knew it was because of the pregnancy. I glanced up at Whitley who had a goofy look on her face as she smiled at me. I smiled back. Whitley turned and left the room. I glanced back to Liza and gave her a look. I whispered, “Does your mom know about the baby?”

  She instantly blushed and nodded. “She knew! It was weird!”

  We both laughed as I pulled her down next to me. “Shit, I’m drunk.”

  “You’re not driving home, son. You can stay in Jase’s room.” Layton said as Liza squeezed my hand. Oh, hell. I know what she was thinking.

  An hour later and Liza was helping me up the stairs. I was drunker than I’d thought and Layton was standing at the bottom of the stairs laughing at me.


  I fell onto Jase’s bed and moaned as Liza crawled on top of me and started grinding against me. I opened my eyes to see her grabbing her breasts over her top.

  I shook my head. “Nope, not happening in your parent’s house.”

  She stopped moving and looked at me. “What?”

  I pushed her off and rolled over. The last thing I heard was Liza saying, “Walker Reed Moore. I’m so getting you back for this.”

  I LEANED AGAINST the kitchen counter and watched my mother. She was so beautiful. Her brown hair was piled on top of her head and she was humming a song. I thought back to the other day. We’d been shopping in Austin when she pulled me aside.

  “TAYLOR ELIZABETH MORRIS. Are you pregnant?”

  My jaw dropped. I looked everywhere but at her. “What? I mean, why would you ask me that, Mom?”

  She placed a finger on my chin, forcing me to look at her. Her eyes widened in and she gasped. “Oh my goodness. Liza.”

  My eyes filled with tears and she pulled me in for a hug. “Mom, I’m so scared.”

  She ran her hand along my back and chuckled. “Oh, darling, no. Don’t be scared. This is amazing, darling.” She pulled back. “Does Walker know?”

  I nodded. “He’s over the moon, but upset that I won’t be teaching this spring.”

  My mother’s smile faded briefly. “Well, I guess you’ll to be working for your father a little longer than you thought.”

  I giggled. I’d been working for my father since coming home from college, keeping track of all the vet records for the horses and few other items Reed and Daddy thought would be good for me to learn. Jase didn’t want anything to do with the business side of the ranch, so I guess that fell to me. I didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but I loved it. I loved the idea of seeing my parents every day, and working with Walker.

  “I really like working for Dad and Reed, mom. More than I thought.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Have you gone to the doctor yet?”

  I shook my head. “No, not yet. I was hoping you and Courtney would go with us.”

  She hugged me again, tighter. “Yes, I’d like nothing more.”

  MY MOTHER CLEARED her throat. “Liza? Honey, are you listening to me?”

  “Yep, sorry. I was lost in thought.”

  She laughed and said, “Nothing new there.”

  I sighed and said, “I think Walker bought the ring yesterday.”

  My mother spun around and gasped. “What makes you say that?”

  I pulled out the seat to the kitchen table and saw my mom’s Kindle sitting there. “What are you reading?” I asked.

  She got a goofy grin on her face. “A book I read years ago. Just felt like revisiting it.” She wiped her hands and sat down. “Now, what makes you think he bought the ring?”

  I shrugged. “A feeling

  She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, pregnancy feelings. They’re strong. Listen to them, honey.”

  I giggled. “When should we tell Daddy? Walker said Reed figured it out and I’m pretty sure Court knows too.”

  My mother looked away. I sucked in a breath. “Mom! You didn’t! You told her?”

  My mother covered her mouth. “Oh, God, I did. I couldn’t help it, Liza! It was too good to hold in, and I had no idea how long you were going to wait to tell everyone.”

  My father walked into the kitchen. “Tell everyone what?”

  My mother and I exchanged a look. My father was the last to know. I couldn’t let him stay in the dark.

  “Um, Daddy? I have something to tell you.”

  My mother shimmied in her chair and clapped her hands. I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, you see, I’ve got um…I have to tell you…” Oh God. How do I tell my father I’m pregnant?

  My mother jumped up and blurted, “Liza’s pregnant! She’s gonna have a baby.”

  My father snapped his head over to my mother before staring at me. I was stunned. My mother was the worst secret-keeper ever!

  “Mom!” I shouted. She put her hands over her mouth again.

  “I’m never telling you a secret ever again! I’m going to make you wait until the baby is born to find out if it is a girl or a boy.”

  She dropped her hands and laughed. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  “What do you mean is that all I’ve got?”

  My father sat down and I peeked over to him. I couldn’t read his face.

  “Daddy? Please tell me you’re not upset because I’m so incredibly happy about this.” The second I saw the tears in his eyes, I took a deep breath. “Daddy?”

  “I’m going to be a grandfather?” He asked. A single tear rolled down his face.

  I nodded as my mother walked over to him. Daddy held her and she sat in his lap. I loved how affectionate my parents were. They were so in love, and showed it all the time.


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