Book Read Free

Broken Promises

Page 18

by Kelly Elliott

  Walker: Getting ready to take off. Have fun with our moms. I love you and the baby!

  I smiled when I read it and placed my hand on my stomach.

  “Phone sex?”

  I snapped my head up and looked at Courtney. “What?”

  She nodded toward my phone. “Phone sex. I’ve seen that look before. On your mother’s face. On more than one occasion.”

  I snapped my head over to my mother as she shouted, “Hey! That is a lie, Liza.”

  Courtney laughed. “Really? Do you remember the night you got Layton all hot and bothered talking about your vibrator?”

  Oh my God.

  “Oh you’re one to talk. You bought it for me.”

  No. No this conversation is not happening right now.

  Courtney laughed, pointing at my mother. “Whit, are you denying that was the best damn gift I ever gave you?”

  My mother shook her head. “No, I’m not saying that, Court. I’m saying—”

  I covered my ears. “Too much! I have to bleach my ears now. Seriously!”

  Mom and Courtney stared at me like I had two heads.

  My eyes widened. “I’m popping popcorn. We’re all going to snuggle up and watch movies and not talk about vibrators.

  I spun on my heels and headed to the pantry for the box of popcorn. When it was ready, I poured it into two bowls. My mother and Courtney were now heading upstairs, giggling. I rolled my eyes, but grinned. I loved that they were best friends. Ava and I used to be like that, before we went away for college. I sighed and followed our moms.

  Then I remembered I hadn’t replied to Walker’s text. Setting one of the bowls down, I grabbed my phone.

  Me: We love you, too. Going upstairs to watch movies with your mom and mine. It’s slumber party time. And I think they’re both buzzing pretty hard. They’re talking about vibrators.

  Walker: I didn’t need to read that. Have fun baby. I’ll call later. Heading out for drinks with the pops and my future father-in-law to meet some big-shot trainer.

  Me: Have fun and be careful. Love you!

  Walker: You too baby. I love you, too!

  I shoved my phone in pocket, reached for the bowl, and headed up the stairs. I could hear my mom and Courtney laughing hysterically. This was going to be a long night.

  SLAMMING MY HANDS over my ears I asked, “Who picked this movie?”

  My mother grabbed my arm and screamed as Courtney dipped under the covers screaming, “Turn it off! Turn it off!”

  I frantically searched for the remote. When I found it, I turned off the TV and threw the remote across the room. “Mom. Why would you pick Pet Sematary?”

  She shrugged and made a face. “I don’t know. I thought it would be kind of fun to watch a scary movie.”

  Courtney threw a pillow at my mom. “You ass. That scared the piss out of me.”

  I laughed and reached into the bowl of popcorn. My hand stopped at my mouth when I thought I heard a baby crying.

  I looked around. “Do you hear that?”

  “The sounds of my heart beating rapidly? Yes. I hear that.” Courtney said as she pushed the covers away and stood up. She headed toward the bathroom and stopped. She cocked her head and looked back at us. “Is that a…baby crying?”

  My mom got out of bed. “Nonsense. You’re both hearing things.” She walked up to Courtney and stopped. She leaned forward like she was trying to concentrate.

  I heard it again. Both of them turned me. “Do you have baby monitor already, Liza?” Courtney asked.

  I slowly shook my head and whispered, “No.”

  I was about to speak when there was a knock at the door. More like a bang. The baby got louder. We all screamed as my mom and Courtney ran and jumped into the bed.

  “What the fuck?” Courtney said as she grabbed onto me.

  My heart pounded and I tried to take deep breaths. The crying got louder as the doorbell rang. Turning to my mom, I whispered, “What if someone needs help?”

  My mother eyed the bedroom door. “Do y’all keep a loaded gun in the house?”

  I reached around my mother and pulled out the side drawer. My mother took the handgun and stood up. “Just in case. Let’s all go down.”

  Courtney let out a nervous laugh and said, “Um, hell no.”

  The sounds of a baby crying again made me jump.

  “Someone might need help.” My mother said.

  Courtney shook her head. “It’s called 911.”

  The doorbell rang again and there was more pounding at the door. We all screamed.

  Signing my mother said, “Oh, this is insane. We’re just scared because of the stupid movie.”

  My mother headed to the hallway, and Courtney and I followed. Walking down the stairs, my mother called, “Coming! One moment while I take the safety off of my gun!”

  Courtney whispered, “Nice. If they are in trouble do you think they’ll stay now?”

  We reached the front door and I grabbed onto my mother’s arm as she looked out the peephole. “I don’t see anyone.”

  Courtney looked out the window. “There’s no one out there.

  The sound of a baby crying again made us all jump. My mother took the safety off of the handgun and nudged me back. She began to turn the doorknob.

  “Mom, maybe we should…”

  Courtney grabbed me and pushed me behind her as my mother opened the door. Standing off to the side, I couldn’t see anything. I tried to peer around the door, but Courtney was blocking me. My mother opened the door more and said, “Oh. My. God. Call 911 now, Courtney, and get Liza upstairs.”

  Courtney peered around the door. “Dear God,” she whispered.

  I grabbed her arm. “Is it a baby? Is she okay? Mom?” My heart sank. I couldn’t imagine why someone would leave a baby on our front porch.

  Courtney took me by the shoulders. “Liza, there is no baby. Honey, look at me. I need you to get upstairs and lock your bedroom door until the police get here.”

  I shook my head. “No, Court. Tell me what’s going on. Please!”

  My mom had walked outside, holding the gun up. I screamed out for her. “Mom!” I looked back at Courtney and used all my might to push her off of me as I made my way out the door. The moment I stepped past the threshold, I sucked in a breath. Every hair on my body stood up as I looked down.

  “Wh—why…who…” I couldn’t breathe as I read the words painted in blood red across my porch.


  The sound of a baby crying started again and I jumped, screaming. My mother covered a finger with the hem of her shirt as she pushed stop on an old recording device. My eyes darted around.

  Keith. Oh my God. He knows where I live.

  My mother stepped over the painted words and took me by the arm, leading me back inside. I frantically looked all over and cried, “He’s out there! Mom, he’s still out there!”

  “Shh, baby, it’s all right. Let’s sit down. You need to calm down.”

  I could hear Courtney on the phone with the police. I started looking for my phone.

  “Walker. I need Walker. I have to talk to Walker,” I said as I cried.

  My mother grabbed my hands. “Liza, I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath.”

  Courtney shut the front door and went into the living room as she talked to the police.

  I tried to focus on my mom. I tried to calm down. But all I could picture was Keith, outside my home. On my porch.

  Walker. I need Walker.

  I SAT ON the sofa with my legs pulled up, my chin resting on my knees. I sighed as the police officer asked question after question. I grabbed my phone and called Walker again. I’d been trying to call him for an hour. I wiped away the tear that crawled down my face.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Courtney sitting next to me. She handed me a mug filled with hot tea. I sipped it as I listened the officer finishing up with my mother. They both stood and my mother shook his hand.

  He turned and looked down a
t me. “We’ll get this guy, Ms. Morris.”

  I smiled weakly as I nodded my head.

  My mother walked the police officer to the door and spoke a bit more. Closing my eyes, I fought back the tears. When I heard my brother Jase’s voice, I jumped up and ran to him. He took me in his arms and held me as I finally let the flood of tears go.

  “It’s okay, pumpkin. I’m here. Shh, I’m here.”

  “Jase, he was here. He was here at my house,” I sobbed into his chest.

  Jase held me tighter and I instantly felt better.

  “Mom, I’m taking y’all to our house tonight. I called a few buddies who are going to come out, too.” He lifted my chin. “Go pack a bag, pumpkin. We’re going home.”

  I nodded and started to make my way upstairs. But I stopped and turned around. My mother was already walking behind me. I tried to smile, but failed. She linked her arm with mine as we continued up the stairs. We quickly packed a bag and I jumped when my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and cried when I saw Walker’s name.

  My hands trembled as I barely got his name past my lips.

  I WAS SHOCKED listening to Liza try to tell me what had happened. She was crying so hard that Whitley ended up taking the phone and telling me everything. I ran my hand through my hair and fought like hell to keep my emotions at bay.

  “Whitley, I’m heading to the airport right now,” I said.

  I glanced up and saw my father walking up to me while he was on the phone. Layton had called Whitley at the same time I’d called Liza. When Layton had told my father what was going on, he’d jumped on the phone and called the private investigator.

  “I know it’s late, but I have to try and get home to her, Whitley,” I said as I watched my father and Layton. “Please don’t let her out of your sight.”

  My father said something to Layton.

  “Mother fucker!” Layton said. “How?”

  Whitley’s voice faded out as I tried to concentrate on what my father was saying.

  “Yeah, um...may I speak to her again?” I asked.

  “Walker? I’m so scared. He’s still out there.” Liza’s said, her voice shaky.

  “Baby, you’re going to be safe. Whitley said Jase is having a bunch of guys come out the ranch. He’ll keep you safe until I get there. I’m heading to the airport and getting on the first plane home. I promise, I’ll be there as fast as I can.”


  Closing my eyes I thanked God that she was okay. “Try to keep calm, baby.”

  Liza sniffled. “Jase is ready to go. I need you to be here. I need to be in your arms.”

  My heart broke more with every plea. “I need you to be in my arms, too. I love you, Liza.”

  “I love you, too, Walker. Be careful.”

  The line went dead and I turned to Layton and my father.

  My father looked stricken. “He lost Keith hours ago.”

  Anger raced through my blood. “What? How the hell did he lose him?”

  “Traffic. He doesn’t think Keith knew he was being tailed. They got caught in a traffic jam due to an accident. Somehow Keith was able to navigate through it faster and the P.I. lost him. He’s been camped out at Keith’s house. He hasn’t returned home yet. He’s got a friend checking to see if Keith went to the airport.”

  “We need to get back home,” I said. “I’m heading to the airport.”

  Mr. Robertson got up from where he’d been sitting, taking this all in. “I have a private jet. Let me call and get it ready to go.”

  Layton walked over to Mr. Robertson and put his hand on his shoulder. “Rich, are you sure? I’ll buy the horse. Hell I’ll buy three of them for this.”

  Mr. Robertson’s horses were the reason we’d made this trip. He was probably one of the best-known breeders in Tennessee.

  He smiled. “Layton, let’s just get y’all home. We’ll talk business over the phone later this week.”

  LIZA LEAPT INTO my arms the moment I walked into the house. There were two of our old buddies from high school at the front gate and another guy at the front door of the house. Until we caught Keith, I wasn’t planning to leave Liza’s side.

  Liza pulled back and frantically kissed all over my face. “Thank God you’re home.” She said as she finally landed her lips on mine.

  I was acutely aware that our parents were right there. I put her down without breaking our kiss. When I pulled back, tears were streaming down her face. I wiped them away with my thumbs.

  “I’m here. I’m not going to leave, baby.”

  She smiled slightly, and I could sense her body relaxing. Layton came over and Liza walked into his arms. He held her for a while before placing his hand on her cheek.

  “We’ll find him. I swear to you.”

  Liza nodded. “I know you will, Daddy. I know.” Liza turned to me with a weak smile. She had dark circles under her eyes and her face was pale.

  My mom must have noticed as well. “Liza, now that Walker’s here, why don’t you go get some sleep?” She looked around. “I think we could all use some sleep.”

  Whitley nodded. “Reed, Court, take the guest bedroom.” Turning to Jase she said, “The guys can go home, Jase. Or they’re more than welcome to camp out in the foreman’s house.”

  Jase nodded. “I’ll tell them. Since it’s late, I’m sure they’ll just crash here for a bit.”

  I took Liza’s hand in mine as she said goodnight and gave everyone a kiss on the cheek. We headed upstairs to her bedroom. My parents were staying in the guest room next to Liza’s.

  Crawling into bed, I pulled Liza close. Her breathing was slowing down, becoming deeper. “I hate him, Walker. I hate him for scaring me like this. Why is he doing this?”

  My body was so fatigued. Every muscle felt like it weighed ten times what it should.

  I took a shaky breath. I’d do whatever I needed to do to protect Liza and our child. I whispered, “I don’t know, Liza. But I swear he won’t get near you again. I promise you.”

  IT HAD BEEN almost two days since the incident happened at our house. The police where done gathering evidence, and they said that whoever did this had covered his or her tracks. Liza was curled up on the sofa next to my mother, both reading a book. I smiled as I watched both of their faces change as they read.

  My father tapped me on the shoulder. “Take a walk with me?”

  I shook my head. “Nah.”

  Liza set her book in her lap. “Walker. You’ve been next to me since you got back from Tennessee. I promise I’ll be okay. Your mom is here. Go get some fresh air, baby.”

  I did need to get out and clear my head. There was still no word on Keith’s whereabouts. When the P.I. stopped at Keith’s parents’, his mom had screamed to leave her son alone and then slammed the door in his face. The police had already been by to question them. Apparently, they were very angry and had accused Liza of slander.

  I stood up. “Please don’t leave her side mom.”

  Liza smiled and my mother gave me a wink. “Since my car is in the shop,” she said. “I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere. Go on, honey. Go get some fresh air.”

  Walking over, I leaned down and brushed my lips against Liza’s. I knew that, if I kissed her, I’d want to take her up to my room and make love to her like I had this afternoon when she’d finally woken up. We’d all eaten a late lunch at Layton and Whitley’s before coming back here for the night.

  I followed my dad out the front door. He needed to grab his work cell from the truck.

  “Dad, I’m not so sure about leaving Liza.”

  Opening the truck door, he grabbed his phone, and put it in his back pocket. “Walker, she’s going to be fine. Come on, let’s walk.”

  We started down a path that led to the back of our house, going past the old tree house I couldn’t help but smile. So many memories in that damn thing.

  I noticed my dad staring at me. “What’s on your mind, Dad?”

  He laughed and said, “I never
could hold anything back from you, Walker.”

  I chuckled. “No, sir. Just like I can’t hold anything back from you.”

  My father nodded. “Are you doing okay, Walker? How’s Liza? She’s putting up a damn good front today.”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, she’s one hell of a strong person. She keeps saying she’s fine now that I’m back. But I don’t want to take her home, Dad, with Keith still missing. What if he’s just watching the house for her to return? I mean, that note he wrote on the front porch—what kind of sick bastard does that?”

  My father’s phone buzzed with a text message. He pulled out his personal cell and read it. His face turned white as he stopped walking and finally looked at me.

  My heart stopped for a second before slamming in my chest. “What? What’s wrong?”

  His mouth was open slightly, like he was trying to let what he’d read sink in. He shook his head and was about to say something when we heard Liza scream.

  “Liza!” We both yelled.

  As we ran, I said, “It sounded like she was…”

  Then I heard a gunshot. My whole world stopped.

  It took everything I had to keep my legs moving. We were almost at the house when I saw someone running away, dressed in a grey hoodie, their face concealed by the hood.

  I was torn. Did I go to Liza, or go after this prick and end this now? “Get Liza!” I yelled out to my dad. “I’m going after him!”

  I took off running faster. Keith ran into the woods. I ran faster. Liza. Please be okay.

  The baby.

  It didn’t take long to catch up with the asshole. I grabbed him, knocking him to the ground. I was going to beat the living shit out of him. I grabbed him, pulled him over, and raised my fist.

  “No! Walker no!”

  It took me a second to register the voice…and then the face.


  I stuttered as I looked down at her. “Wh—what…are you…”

  She attempted to punch me in the stomach, but I grabbed her hands and pushed them over her head. “What have you done? Why, Jessica?”


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