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Broken Promises

Page 20

by Kelly Elliott

  I walked to my truck, got in, and headed to Liza. As I drove, I thought back to our wedding. It had been just Liza and I along with Ava, Jase, and our parents.

  LIZA HAD WANTED a small wedding and she’d wanted to have it on the fishing dock where we had so many wonderful memories. I stood next to my father as my heart beat at an uncontrolled rate. I held my breath when I saw Whitley walk up followed by my mother. They both were breathtaking in flowing emerald dresses. I chuckled when I saw that they both wore cowboy boots.

  Ava followed my mother. She was dressed in a different style dress, but in the same emerald color. Liza was thrilled that Ava had designed all the dresses, including her wedding dress.

  Then I saw her. Dressed in white with her long, golden-brown hair piled up on top of her head. Long curls blew in the wind as she walked toward me. She wore a simple white dress that dragged the ground as she walked. Her arm was hooked in Layton’s and she smiled when Layton whispered something into her ear. I could see her swollen belly peeking out as she moved closer.

  Layton stopped just short of me and lifted Liza’s veil as he whispered something in her ear, causing her to let out a little sob. I smiled. Liza had not been able to keep her emotions in check during her pregnancy—she even cried while watching commercials. Layton kissed her cheek, then put her hand in mine.

  “Take care of her, Walker. I’ve loved her since the day I found out she’d be mine. It’s hard for me to share her. Notice I said share?”

  I nodded and tried not to smile. “Yes, sir. I noticed that.”

  He winked. “Good, because she’ll always be my little girl. I’m trusting you to always make her smile and to show her every chance you get how much you love her.”

  I wiped the tear from my eye and cursed myself for letting my emotions get to me. I nodded and took Liza’s hand and kissed it. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “I’ll love her with every ounce of my being sir. Forever.”

  WALKING INTO THE barn, I heard a few people talking. I was pretty sure I heard Whitley and my father. Layton had gone into Austin today for some board meeting for a company he’d invested in. I laughed to myself, knowing how much he hated that kind of stuff. I rounded the corner and saw Whitley and my father standing over Liza, who was sitting in her chair. She was breathing funny. My heart stopped. Everyone looked at me. Whitley smiled sweetly, my father plastered on an “everything is okay” look, and Liza appeared to be doing breathing exercises. Oh shit. She’s in labor

  I dragged in a deep breath. Stay calm Walker. You won’t be one of those guys who freaks out. You’re going to be strong for your wife.

  “Hey there,” Whitley said, trying to sound calm.

  I smiled. “Liza? What’s going on?”

  Liza smiled that beautiful smile as she stood up. I looked down and her pants where wet. “Walker, we need to get to the hospital. My water broke.”

  My mouth went dry. “Wh—what?” I said, trying to remind myself to be calm.

  She came closer and bit her lip, smiling bigger. “Michael is on his way.”

  Everything in the room spun. I felt my legs start to give out. I dragged in a deep breath. I had no idea how I was staying calm, but I was. I clapped my hands and said, “All right. Let’s get this party started. Liza, baby, I’ve got your bag already in your 4Runner, so let’s get you in there and get to the hospital, shall we?”

  My father’s jaw dropped and Whitley smiled like I was the best thing since apple pie.

  Liza’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you for being so calm. I’m so scared.”

  I pulled her into my arms, holding her for a good minute before I picked her up and carried her to her car.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m here and I promise not to leave your side,” I whispered.

  She buried her face in my chest and let out a small sob. My heart slammed. I wanted nothing more than to freak the fuck out, but I knew I had to be strong for Liza.

  MY FATHER LAUGHED as Liza squeezed the hell out of my hand, making me bend over in pain, squealing.

  “Liza, honey could you let off a little?” I asked.

  She snapped her head over and glared at me. Narrowing her eyes, Liza asked, “What? What did you ask?”

  Swallowing hard I said, “Nothing. Baby, you squeeze as hard as you need. I’m here for you.”

  She rolled her eyes and breathed rhythmically. I glanced up at my father. He drove while I sat in the back with Liza on the way to the hospital. Whitley was in the passenger seat and had texted everyone, letting them know Liza was in labor. Jase and Ava came home yesterday from college and were leaving in three days for Europe. I knew Liza was hoping to have the baby before they left.

  “How…much…longer?” Liza panted. I pushed her hair back and kissed her.

  I looked out the window as my father made a turn and. “We’re here, baby girl. We’re here,” he said, as he pulled up to the front entrance of the hospital. I jumped out and ran in, skidding to a stop when I came to the front desk.

  There was an older lady sitting there. Her silver hear was pulled back tight. She smiled at me sweetly. “May I help you, sir?”

  “My wife is in labor. She’s…” I turned and pointed. My dad and Whitley were helping Liza out of the 4Runner. “She’s getting out of the car now.”

  Turning back to the older lady I saw that she was already walking past me with a wheelchair. “Well, let’s go get her.”

  I followed her, trying to stay calm. “Her water broke,” I blurted.

  She nodded and smiled. “Did you call her doctor?”

  I stopped walking. Fuck.

  “Keep walking and wipe that look of horror from your face, son,” she said as the door opened and she headed outside. “Well hello there darling,” she said to Liza. “My name is Nancy. I’m going to help you get to labor and delivery.”

  Liza gave the woman a weak smile. “Hello, Nancy.”

  Sitting in the wheelchair, Liza reached for my hand. I quickly gave it to her, just in time for another contraction. This time she almost brought me to my knees with how hard she squeezed. I looked at my father who was laughing his ass off. I narrowed my eyes at him and whispered, “She’s gonna break my hand!”

  “She probably will!” He started laughing again.

  Nancy began to head over to the elevator. “Sweetheart what’s your name?” Nancy asked Liza as we waited for the elevator.


  “Liza, did you call your doctor?” Nancy asked as she looked at me and winked.

  Liza nodded and Whitley said, “Yes. As soon as her water broke, she called.”

  I let out the breath I’d been holding.

  The elevator ride to the labor and delivery floor felt like an eternity. When the doors opened, we all stepped out. Nancy pushed Liza to the nurse’s desk and gave them her name. They asked all kinds of questions. Insurance, how far apart the contractions were, how far along she was—my head was spinning. Before long, we were in a delivery room that would also serve as Liza and the baby’s room afterward.

  I’d forgotten how beautiful their rooms were. Liza and I had toured the hospital’s labor and delivery floor a few months back. The walls were a soft green and the dark walnut cabinets flanking the hospital bed looked brand new. I knew they’d remodeled a lot of the rooms, but this was like a five-star hotel. There was a sofa up against the windows with a dark, walnut rocking chair next to it. The wall of windows looked out over the hill country and the view was amazing. To the left of the bed was a Jacuzzi tub.

  “Damn,” I whispered as walked toward the bed. They were getting Liza out of her clothes and into a hospital gown when a contraction hit her.

  “Walker!” she cried as I quickly moved to the side of the bed, out of the nurse’s way.

  “I’m right here, baby. I’m right here.” I took her hand and talked her through the contraction.

  We got Liza settled and into the bed as the nurses hooked her up to a bunch of machines. She was so strong, breathin
g through each contraction. I was so proud of her. Leaning over I gave her a gentle kiss. She opened her eyes and smiled.

  “I love you so much and I’m so proud of you, Liza. I’ll never be able to put into words how much I love you. How happy you’ve made me.” My eyes searched her face before our blue eyes locked. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve never seen you more beautiful.”

  The tear that rolled down her face caused a lump in my throat. “Breathtakingly beautiful,” I whispered as I captured her lips with mine.

  She pulled me in closer as we deepened the kiss. Eventually, the nurse cleared her throat. I pulled back and whispered against her lips. “I love you, baby.”

  She smiled and wiped away her tear. “I love you, too.”

  IT WASN’T LONG before the sounds of our baby boy’s cries filled the air. Liza had been amazing and only had to push for thirty minutes before Michael made his appearance. I sat next to her as she held Michael in her arms. She looked at me and smiled.

  “I’ve never been so happy in my entire life,” she said, her eyes bright with love.

  I caressed our son’s cheek with my finger. “The two most important people in my life,” I whispered as I kissed Michael’s head and then Liza’s lips.

  Michael whimpered and Liza laughed. I pulled back and looked down at my little guy. “All from a promise,” I said.

  Liza and I looked into each other’s eyes. A tear rolled down Liza’s face as she said, “A promise of love.”

  Two Months Later.

  SITTING IN THE living room I tried to concentrate on work and I couldn’t. I stood up and stretched, looking at all the boxes everywhere. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I leaned back against the counter and smiled. I could hear Walker talking to Michael over the baby monitor. I loved listening to him talk to Michael. Pushing off the counter, I headed upstairs to Michael’s room.

  Walker hummed as he walked around the room, holding Michael close to his bare chest, lulling him to sleep. I leaned against the wall, watching my two favorite men. Seeing the two of them together made my heart burst with happiness. I loved them both so much. Walker was an amazing dad. From the time we brought Michael home, he was hands-on. My favorite time was bath time, all three of us together. Walker would wrap Michael up in a towel and bring him to our room. He’d place the baby between us and we’d lie there, talking. Michael seemed to take it all in. It was our time. I imagined doing it as the years went by. The older Michael got, the more the conversations would grow.

  “Are you ready to move into your new home, little man?” Walker said. “I can’t wait for you to see your new room. If you think this is nice, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

  I giggled and shook my head. Our moms had done an amazing job on Michael’s room at the new house. It was everything Winnie the Pooh, and I loved it. We’d planned on staying here longer, but I wanted to get back to work and I hated being in town, away from our families. I’d talked to Walker a few weeks ago about moving into our new home. It was ready to go, and it made sense to move in and get settled. Michael was two months old, and I thought the transition would be easier now than when he got older.

  My phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was a text from Jase. He was heading home in a few days. He’d stayed in Europe longer then he’d originally planned. Of course the girl he’d met had played a hand in that, I’m sure. I loved that her name was Taylor, too.

  Jase: How is my nephew doing?

  Me: Wonderfully. He’s in one of his favorite places—Daddy’s arms.

  Jase: I can’t wait to see him. I miss home. Miss the ranch

  Jase had been struggling with something and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Me: Home has missed you. How’s Ava?

  Jase: Ava’s good. Liza, I really need to talk when I get home.

  Me: Is everything okay?

  Jase: Yeah, just feeling confused. Gotta run. Love you.

  Me: Love you, too. We’ll talk soon.

  I felt him before I saw him. Walker stood in front of me with the goofiest smile on his face. I cocked my head at him. “What’s with the smile?”

  I glanced behind him and saw Michael was sound asleep in his crib. I looked back and was immediately lost in Walker’s eyes.

  “You make me smile. You make my heart feel like it could burst at any moment. You’re so beautiful, Liza. I have to catch my breath when you walk into a room.”

  Taking his hand in mine, I pulled Walker out of Michael’s room and down the hall to our room. I glanced at the double heart ring, still on my finger. My heart skipped a beat.

  Entering the room, Walker shut the door behind him. He leaned against it and gave me that smile that made my stomach flutter with a million butterflies.

  “Do you remember that day in the barn?” I asked as my eyes searched his.

  His eyes lit up with passion. “The first time we ever kissed? I could never forget that day, Liza.”

  I spun the ring on my finger as I gazed into his eyes. I was taken back to that one moment. The moment I promised to wait for him. The moment I promised to myself that he would have my heart forever. One promise I had broken. The other promise I would keep until I’d taken my last breath.

  Walker pushed his body right up against mine. He placed his lips next to my ear. “You walk into a room and my heart stops.”

  I gasped as he covered my neck with soft kisses. Pulling back some, he looked at me with nothing put love in his eyes. My heart raced. I was sure Walker could hear it.

  Walker cupped my face with his hands. His thumbs gently traced over my skin eliciting goose bumps all over my body. “Your love takes my breath away, Liza.”

  I moaned as he pressed his lips to mine. As always, we were lost in each other the moment our lips made contact. Every movement of our tongues, every moan, and every bare-skinned touch—we were lost in a world where we were one. Lost in our love.

  Walker was my everything, and I was his everything. We were a promise, made to each other. A promise that would be bound by something so strong it could never break.

  A promise bound by love.


  I SAT ON the steps of the back porch of our house and watched Liza play with Michael. His birthday party was winding down and everyone had finally gone home. Liza glanced over to me and smiled. “I think he’s ready for a nap!” She called out.

  Nodding, I said, “I give him two minutes.”

  Liza was walking with Michael back up to the porch. Michael stopped in front of me and grinned. I smiled back and held my hands out for him. I lifted him up as I stood and the three of us made our way into the house.

  “I’m Fwee, Daddy!” Michael said with a smile and then a yawn.

  I patted his back and he rested his head on my chest. “I know buddy. You’re a big boy now, but big boys need naps, too.”

  Liza pulled the covers back and I placed Michael into his toddler bed. He didn’t even do the normal routine where he tried to stay up as long as possible. He pulled his covers up and shut his eyes, holding his stuffed Pooh Bear. I peeked over to Liza. She made a funny face and giggled.

  Tip-toeing out of his room, I shut the door and started down the hall. “Should we clean up now or wait until later? I think I’m ready for a nap.”

  Liza flashed me a sexy grin. She started for our room upstairs and I followed. Oh man. A nap is going to feel so good.

  “I can’t wait for my head to hit the pillow,” I said as I followed Liza up the stairs.

  We walked into the room and I quickly pulled off my T-shirt and sat on the bed.

  Liza came over to me and sat on my lap, wrapping her legs around me. She leaned down and brushed her lips against mine. “I have something I have to tell you,” she whispered against my lips.

  I looked into her blue eyes and smiled. “I’m all ears, darlin’.”

  She bit her lip. I chuckled as I pulled it from her teeth. Then she smiled the most breath-taking smile. I felt like all th
e air was pulled from my lungs as I watched that smile spread across her face, her eyes so bright they could have been seen from across the room.

  She placed her hands on my face and brushed her thumbs across my lips.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  My heart slammed in my chest and my stomach dropped. I was sure the smile on my face matched hers.

  “We’re having another baby?” I asked as tears formed in my eyes.

  She nodded and winked. “And this time, I’m positive it’s a girl. I just feel it.”

  I laughed as I looked at my beautiful wife. I thought my life had been complete up until this very moment. We hadn’t talked about any more kids. If it happened, it happened. My heart beat like crazy at the idea of another baby. We were going to give Michael a baby brother or sister.

  Placing my hand on her stomach, I looked into her eyes. “Our love is forever, Liza,” I whispered.

  She placed her hand over mine. “Love me, Walker.”

  I pulled her body closer and placed my lips against hers. “Always.”

  Keith Urban – “We Were Us”

  Walker and Liza seeing each other for the first time after college.

  Florida Georgia Line – “This Is How We Roll”

  Dancing at Luckenbach Dance Hall.

  Thompson Square – “Glass”

  Liza and Walker dancing at Luckenback Dance Hall.

  Blake Shelton – “Who Are You When I’m Not Looking”

  Liza and Walker dancing at Luckenback Dance Hall.

  Brantley Gilbert – “Fall Into Me”

  Liza and Walker almost kissing at the bed and breakfast.

  Hunter Hayes – “Story Line”

  Liza and Walker dancing at distillery party.

  Jessie Ware – “Say You Love Me”

  Walker almost kisses Liza while dancing at distillery party.


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