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Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6)

Page 7

by Boon, Elle

  Sky touched her temple, then his, asking without words to see what he meant. Once he opened his mind, she could see all he spoke of. The steel frame he’d had tweaked, the bulletproof windows, and so much more her mind whirled with it all. She didn’t understand what all she saw, but was aware he’d had basically everything modified to where his truck was nothing like one off the assembly line. She was almost afraid to touch it.

  “Baby, what’s ours is yours,” River whispered, lifting her face with a finger beneath her chin. “Never fear touching anything, and I mean anything you want.” He winked, then lifted her into the drivers’ side. “Scoot to the middle unless you want to drive?”

  Her face felt hot at all the things she would be touching someday soon, then she pictured herself trying to navigate the huge truck, which had her shifting over. Both men climbed in beside her, each so much alike, yet different. “Thank you for...everything,” she said, once they were on the road to town.

  Raydon rested one hand on her thigh, while River held her hand in his over his hard leg. The other he kept on the wheel as he drove, the confidence bespoke of experience. Neither man responded for a few seconds. The air seemed to swirl with emotions she couldn’t translate quickly enough.

  River lifted their joined hands. “Sky, we’ve waited what seemed a lifetime for you, although we’re younger than some who’re still looking. What makes it different for Rye and me is,” he sighed before continuing. “We didn’t think we’d find a female who was perfect like you. We don’t mean in looks, but never doubt we think you’re the most beautiful woman in all the universes. What I, we, mean is that, we’d always had a connection that most didn’t understand, a connection that was more than just a twin thing. More than a shifter connection. He didn’t have to reach out to me for me to hear him or vice versa. We knew instinctively when one needed the other, sometimes before we knew ourselves. That probably doesn’t even make sense,” he growled.

  Raydon gave a dry chuckle. “You’re doing fine, bro. Sky, we’d almost resolved that our lives would be split in half with separate mates, even though our wolves snarled at the thought. Then one night, on a dark and cloudy evening, we both scented the most alluring female, and we both knew without a doubt our world would forever be linked by one female. That was you, Sky.” His lips brushed her knuckles. “We can wait until you’re ready as long as you’re near and safe.”

  She blinked back stupid tears. She didn’t deserve one, let alone two such amazing men. However, she’d be damned if she didn’t grab hold of what they were offering and hold on with both hands, or paws, whatever she had to in order to keep them. “I’m so lucky,” she whispered.

  Raydon’s fingers itched to shift and do some damage, hating the fact Sky like all the other members of Keith’s fucked up pack thought they were unworthy. If the fucker hadn’t been dead already, he’d find a way to kill him. Hell, he wanted to dig up his ashes and spit on them for good measure, but the Fey of the Mystic Pack had done some magic shit to the bastard’s remains, saying they wanted to insure he had no way of coming back. He was all for the fucker never coming back, but damned if he didn’t want to fuck him up all over again.

  The feel of his mate’s eyes on him had him releasing the strangle hold he had on the door handle one finger at a time. “So, what’s the plan once we get where we’re going?”

  River looked at him then Sky. “I’m game for whatever she is so long as it’s safe.”

  Rye nodded, trying to get his shit together before meeting her purple gaze. “What would you like to do?” Most females liked to shop, but he didn’t think Sky would. Besides, Sturgis didn’t have a large mall per se, but they’d both agreed they’d do what they could to accommodate her wishes.

  “Let’s see how things feel when we get there.” Trepidation laced her tone.

  His fingers traced the inner edge of her thigh, making her shiver. “There’s no need to worry, hellmouth. Between the three of us, nothing and no one will fuck with you or us,” he growled. Hell, he dared anyone say a word that would make Sky the slightest bit uncomfortable. Either he or River would be more than happy to teach them the error of their ways with their fist or claws.

  “Easy tiger.” She patted his chest.

  Raydon released his hold on her thigh, capturing her small hand to his chest. “Wolf, baby.” He snapped his teeth together. “We’re wolves.”

  Her laughter filled the cab. “Why do all of you have such issues with cats?”

  River mocked sneezed. “I’m allergic to them.”

  “What if I had a love of all things feline and was a crazy cat lady who had like, ten of them back at my house?” She looked over her shoulder at River.

  Raydon looked down at Sky, then at his twin. “We’d find a nice cat sanctuary for them and give a huge amount of money so they’d take care of them for you,” he said with a grin.

  “You um, don’t though, do you?” River asked with a frown.

  Sky shook her head. “You guys are too easy. The only pets I was ever allowed were imaginary, and no, they most certainly were not cats. I always wanted a monkey though.”

  This time it was Raydon who shivered. “Woman, have you been to the zoo? Monkeys throw their shit at you. Hell, at the San Diego zoo we saw monkeys sticking their fingers in...needless to say, it scarred me for life. No monkeys for me. Nope.” He shuddered again as he remembered the monkeys in question and what they did after they’d...he almost gagged, refraining, barely.

  “Oh my gawd, they did not eat their own shit?” Sky asked, eyes wide.

  Raydon realized he’d allowed the memory to flow through their trio link. His twin was glaring at him.

  “Thanks a lot, bro, I’d had that memory buried so deep I’d forgotten it until just now. Gonna need to see a therapist.” River made a gagging sound, which had Sky giggling.

  Although it really had been one of the nastiest things he’d seen, especially as a six year old impressionable kid, he’d replay it again, if for nothing else but to see their mate’s eyes shine with happiness.

  “Hey, speak, or think for yourself. Warn me next time, so I can block your ass,” River grumbled, but he too was smiling.

  “You two are nuts, but you’re my nuts,” Sky joked, then her hand covered her mouth. “Oh lord, don’t even say it.”

  Raydon raised one brow in question, realization hitting both he and River at the same time. She’d not only called them her nuts, but she’d made a sexual reference, sort of. “Baby, we’d never do any such thing as say something so immature as deez nuts. Right River?”

  River made a zipping motion with his fingers to his lips. “Nope, never.”

  River slowed down as they reached the city limits. They both scanned the area for any signs of threats. Winter was still in full force, but with Christmas over, most of the tourists had headed home. Although the Mystic Lodge continued to fill up with people wanting to ski and get away for long weekends, and more frequently businesses booking for company retreats, Sturgis wasn’t packed the way it was in the summer. His brother parked along the business side, knowing they’d be able to walk along the sidewalks and do some window shopping without having to cross the busy road. Although they’d brought most of her things from her home, they’d agreed she needed some essentials.

  “We can stop and grab anything you need. If you can’t find it, we’ll make a list of whatever it is then order online. Or, if you want to, we can go a little further outside of town and find a big mall.”

  Their mate’s scent went from happy to sad in seconds. “I don’t need anything, thanks.”

  River stepped in front of her, placing his back to anyone coming toward them. “Sky, we know what you have and don’t have. Remember, we had weeks to watch over you and obsess over every little detail. We also know what that bastard of a pretend alpha did to all of you. As our mate, it’s our duty to provide for you. Now, before you get your fur in an uproar, or wings...goddess, I really would love to see that—don’t get mad,” he impl
ored before continuing. “We’re thirty years old. We’ve literally worked since we were twelve years old, saving every penny we had. That beast of a truck we rode down in? That’s been my one and only big splurge. Rye’s huge rig is a pile of junk compared to Ebony, but it’s no junker. We buy very little, except things that mean a lot to us. So, our bikes and trucks are about it. Our home? We would sell it in a minute if you didn’t like it. For eighteen years, give or take, we’ve worked, and we’ve saved so we could provide for our mate. That’s not to say our female can’t and won’t be allowed to work. And no, I’m not saying we’ll be your lords and masters by saying allowed. Fuck, Rye, help a brother out here.”

  Raydon wiped the smile from his lips. “I think you get the gist of what he’s saying, what we mean. The one and only thing that means the most to us, is you. Not some nameless faceless female anymore, but you, Sky. If you want to go to school, we support you in that decision. You want to start your own internet business selling baby bows, tell us what you need, and we’ll get it. Or, if you want to be a lady of leisure, we’re fine with that. Whatever you decide you want to do, we will support you. As long as you’re safe and happy, then we’ll be happy. Well, as long as you’re with us I should add.”

  “How about we just stroll the sidewalks and pretend like we’re normal for a while?” Her voice shook, but she stood straight like the alpha female that resided inside her.

  The longing in her tone had him wanting to give her anything. “We can do that. Are you cold?” he asked, their breaths making clouds when they spoke.

  Sky tossed her head back and laughed, then stood on her toes while she tugged him down with a firm grip on the front of his flannel shirt. “Aw, is the wolfman cold? Newsflash, I’ve got dragon blood running through my veins. I don’t think I’ll ever be cold again. Seriously, I had to learn to regulate my body all over again when I was with the Fey. Luckily Lula was a very patient teacher. I think she only called me little wolagon a couple times. Goddess, she’s seriously a little demented, but a hundred percent amazing.”

  “Wolagon?” River asked from beside them.

  Sky looked over at him. “She was trying out all kinds of combination names like Jenna’s Wolpires. I told her wolagon was a no go for me. She said she was still working on it.”

  River bit his lip. “I don’t know, I kinda like it. Our little wolagon is pretty cute.” He ruffled her hair.

  Raydon lifted her up with his hands on her hips, bringing her face in line with his. “How about Wolfagon? I agree that wolagon sounds too much like hooligan, so that’s definitely a no for me.”

  She licked her lips, their breaths mingling in the cold air. “I like it,” she agreed.

  Without thinking, he sealed their lips together right there in the middle of town, uncaring who was watching.

  “Alright you two, unless you want to draw a crowd, let’s roll, and try to act like we’re normal instead of two horny twins with poles in our jeans, sandwiching the most gorgeous female between us.” River clapped his hands together, rubbing them back and forth as if he were cold while he spoke.

  “Afternoon, Mr. Thompson. Lovely day for a stroll, yeah?”

  Raydon heard his brother’s words, hating to separate from the heaven that was Sky’s lips, but knew River was right. Hell, if he continued exploring the sweet taste of their mate, he’d want to taste more, and that could lead to trouble. “Come on, hellmouth, although I might have to change your nickname to sweetmouth. Damn, you taste divine.”

  “You’re such a sweet talker.” She pressed her lips to his one more time before wiggling to be free. “I wonder what movies are playing?”

  River and Raydon both groaned.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t like going to the movies. Imagine, sitting in a dark theater, me between you two, watching a sexy movie, getting all excited. I casually take one of each of your hands and place them on my thighs. Did I mention I would be really excited to be watching a movie with two sexy men?” She skipped forward, turning to walk backward to watch them as she spoke.

  “Question? Are there other people in the theater with us?” River asked.

  Sky shrugged, her purple eyes shining. “Maybe, but to me there’d only be the three of us.”

  Right then and there, Raydon knew he was hopelessly in love with their mate, and he knew they’d be taking her to the movies or anywhere she wanted.

  Their bond flared between the three of them, giving River hope that it was more than just that, a bond. Love, goddess, love flowed from his twin toward Sky. River had felt the first stirrings for Sky when they’d scented her. It was how he and his wolf worked. Love and mating was one and the same to him. His heart had searched for hers and found her to be the one. Raydon was the thinker, the one who held back. River had no doubt things would fall into place. He hoped sooner rather than later, but damn, even he was shocked at the sudden flow of emotion.

  “What’s that?” Sky asked abruptly, her hand covering her heart.

  River went to her first. “That’s our bond, strengthening.”

  Her gaze darted from him to Raydon, who wore a frown. “I didn’t expect...what I mean is. Shit, I’m gonna fuck up this time,” Raydon tried to explain.

  Sky held her hand out to him. “We’re all new to this. Heck, I think everyone is new to our situation. Let’s not compare what we have to anyone else, okay? We just go with what feels right and communicate, nothing held back.” Her eyes darted away from them toward the road.

  Pulling her into his body, he held her close, hugging her while his eyes met Raydon’s. They honored her wishes, keeping their twin link closed. However, his brother caught the emotion flaring from Sky when she’d spoken. Was she hiding something from them? Raydon shook his head, keeping River from searching for answers. It was their first outing as a trio and neither of them wanted to ruin their time. If she had a secret, time would reveal it. Mates couldn’t hide things from one another, not true mates like they were. Once they mated with her fully, they’d know all there was to know about her and vice versa. River couldn’t wait, yet he wanted to make sure she was ready. Time was something they had in abundance now that they’d found her and eliminated the threat against her and her old pack. Hell, she was part motherfucking dragon. She could probably slay all of them if pissed. The thought should’ve been sobering.

  “Want to check out the theater for movies and showtimes?” Raydon asked, stepping next to Sky, taking her hand in his. No matter how odd they might look, River took her other hand. They were a trio and would be damned if they hid it from the world.

  “I’d love that.” Sky swung their joined hands back and forth while they walked.

  River kept his focus on their surroundings while they talked and listened to Sky exclaim over Raydon’s stories of their childhood. “Asshole, I didn’t scream like a girl when that happened. That was you. Sky, he’s the one who screamed like a little bitch when a bear jumped out of the woods at us. We were on vacation up in Wyoming with our parents and some others when he.” River paused, pointing at his twin. “Raydon, the asswipe, decided it would be a good idea to check out a cave. I told him I thought it smelled funny, but noooo, did he listen to me? All of a sudden, a roar that shook the damn ground sounded, and a furry wolf came flying by me. I’d read somewhere that the safest thing to do was take the fetal position. Again, I said fuck that, fuck that, fuck that, which I got my mouth washed out for later. I then shifted faster than I’d ever done, shredding my clothes and passed Raydon like he was in slowmo. In my head, all I heard was him crying like a bitch for me to wait up.” Through their link, he showed her his memories, letting her see and feel what he’d felt at the time, tempering his fear so she wouldn’t be afraid.

  “Hey, this was my story, jackass. Why’d you go and ruin it?” Raydon smacked River on the back of the head.

  River did the same, making his brother grunt. They’d always play fought, never really hurting the other.

  As Raydon grunted, River opened his mouth
to tease, only to find himself pressed against an invisible shield a couple feet away, while Raydon was shoved against the wall of the building, looking as stunned as he. Neither of them could move. Their mate stood with her arms out from her sides, her head whipped back and forth glaring at them. “You do not hurt each other, ever.” Her voice sounded deeper than Sky’s, angry.

  When he opened his mouth, nothing came out. The same thing appeared to affect Raydon. Through their link, he tried connecting to Sky, but came to a hard stop at a wall. “Rye, can you connect with Sky?” he asked through their twin link.

  Raydon shook his head, the muscles in his arms bulging as he tried to free himself from her hold. Finally, her name came out in a whisper, making Sky turn toward his brother, giving River a chance to break free from her hold.

  “Sky, we’d never hurt each other or you. We were just playing; brothers do that sort of thing. Look into my mind or Raydon’s. You can see we love each other and would never cause harm to one another.” River stepped closer, hoping to get through to her without her lashing out at him.

  Their mate shook her head, then seemed to deflate; there was no other word for what happened to her. “What’s going on?” Sky asked, her head whipping back and forth between them.

  Raydon stepped away from the wall, shaking his arms out like a fighter would. “What do you remember, love?”

  She looked at the ground then River. “I...we were walking and you two were joking around, then darkness. Am I going crazy?”

  River pulled her into his arms. “No, baby, you’ve just got to adjust to a lot of new shit. We need to be more conscientious.”

  A growl that would make any wolf proud came out of Sky. “I don’t want everyone to think they have to wear kid gloves with me or walk on egg shells. Dammit, I’m not a freaking weakling.” The word anymore floated into their connection, but none of them acknowledged it.


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