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Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6)

Page 13

by Boon, Elle

  River opened his mouth then shut it, then opened it again and shook his head. “That’s different. We don’t ride Bambi. Nobody ever had Bambi as a damn pet and like kept them in stables and all kinds of domestic shit. No, deer are food for predators. We are predators. Horses are not food for anyone. End of story, now let’s go eat some damn salad or jello since my appetite is making me rethink the vegetarianism.”

  “That’s a hard no from me,” Lula said, appearing at their side, making River squeal.

  “Yikes, you sound like a pig. Are you sure you’re a wolf?” She cocked her pink-haired head to the side.

  “Oh gawd, stop it, Lula. You’re gonna make my stomach hurt,” Sky laughed, her hand on her abdomen.

  Lula blinked, her laser focus on Sky. “My dragon says you’re not with pup.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sky prayed the floor would open under her. “Why, that’s good to know. How about we sit down where the nice lady has been standing for the last three minutes waiting for us, hmm?”

  She didn’t wait to see if they followed, knowing they would. Goddess, Lula was truly a little unhinged, but she was awesome like she’d told the guys.

  “The menus are in the middle of the table. I’ll let your waitress know you’re here. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let Posey know.”

  Lula waited a beat, then she laughed. “Posey, who names their child such an odd name?”

  Sky kicked the dragon under the table when she saw a waitress heading their way, her nametag proclaiming her as Posey didn’t appear to have heard Lula, but Sky didn’t want to offend the young girl. “Hi, Posey,” Sky said, heading off any comment Lula might make off.

  “Good almost afternoon. Can I get you something to drink while you look over the menus or are you ready to order?”

  The guys placed their menus down, saying they were ready. Sky knew what she wanted, but feared Lula would be the hard one. Luckily, River and Raydon ordered first since Sky asked them to, then Lula said she’d take what they were having, making Posey raise a brow. “You want what they’re both having?”

  Lula crossed her arms over the top of the table. “Yes, I want to try what each are having, but would never poach on my girls’ men. So, I want to order what they are, and if she orders something different, I’ll take one of those, too. Oh, and I’ll take the bill. I gots money.”

  Both guys had ordered a different variety of the largest meal with meat and potatoes, one a steak and egg and potatoes on the side, while the other a double cheeseburger deluxe with fries and a side of eggs. Lula didn’t look as though she could eat even a tenth of those, but Sky knew differently. After she ordered potato soup and a salad, they waited for Posey to walk away.

  “Oh, my word. Have you become a vegetarian, Sky?” Lula hugged her close. “Did these boys turn you off of meat with their Bambi talk?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not a vegetarian. There’s meat in the potato soup. Not much, but some. I just felt like soup. Besides, I figure I can have a little of yours...” she stopped at the low rattle coming from Lula.

  “Do not even think to touch my food. I ordered it. I’m paying for it. It’s mine.”

  “Simmer down, Lula, I won’t touch your food. What’s wrong, do you need to talk? Like girl talk?” Sky turned toward her friend, placing one bent knee on the bench so she could face Lula. With River and Raydon across from her, she wondered if they could feel the heat coming off of the dragon.

  Lula sighed. “No, I don’t need to talk. I’m just hungry and tired and a little out of sorts, but I’ll be right as a dragon in no time. Now, let’s not talk about me anymore. I’m here to get that beotch out of your head. My dragon doesn’t like it, and neither do I.”

  The air seemed to freeze Sky in place. “Can you talk to that part of you in me?”

  Lula waved her hand in the air. “Of course, but not like we are. It’s more of a sense of understanding. It’s hard to explain, but rest assured, we are working on a way to extract the soul sucker out without killing you.”

  “Hold up one damn minute. If there’s a snowballs chance in Hell she’ll be hurt, then...holy fuck, did you say soul sucker? Is that what this Stella is?” Raydon asked.

  “I’m afraid so. The longer she’s inside our Sky, the more she will take from her and become her. That’s what they do, suck the life out of the living until they are the living. I’ve never seen a soul sucker out of their realm. She, whoever she is, clearly had help. For one such as they to survive in a host not of their world, they would need to be of compatible makeup. I’ve contacted Jenna and know what needs to be done. I promise I’ll make sure Sky survives.”

  The waitress arrived with a tray of food followed by another girl holding another tray. They waited until all the plates were on the table before anyone spoke.

  “Let’s table this until we get back to our place. I want Peyton and our alpha to be present when you explain. Sky, listen to me. We don’t have to do anything. Between the three of us, we can contain her.” River’s hand grasped hers.

  Lula shook her head. “No, you can’t. Once the other entity has taken over Sky, she can splinter and take over you. On this world, they can do so much damage to the humans. Think zombie apocalypse, only much better looking because they don’t use up their hosts bodies and throw them away. They literally overtake them, then splinter until they’ve created an army of themselves. This Stella, if that’s her real name, is more than likely a pawn of another.”

  “Wait, you said Stella could splinter and takeover. How is she a pawn, if she can and would do this? I’m not following,” River questioned.

  Lula lifted her fork, taking a huge bite. “Do you want me to explain it to you now, and again back at your home, River James?”

  Raydon sat back, worry creasing his brow. River didn’t like when the female, who acted crazy, began acting more like the adult and calling him by his full name. It reminded him of his mother when she’d gotten onto them as pups. “You’re just speaking in circles. Either the bitch in her head can become hundreds or she can’t. Which is it?”

  Once she finished swallowing her bite, Lula set her fork down, wiped her mouth, then leaned forward. “My dragon senses the female is like you Sky, only twisted. She and you were two, but then she was no more. Her soul was given to the seekers to hold until another could give her life, but they traded her to the soul suckers. There, she found life and grew into what she is today, with the knowledge that her twin took her life. Your parents fed this to her on the night you were born. They had strong magic, dark magic, that they shouldn’t have had. When I saved you, there was a little spark of her inside you. The chimera twin link. The soul suckers were able to find you through it and placed Stella’s essence where it had been. Now, it’s only a matter of time before they’re able to overtake you. She’s the gateway to here for them. My dragon essence has hidden from her and the evil that’s lurking, waiting for me to return. I needed to...heal. Now, eat and we will go get ‘r done.” She lifted the fork and began eating, not looking back up to see how her words had affected the group.

  Sky’s hand covered her heart, the other clenched the spoon on the table.

  River stared at Lula, then Sky. “Come here,” he whispered.

  The booth was large enough for the three of them on one side, but Sky had chosen to sit next to Lula. Now, with their world in tatters, Raydon was glad she listened to River. Her little body eased onto his lap, her hand reaching for his. “We can’t let her do it.”

  “We won’t, Sky. But your life is not something we are willing to throw away either. We will figure out a way to get ‘r done without losing you,” Raydon promised. He brought their hands to his lips, kissing her knuckles. They were so fair and unmarred next to his tatted-up ones. “You’re too good for us.”

  “Agreed,” Lula said.

  Sky shook her head. “Lula, stop it.”

  “Hey, I was just wanting to be nice. I mean, I think I made them cry.” She
wiped her mouth with the napkin, sitting it next to her empty plates before she nodded at the table. “You gonna eat your food?”

  River and Raydon looked at their half empty plates, then at her completely empty plates. “Seriously?” River asked.

  Lula shrugged. “I was hungry. No horses in sight, so I settled for cow.” She winked at Sky.

  River didn’t want to like the dragon, not after hearing her announce without an ounce of regret that Sky may have to die, but he had a feeling Lula was fucking with them. Or hell, maybe her delivery was fucked. Either way, Sky wasn’t dying on their watch. They finished their meal with Sky sitting between them after Lula ordered some dessert, because hey, she was still hungry.

  “Sky, you aren’t dying today. Now, eat your food. Besides, my dragon essence that’s inside of you needs the nourishment if she’s to battle them suckers. Come on now, eat. Mmm, this coconut cream pie is amazeballs.” Her lips sealed over another bite of the pie; the entire pie sat in front of her as if she hadn’t just eaten a half a cow along with ten pounds of potatoes.

  “I agree with the dragon...err Lula. You need to keep up your strength for later,” Raydon agreed.

  Lula made a gagging sound. “Ack, no sex talk around the children.” She shoveled in another huge mouthful of pie.

  “Err, I think you’re older than all of us combined times like three.” Sky held up her hand as she spoke and wiggled her fingers for affect.

  Lula pointed her fork at Sky, then at River and Raydon. “In dragon years, you would be lots older. Wiser? No, but older. Alright, Lula is done. Let’s be gone.” She raised her hand, then put it down. “Shoot, I need to pay since I said I would. Hold please.”

  River closed his eyes and counted to five, a slight throb began to stab at his temple. “It’s okay, we got this, Lula. Really, it’s our treat.”

  The little dragon female lifted her head, a strange smile on her face. “Silly, wolfie, of course it’s your treat, but I’m paying.” She pulled out a black credit card. “Yoohoo, Posey, we’re ready to pay. Dining and dashing is so last century.”

  Raydon laughed. “I really do like you, LulaBell.”

  Silence descended at his words, Lula leaning forward. “How do you know my full name?”

  Sky shoved River out of the booth, standing quickly. “Lula, put your claws away before you scare someone. We mated fully, the three of us. They saw inside my memories,” she hissed.

  The long, thick, deadly looking dragon claw disappeared behind the human finger once again. “Come, let’s pay at the front. Posey seems to be a bit busy.”

  River led the way, his brother keeping hold of Sky with Lula, the almost assuredly insane dragon behind them. He reached out to Niall and asked him to contact Peyton, wanting them all to meet them back at their house.

  “Lula isn’t dangerously insane. Not to those she considers her own. Sky is her own, and by mating, so are you and your brother. All the members of the Mystic Pack are under Jenna’s safe keeping and as such, Lula’s. I’ve reached out to Jenna and spoke with her mate or, Hearts Love Lucas. They’ve assured me, all will be fine.” Niall’s reassurance calmed him to a degree. However, their alpha hadn’t seen this latest version of Lula. She was a bit more intense than usual.

  “We’ll see you at our place. Bring some alcohol. All we’ve got is beer, but I’m thinking we’re gonna need the strong shit,” he muttered.

  “Trust me, you don’t want the Fey laced stuff. I’m told the girls had a hangover they’ll never forget,” Niall laughed.

  Raydon nudged him at the path back toward their house. “We shifting or walking? Lula can do her magic thing and meet us there, she said, or she can flash us all there, whichever we want.”

  Why Raydon wasn’t contacting him on their twin link had him searching his brother for any trace as to why. “I’ll leave the decision up to you and Sky. Niall and the others will meet us there shortly.” He watched and waited, seeing if his news had any affect on either of the three standing around him.

  “How about we rent one of the land cruisers and the four of us ride together. There’s a trail that’ll lead us close enough to our place I’m pretty sure we can make a trail ourselves directly to our back deck.” River rubbed his hands together like he really was looking forward to riding in the all-terrain thing the lodge rented to its guests.

  Lula shrugged. “Fine by me, but I just ate a whole lotta food. If you drive stupid, I’m liable to toss my food all over you.”

  “Guys, you think that’s such a good idea. I’m not in the mood to have all that landing in my lap.” Sky made a face while pointing toward Lula’s belly.

  “Hey, you saying I’m a bad driver? I’ll have you know I can drive anything on wheels like a pro. Why, I could’ve been a racecar driver if I wanted. Or, if I really put my mind to it, I could’ve been a stunt car driver in motion pictures,” River laughed.

  “Come, stunter, let’s go see if they have anything available. They may not even be renting them out right now since the big snow. Insurance and shit can be a bitch.” Raydon put his arm around Sky, his other around Lula steering them away from his brother.

  Something was definitely up. River hated not being in on the know. He spun around shocked to find Raydon leading Sky and Lula away from him. Opening the link he and Raydon shared, he came up against a block. The trio entered the lobby area, heading toward the manager’s office. Sky made a whimpering sound. River’s wolf growled at their mate’s distress. “What the fuck, Rye?”

  Lula pulled away from Raydon, taking Sky with her. “Raydon, you alright in there?”

  Raydon shook his head. “What the hell we doing here?”

  Before River could say a word, Lula leapt across the small space, shoving Sky toward him as she went. She took Raydon down to the ground, a shriek emanating from her making his ears ring. The next thing he knew, both Lula and Raydon were gone.

  “What the hell just happened?” River asked, standing with Sky in his arms.

  Sky wiggled to get down, her eyes searching the room. “Fucking sonofabitching hell. She jumped out of me into him. I didn’t even feel it until Lula flashed away with Raydon.”

  River wanted to roar and tear shit apart. His link with Rye felt severed, something that’s never happened in all his thirty years of life. One look at their mate had him pushing back his anger. “We’ll figure this out. Come on, let’s shift and go back home.” His voice sounded almost normal, surprising since his wolf was closer to the surface, so close he could feel the beast staring at Sky, assessing her.

  “I can feel Lula and the bit of dragon in me is saying she’s not going to hurt Raydon, but Stella was being forced out. My blood felt on fire all of a sudden, then it was as if I could hear another voice, kind of like Lula, but not like my wolf. She took the only avenue she could and that was Raydon since he was closest. Come on, I have an idea.” She grabbed River’s hand, leading him back outside, running in the opposite direction to their home.

  “Sky, that’s not toward home.”

  “No, it’s not, but its where all the important things happen for our pack. The sacred place of our people.” She ran faster, her body outlined with a golden shimmer.

  At the image, he realized the dragon was from Fey, making Sky more Fey than human now that she had part of Lula in her, unlike he and Raydon. Fuck, he wished he knew what the hell was going on. Whatever it was, Sky was their mate and he trusted her. Whatever had been inside her was gone.

  “Shift, we can get there faster if we run as wolves,” he growled.

  Sky nodded, then she became the beautiful white wolf that took his breath away. He too shifted, a huge black wolf next to her smaller white one. The words yin and yang popped into his head, reminding him again of the fact he and Raydon were mirror twins, while Sky had been a twin as well. Chimera, a term neither of them had heard of until now.

  He kept pace with Sky, not wanting to leave her behind or let her get ahead of him. Fear for what they’d find, or who, had his
wolf searching the woods they raced through. In the clearing ahead, he scented them before he saw anyone. His brother was on his back, fighting to get up, but Lula, in her human form was stirring a large pot over the fire pit.

  Sky leapt ahead of him, landing behind Lula, shifting into her human form.

  “Stay back, Sky. Stella wants back in you, but Raydon so kindly offered to house her while I got her out. Silly boy, courageous wolf,” she muttered.

  River shifted in the air, landing next to his mate, hearing what Lula said. “He offered what?” His head went to the man who looked so much like him, who was him, in so many ways.

  Lula nodded. “While you were distracted with this one, he created a link with me similar to Sky’s and mine. He’s very good, your brother. I assume you are as well, or my girl wouldn’t be mated to the two of you. Anyhoo, he came up with an idea, and I decided it was a solid plan. Now, here we are, making a nice concoction to seal the parasite in until I can get it back to her realm since someone—” she mumbled, giving Sky a sideways glance before continuing. “Not naming names, but she has blonde hair with pink in it ‘cause she’s cool like that, but she’s stupid and won’t let me just kill the beotch. So, I am now going to trap said beotch and risk life and limb to get her outta here. Ps. You’re welcome.”

  “Lula, is it truly dangerous for you to do that? I don’t, won’t, risk your life for hers.” Sky grabbed Lula’s arm, stopping the stirring.

  “Nah, I’m just messing with you. This is like a walk in the dark for me.” Lula moved Sky’s hand off of her.

  “You mean walk in the park?” River asked.

  “Why would we walk in the park?” Lula blinked purple eyes at him, reminding him of Sky.

  “Release me, or you’ll wish I allowed you to die when my people come and make this wasteland of humanity a true place of depravity.” Raydon’s voice came out with a hiss, sounding less like him and more like another being.

  “Ah, aren’t you a cutie patootie. Keep talking like that and I’m liable to get a lady dragon boner. Have you ever seen one of those?” Lula lifted the pot as if it weighed nothing, approaching Raydon’s form without hesitation.


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