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6 Taboo Erotica Sex Stories

Page 3

by Dee Luscious

  Just then I exploded inside of her. I was ejaculating uncontrollably, filling her with bursts of hot cum! Torrents of thick white semen bubbled from the swollen lips of her pussy, and rushed down my pole like a waterfall! I thought it would never stop, but finally my balls emptied. Mrs. Robbins and I stared at each other but didn't say anything. We were both too out of breath to speak.

  Brenda dismounted and we both sat on the tile floor, letting the warm water from the shower head wash over us. Mrs. Robbin reached down and spread the lips of her pussy apart. Long strands of cum, like white spider webs, escaped from between her legs and circled the drain.

  “So,” she said, breaking the silence,” Did that live up to your fantasies?”

  “Live up to them?” I blurted, “You blew them away!”

  Brenda laughed. “Oh dear,” she said,”I've set the bar very high, haven't I? Now I'll have to try even harder next time!”

  “Next time?” I thought, my heart quickening, “There's going to be a next time?”


  “ I'll see you Friday, then?”

  I had finished getting dressed and was sitting on the locker room bench, tying my shoes and stealing glances at Mrs. Robbins as she fastened her bra.

  “Friday?” I replied, confused.

  Mrs. Robbins sighed. “ This Friday? The game with the Wild Cats? Don't tell me you've forgotten too, Jason.”

  “Oh right, the game. I'll be there.”

  I added with a wink, ”I might even bring Natalie too!”

  Brenda laughed.

  “Not bad.” I thought to myself as I exited the locker room and made my way across the gym. I had actually made a joke to the MILF of my fantasies, and I didn't stammer once. In fact, I had sounded pretty smooth, suave even. Maybe there was hope for me yet.

  I was daydreaming about what my next encounter with Mrs. Robbins would be like, when I came to a sudden stop. My phone! Who had called me when I was in the locker room! I cycled through my messages frantically, hoping it hadn't been Natalie with an emergency or Mom wondering why I was taking so long to respond.

  I was greeted with a picture of a girl in micro bikini bending over, while Rich, beer still in hand, slapped her on the butt. The caption below read: “U Jelly?”

  That idiot. I heaved a sigh of relief.

  Was I jealous of Rich?

  No. Not any more.

  In fact, I felt kinda sorry for him.

  He was missing the real party.

  Story 2

  All my life I have always been attracted to women my own age or older. I know that sounds strange, since I've just turned 40 and should be due up for a mid-life crisis, but I have never fallen for a younger woman. At least, not before Kate...

  My 19 year old daughter, Lori, is an avid horse rider. She caught the bug as a little girl when my Father in Law showed her how to ride the pony on his farm, and she had been riding ever since. I drive Lori home from her riding lessons whenever I can, and even managed to get off work early a couple of times so I could watch her ride. But most times, Lori rides home with her friend Kate.

  Kate was also 19 years old and the daughter of wealthy parents. She had her own horse and stable, lived in a mansion complete with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and according to my daughter, would get a sports car for her next birthday if she kept her grades up. You would think that Kate would be a stuck-up spoiled rich girl, but she was very nice to Lori and the two quickly became best friends. They had gone on vacation together with her parents last year, and Lori regularly spent the summer with Kate at her family's pool.

  Kate was no stranger to our house either. Lori regularly had her over for sleepovers, dinner, or just to hang out. She often asked me to give Kate a ride home when I picked her up from her horse riding classes. I was always happy to oblige. Her parents had been very generous to Lori and I liked Kate herself. She was friendly, pleasant, and more importantly, my daughter's best friend. I had never thought of her in any other way... until the barbecue.

  The summer barbecue was something of a family tradition at our house and both Kate and her mother were attending this year. The party was an unqualified success. I did my usual mortal combat with the grill, while Lori and Kate gossiped about their friends' intrigues and Kate's mother and my wife chatted over a bottle of wine late into the evening.

  “Oh my,” said Kate's mother, getting to her feet a little unsteadily, “I didn't realize it had gotten so late. We really should be going home.”

  “Do you think that's wise?” my wife asked. “We've both had a lot of wine. Maybe you should have your husband drive you home.”

  Kate's mother took out her cell phone, but then stopped.

  “Oh! I forgot,” she exclaimed, “He's away on business for the weekend.”

  “Then you can stay with us for the night,” my wife replied reassuringly. “We had the attic converted into a guest room last fall.”

  “Well, I wouldn't want to impose...” Kate's mother said a little uncertainly.

  “It's no imposition at all. We would love to have you as our guest, wouldn't we?” my wife answered, turning to me.

  “Of course, our house is your house,” I said with a smile.

  “I suppose it would be the sensible thing to do...” Kate's mother agreed.

  “Good, then it's settled,” my wife said, taking Kate's mother by the arm and leading her toward the stairs. “I'll let the girls know that we're having a sleepover tonight.”

  I watched them disappear up the stairs and then set to work cleaning up the garden and the kitchen. It was nearly an hour later when I crawled into bed. The house was quiet and my wife was already sound asleep. I laid down beside her and before I knew it, I was dreaming.

  Halfway through the night, I awoke abruptly with the undeniable urge to use the toilet. The house was still and dark as I carefully made my way down the hall to the bathroom. My hand had already slipped inside the front of my boxers as I opened the door and stepped inside. I switched on the light and with a start, came face to face with Kate, who was sitting on the toilet, smiling at me.

  “Can I help you with that?” she said, looking at the hand inside my boxers.

  I didn't answer. I just stood there like a deer in the headlights.

  Kate, my daughter's best friend, was half naked in front of me. Her gray flannel t-shirt was pulled halfway up her thighs and her panties hung from her ankles.

  “I'm ready,” she said with a grin as she started to stand up.

  “W-wait a minute!” I stammered and turned around.

  It was then that I realized I was facing a mirror. In it's reflection, I saw Kate stand up and turning around, leaned forward to pull her panties up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Kate's bare buttocks thrust into the air, her wet pussy visible between her legs. Slowly, teasingly, she slid her panties up her legs and over her flawless bubble butt.

  “All done,” she purred, turning around.

  I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. I just stood facing the wall.

  Kate slapped my on the butt as she walked past, making me start.

  The door closed behind her and I stood there blinking at my own reflection in the mirror. After a minute or two, I remembered why I had come to the bathroom in the first place, and dropping my boxers, sat down on the toilet.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and Kate stepped back into the bathroom.

  “Silly me,” she said, “ I forgot to wash my hands.”

  I muttered something unintelligible. Kate smiled and turned on the faucet. I looked away, watching her out of the corner of my eye as she meticulously washed and dried her hands. When she finally finished, she stood in front of the mirror examining her reflection. She arched her back as she ran her fingers through her long blond hair. I could clearly see her swollen breasts straining against her shirt, her nipples stiff and erect beneath the flimsy fabric. My balls felt like they were on fire and I could feel my cock stiffening in my hand. I looked away, trying desperately to think
of something, anything else.

  “Sweet dreams,” Kate said with a wink as she disappeared though the door.

  I didn't answer. My heart was pounding and I was breathing hard. I stared blankly at the wall and waited for my dick to go back down.

  I stumbled back to the bedroom and collapsed into bed. I closed my eyes, but I could still see Kate's body, barely concealed beneath the thin fabric of her t-shirt, hovering in front of me. This was crazy! Kate is my daughter's best friend! Hell, she was young enough to be my daughter! With an effort, I banished the thoughts and sunk back into sleep.

  After breakfast the next morning, Kate's mother drove home thanking us for our hospitality. My wife suggested that Kate could stay with us and that I would drive her home in time for dinner. I agreed less than enthusiastically. I did my best to avoid Kate, but Kate didn't seem interested in getting close to me at all. She spent the day watching TV with Lori and hanging out with her in her room.

  When the time came to drive Kate home, I had begun to wonder if I had simply imagined the whole thing. Had the encounter in the bathroom been a simple misunderstanding with me seeing sexual overtones in innocent actions? Maybe I was having a mid-life crisis.

  And yet as I drove, I couldn't shake the feeling that Kate was watching me, surreptitiously checking me out when she thought I wasn't looking. I felt her hand on my shoulder as we pulled up in front of her house.

  “Do you want to come inside for a minute?” she asked.

  “I can get you a beer. Mom won't mind.”

  “Thank you,” I said, a little uncertainly, “but I really should get home. I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”

  “Fine” she answered with a defiant puff, “Then I'll just have to give you something myself.”

  She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, but I could feel her fingers slowly slipping over my crotch. I felt a stirring in my pants. With a mischievous smile, Kate stepped out of the car, closing the door after her. She stopped halfway up her driveway and turning back, blew me a kiss. Just then, Kate's mother appeared on the terrace smiling and waving to me. I waved back and drove home. Very quickly.

  A week later, images of Kate blowing me kisses were still circling in the back of my mind, when Lori asked if I could take her and Kate to their horse race. The local riding schools held racing competitions every other month and Lori and Kate never missed them.

  “Can you do it for me, Dad?” Lori asked in a half-pleading voice she knew I couldn't say no to. “Kate's dad says he doesn't have the time tomorrow to take Prancer to the race, and her mom's car is too small to pull the trailer.”

  Prancer was Kate's horse. Kate rode him in every race, and since she and my daughter never competed against each other, Lori was allowed to ride Prancer when it was her turn to race.

  “Kate said she would be really grateful if you could,” Lori added helpfully.

  I agreed with an eagerness that surprised me.

  And so, the next morning I found myself in Kate's driveway, struggling to attach the horse trailer to my Range Rover. Having finally succeeded, more by luck than skill, I got to my feet, breathing heavily.

  “You're strong,” a voice behind me said. “It takes Dad twice as long to hook it up.”

  I turned quickly and came face to face with Kate. She was wearing tight riding breeches and long boots with a white blouse that shimmered in the sun. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

  “You're a real life saver,” she purred. “I don't know what I would do without you.”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the sound of approaching horse hooves. Kate heard them too, and quickly stepped away from me as Lori rounded the corner with Prancer in tow. Kate ran over to her and talking and laughing, they led Prancer into the trailer, while I watched, my heart pounding in my ears.

  It was barely noon when I pulled into the gravel parking lot of the riding school where the races were being held. I pulled into an open spot between two other horse trailers and the girls jumped out.

  “You go to the office and fill out the entry forms,” Kate said to Lori. “I'll take Prancer to the stables.”

  “Won't you need help with the supplies?” Lori asked doubtfully. “Some of that stuff is pretty heavy.”

  “Oh, your dad can help me with that,” Kate said with a smile, giving me a sidelong glance. “He's very strong.”

  I managed a halfhearted chuckle.

  Lori ran toward the office and soon disappeared in the crowd of parents and riders gathering around the track. I followed Kate as she led Prancer to the stables.

  Walking behind her, I realized for the first time how tight Kate's riding breeches really were. They looked like they were painted on! Her hips swung like a pendulum and I couldn't take my eyes off of her perfectly sculpted butt cheeks jiggling hypnotically with every step she took. Kate glanced over her shoulder at me and smiled. I quickly looked away, but it was too late. I knew she had seen me staring at her.

  Kate led Prancer into an empty stall and began brushing his mane.

  “Could you bring me my saddle?” she called. “I left it in the back of the van.”

  “Sure!” I said, glad to escape the awkwardness I was feeling.

  I walked out of the barn that housed the stables and took a deep breath of fresh air. Feeling a little more relaxed, I crossed the field to the gravel parking lot. I scanned the crowd for Lori as I passed, but I didn't see her. There was probably a long line at the office.

  The stables were empty when I returned with the saddle. Prancer was in his stall, but Kate was nowhere to be seen. Was this some sort of trick? I looked around uncertainly.

  “Help me!” Kate's voice cried, seemingly from nowhere.

  I rushed in the direction of her voice and found myself in a large storeroom at the end of the stables. A large bag of hay had slipped from one of the upper shelves, and Kate was holding it above her head, trying to keep it from falling on her.

  “I've got it!” I cried, rushing up behind her and holding the bag up.

  Kate giggled and slipped away. I had been tricked.

  I stood with my arms outstretched, balancing the heavy hay bale above my head.

  Kate turned around, still laughing. Our eyes met and her face took on a lustful, almost malicious look. She innocently stuck her forefinger in her mouth and bit it softly. Her other hand slowly slid over her breasts.

  “They make you so horny don't they?” she said softy. “Wouldn't you like to touch them yourself?”

  I could feel my dick swelling between my legs.

  “Are-aren't you going to help me?” I asked stiffly.

  “Of course, I'm going to help.” she said, grabbing my crotch and squeezing my half erection, “I'm going to help you get rid of that bump in your pants.”

  I pulled my hands from beneath the hay bale, letting it fall to the ground behind me with a loud thud. I lunged at Kate and the two of us tumbled to the floor, leaving clouds of dust and straw in our wake.

  Kate sat on top of me, letting her whole body weight rest her whole weight on my crotch.

  “Kate... don't...” I gasped. “Someone will see us.”

  “There's no one here,” she whispered, leaning forward and pushing her breasts toward me.

  Her hands disappeared between my legs and I could feel her fingers teasing my balls.

  “There's no one in the whole world,” she hissed, her fingers closing around my raging erection. “Just you and me.”

  My hands closed around her breasts and I could feel her nipples, hard as diamonds beneath the flimsy fabric. Kate threw back her head and a low moan escaped her lips.

  “Take me!” she gasped, “Take your horny slut here among all the other horny stallions!

  Her language shocked me. This was Kate, my daughter's best friend!

  She tried to open my zipper, but it stopped her. I pulled her hands together and held them in front of her. She leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't stop her
this time. I felt her tongue exploring the inside of my mouth and sliding down my throat. With a herculean effort, I pushed her away from me.

  “We can't...” I stammered, “Not here... Not now...”

  Kate didn't answer.

  I staggered to my feet and picking up the bag of hay, carried it toward the stables. Lori was standing in front of Prancer's stall, feeding him an apple. Her face brightened when she saw me.

  “Hi, Dad,” she said, “Do you need help with that bag? It looks heavy.”

  “No, I'm fine.” I panted, sitting the bag down heavily.

  “Have you seen Kate?” she asked. “Her race starts in 20 minutes.”

  “I'm right here, Lori.” Kate said, appearing behind me. Her hair had been neatly combed and there was not a speck of dust or straw on her clothes. You would never have known that she had been rolling on the floor with me mere minutes ago.

  “Did you fill out the entry forms?” Kate asked.

  “Did I ever!” Lori answered, rolling her eyes. “You wouldn't believe how long that line was! Oh, I almost forgot, your mom just got here. Do you want to talk to her while I get Prancer saddled?”

  “Why don't I talk to her?” I said quickly. “I'll keep her company while you two get ready for your race.”

  I walked hurriedly out of the stables, avoiding eye contact with Kate.

  The rest of the afternoon was a blur or meaningless conversation with Kate's mother, cheering on my daughter and Kate in their respective races, followed by more meaningless conversation. Lori had finished 3rd with Kate finishing 2nd, and her mother and I took turns admiring each girl's trophy as the crowds around us drifted toward the parking lot.

  I looked up from Kate's trophy and suddenly realized that we were alone. I scanned the passing crowd, but saw no sign of Kate's mother or my daughter.


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