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The Ripper of Blossom Valley

Page 29

by S D Christopher

  Bob has the idea to split into pairs, so no one is alone. Isabel, ever so eloquently says, "Okay, Maddy and I should split up, since your lame asses won't see anyone coming...well, you won't hear or feel them coming, anyway."

  Maiko volunteers. "I'll go with Dr. Gibson. I still have so many questions for you." That leaves my two patients paired up. I'm not really sure how I feel about that, but I suspect each of them dreads it more than I.

  Isabel confirms this, for her part at least, as she looks at Bob and sighs. "Ok, big guy. Just try not to go all comatose on me when I need you to man up." He assures her he can control it now. "Good, cuz you might not like how I wake you up."

  They head into the living room while Maiko and I sit in the kitchen. She must be picking up on my nervousness and uncertainty. Maybe some of Lt. Foley has rubbed off on her. "We're doing the right thing, you know." I nod and smile weakly, since I'm not so sure. "Waiting for them, I mean. You were right. We should try to end this tonight. I'm so glad you, Bob, and Izzy came along. It's like I'd lost my way. Frank, too."

  "How I understand it, you were willing to let the cancer take your life, rather than hurt another soul."

  "Yeah, but only once I found out that some of them wound up...dead. Not exactly as noble as I once pictured myself."

  "We all make mistakes...and compromises." I think back to my patients. I withhold information from them all the time, to protect them, I tell myself. Like with Isabel. Am I truly doing the right thing, or doing them a disservice by not connecting them with each other and allowing them to interact in a supportive environment? I suppose Isabel's performance here tonight might inform how I handle them going forward.

  As though she can tell where my thoughts are, Maiko asks, "When we first met, you said that you didn't think Izzy was ready. Why?"

  I have thought about this for some time, and still I take a moment to compose my thoughts. "I don't know how you first coped with discovering your unique sense of touch, but each of my patients has had...difficulty adjusting to their new sensory inputs or outputs." My goodness, I really do sound like a robot sometimes. At least I'm with a fellow doctor. "Everyone responds to it differently, but there are some common themes. Confusion, paranoia, stress, anxiety, depression, physical or mental pain, even self-harm or suicidal tendencies. In most cases, they have a desire to be isolated. I suspect that their overall mental health prior to their discovery has a fairly large impact in how they cope. It did for me, at least."

  She relays to me her similar progression and asks about some of my patients. I'm bound by code to not mention full names or certain details, but I feel comfortable speaking with Maiko about them in some specific ways, such as the different abilities they have. The more I reflect on them and share with her, the more I feel affirmed that I am, in fact, doing the right thing. "They simply aren't ready to even rejoin society, let alone help us with things like this. Someday, maybe. With our help."

  “Oh, I don’t know. Sometimes, keeping people in the dark is too overprotective. Some may feel they’re being helpful, but it’s just a crutch that holds others back from becoming who they’re really meant to be. If they knew the truth, they might thrive. But without it, they’re just crippled, aren’t they?” Her words are harsh, but her tone is the opposite. I quickly realize she’s not talking about me.

  What happens next surprises me. She holds my hand, and smiles. She works with mice and has a better bedside manner than I do. She must have been a delightful person her whole life. It had to have been torture to decide to do what she's done. Or coercion, which reminds me of something that Isabel said when we first met Maiko and Frank. She said he didn't deserve her. I don't disagree.

  " did you and Lt. Foley meet?"

  She seems hesitant at first, but it quickly fades with a sigh. "It's a long story. We first met at a party for one of my coworkers from the lab. He’d helped her with a domestic situation she was having with an ex. I remember him being so sullen, dark and mysterious, which is so not my type. My coworker, Faye, said it was just because his mom had recently passed, and that normally he was boisterous, jovial, and, she warned me, quite crass. We eventually got to talking, and he..." She pauses a moment to laugh. "He said I reminded him of his mother, which I thought was a little weird at first, but also really sweet. I wish I'd gotten to meet her. I didn't think we were a good fit at all at first, so I ignored his advances. But he's...persistent. I joke that he wore me down over time. It took me awhile to get past our age difference and some other silly stuff, but once I did, I realized he felt like home. Until recently, anyway." My tact prevents me from asking a follow up question, but I think I understand well enough.

  I pick up a Sensitive approaching and tense up, but quickly realize it's just Bob, alone. I hope nothing's wrong. He sighs and relays a message from Isabel. "She says, and I quote, ‘I could hear you two yapping if you were in Half Moon Bay.’ She thinks he'll come sooner if we're all quiet, for some reason." He leans in and whispers, "Personally, I just don't think she likes talking to me very much."

  "Why not both, Drooling Man?!" That must've hurt her ears, too. She certainly can pick her spots when she wants to. Bob sighs again and turns around to return to the living room.



  Izzy and I are camped out in the living room, sitting silently, while the doctors sit in the kitchen, probably talking about doctory stuff. I struggle to talk to her, even though I'm fascinated by her hearing ability. I hate awkward silences, but judging by her one-word answers to my questions so far, she loves them. Either that, or she doesn't like me very much.

  It's my own fault, really. As amazing as my memory is, I'm the one of the group so far that keeps forgetting to keep my voice down around her. Now that we're just sitting here, waiting, I've made it a point to focus on whispering softly. " and Kate met in college?"

  "Yup." Six. That makes six one-word answers. I sigh, quietly I thought, but she shoots me a look. So not quietly enough, then. "I don't mean to be blunt, but she's a very close friend of mine. So don't take this personally. If you hurt her, I hurt you." I don't doubt that.

  "I don't intend to. She's amazing. She's one of the most patient, kind, caring people I've ever met. I honestly don't know what she sees in me."

  She looks at me curiously. "Yeah...I don't see it either." I do my damndest to hold back another sigh.

  I try to change the subject slightly, to a topic I've been wondering about since I met her. "It's funny how she was around when you discovered your gift, and when mine was triggered, too."

  "Gift? Please don't call it that. Dr. Gibson's helped me cope with it, but if I could turn off this flood of sound in my head, believe me, I would in a second." Right, not everyone has had a smooth period of adjustment. I apologize, which must have sounded sincere enough. "Still, I've wondered about what you're asking, too. It's a funny coincidence."

  In my limited but growing experience, coincidences are far less frequent than we've been led to believe. Everything's connected. I can't prove most of it yet, but the butterfly effect is more real than we know. "I'm...not so sure it was."

  She shoots me a look. "What do you mean? Have you asked her about this?"

  "No, not yet. I'm not really sure how to broach the subject, to be honest. 'Hey honey, have you ever noticed that when you're around certain people, they start acting a little strange, then their whole life gets turned upside down?' That's the best ice breaker I've got so far."

  "Keep working on it." She shakes her head. "Anyway, you're barking up the wrong tree. I knew her for years before this happened to me." True, it doesn't all add up. Still, coincidences...

  Before I can go down another avenue, she cuts me off. "Why don't you go tell the others to pipe down. Maybe this Reaper guy or one of his croneys can hear, like me." I highly doubt that, since we haven't come across anyone with more than one enhanced sense. But I'm happy to take a break from her, if only for a moment.

  I relay her messa
ge to Maddy and Maiko and sit back on the couch. "I can hear you sigh from out there, too. It's like a tornado in my head." Funny, her voice is quickly becoming a chainsaw in mine.

  We sit in silence for what seems like an hour, but when I look at my watch, it's been about ten minutes. I hate uncomfortable silences.



  Well fuck, this has gotta be the longest hour of my entire life. I still can't believe I let that asshole freeze me. Stupid, Frank. Should've listened to Maiko, as per frickin' usual. I'm not exactly comfortable, but my heart. It's...weird. Like the time she accidentally put me in the hospital, but without the coma.

  I'm a little skeptical of their plan, to be honest, but it's not like I can say a goddamn thing about it in my present state. I didn't even get a good look at the fucker. He must've gotten good at staying out of the line of sight.

  One thing I've learned while lying here is that I don't ever want to know what it feels like to be one of them, the women who are stuck lying immobilized like this while he...violates them. I swear to the god I don't believe in that when I find him, I'll be the one torturing him. He'll be begging me to kill him before I'm done.

  "Are you sure?" Dizzy Izzy. I can't see her, as I stare up at the ceiling, but I hear her. They must've given up on waiting.

  "Not really. No." Dr. Gibson, sounding as uneasy as ever. "But it's been over an hour. I think they would've been here by now."

  I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "She’s asleep, but she's ok. Pulse is strong. I really don't like the idea of staying here much longer, though." That's my girl.

  "Maybe if we sweeten the pot?" What's Drool talking about?

  "What do you propose?"

  "Well, maybe if he can sense the presence of two people fading, it'll be too tempting to pass up."

  "I already told you guys, I'm not draining that woman upstairs."

  "No, that's not what I'm suggesting, Maiko. It should be one of us." Huh.

  "I volunteer. I need a nap anyway."

  "No, Isabel. We need you alert enough to hear him approaching."

  "And you can feel his presence, too, doc. I guess it should be me."

  "No, you're more valuable at this point than I am. You're big, powerful. We might need you to help fight one or more of them off, or hold them down for Maiko. I certainly can't do that."

  "Him, chica? Something tells me he's not exactly the fighting type. Unless you're talking about LARPing."

  "I would object, but she's right. I'm big, but I wouldn't exactly say I'm powerful; more doughy, actually. And no, I don’t do live action role-playing."

  “Wait, let me guess...cosplay, then? Oh, please don’t tell me you’re a furry, ese.”

  "Ugh, it's settled, then." Was it, babe? I hear a grunt, but can't see what just happened. It sounded like a woman.


  "Stand back! I don't know what'll happen if you touch me while I'm draining her. I'm gonna need both of you to help if this works and they do show up." So she went for Dr. Gibson. Can't say I disagree. She's the least useful of the bunch right now. What I can say is that I'm not feeling so hot. I hope they catch the fuckers, or don't wait so long that I die here...wait...Maiko?

  Try as I might, I can't turn my neck to see the look on her face as she feeds on Dr. Gibson. But the feelings I’m picking up from her are…weird. Fuck me...not you, babe. You're too were always...I never felt this satisfaction from you before. You’re…enjoying this.

  Chapter 28


  "Hey, you got anything stronger?"

  This asshole bartender takes his time moseying back over to me. He looks me up and down, judging me, the fuck. "I think you've had enough. I'll get you some water."

  "Fuck you and your water. Get me some whiskey."

  He steps back, grabs a glass, places it on the bar. He grabs the soda gun and sprays some water into the glass, then pushes it towards me. Motherfucker. I push it back towards him, hard, sending it flying off the bar. He jumps back as the glass shatters at his feet, and he looks me in the eye. "I think it's time you go."

  "And I think it's time you poured me a goddamn whiskey."

  "I'll tell you once more, then I call the police, sir." I lunge at him, but can't reach. He opens a case behind the bar, making sure I can see the contents. "Or...we can leave them out of it."

  I don't exactly feel like getting shot tonight, so I just stare him down, slide off my stool, and make my way to the door. Bastard's lucky Jess and Lance aren't here. We'd have ourselves a nice little party, making sure he felt every pop of every tendon, bone, and muscle as she picks him apart, and dipshit leaves not a trace for anyone to find.

  All I wanted was something stronger to drown out this damn smell. I first picked it up about an hour ago, but it seemed too far away for me to get to in time. More than once this week, damn pigs showed up before I was able to get there. But now, it's fucking overwhelming. Shit, that...two? A man and a woman? Well ain't that just too much to pass up? Fuck it. Off I go, to check it out, at least. If they're easy kills I can do without my compadres, I might as well get it over with. If the cops get there first, I'll just drive on by, and get far away enough to lose this goddamn smell.

  I stumble getting onto my bike, but I ain't drunk, it's just a little slippery out here. Fuckin' bartender didn't know what he was talking about. As I peel away in the direction of that sweet, sticky, musky scent that's become my homing beacon, I think for a minute and remember how lucky I am.

  I'm lucky to be doing this work, to be chosen to lead people away from their misery. Great, now I feel guilty for ignoring it tonight for so long. It's my duty, my mission. Those couple I couldn't do, it's like I failed 'em. I shouldn't have let this one suffer. I'm sorry. Fuck! That car just came outta nowhere. Focus, Will, or you'll be splattered across 280. They'll be picking up pieces of redneck for days.

  What I shoulda done was swung by the apartment as soon I first caught a whiff. We'd be there by now, serving the greater good. It would get Jess off my back, at least. She been pestering me something awful all week, wanting to get back in the Ripper game. The regular jobs we been doing don't seem to be doing it for her anymore. She loves the nickname they gave her on the news, and she don't want no one to stop talking 'bout her. She still don't know about that old man I took care of in his car, or the others I've done on my own the last few weeks, and I ain't inclined to tell her.

  I still can't reckon how we ain't come across any more of them pretty single ladies lately. I'd prefer Jess having her fun with them, rather than change our, what do they call it, our MA? She starts tearing through some of the dudes or poor old ladies we do, them pigs, even dumb as they are, might start connecting the dots.

  I'm getting close now. The smell's so strong, it's hard to keep my liquid dinner down. I park the hog a few blocks away, per usual, grab my gloves and mask, stuff 'em in my jacket pocket, and start my usual roundabout approach.



  Holy shit, it worked! Gotta say, I did not think Drooling Man's plan would get him here, but I heard it plain as day. I hate when I can't say I told you so.

  "Vamos. The Reaper’s coming." Dr. Mousey and Drooling Man just stare at me like I spoke a different language or something. "Up, up. I just heard his motorcycle. Let's get into our spots."

  "You're sure? It's him?" Maiko, sweet girl, don't fall apart on me now.

  Drooling Man looks worried. "Doc said he drives a motorcycle, but there's probably more than one, two, or several thousand in the city." Maybe I'll get the chance to say I told you so after all.

  "Well, I don't hear anyone else walking this way mumbling to himself about whether he should snap their necks or suffocate them." They look at each other, and scramble to their feet. Finally.

  When I'm alone in my Fortress of Solitude, I can hear my heart beating, the swoosh swoosh swoosh of blood pumping. Now I hear three of them trying to escape their chests. D
r. Mousey at least looks focused, determined. Drooling Man looks like he's gonna be sick.

  I hear his muttering, growing louder, getting closer, has to be on the same block by now. I nod to these people who I hope don't get killed, or let me get killed. Drooling Man stands in the hallway beside the dining room where Officer Frank and Dr. Maddy are lying. That way, if Mumbles enters through the front door, Drooling Man will be behind him when he enters the dining room. Dr. Mousey's by the side door, in case he goes around that way instead. I'm tucked against a wall in the living room, in the line of sight of both of them and the front door, ready to leap in whichever direction he chooses. I still don't see why we have to have Maiko drain him at all. My idea while I was working alone still seems legit. Good thing I brought along Plan B, in case things get hairy.

  I hear him walking up the steps. So, front door it is. Stupid, maybe, but bold. I hear the creak of the doorknob twisting. Well, I hear quite a bit more than that, but I'm focused on it, thanks to these fancy plugs and my meditation exercises. The splitting headache I got from being outside so long isn't helping, but I’m doing my best to ignore it.

  A gloved hand opens the door. A masked figure enters. He scans the room and spots the bodies in the dining room, but not me cowering in the shadows. As he closes the front door, my fingers trace the grip on my gun. Before I can take aim, he's striding into the next room, and Bob's on him. Damn, Izzy, a second of indecision cost me my chance, for the moment.

  By the time I reach them, Maiko's joined in the fray. He's flailing wildly, trying to get them both off of him, his mask pulled off in the scuffle. "Get the fuck off me!" It's all I can do to not fall to pieces from his shouting.

  I wouldn't be able to get a good shot off with both of them tussling with him, so I try to wrap myself around his legs and hold them still. It distracts him enough for Maiko to do her thing, and he starts to shake. It doesn't seem to be affecting us, even though we're touching him too, which is a nice thing to be learning right now.


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