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Blood Alliance

Page 13

by Connie Suttle


  I was tired.


  The walk to the meeting hall would take ten minutes, because it was in the opposite wing of the palace. I never wanted to fold space so badly in my life, but I was determined to make it. Once there, I could set Zaria two-point-oh on autopilot and maybe nap for a while. Bleek would alert me if something came up that my faux persona couldn't handle.

  We'd reached the far wing when I suddenly felt dizzy. Before things went dark, however, I heard many voices, some of them I certainly didn't recognize.

  Larentii Archives

  Nefrigar, Chief Archivist

  "Do not chastise him. The child made his own decision in this. Valegar is not to blame."

  Kalenegar studied me for several moments, although he knew I spoke the truth. Valegar could only make his own decision in this; the child overrode that decision and broke out of the shield himself.

  "The child could be female."

  "Yes, it certainly could. The odds are not in favor, as you well know."

  "The question remains, will Zaria continue with her quest?"

  "Are you willing to attempt to stop her?"

  "No." Kalenegar held up a hand—a very human gesture.

  "Zaria will be well aware of what her limits are from now on, I think. And, if the Mighty give permission, she will have Larentii guards about her at all times, Valegar included."

  "Have you chosen a surrogate father, yet—to help with the pregnancy and teach the child afterward?"

  "I have only learned this quite recently; there has been little time to make choices. There is something else to be considered, here."

  "Which is?"

  "That Zaria, in her own peculiar terminology, will be pissed."

  I didn't add that Zaria had gotten pregnant in the future, rather than during present times. This meant I needed to speak with the Mighty, to determine whether the child should be born in this time or in the future, when he was conceived.

  Father, Wisdom says the child needs to be born in this time, Valegar reported. He said that the child understood in the future that he needed to come back—to free his mother for more important work in the years to come.

  Then tell Wisdom to come tell Kalenegar that himself; the Head of the Larentii Council is standing here with me in the Archives, looking much like a dark blue thundercloud.

  He says he will come now.

  Only a moment after Valegar sent mindspeech, he arrived with Wisdom. The name Charles no longer fit him, although some still called him that.

  "So. There is a reason," Kalenegar lifted an eyebrow at Wisdom.

  "Yes, there is an important reason, and the child knows it."

  "I don't suppose you will tell this reason?"

  "Of course not, and it isn't only because I don't know all of it. This is his journey. Telling anyone about a small part of it could change everything."

  "The Larentii are well aware of what interference can do," Kalenegar replied stiffly.

  "And that's why I haven't sought the whole story," Wisdom challenged. "The child knows something important and has made his presence known."

  "Regardless, Zaria is four months pregnant. Now, and for the next seven months, do we have your permission to send Larentii to protect Zaria?" I asked the question foremost in my mind.

  "Of course. The Vhanaraszh belongs to all of us."

  Before I could ask him to explain, Wisdom vanished.

  "I suppose we can interpret that any way we want, then," Valegar sighed. "I will go back to Zaria—she should be waking now, and no doubt will have a few words for me when she does."

  "Underneath it all, she will be complaining about the situation, child. Nothing more," I reminded him.

  "To quote Zaria, I will say, says you."

  Royal Palace, Kwark


  "It appears that the child circumvented Valegar's hold on him, and ah, made the journey to you, in the future," Renegar attempted to explain how things were.

  "So I'm supposed to have words with the baby when he's born? I knew I shouldn't have stayed in the future as long as I did."

  "How long did you stay?" Renegar inquired.

  "Six months." I didn't hide my frustration; Ren already knew I was pissed.

  "That explains why you're four months into the pregnancy," he dipped his head in a nod. "I was attempting to work that out."

  "But a Larentii child requires eleven months to be born. That means another seven months," I grumped.

  "It also means you will continue to tire easily, if you go on at this current pace. I hear that the Larentii have been given permission to help you in your self-assigned duties."

  "Wisdom gave permission, I heard him say it myself," Valegar appeared, looking ashamed and contrite.

  "Honey, I hear you didn't have anything to do with this. Sure, I feel like yelling, but it won't do any good to yell at you."

  "I beg you not to have ill feelings toward the child," he knelt beside the bed and took my hand.

  "I—can't. I'm sure he felt his reasons were sound ones. At least I know why I've been so tired since I started this mission."

  "Someone will bend time whenever you need rest, to ensure that you get enough sleep and sunlight. Those things are important to both of you."

  "Because the baby needs sunlight to develop properly." I shut my eyes and lay back on the pillows stacked behind my head.

  Bleek had placed me on the bed and called immediately for help. Help had arrived in the form of Renegar, who'd then informed Nefrigar and Valegar of the situation.

  The entire Larentii race likely knew by now.

  At least they weren't hauling me off for sequestering; I figure they knew better than to try that.

  "I see a lot of time-bending in the next seven months," I sighed.



  "Of course it wasn't planned," I hissed at Gavin. "Somehow, the baby decided—in the future, no less, that he'd hitch a ride to the past and be born now."

  "How are the Larentii dealing with this?" Rigo asked softly. "Will she be risking too much to continue with this mission?"

  "From what I hear from Connegar, she'll have a battalion of Larentii around her at all times, ready to jump in and do anything for her—if she'll let them."

  "I hope they don't try to smother her," Winkler remarked. "She's quite independent and may not like so many surrounding her."

  "I know. I'm still trying to come to terms with this, and I'm not personally involved."

  "Except as a grandmother," Rigo told me.

  "Yeah. Except for that."

  "Have you asked to be included in regular reports?" That question came from Winkler.

  "Connegar has volunteered to be one of the Larentii with Zaria. He has a great deal of experience with Larentii in the womb and can communicate with them. He's an ideal choice and will keep us informed."

  "Good." Winkler visibly relaxed. He was worried about Zaria. Did he know that she'd been the catalyst to rescue him from the past? Perhaps he did know on some level and felt even more protective as a result.

  I think she'll be taken care of, I sent to Winkler. We have to believe that, anyway.

  Well, if they ever need a wolf to help, then tell them I'll make myself available.

  Lissa? Merrill sent.

  Merrill? I was surprised to hear from him.

  Conner, Kiarra, Adam and I have volunteered to help out—with Zaria and with whatever needs doing. We'll fit ourselves in here and there, and not just in Zaria's court. We can be anywhere at a moment's notice, without being too obvious about it, he added. On another note, I think the entire pod'l-morph nation has offered to help, if it will aid Zaria in any way.

  I wasn't surprised about the pod'l-morphs—Zaria had saved them from extinction on Siriaa. If D'slay was behind all this mess, he had a growing number of enemies determined to separate him from his life if he threatened her in any way.

  Well, there's an idea—they can h
ide in plain sight anywhere, I replied.

  I believe Ashe is considering which ones are suitable to send. I'll let you know when some are sent your way.

  They need mindspeech, I warned. Even if it's only temporary.

  They'll have what they need for this task. This will give us eyes in many places.

  Yes, it will. They may be needed, more than we know. I suggest we start with the worlds experiencing unrest—and the other six hub worlds. We need suitable spies in all those places, and someone to gather their reports and distribute them to the necessary people.

  We'll be on that in an hour, Merrill promised.

  Presidential Palace, Murazal


  "I'm only authorized to give you temporary mindspeech, until this mission is over," Opal informed Rajeon, as she placed hands on either side of his face. "If it's deserved, perhaps one day it can be given permanently, but that will have to come from someone else."

  "I'm grateful," Rajeon told her.

  "As are the rest of us," I said. "This way, we can communicate without leaving anyone out."

  "There, it's done," Opal let her hands drop. "Go forth and have mindspeech," she smiled.

  "Is Zaria really, well, with child?" Zanfield asked what we all wanted to know.

  "Yes. Expect a flood of Larentii helping out, and there may be more pod'l-morphs scattered throughout, too. They'll act as extra eyes and ears. Ashe is choosing from a list of volunteers, now."

  "Will she be all right?" Zanfield was concerned. I think we all were, we just didn't say it aloud.

  "I think the Larentii will make certain of it," Opal reassured him. "Children aren't common for them, and each pregnancy and birth is a cause for rejoicing."

  "Then let's hope for a successful mission and an easy birth," Trent said.

  "I have to go, now. I don't need to remind you to take care; many things are moving within the universes, and some of them are carried on ill winds," Opal advised.

  She was right—Randl said almost the same thing. Things were moving, and we had to separate the bad from the good and then do something about it.

  It's why you and I are bonded, Vallon reminded me. As my twin, Hallon, is bonded with Trent. You have walked between time with the Soul of the Worlds. That is also why we chose you.

  Royal Palace, Galk


  "I connected with Quin," Bel Erland reported. "She says Rezo Nilus isn't obsessed. I believe a complete change in his opinion would be far too obvious. If the re-vote is demanded by the Council, it'll probably mean that one or two who were on the fence will be obsessed to change their votes."

  "The Council is requesting a tally for a re-vote," Tory held out his comp-vid. "You have to register your decision in the matter, but you only have one voice in this, same as any other."

  "I know." I took the comp-vid from him and tapped my decision against a re-vote. "I have no doubt that at the end of the day, we'll be looking at all the Council, to see who's been obsessed. We won't have much time to track the one placing the obsession, either, before the re-vote is cast."

  "I'll start working with Quin on it," Bel Erland said and stalked toward the door.

  "He is so much like his grandfather Erland it's shocking," Tory murmured.

  "And very much like who he was in his former life," I looked up at Tory. Wizard Bel had been a very good spy, and Erland could fit in anywhere and convince anyone to trust him while he learned everything there was to know about them.

  Bel Erland was certainly showing his heritage.

  "I can place compulsion if it's necessary to change votes to offset any ah, obsessions," Wyatt cleared his throat.

  He could. Like his father, Wyatt was a King Vampire, but he didn't employ that legacy often. He felt it gave him an unfair advantage. In this case, his ability could be more than a blessing.

  "Stay in contact with your brother, then. I don't want anything to happen to either of you."

  "Mom, we'll keep you in the loop." Wyatt grinned as he turned to mist and went in search of Bel Erland.

  "Ocenosek and Cudworth told me this morning, before they went off-duty, that they've notice unusual activity with the cleaning crew at night," Denevik informed me.

  "What sort of unusual activity?"

  "Moving of statuary and other art pieces, in the rotunda and in other locations inside the palace."

  "It could just be changing displays," I said. "Museums and other places do it on a rotational basis, so all the collection can be seen. I'm sure there's a massive room filled with that stuff here somewhere."

  "With your permission, I'd like to follow up," Denevik said.

  "Of course. You'll let me know what you find?"

  "Yes, Granddaughter, I will certainly let you know." He gave me a smile, then; one I hadn't seen in a very long time.

  I thought to ask as he turned to go, "What are you going to do first?"

  "Ask Cudworth and Ocenosek more detailed questions—they'll wake for a meal in three hours. I'll join them."

  "Call Tory or me if you need help."

  "I will."

  I watched him walk out of the study, leaving only Tory with me. I wasn't worried; if he and I couldn't handle an attack against us, our alter-egos most likely could. "Tell me about what happened on A'pelur," I said, taking his hand and leading him toward a sofa against the opposite wall. "I want to hear about the Prophet's attack and how it was circumvented."

  "Our ranos rifles' charges ran out and the weapons were worthless, except to bludgeon the corpses attacking us," Tory began as we settled on the sofa. "That barely helped, as the dead would rise up again and attack a second time."

  "How many—of these corpses were there?" I breathed, confounded on how anyone could force the dead to leave their graves and attack the living.

  "Thousands. Tens of thousands. If we hadn't been protected by these," he withdrew the gold medallion he wore around his neck for me to see, "most of us would have been infected by the Prophet's disease, because those corpses were filled with it. Every time we fired our weapons and a corpse exploded, the disease was blasted into the air."

  "That's terrifying," I shivered.

  "The Prophet is terrifying," Tory replied. "If Randl hadn't come at the last, and if Meerius hadn't joined me," his voice trailed off.

  "I'm glad you made it out of there. I'm glad you didn't die," I sighed, leaning my head against the back of the sofa and closing my eyes.


  "Because I still love you, you difik."

  Chapter 10

  Royal Palace, Hraede

  Phrinnis Tampirus

  "When did you get this?" Queen Mephista asked Alrenardo, as she fingered the fronds on the cheefuu palm that I'd become. My roots were coiled in sandy soil in a giant, decorative pot inside the King's private quarters.

  I feared Alrenardo, disguised as King Larvalis, may have been too attentive to the Queen recently, and that had precipitated her visit to his suite following a banquet the night before.

  "Someone suggested that I needed more greenery in my private space. I believe it was good advice."

  "So, you're starting with the largest, and working your way down?"

  "One might think so. When I asked for a small tree, this is what was delivered," Alrenardo gestured toward me. "I had no idea the lengths my subjects will go, just to provide me with plants."

  "So, you're having more delivered?" She lifted an eyebrow at him.

  "Are you joking? Look at the thing," he shook his head. "What will they bring if I ask for something shorter? An entire flowerbed?"

  Mephista barked a laugh at his words; I could tell that hadn't occurred before in any of their conversations. In truth, I doubted that any conversation between Larvalis and Mephista was more than stilted tripe until Alrenardo's arrival.

  We have eyes on Naril, Nissa broke into Alrenardo's and my thoughts.

  Alrenardo turned swiftly in my direction, sizing up the situation with the speed of an ancient vampire.<
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  Where? He included me in his reply to Nissa.

  He's with a delivery van at the back door of the palace kitchen. He's also wearing extremely dark goggles in full daylight.

  "Stay here; you will not recall my disappearance," Alrenardo placed compulsion on Mephista. Her eyes widened but she didn't move. As I returned to myself, Alrenardo pulled me into his mist and raced toward the ground floor of the palace.


  Illusion spells, I mentally shouted at Toff and Trik while I spun a shield around Alrenardo, Tamp and Naril. Both vampires were now circling one another, fangs and claws out, red eyes alight as they sized one another up. My hastily-constructed shield kept them invisible to the other workers unloading the delivery truck.

  I hoped Alrenardo knew to keep Naril alive if he could; we needed information that only he might have.

  Naril ignored Tamp—to him, the pod'l-morph was a much lesser threat than another vampire. Naril lunged toward Alrenardo; Tamp chose that moment to show Naril what his talents were.

  "Alrenardo went back to his conversation with the Queen. Tamp, as you can see, is the one who latched onto Naril." I explained what I knew to Aunt Bree, who stood next to me in Mom's palace dungeon, where a diamond-thorned Tamp held onto a wriggling, uncomfortable Naril.

  "Well, well. What's Naril been up to, lately?" Bree stepped forward until her eyes locked with his; she could read him as easily as Zaria or Quin could. I waited to hear what Bree saw in him.

  After only a few seconds, Bree gestured toward an empty cell. The door opened when she exerted only a bit of power. "Toss him in," she told Tamp.

  Tamp's thick, diamond vines and thorns moved, before shooting Naril into the cell like a cannonball. Naril hit the back wall, rolled and came up cursing as Bree closed the cell door with a heavy clang.

  "You won't make your meeting," Bree told Naril casually. "But somebody will. If you'll come with me?" She nodded to me and to Tamp, who'd returned to his humanoid shape.

  Naril was still hissing and cursing when we were folded away by Bree. "I'll have somebody go down and lay compulsion," Bree sighed as we landed in the library. "Naril is supposed to meet with the one who signed him up to form a new Rith Naeri. I'll have someone bring drinks and snacks while I figure out who to send back with you."


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