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Acting on Love (The Waite Family Book 3)

Page 12

by Angel Devlin


  I'd asked Finn and Silas to meet me for a spot of Sunday lunch. I'd not really seen all that much of them since I'd got back, and I wanted to know their take on seeing Alice.

  If you could have seen the amount of women's heads turn in the direction of my elder brother as he walked in, you would have laughed. Silas was tall, dark, handsome (his words), and a fitness instructor. Finn was by no means ugly, but Silas just had that confidence he wore along with his tight joggers and muscle-fit t-shirts.

  I stood and fist-bumped them both and we all sat down.

  "You and Lisa. I never saw that coming," Silas said. "What did she have to say about the fact she went on a date with Callum?"

  There went my still protective older brother. Making sure Lisa had managed to fully explain her actions.

  "Unfortunately for Callum, she never had any true interest in him, but as it turned out, he had the hots for Becca anyway."

  My mind went back in time to the evening I'd sat in the bar with my family and Lisa had become the topic of conversation. It was what had led to us getting back in touch again. I replayed it and then I told my brothers.

  July 2019

  "That barmaid, Lisa, keeps looking over here, Callum." Milo had told Cal. My head had snapped straight around to Milo's.


  Milo nodded. "Callum asked her out the other week. Well, he meant to ask her out, but instead, he ended up giving her a business card and himself a headache."

  "Leave me alone. I told you I need practice. It's been a long time since I dated anyone and I clearly forgot how to talk to women," Callum said raising his hands in surrender.

  I felt sick. None of them knew about me and Lisa. But she was an attractive woman and it made sense one of my brothers might like her too.

  "So she didn't agree to go out with you then?" I queried, mentally crossing my fingers.

  "No, I honestly don't think she even realised I was trying to ask her out."

  Milo looked back to the bar area where Lisa's gaze flickered over in our direction before her attention had to return to serving a customer.

  "Yup, definitely looking over with interest. You might want to try asking her out again. Only this time try it in English rather than nervous gibberish," Milo advised helpfully. “What do you think, Silas? You're the one who knows how to woo the ladies," he shouted across to Silas.

  "Look, Callum, you just need to go over there, tell her she looks lovely tonight and then ask her if you can ring her sometime to arrange a date."

  "That's what was supposed to happen last time, but he almost ended up testing her electrics instead of her mattress," Milo quipped.

  Violet elbowed Milo in his arm. "Leave him alone, Milo Waite. Your own chat up lines leave a lot to be desired. They belong more to a Carry On film than they do the 21st century."

  "You fucking love it, Princess."

  As Violet rolled her eyes at him, Milo stood up, picked her up, and put her over his shoulder.

  “Say goodnight to everyone, Princess.”

  “Put me down, you brute,” she cried, banging her fists on his back.

  “Goodnight all. I’m off to remind my woman how much she loves my c—”

  “The next words out of your mouth better be ‘caveman ways’, Milo Waite,” Violet yelled.

  He laughed wickedly and then walked out of the pub still carrying her over his shoulder.

  "So who is betting that Violet will be back here within five minutes, followed by a red cheeked Milo?" Jules asked with a raised brow.

  "No, she digs it really." Cal turned towards Jules. "I have been watching them closely lately and they really are just madly in love with each other, warts and all."

  “It’s good at least one of us has managed to find someone.” I exhaled a deep sigh.

  “So you’re not hiding anyone in the Big Apple then?” Cal asked me.

  I froze. Because of course the truth was that I was hiding someone in New York—our mother.

  “No. There’s no secret love of my life in New York,” I replied. It wasn't a lie, my secret love was right here, serving behind the bar.

  We'd carried on drinking and I felt more at ease, until Callum decided it was his turn to buy our round. As he made a beeline for Lisa, I just knew that he was going to ask her out. I watched her smile at him. But then she did something I didn't expect; she peeled the covering paper off a beer mat, picked up a pen and wrote on the mat before handing it to Cal.

  He came back from the bar with a huge smile across his face. One that made me feel murderous, but this was my brother who'd had his own fair share of heartache. I couldn't blame him for taking a chance. I wanted the details though. I needed to know if this was really happening. If they really liked each other. I raised a brow. "So you went to the bar to get me a drink but came back empty-handed. Care to explain?"

  "I have a fucking date, bro." He plonked down on his seat as if in shock.

  "With Lisa?"

  He nodded.

  "Interesting," I added. “Well done, bro. Now is it a pint you want because I’d better go to the bar?”

  It was hard to take my time strolling over to the bar, because I wanted to dash over, slam my hand on the counter and ask her what the hell she was playing at, but of course I couldn't. Because we were no longer anything to each other, were we?

  "What can I get you?" Lisa asked me. There was no smile on her face for me, but I saw her take a sharp intake of breath.

  I gave her my drinks order; let her think that the only thing I was interested in was a pint. Until it was time for me to pay.

  "Why have you agreed to go on a date with Cal?" I growled out.

  "Because he asked me, and I thought why not? He's a nice guy."

  "He's my brother and all of my brothers are off-limits to you. You want to date a Waite, then you and me need to get re-acquainted."

  "We've had our chance."

  "Do you remember me saying I had two years’ worth of contracts? I signed a few more after you called it quits with us but they're almost up. I've nothing yet beyond the summer of 2020."

  "I don't care, Ezra. So you now have time for me. Am I supposed to fall at your feet with gratitude? It's not going to happen."

  "So you're still going on a date with my brother?"

  "Yes, I am."

  "Well, I hope it's a disaster." I picked up the drinks and walked back to my family and pretended to be happy my brother had a date.

  "Shit, and we had absolutely no idea that was going down," Silas said. "You really are a good actor."

  I pulled a face, "Oh, yeah, now you realise. Did all the awards I've won not demonstrate that before?"

  Silas was grinning and then suddenly his face turned into a snarl. "For God's sake. It's not enough to try to pinch half my clients, she's now invading my personal territory."

  I turned around to see a slim blonde had come into the bar, along with a similar looking younger version of herself. The blonde was toned and clearly athletic, whereas the one who definitely was her sister was eying the dessert tray as she walked past.

  "Who's that?" I asked him.

  "Her name's Molly and she's the new PT around Willowfield. She's bad mouthing him around the place for sleeping with his clients and using it to get herself new ones," Finn said, one of the first sentences he'd uttered since we'd sat down.

  We all watched as Molly caught sight of us. Her eyes went like a deer in headlights and she grabbed her sister's arm and whispered in her ear. Her sister shook her head and proceeded to find a spare chair and table. Luckily, they weren't near us.

  "Looks like if you were to confront her about what she's been up to, she might actually cry. Are you sure she's been doing that?"

  "Yep, I've had direct confirmation."

  Finn snorted. "What he means is he's had a couple of texts from women saying he's an utter bastard and they've moved onto Molly who assures them of her professionalism."

  "Thought you didn't sleep with clients
for that exact reason, that it's bad for business?"

  Silas shrugged. "I mostly don't, but you know, Lycra and bending over…"

  "I love you, but you're a dog, bro."

  "Finn has fuck buddies," he announced.

  Finn himself almost choked on his pint. "Si, for fuck's sake." He looked at me. "I don't have buddies, plural. I have one buddy. It's sex only, no emotions, and suits us both down to the ground."

  "But who do you talk to about things? Like the shit that's going down with Alice?"

  "With Mum you mean? I talk to you lot. If it makes you feel better demoting her to her Christian name go ahead, but you're avoiding the fact that she cared for us for years before she left, and she still is our mother and is now dying. I'm going to move in with her to look after her."

  "You're doing what?" My hand banged down on the table top.

  "You heard me. I'm moving in. She's looking for a place and if you lot want to pretend she doesn't exist that's fine, each to their own, but I'll be making sure I'm there if needed."

  Silas and I stared at each other.

  "And no, I don't excuse what she did, but for fuck's sake, she still did everything for me for eleven years of my life, so I can swallow my feelings for a while to make sure she doesn't die alone."

  "I understand and everyone does need to make their own choices," I said after taking a deep breath. I'd made my own choice. I was going to make Alice a one-time only deal. A large sum of money for her to live off for the rest of her days. No conditions except for her to know there would be no more money coming beyond that.

  She could find somewhere for herself and a separate building for Finn. I couldn't forgive her, but I could make my brother's life easier. He was proud and stubborn, and no way would he accept that directly. But he'd be taking my feeling of obligation away and that would make me feel free for the first time in a long, long time, so I could concentrate on my future with the gorgeous woman behind the bar.

  My brothers made barfing noises.

  "It'll happen to you two," I warned as I looked back at them. But I was smiling, because they could mock me all they wanted.

  I was far too happy to care.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Monday morning came around and I woke up in our bed. I turned around to find Ezra staring at me. "How long have you been looking at me like that, weirdo?" I smiled though because I felt like I was full of sunshine and rainbows. I was just so madly in love.

  "A good half an hour or so," Ezra replied. "While I mentally willed you to wake up so we could just stare at each other goofily.”

  "Gosh, the magazine will be out on the supermarket shelves."

  "Yup, and the press were given a heads-up about it from my PR, so it'll be in the tabloids too." Sliding out of bed, Ezra walked out of the room and I heard him open another door.

  "No one there yet. The fact I'm in Willowfield and an hour away from Central London is a good thing."

  Ezra had advised me to take a few days off while we laid low and saw how our relationship declaration went. Geoff had been nothing but supportive. He'd been a great boss and I would be sad to leave. He'd not hesitated to say yes to being put down to provide a reference for me when I'd asked him.

  Ezra slid back into bed. "Shall I make us some breakfast? Are you hungry?"

  "Mmm-hmm, but not for food." I pulled him closer to me.

  We got up later that morning and Ezra fixed brunch and then he said he had some calls to make. He was organising via his solicitors to send his mother some money and a contract. My own phone rang. I didn't recognise the number straightaway although it struck me as familiar.


  "Hi, is that Lisa McKenzie?"

  "It is."

  "Hey, it's Logan from Carlos’. You came last week for an interview?"

  "Yes." I closed my eyes, expecting his 'sorry you didn't get it'.

  "We'd like to offer you the job."

  It was a good few seconds before his words sunk in. "Really? Oh wow, thank you."

  As he carried on talking, I wondered if somehow he had seen me in the papers or in the magazine, and if my success was simply down to being Ezra Waites' girlfriend. It sullied my happiness.

  But then he carried on. "You were by far the best candidate. You had amazing qualifications and we can't believe how long you've stayed in bar work. We think not letting you take your career further would be a crime. It can be long hours and hard work as I told you, but it's a great place to work with a good team. So, would you like to accept?"

  "Absolutely. Yes, please."

  "That's amazing. I know you have to give a months notice in your present place of employment. I'll start the ball rolling here with our human resources department and get an official employment offer out to you so that you can hand in that notice and we look forward to seeing you sometime in April."

  "Thank you so much, Logan. I'm so excited."

  I ended the call and went into the kitchen to find Ezra. "I got the job," I announced and he leapt over towards me, picked me up and flung me around. Then he put me back down.

  "Shit, I was on a call." He laughed. "Give me a minute."

  He finished up his call and then he grabbed me and swung me around again, holding me close and letting my body slide down his.

  "I think we should…"


  "Look at Rightmove for properties near or in Berlow."

  I squealed, "Ooooh, yes please."

  He folded his arms over his chest. "I'm not going to reflect on the fact that I don't feel an offer to take you back to bed would have been met with the same level of enthusiasm."

  "I promise I'll squeal for you later," I teased. "But for now, come on, let's find a home."

  "I'm going to get my assistant to book us a driver and appointments to view these places over the next couple of days. I want to get our house bought as soon as possible. It'll be a lot more secure."

  "But we've been fine here," I protested.

  Ezra looked at me sheepishly.

  "Is there security around?" I asked him, my gaze narrowed.

  "I can't go anywhere without them. They dress like civilians and sit in cars outside the house and down the street. Follow us from a safe distance."

  I threw my hands up in the air. "I can't believe I didn't know this. I mean you're a superstar; of course you need security."

  "We both need it. But I wanted you to realise that you don't have to notice it's there. I mean you haven't. See, you'll need someone around when you're working in Berlow."

  "What?" My expression fell. I was so excited about my new job and yet it wasn't the fresh start I envisaged because I wouldn't be able to go anywhere now without security.

  "You won't know they're there. I promise you. Now come on, let me distract you with this six-bedroomed property with its own enclosed swimming pool."

  "Will security see me in my costume?"

  "They might if they're patrolling, but I'll be the only one seeing you without it." He started kissing me: my cheeks, my neck, my throat.

  "What are you up to, Mr Waite?"

  "I'm distracting you from unnecessary worrying."

  I let him distract me on the sofa.

  When Tuesday came around there had only been press interested in speaking via telephone. We just weren't exciting enough. With the magazine having the scoop, the tabloids had limited themselves to revealing a snap the magazine had given them in return for a plug to purchase it.

  Or so I thought.

  "I’m wondering about Dale again. Do you think they’ll have contacted him?" I asked Ezra. I saw his shoulders tighten.

  "They can try."

  "What do you mean?"

  "My team contacted him and offered him a deal to not talk to the press."

  My teeth gritted, "and did he take the payment?"

  "Actually, he didn't. He just signed it anyway."

  I smiled, "so it wasn't necessary in the first place."

  "It w
as because we can't assume people won't talk, we have to know they won't."

  "And you did all this without a word to me about the fact you were contacting my ex. I told you I wouldn’t have cared if he talked about me anyway."

  "I'm sorry. I just hand things over to my team and then I forget about it."

  "I know you have people." My voice was rising with each new word uttered. "But I live with you, not your team. So we can call estate agents to make appointments, and you can tell me if you need to contact my ex or any of my family. I mean, what's next, you ask my gynaecologist not to tell anyone he's seen my vagina?"

  "Don't be ridiculous. You're overreacting."

  "Oh I am, am I? I've just discovered I have to be accompanied to my new job by a security guard and anyone I meet no doubt has to sign non-disclosure agreements because I won't be able to trust anyone. They all might want me because I'm with you."

  "This is what I am, and what my life is. Even if I quit acting there'd still be fans of my past stuff. Are you having second thoughts?"

  "No. Of course not. It's just a lot to get my head around. You're used to all this. But to me it seems crazy."

  Ezra’s shoulders slumped. "I wish it didn't have to be like this and like I said, we'll have a lovely house where we're alone, and security stay a safe distance away. You get used to it. It will still be us, together. That's all I want. If you want us to adopt new identities and run away somewhere, I would do that, for you. I know you said you wouldn’t care if Dale trashed you in the press, but I would. No one is getting a chance to do that. Not to the woman I love."

  I sighed, walked over to him and put my arms around his waist, my cheek on his chest. "I love you too. I’m sorry. I just wigged out a little. Might happen again while I get used to being your girlfriend." I could feel his heart beating through his chest so quick I knew I'd worried him.

  He kissed the top of my head. "I've told you. We can get through anything now. Weather any storm."

  "I'd better go and get changed for seeing our first potential new home, hadn't I?" I said, and then I went upstairs to change.


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