Book Read Free

State of Affairs

Page 5

by Marie Force


  “Nelson dies, Cappuano sworn in to office he just said he didn’t want.”

  “You said you didn’t want to run, not that you didn’t want to be president.”

  “They won’t make that distinction. They’ll make me out to be a reluctant president.”

  “You are a reluctant president.”

  “That’ll make it harder for me to assert my authority. My political opponents will have a field day with my reluctance. They’ll make it a nightmare for me from the get-go.”

  “Your party has control of both houses in Congress. It won’t matter what they say or do.”

  “Maybe not, but it’ll be ugly—and we only got control of the House because two congressmen resigned due to ethics violations.”

  “You can handle it. I have no doubt about that. You should govern like someone who has no plans to ever run for anything ever again. Like someone with no fucks to give for himself, but only for what he can do to make things better for others.”

  “The no-fucks-to-give president. I kind of like that.”

  Sam lifted herself up on an elbow so she could see him. “It’s true, right? You haven’t changed your mind about running in the next election just because Nelson died and you became president, have you?”

  “No, I haven’t, but if you think the pressure for me to run was intense when I was the VP, wait until you see what it’ll be like when I’m the incumbent president.” He cringed just thinking about it. “They won’t take no for an answer.”

  “They’ll have to if you refuse to run.”

  “I don’t think it’ll be as ‘simple’ as it was when I was VP, and you saw how that went.”

  “A lot can happen in three years.”

  “They’ll be pressuring me right away about the next election, with the primary cycle starting in eighteen months.”

  “We don’t have to think about that tonight. Did you take a melatonin?”

  That was the only way he ever got any sleep. “I took two.”

  “Good. You need to close your eyes and clear your brain so you can sleep. You can pick it up in the morning and figure out what’s next.”

  “Is that how you sleep during an investigation?”

  “Yep.” She kissed his chest and then moved farther down to kiss the muscles of his abdomen. He loved when she outlined his abs with her tongue. Burying his fingers in her silky hair, he sucked in a sharp deep breath when her chin brushed against the head of his suddenly hard cock. “You know what else helps?”

  “Do tell.”

  “Showing is so much more fun than telling.”

  He closed his eyes and gave himself over to her care. “Couldn’t agree more.”

  She took his cock into the heat of her mouth, making him gasp when she lashed him with her tongue.

  His spine tingled, and goose bumps erupted on his skin as his cock nudged against her throat.

  She released him slowly, going for maximum effect, and nearly succeeded in finishing him off.

  He managed to hang on as she straddled him and took him into her body.

  She was so fucking hot and sexy and perfect that he often wondered what he’d done right in a previous life to deserve the love of such an amazing woman in this one. Especially now, when he’d once again turned their world upside down.

  “Are you relaxing?” she asked as she moved with erotic precision.

  “Not quite yet, but I’m getting there.” Nick put his hands on her hips and then ran them up her sides to cup her breasts. She thought they were too big. He thought they were perfect. He’d never loved anyone the way he loved her, hadn’t known it was possible to love someone so much until he loved her.

  He put his arms around her and turned them so he was on top, looking down at her sweet face and the pale blue eyes that looked at him the way no one else ever had. “In case I forget to tell you, I’m sorry for everything that’s going to happen over the next three years.”

  Sam laughed and curled her arms around his neck, sliding her fingers into his hair as he moved in her. “You’re forgiven.”

  “You might want to wait to see how bad it gets before you forgive me.”

  “Three years out of a lifetime together is a blip in the grand scheme.” As her legs curled around his back, he breathed in the vanilla-and-lavender scent that surrounded him in a cloud of comfort and desire and need so big, it could never be fully sated.

  “Love you so much, Samantha. More than ever.”

  She clung to him as he drove them toward the finish line. “Love you just as much.”

  He smothered her cries with kisses that muffled his own groans of sublime pleasure. Careful not to crush her, he came down on top of her, both of them breathing hard.

  “I’ve always wanted to bang a president.”

  Nick laughed so hard, he had tears in his eyes. “I hope it lived up to the hype.”

  “Way better than anything I ever could’ve hoped for.”

  “We aim to please.”

  “It’s going to be okay, Nick. As long as we have this and each other, we’ll be fine.”

  “Keep telling me that, will you?”

  “Anytime you need to hear it.”

  Chapter Five

  Sam woke up alone in bed the next morning, and as she stretched, she wondered where Nick was and why she hadn’t heard the twins. She’d no sooner had that thought than the events of the previous evening came rushing back in an overwhelming wave that stole her breath.

  Her husband was the president of the United States.

  She was the first lady.

  They were the first family.

  And today was the day their lives would change forever as the rest of the world woke up to the news. She wanted to put her head under the pillow, burrow in and not come out for three years. But since that wasn’t possible, she reached for her phone to find three hundred and eighty-six text messages.

  That was certainly a record.

  From her sister Tracy: Holy. Shit. Call me. OMG. CALL ME.

  From her sister Angela: Whaaaaaaaat theeeeeeee fuckkkkkkkkk?!? Call me.

  From her partner, Freddie Cruz: Um, ok. Holy crap. HOLY CRAP!

  From her boss, Captain Malone: I’d say congratulations to you both, but I have no idea if I should say that. Lots to talk about when you get a chance. Proud to know you both. Rooting for you and wishing you all the best.

  From her colleague Dr. Lindsey McNamara, the District’s chief medical examiner: I’m in tears of sadness for the Nelsons and joy for you and Nick and the rest of us. Can’t wait to see you and hear all about it. Love you both.

  From Darren Tabor, her reporter friend from the Washington Star: If you’re planning to give out any exclusives, you’ve got my number. Congrats!

  From Chief Farnsworth: Marnie and I are so unreasonably proud. Your dad is dancing a jig in heaven. This country is lucky to have you both.

  The sweet message from her chief and Uncle Joe, along with the thought of her late father and his crazy dancing brought tears to her eyes.

  From her friend Roni Connolly: I’m so, so overwhelmed for you both. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. My new “shit friend” is the first lady! FLOTUS!

  Sam laughed at the message from Roni. When she’d befriended the woman who’d been recently widowed, she’d described herself as a shit friend because she had no time for anything other than her work and family. But she’d felt a connection with Roni and was pleased to call her a new friend.

  From Shelby Faircloth Hill, their devoted assistant and friend: I’m in tears. I don’t even know what to say. I’m so damned proud of my sweet friends, our new POTUS and FLOTUS. If anyone can KILL this, you guys can. Tell me how I can help. I’m here for whatever you need. Assume the twins’ party is still on for tomorrow? Your heads must be spinning. Let me know when you can. Love you guys so much! Avery and I are sending all the best.

  Sam responded to Shelby. Thanks so much. We’re spinning for sure. The party is s
till on. Trying to keep things as normal as we can for the kids for as long as we can. Making it up as we go. Going to need you more than ever, so don’t go anywhere.

  Shelby wrote right back. I’m here. Not going anywhere. Will take care of everything for the party. Don’t worry about a thing. With all due respect to the Nelsons, I’m SO EXCITED. You’re going to live in the WHITE HOUSE! Am I going to WORK in the WHITE HOUSE?!? What is happening?!?!

  LOL, Sam responded. Stand down. We still live on Ninth Street until after the funeral. Mrs. Nelson needs time to pack, etc.

  Are they going to let you work?

  Let them try to stop me.

  Why did I know you’d say that??? GO, GIRL.

  Gotta go see what’s going on. Pray for me.

  Already done. My phone is exploding with everyone I know reaching out to tell me my bosses are the new POTUS and FLOTUS. Like I didn’t already know that. LOL

  My phone is a mess.

  I’ll be there in a bit. Will do what I can to help!

  Thanks, Tinker Bell. You’re the best.

  We got this! Xoxo

  The last text was sent with pink fairy dust that made Sam laugh because it was so typical Shelby.

  Sam scrolled through the sea of messages, looking for a new one from Gonzo, and finally found one from the night before. Saw Carlucci and Dominguez, who’s banged up pretty bad. Still looking for the SOB.

  That message was followed by a second one from this morning. Are you freaking?!

  Trying not to.

  How’s that going?


  He responded with laughing emojis. What are they saying about your job?

  Haven’t gotten there yet, but nothing will change as far as I’m concerned. I may need to rely on my SGT a little more than I have in the past…

  I’m here. Ready to get back in the game and do whatever I can for you and the squad.

  Thanks, Gonzo. That helps. How’s married life treating you so far?


  Happy for you guys. Will be in touch.

  Good luck with it all. Tell Nick, I mean, Mr. President, we’re so proud of him.

  Will do—and he’ll want you to call him Nick.

  After the hellish last year her dear friend had gone through after losing his partner to murder and then himself to a pain pill addiction, Sam was so happy to have her sergeant back to full health and ready to rejoin the squad. She’d missed her friend Tommy so much during his ordeal.

  Sam got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed in leggings and a denim shirt, eager to spend a rare day off with her kids. Scotty was probably still asleep, but the twins would be up. Then she remembered they’d given the monitor to Elijah the night before, which was why she hadn’t heard them. She went downstairs and found them in the kitchen with their brother, who was overseeing a breakfast of cereal and orange juice.

  “Sam!” Aubrey jumped up and nearly spilled her cereal in her haste to run over to hug Sam.

  She picked up the little girl and hugged her tight. “How’s my favorite little girl today?”

  “So good. Lijah says we can go to the zoo today. Do you want to go?”

  Sam wanted to but wasn’t sure she could. She needed to see Gigi at some point. “Let me see what’s going on first.” She returned Aubrey to her seat and kissed the top of Alden’s head. “How’s my favorite little boy today?”

  “Good,” Alden said around a mouthful of Apple Jacks.

  The kids were always happiest when Elijah was home, and to his credit, he gave them his full attention when he was there. More than a month after the tragic loss of their parents, the twins were settling into their new normal, but Sam worried about how they’d take the news that they’d be moving—again.

  “Where’s Nick?” Sam asked.

  “He left about an hour ago.” Elijah handed her a folded piece of paper. “He asked me to give you this.”

  Didn’t want to wake you when you rarely get to sleep in. Gone to “the office” for a few hours. Will be home as soon as I can. Let’s do something with the kids later. Love you.

  Sam folded the note and tucked it into her shirt pocket to add to her collection of keepsakes from him. “He’ll be home a little later, so why don’t you guys do the zoo this morning, and then we’ll all do something later? Whatever you guys want.”

  “Should I wake up Scotty for the zoo?” Elijah asked.

  “I think he’d want to go.” Scotty was usually up for anything that involved Elijah and the twins.

  “Are you… you know, doing okay?” Elijah asked, his expression troubled as he glanced at the morning editions of the Post and the Star that had banner headlines about the goings-on overnight. They must’ve had to move heaven and earth to get the news into the morning papers when it happened so late.

  “Hanging in there.”

  Elijah sent the twins upstairs to brush their teeth and wash their faces. “I’ll be up in a minute to help you figure out what to wear to the zoo.”

  They scampered off, leaving Sam alone with him. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I was thinking… after you guys left last night… You’re going to have so much to deal with. I’d totally understand if you wanted to make other plans for the kids.”

  “What? No way. That’s not happening. We love them, Elijah. I promise they’ll continue to be very well cared for no matter where we’re living or what our jobs are.”

  “I’m not worried about that so much as the imposition on you and Nick with so many other demands on your time.”

  Forcing herself to stay calm, Sam poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table with him. “I know I speak for Nick when I tell you the twins, Scotty and you will be foremost on our minds as we make this transition. We’re going to do everything we can to make this work for all of us. I promise you that. Not having them stay with us at the White House would never occur to any of us, Elijah. Nick would resign from office before he’d give them up voluntarily.”

  He seemed to sag somewhat, maybe with relief. “They’re doing so well, better than I ever could’ve imagined after what they’ve been through.”

  “They’re doing great. They still have their rough moments, for sure, but those seem to be less often than they were, and the therapist has been very good for them. She said they’re opening up more than they were at first.”

  “Yes, I talked to her last week, and she said the same thing to me. She said they’re doing as well as can be expected after such a trauma. It makes me sad to think they won’t remember much about my dad and Cleo. They loved them so much.” Elijah had been the result of his father’s first marriage, and he’d been close to his father and stepmother, Cleo. He’d had a somewhat strained relationship with his own mother.

  “They’ll remember that, Elijah. They will.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Please don’t ever worry about how they fit into our family. They are our family, and so are you. That’s never going to change.”

  “Thank you,” he said softly. “I have no idea what would’ve become of us if you guys hadn’t stepped up for the kids the way you did.”

  “Me meeting them at the worst moment of their lives was fate. I believe that, and Nick does too. We love them, Elijah. We love you all.”

  Swallowing hard, he said, “We love you guys too.” He stood and took the kids’ bowls to the sink, washed them and left them drying on the rack. “I’d better go make sure they’re not getting into mischief up there.”

  “If I had to guess, you’ll find them bouncing on Scotty, trying to wake him up.”

  “Ah,” he said, smiling. “Good to know. He’s so great with them.”

  “He loves being a big brother and having a big brother.”

  “He’s an awesome kid.”

  “So are you. You’re doing an excellent job as the kids’ guardian.”

  “Only because I have excellent help. You guys and Shelby, your whole family, your friends… Everyone has been so good to us.�

  “That’s what family does for family. Shelby has already been in touch this morning, and the kids’ party is still on for tomorrow. She’s got everything covered.”

  “You all are the best. Thank you again.”

  “Don’t worry about anything, okay?”

  “I’ll try not to. Now I’d better go save Scotty.”

  After he left the room, Sam had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm her racing heart. The thought of the twins being anywhere but with them was unthinkable. It had taken only a matter of days for them to become an essential part of their family.

  Raised voices in the living room had Sam getting up to see what was going on. Her sisters were standing in the doorway, arguing with Nate, one of the Secret Service agents.

  “We’re on the list!” Tracy said. “You’re supposed to let us in.”

  “There’s going to be a new list,” Nate said. “I’m not authorized to let anyone in.”

  “It’s okay, Nate. My sisters and Shelby should be on any authorized list.”

  Nate stepped aside to let them pass.

  “I’m sorry about her,” Angela said to Nate, gesturing to Tracy. “You’re just doing your job.”

  “No problem, ma’am.”

  “I hate when they call me ma’am,” Angela said. “It makes me feel nine hundred years old.”

  They came over to Sam and wrapped her up in a group hug.

  “Let’s go in the kitchen,” Sam said.

  They could speak in private there. The minute the kitchen door closed behind Tracy, the two of them were silent-screaming as they jumped up and down like idiots. Well, Tracy did most of the jumping. Since she was expecting her third child, Angela was in no condition to jump.

  “Holy, holy, holy shit,” Tracy said. “Tell us everything. Don’t leave out a single detail.”

  Sam made another pot of coffee, poured some seltzer for Angela and then joined them at the table to tell them the whole story, from the second Nick got The Call last night, through the swearing-in to waking up this morning as the nation’s new first lady.

  “You looked so calm and composed in the pictures,” Angela said. “You had to be melting down on the inside.”


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