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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

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by Zavi James

  “With an ass like that you don’t need to make an appointment, sweetheart,” a husky voice came from behind me.

  I turned on my heel to see a man behind me, flashing a smile as he moved his sunglasses from his face to the top of his head. He was easily over six feet tall and towered over me. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off heavily tattooed arms and his green eyes trailed down my body making me want to shrink away. He was older than he was in the photograph I had seen last night, but he had the same look in his eyes. This was Lucas Foster.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked, coming to a stop in front of me.

  I folded my arms across my chest and introduced myself, “Mia Griffin.”

  The polite facade that he had held dropped quickly once he realised who I was. “We can talk in my office,” he told me, all business now. Whatever attraction he’d felt was fast replaced by irritation. I followed him as he strode across the floor of the casino up the stairs, into his office. “Shut the door.”

  I did as I was told and closed the door before turning back to see he’d taken a seat behind his desk. The sense of fear flooded me as I realized I’d enclosed us both in the small space. All of the damning whispers about his family roared in my ears along with a rush of blood as I reminded myself to stay calm.

  “I take it Hector spoke to you. Please, take a seat.” Lucas gestured to a seat in front of him.

  I shook my head, refusing to move from the door. I had no intention of making this meeting any longer than necessary. “I’m fine standing.”

  “Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug.

  Lucas hadn’t taken his eyes off me and I swallowed hard and composed myself before starting, “I know my Dad owes you some money.”

  He huffed some breath from his nose. “Your father owes me a substantial amount of money,” he corrected me.

  “Okay, I know he owes you a substantial amount of money.”

  He leaned forward in his chair and tossed the sunglasses from his head onto the desk with a clatter. “Do you?”

  “Do I what?” I asked him.

  Pushing his chair back slightly, he began to rummage through the top drawer of his desk and I wished I hadn’t closed the door. When he straightened up again there was nothing sinister in his hand, just a manila folder. He placed it on the desk and opened it before beckoning me with his finger.

  Hesitantly, I approached him, standing before the desk and looking down at the papers he had revealed. The numbers swam before my eyes and shock stole the air from my lungs as it hit home how deeply in trouble my Dad was.

  “Your father has a debt that he’s incapable of repaying in the traditional sense,” Lucas said, leaning back in his chair while I tried to take in enough oxygen to keep me standing. “I’ve given him my terms.”

  “I can help him pay in installments if you just…”

  “Mia, Mia, Mia,” Lucas said, a half-smile coming to his face. “I’ve already discussed this with your father. If he can’t pay the amount in full then how can I ensure that he’ll pay me at all? How can I trust his word that he won’t miss an installment?”

  There was a small part of me that hadn’t believed my father when he told me he was in debt to Lucas. But seeing it all laid out before me now made the anxiety creep up my throat until I found myself babbling.

  “Because I’ll help him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t miss a single payment. Technically, you’d have your money back quicker if you let me stay with my Dad and help him.”

  “Or you both might flee,” Lucas suggested, and I prayed that my expression stayed calm, so he didn’t realize just how accurate he is. “No. The way to ensure that your father pays me back my money, as well as the interest he’s accumulated is to take something valuable from him.”

  I could feel the blood drain from my face. “You can’t… You don’t even need his money!” It was a big assumption to make but couldn’t be far from the truth. It didn’t take a genius to see that Lucas had more than enough money to live comfortably, so why would he be after my Dad for a sum which would hardly cause him to lose sleep?

  In one swift motion, he rose from his seat and stalked towards me, reminding me of a predator. I moved backwards as he spoke, trying to maintain a safe distance. “You’re not about to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  Lucas stood in front of me as my back bumped against the door, alerting me to my lack of an escape route. The scent of pinewood and mint surrounded me as he leaned in, crowding my personal space, and continued.

  “I get what I want, Mia. No questions asked. And what I want is my money. Consider yourself as collateral,” he told me, and I winced at the term that made me sound more like a possession than a person. “You have a choice,” Lucas said straightening up and taking a step away from me. “You can agree or…” He made a gun with his fingers and placed it at his temple before miming a shot.

  “You can’t…” I said again, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. He couldn’t be serious about the threat. But one look at Lucas’s face told me that he was. There was nothing in his eyes that said this man would be willing to let this go without repercussion.

  “Uh uh, Mia. What did I say?” he asked as he pulled a card from his pocket and held it out to me. With a trembling hand, I took it from him and looked at it. No expense had been spared on the creamy white card with his details embossed in a deep, jet black.

  “I told your father he had a week,” Lucas told me as I looked up from the business card. “But this little chat has been enlightening. I expect an answer by the end of the day.”

  “What?” I asked, blindsided by how this conversation had changed his mind. I was meant to be helping us out of this situation and instead, I’d dug myself a bigger hole.

  “I look forward to hearing from you, sweetheart.” He was done with the conversation. “See yourself out,” he said, turning away from me to go back to his desk.

  I left the room without another word. Even if I had the courage to stand there and argue with him, I didn’t trust myself to not make things worse.

  Chapter Three


  Mia Griffin was not what I had expected. Bless her soul for trying to save the waste of space she called her father, but someone should have reminded her that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I didn’t trust either of them not to attempt something stupid, and why would I make this situation messier than it had to be by allowing them that chance?

  It had always amused me the way that people thought they could negotiate terms. It was rare that someone could offer me something that changed my mind, something that I wanted in exchange for what was owed, and Mia had nothing when she walked into my office. She was just as desperate as her old man and if she meant for it to come across as endearing, she missed the mark because all it had achieved was to irritate me further.

  My screen lit up with a number I didn’t recognise, catching my attention. “Lucas Foster,” I answered, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder.

  There was silence before a small voice replied, “It’s Mia.”

  I placed down the pen in my hand and leaned back in my chair, smiling to myself. “Hello, princess.”

  “You have to promise me you won’t hurt him,” she said. “You have to promise that you’ll leave him alone.”

  I rolled my eyes at the words. “If I get what I asked for I’ll have no need to harm him.”

  There was another silence down the line, only the faint sound of her breathing came to my ears before she spoke again. “Okay. Whatever you want.”

  It wasn’t a lie when I told her that I always got what I wanted. One way or another I’d convince people to come around to my way of thinking. My family name came with a reputation and with Dad no longer here it fell to me to maintain the honor.

  “I’ll come and get you now.”

  “Now?” The word was a squeak of surprise.

  “No time like the present,”
I told her before hanging up. I didn’t need to hear her try to unsuccessfully barter her way out of this one.

  After I finished signing off on the paperwork I’d been interrupted from, I called Dante to tell him I’d be busy for the rest of the afternoon before I slipped into my black Maserati to collect my payment. Pulling up outside the Griffin household, the car looked completely out of place next to the dilapidated building, proving they had nothing of interest to offer me.

  Knocking on the door, I waited for an answer. There was no need for force when Mia had agreed so willingly.

  “Ready?” I asked when she pulled it open.

  Mia turned away from me without a response and walked back into the house. As I stepped over the threshold to follow her, she threw a look over her shoulder and said, “I didn’t invite you in.”

  To say I was surprised at the bite in her tone would be an understatement. I wonder where this feisty attitude was when she came to see me earlier. Not that it would have changed the outcome.

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to hurt my feelings if you keep talking to me like that,” I told her, slapping a hand over my heart in mock pain.

  Hector was standing in the living room when we walked in, eyes red-rimmed, though whether it was from crying or drinking I couldn’t be sure. Mia walked straight over, hugging him tightly. She looked nothing like her father but the dark features she possesses must be inherited from her late mother.

  “Mia, please,” Hector choked, clinging to her.

  “I have to do this, Dad,” she said as she pulled back from the hug. “You kept me safe so let me return the favor.”

  I cleared my throat, uncomfortable with the display. “As touching as this is, I have business to attend to.”

  “You bastard,” Hector spat, pointing at me angrily. “You cold-hearted bastard.”

  I’d been called worse in my lifetime, but I still didn’t take kindly to Hector taking a swipe at my character. Anger blossomed in my chest and my hands balled into fists at my side. He was the only one to blame for the mess he found himself in. How did the man who had stolen from me have the nerve and stupidity to call me names?

  “Don’t you dare!” Mia said, pulling my attention to her. She stepped in front of her father with fire in her eyes. The meek woman who had stood in my office earlier today had disappeared and been replaced by one of steel.

  “Get moving!” I ordered her, not willing to start a fight right now. This was meant to be a simple collection and instead, I was on the edge of playing stupid games with the both of them.

  Mia turned away from me to speak to her father again. “I love you, Dad. I promise I’ll be okay. I promise I’ll be back.”

  She kissed him on the cheek before picking up the small duffle bag.

  “You don’t need to bring anything,” I told her, but her grip tightened on the bag. “Suit yourself.”

  I led her from the house to the car, unlocking the doors. As I went to open the passenger side, Mia’s hand shot out and grabbed the handle first.

  “I can manage it myself,” she told me coldly.

  She slipped into the car gracefully and slammed the door with such force that I winced. It looked like we’d need to have a discussion about respecting property. Starting up the engine, I caught a glimpse of Hector in my mirror, holding onto the doorframe before I pulled away to head home

  “You’d be better off without that waste of space,” I commented. My own father had his faults, but he made sure that we were never in any trouble we couldn’t handle.

  Mia didn’t respond. She didn’t say a single word as I drove down the familiar roads that led us just out of town where I resided. Rounding the corner, I saw the gates to the property and as I stopped to allow them to open and grant us access, I cast a glance over to Mia.

  “Welcome home, princess.”

  Her mouth dropped open as the gates parted and allowed me to drive up to the large white building I called home. Three floors and a vast expanse of grounds to the rear of the property had fallen into my hands along with the business after Dad died. Compared to most homes I guess you could say mine was a little more ostentatious, but compared to where Mia was living it may as well have been a palace.

  I parked in the circular driveway and got out of the car. Dominic must have been working in the garage since the bike and Range Rover sat outside. Once again, by the time I got around Mia's side of the car, she'd let herself out, the look of shock still written across her features.

  “Did you expect me to live in a hole?” I asked her over the sound of the fountain in the center of the drive. There was no need to live modestly when you had more than enough money to be comfortable.

  “Let’s get you settled.” I placed a hand on her lower back to lead her towards the house, but she stepped away quickly as if my touch was fire. Irritation flared in my chest, but I shook it off and strode past her up the stone steps and into the house. The sound of her footsteps told me that Mia had enough sense to follow after me.

  “I’ll take you to your room,” I told her, not slowing my pace. “You can get yourself sorted. I have a meeting I need to get to but I’ll be back later tonight and we can have dinner together.”

  There was no response from her as I walked up the stairs. When I checked over my shoulder, Mia was still following behind me, though her attention seemed to be drawn to the artwork on the walls. Once we reached the top floor, I pushed open the door to one of the bedrooms.

  “Make yourself at home, Mia,” I told her.

  She squeezed past me, careful to make no contact, and stepped into the bright, white room.

  “I’ll be back later,” I said as I closed the door so she could get settled.


  “Evening, Luc,” Lydia, my housekeeper and the eldest member of my staff greeted me as I walked into the kitchen later that evening.

  The meeting ran a little longer than I had intended and all I wanted now was a peaceful night. Organized crime had a high pay off but I dealt with plenty of idiots in the process. On more than one occasion my mood was soured by people who struggled to listen to simple instructions.

  “Evening, Lyds,” I returned, and kissed her cheek.

  Lydia had been employed by my family for as long as I could remember. Years ago, she was the nanny for me and Stefan and when we had grown up Dad kept her as the housekeeper. With Dad no longer with us, Lydia kept her position. I needed to be surrounded by people I trusted, and Lydia had shown nothing but loyalty to me and my family.

  “We have a guest staying for the foreseeable future,” I informed her, straightening up. “Can you set another place at the table and get her from the bedroom next to Stefan’s?”

  Lydia gave me a look, her eyebrows arching. “Her, Luc?” she asked me curiously, focusing on that particular word. “Finally, being serious about someone.”

  “It’s business, Lydia,” I clarified shortly. “She’s a payment for a debt I’m owed.”

  She fixed me with another look, less curious and more aggravated as she huffed a breath that fluttered the fringe of her greying pixie cut. Lydia knew better than to question the decisions I made, though, and left to do what I’d asked of her.

  The dining room was more formal and only used for special occasions or if I entertained business, which didn’t happen all that often. My father was more of a host than I was. I tried to keep business and personal as separate as possible but there were times when work inevitably came home with me. For that reason, I took my meals in the kitchen and sat at the heavy wooden table in the room.

  Undoing the top button of my shirt, I leaned back in the deep-seated, high back chair and closed my eyes. When I took in a deep breath, the scent of whatever Lydia had sorted for dinner tonight made my mouth water. There were times when I wondered how I would survive without that woman. I’d voiced these concerns to her once when we began to settle back into a routine following Dad’s funeral, but the conversation took a swift turn to me settling down with a wo
man, and I escaped as soon as I could.

  Settling down was not on my agenda. At 25 I had several businesses that demanded my attention and left little time for much else, or at least that’s what I’d have people believe. The truth was that to settle down I would be required to let someone get close to me, and I felt uncomfortable at the thought of that magnitude of vulnerability. Not all women fared well in my line of work and I’m not sure what would happen if I stuck a ring on one and introduced her to this life. Plus, I knew too well the consequences of what happened when life was cruel enough to put one in the firing line…

  The sound of footsteps pulled me from my thoughts, and I opened my eyes to see Lydia had joined me again, standing in the doorway alone and looking nervous.

  “Where is she?” I asked, sitting up and noting that she was alone.

  “Luc,” Lydia started softly. “She doesn’t want to eat with you.”

  I narrowed my eyes and ran a hand over my trim beard. “What did she say?”

  “That’s not…”

  “What,” I spat the word out, cutting Lydia off from whatever excuse she was about to feed me. “Did she say, Lydia?”

  She let out a breath and closed her eyes for a moment before answering me, “She said, and I quote, ‘He can go and fuck himself’.”

  Lydia startled as I shot out of the chair. It scraped against the kitchen tiles, letting out an uncomfortable screech, and Lydia flattened herself against the doorframe as I took off past her and up the stairs. She followed behind me hastily, her skirt billowing out in her rush.

  “Don’t!” I said, turning to face her. “This is between me and her!”

  She didn’t argue with me as I turned back around and reached the top of the stairs before bursting into Mia’s room. She didn’t get the courtesy of a knock, considering how impolite she’d decided to be.

  “Get out!” she said when her eyes landed on me. She was sitting on a velvet upholstered chair in the room, legs tucked beneath her, looking out of the broad window. Her dark eyes were red and puffy, and I assumed she'd been crying, but I found it difficult to be sympathetic towards her when she’d shown me disrespect.


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