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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

Page 10

by Zavi James

  Mia smiled at the compliment and joined me at the bottom of the stairs. I took a step towards her, closing the gap between us. I had behaved. I had followed every rule, but I was human, and I didn’t know how much longer I could stand being apart from her.

  "Luc," Mia started.

  Reaching out, I tucked some hair behind her ear, Mia's hand resting on my chest as I did so. It would be so easy to just kiss her and forget about the dinner we were meant to attend. This had been simmering just beneath the surface for days, and it felt like a case of waiting to see which one of us would crack first. I’d happily lose that bet. Fuck the rules. What were they if not made to be broken?

  "Rules," Mia breathed as if she could read my thoughts.

  That one word made me straighten up and I offered out my arm to her. I would get her, but I refused to mess up her birthday.

  "Let's get moving, princess or we're going to be late."

  We arrived at an upscale restaurant and bar that I’d made reservations at. Fully booked wasn’t a problem once they knew who the booking was for. The place was on the roof of an expensive hotel and entirely encased in glass, with plants and flowers crowding every surface. The colors and smells flooded the senses and the quiet hum of conversation hung in the air.

  Mia gasped as we entered. "This place is beautiful."

  I had chosen a place that would suit her. A hidden gem in the middle of the city. Beautiful both inside and out.

  Four of us sat together in the booth—Lydia had declined the invite. I would have preferred it to have been the two of us, but Mia had taken a shine to Dante and Dom and so they were at the celebrations.

  "I'm going to get some drinks from the bar," I told them, getting up from my seat beside Mia after we’d ordered food.

  "You know I can't drink yet, right?" Mia reminded me.

  Dante laughed and shook his head. "We won't tell if you don't."

  Mia flushed and I smiled to see how easily she became embarrassed. "Don't worry. We'll take it slow."

  Walking away from the table, I caught the start of conversation as the rest of them dived in. At the bar, I ordered two neat whiskies for myself and Dante, a margarita for Dom and, finally, an espresso martini for Mia. I thought that I was a fiend for coffee, but I had no idea how Mia managed to sleep at night with the way she put away mug after mug.

  When I look back over to the table, Mia’s head is thrown back in laughter before she launches into conversation again, hands moving wildly. She is larger than life when there are no worries weighing her down. This is how she should always be and will be if she allows me to make her mine.

  The bartender handed over the tray of drinks and I walk back to the table, placing them in front of everyone.

  "What is this?" Mia asked as she took the glass from me.

  "Espresso Martini," I told her. "Coffee, vodka, liqueur and syrup."

  She lifted the glass and surveyed the drink before taking a sip. “Mmm, that’s good.”

  “We’ll get you onto the hard stuff soon enough,” Dante told her, and Mia shook her head at him. “I have something for you,” Dante said. I narrowed my eyes as he handed a gift to Mia across the table.

  “You shouldn’t have. D,” she told him as she placed the glass down.

  He snorted. “As if I’m going to let my kid sister celebrate her birthday without a gift from me.”

  Mia slid her finger under the tape that held the gift wrap together and unveiled a book. The hardcover with black and silver detailing boasted the title “The Great Gatsby”.

  “D, this is beautiful. Thank you so much.” She reached across the table and gave his hand a squeeze.

  “I noticed your copy looked a little battered,” he told her.

  Mia blushed. “It’s one of my favorites. I’m read it a million times.”

  I’d never seen Dante take to any woman that was in my life and Amber had been an awkward wedge that sat between us. Watching the way the two of them were together made my desire to have her as a permanent fixture in my life much easier.

  Somewhere during the night, Mia's hand found mine under the table. The small gesture of affection cementing my plans in breaking the paper thin rules that laid between us as soon as her birthday was over. I moved my hand so that it was on top of hers, rubbing my thumb across her knuckles and letting the feeling of peace wash over me.

  As we finished food, I settled the bill and noticed that Dante tensed. I looked over my shoulder, following his gaze. I knew this day had been going too well. Karmic retribution for my life's work had started to kick in and was about to land me flat on my ass.

  "Fancy seeing you here, doll," Amber said as she reached the table. “Looks like a little celebration. What’s the occasion?”

  "It's Mia's birthday," I explained tersely.

  "Oh, well happy birthday, doll," Amber said in a bored tone as if she had expected something more exciting. "Did Luc get you anything?" Amber asked. "He's pretty great with gifts." She held out her wrist and showed a bracelet that sat there. The gold filigree work was intricate and delicate and shone in the dim lights as Amber twisted her wrist. "Last Christmas," Amber informed Mia. "He's got a great eye, don't you think?"

  "Mhmm," Mia hummed. She sank in on herself, like a star that had finally given up and looked as though she would rather be anywhere but at the table. Immediately, I regretted not picking something tangible for her as a separate gift as well as spending time with her father.

  "So, let's see it then," Amber pressed on. "What did he get you?"

  "Amber.” My voice had a warning tone to it. I would not have her make Mia feel small. Then I felt Mia's hand on my arm as she leaned past me to look at Amber directly.

  "Actually," Mia said, the calmness of her voice surprising me. "What Luc got me was pretty personal. I'd rather just keep it between me and him."

  Dom made a sound like a cat from across the table and I shot him a glare but the smug smile that Amber wore had been wiped off her face.

  "Dom, can you take Mia home for me? I won't be long," I said.

  "Sure thing," Dom told me, rising from his seat with the others.

  He guided Mia towards the exit, and she threw a look over her shoulder. That look made me want to follow her straight out of the door and assure her that this wasn't what she thought. Made me want to follow her straight to the ends of the Earth if that was where she would lead me. But I did not follow her. I needed to sort this once and for all.

  Dante caught my arm before he left and muttered, "I hope you know what you're doing."

  "Trust me," I murmured back, and Dante left me alone with Amber.

  We exited the restaurant and I pulled her aside. "What are you playing at?"

  "What's the matter, doll?" Amber asked innocently, saccharine sweet. "Did I interrupt your cosy little dinner?"

  Amber knew full well that she had interrupted the evening and I was livid. "Amber, listen to me. Whatever was going on between us, it stops now. I'm not interested in continuing this."

  She scoffed, "Oh please, Luc. You know you're going to come back. You always do."

  "Not this time."

  The realization dawned on Amber. "That's precious!" she laughed. "You like her."

  My hands balled into fists at my side at the taunting.

  "Dream on, Luc," Amber told me with a smirk. "You think she's going to accept everything you come with? That girl's probably never even had a parking ticket. You think she's going to wait up night after night to see if you come home alive?"

  Mia had. No one had been more surprised than me when I came home that night and she came running down the hall. She’d stopped at the sight of me and I had been certain Mia would leave. I was certain that I would need to add her to the body count, and I was uncertain of how I would live with myself if I carried out that job. But she had made me drink a poor excuse for coffee and promised she would be there in the morning. She hadn’t lied.

  Amber laughed and I knew that she needed to leave before I
did something I would regret. I didn’t need to justify myself to this woman.

  "Amber, stay away from me and stay away from Mia," I warned.

  "No worries, sweet cheeks," Amber said with a shrug. "You know where to find me when it all goes south."

  Chapter Seventeen


  Mia missed breakfast the next morning, and when I went to check on her, she was still in bed and burning up. By the time I came back with water, toast and medication, Mia was fast asleep again. I didn’t have the heart to leave her, so instead, I sat in a chair by her bed and worked from home. Our little stroll in the rain and the late night must have taken a toll on her.

  “Tell Marco I’m not fucking interested,” I said into the phone furiously. “How am I meant to make it any clearer?”

  A movement from the bed, Mia pulling the covers tighter around her, caught my attention. She was awake, eyes still sticky with sleep, and I cut the call. Work could wait.

  “Hey, princess.” I smiled at her and moved to sit on the edge of her bed, running a hand through her hair.

  "Shouldn't you be working?" Mia asked me. Her voice was hoarse and still thick with sleep.

  "I am," I assured her. "How are you feeling? Do you want me to call a doctor?"

  Mia shook her head and then groaned from the pain, "No, I think it's just a cold."

  "Ah good, she's awake," Lydia said as she came into the room. "I'll bring you some soup, love."

  "Lyds, I'm really not hungry," Mia said, lifting her head to look at the older woman.

  Lydia narrowed her eyes, voice firm and stern as she told her, "You need to eat."

  "Yes, ma'am," Mia mumbled and Lydia left the room.

  "Smart move not to argue with her,” I laughed. “Come on, let me help you up."

  Mia pushed herself with my help until she was upright. She closed her eyes for a moment before I moved to sit down beside her. Sick or not, I refused to keep distance between us. I’d spent long enough keeping her at bay.

  Lydia appeared back in the room with a tray in hand that held a bowl of soup and a large glass of water.

  "Thank you," Mia said.

  Lydia swapped the trays and placed the back of her hand against Mia's forehead, "You don't feel warm anymore."

  "I'll look after her. Don't worry," I said.

  "I'm sure you will," Lydia said before she left the room again.

  With some coaxing, Mia finished the soup while leaning against me. Being beside her filled me with a sense of contentment. That was often the case now, that when I returned from work after a bad day, I sought Mia to bring me some tranquillity. It was as if my soul knew she would heal its restless nature.

  "Ugh, that stuff is disgusting," Mia shuddered, swallowing the medicine.

  Taking the tray from her, I placed it back on the table and leaned back against the headboard. "Yeah, well as long as it does its job."

  Mia pulled a face and leaned back. She looked pale and tired but still managed to draw my eye.

  "I'm sorry for last night," I said. The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

  Mia turned her head to look at me, "It's fine. You could have just invited her, you know?"


  "Amber," Mia clarified. "You could have just invited her if you wanted to spend time with her. Dom got me home safe, so you have nothing to apologize for."

  Mia tried her hardest to be casual, but I caught the tightness in her words and the clipped tone. I knew I'd seen something in that look she had thrown me last night. The flicker of hurt and concern that I had chosen to stay behind with Amber rather than follow her out. If only she knew.

  "Are you jealous?" I asked.

  "Why would I be jealous?" Mia replied, taking a sudden interest in the ring on my finger.

  I turned my body towards her, and Mia glanced up at me before dropping eye contact again. "What do you think happened last night?"

  She had set upon us all of these rules, but Mia seemed to have a harder time following them than I did.

  "You left with Amber," Mia said confidently.

  "And?" I pressed, wondering where her mind had gone. Did she possess the same jealous streak that had developed in me?

  "I'm not discussing this with you, Lucas," Mia said and turned her face away but I caught her chin with my fingers and forced her face back towards mine. In her sick state, she put up little resistance.

  "Mia, look at me," I told her, but she continued to stare down at the space between us. "Look at me."

  Her eyes flicked back up to my face and satisfied to have her attention, I let go of her chin. "I left with Amber last night to tell her that she shouldn't have invited herself over," I explained. "And to tell her that I don't want to see her again."

  Mia hesitated for a moment, eyes searching mine for any signs of a lie. "Why?"

  I laughed, "You didn't answer my question earlier. Are you jealous?"

  Another moment of hesitation.


  Stubborn woman. She was desperate for control of the situation, but she had lost it a long time ago.

  "Don't lie to me."

  "I'm sick and my head hurts," Mia told me, closing her eyes.



  She shuffled a little closer and leaned against me once again. Mia may not have said it but I knew that she didn't like the thought of me with anyone any more than I could stand the sight of any man near her. A silent claim had been staked between us. We could belong to no other and I would play the game until she was comfortable enough to concede defeat.

  "You can't pull the sick card just to get out of things," I said, placing an arm around her shoulder.

  "I just did."

  "We're going to have this conversation again when you're better," I told her as I realized just how much trouble this woman could be. If anyone else dared to speak to me the way Mia did, I wouldn’t hesitate in showing them their error, but as with everything, Mia had become the exception.

  "Sure thing," Mia blew me off.

  I’d looked down to say something else when there was a loud bang from somewhere downstairs in the house. We both sat up straight.

  "What was that?" Mia asked, eyes wide with panic.

  "Stay here," I ordered her, making it to the door before I turned back. "Do not move."

  I heard the commotion as I walked down the hallway. A quick stop in my room allowed me to arm myself before I moved quickly down the stairs to see Dom trying to push someone out of the house.

  "There he is! Lucas!" The man Dom tried to remove grinned at me. His eyes were sunken, and his shirt untucked from his pants from the scuffle.

  "Marco. What are you doing here?" I asked as my grip tightened on the gun and Marco clocked it. Most of my morning had been wasted trying to get this man to understand the word no.

  "Uh, uh, Lucas, we don't want this getting messy now, do we?" Marco asked. He pushed Dom aside and walked towards me as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his own gun. "I just want to know why you won't take me up on my kind offer."

  I looked over Marco's shoulder at Dom. Marco had always been a loose cannon and I didn’t trust that this wouldn’t end with a shot. There didn’t need to be collateral damage in a dispute that was solely between us. "Get Lydia out. Now."

  Marco was toe to toe with me, as Dom left us to do as I’d told him. "I was surprised to be dealing with Dante today. You finally leaving that puppy in charge must mean you have something more important going on. How's your brother doing?”

  I gritted his teeth, a flash of pain running through my jaw. How dare this man walk into my house and insult my family?

  "Marco, I suggest you turn around and walk the fuck back out of my house because I won't hesitate to bury a bullet in you," I hissed at him. Marco raised his hands in defense as I pressed the barrel of my gun into his chest.

  I should have known that he would pull a stunt like this. Marco Bianchi had been a thorn in my side for as long as I
could remember. He ran a ring in the next town over so our paths had crossed, but whereas I liked to think I conducted business with some sense of moral code, there was nothing that Marco wouldn't do. Association in any form with this man was something I had avoided.

  He had tried to get me to work with him for the past year while I refused to work with such a sorry excuse for a man, and the desperation had reached its peak. I had begun to think he was either losing control of his territory or that there were some serious cash flow issues. Whatever it was, Marco couldn’t deal with it alone.

  "Oh no," Marco commented, a smile creeping onto his face. "It looks like something much better than that." His focus was beyond my shoulder to something by the stairs, "Come introduce yourself, sweetheart."

  My stomach dropped and, glancing behind me, I saw Mia stood watching us. She looked paler than when I had left her in bed.

  "Go!" I yelled at her. I hadn’t specified for Dom to get Mia with Lydia on purpose, so that she remained hidden away. She didn’t hear me or didn’t listen, so she stood there in shock, eyes fixed on us both.

  "You don't want to introduce us?" Marco asked me. "You obviously didn’t inherit your hosting skills from Charlie. He would be turning in his grave."

  "LISTEN TO ME!" I barked at Mia. "GO!"

  That jolted Mia out of her daze, and she turned and moved with haste back and away from the mess. Marco laughed and my knuckles turned white from the way I clenched them around the gun. Why had she not listened?

  "You want to talk business, Marco, then get out of my house and do it at either your club or my casino," I told him.

  "You're actually going to give me the time now?" He pulled his focus away from the stairs where he had watched Mia disappear and back to me.

  I pushed him so he moved backwards. "Let's go."


  There would be no more taking time off now that Marco had decided to rear his ugly head. I was beginning to lose my patience with him, but I couldn't afford to start a war when I had to deal with everything to do with Mom and Stefan, and now Mia.

  Mia. I had barely seen her, let alone spoken to her since that morning. She had taken my temper personally. It was one thing to tell her about what I did as boss, but it was another entirely to potentially have her involved with psychopathic Bianchi.


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