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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

Page 13

by Zavi James

  "Luc, would you mind if I stole Mia for a dance?"

  I looked to Luc who gave a small shrug. "Dom's fine. He's married and not interested in you."

  Grinning, I reached up to kiss his cheek before he stepped aside for Dom to take his place.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Walking over to the bar, I took one last look at Mia who was now in Dom’s capable hands. Now would be a good time for a drink. I didn’t dance. I didn’t make an effort at events, but I couldn’t let her wilt away in the shadows. Mia deserved for the world to revolve around her, in the safety of my arms so that her attention wouldn’t deviate. And it didn’t. She’d apparently forgotten or no longer cared for her rules if that kiss and look were anything to go by.

  “Luc, you need to be careful,” Dante said as he joined me, signaling to the bartender to pour another of what I had just ordered. His tie hung loosely around his neck and his jacket had been lost somewhere in the crowd of guests. If there was a party, then Dante would find his way to the heart of it.

  “What do you mean?” I asked as the drink was handed over to me.

  Dante nodded over in Mia's direction. "She's going to want it all, Luc. Someday she's going to want all this,” he explained, gesturing around us. “She'll want a ring and everything that comes along with it."

  As Dante talked, I watched Dom dip Mia and heard her laugh from across the grounds. I felt a heavy sensation settle in the pit of my stomach. Mia had spent her life scraping by without a complaint, but she deserved more. Mia was the sun who had been forced into darkness for too long. She would find someone who would let her shine and the thought that that person would not be me drew the next words from my mouth.

  "I could give her it.”

  "Mr ‘I don't believe in marriage’?” Dante asked, eyebrows nearly disappearing into his hairline. “She really has done a number on you."

  My parents hadn't exactly laid a strong foundation of love and marriage, so it had never been my priority, but with Mia I could see the appeal. I could see myself waking up to her every day the way I had this morning, doing all of this and truly making her my family. Mia would bear my name, belong to me without any shred of doubt.

  "If you are thinking that way, you need to start letting her into our lives properly," Dante told me, sipping from his drink. "She needs to start making some decisions, Luc. You can't keep deciding what and who she should and shouldn't know and see."

  Dante was only saying what Lydia had already said, only voicing what had been going around in my head. Things with Mia seemed possible when it was just the two of us but that was not how life worked. When I added in everything else, I didn't know if it was okay to bring her into this life fully. There was no question when the alternative meant I would let her go and someone else would take her.

  But every time I thought of it, of having Mia next to me at every step, Isa’s face found its way to the forefront of my mind. Her lifeless body, blood stained blonde hair and rasping last words made me think I could never have what I truly wanted.

  Even if I wanted all this, there was no guarantee that Mia would. There was sexual tension between us, an unhealthy level of jealousy for anyone who took our attention, but that didn’t mean that she wanted me for the rest of her life. Because to want me was to willingly submit to a life that wasn’t exactly pure. It was pledging loyalty to a family that was bigger than the people who lived inside of my four walls and taking a vow of silence that ensured that we stayed safe. I was under no illusion that it would be a big ask from someone who had no idea of my world until a few months ago.

  "And if she decides she doesn't want any part of it?" I spoke my fear out aloud. The fear of rejection sat strong in my chest.

  "Guess we'd cross that bridge when we get to it. If we get to it."

  "I'll talk to her when we get home," I decided. I needed to lay all of this on the table for Mia once and for all. Dante, perhaps for the first time in his life, had made a valid point. If she didn't want to be a part of this, then at least I would be put out of my cycle of misery. There would be no tiptoeing around the topic any longer.

  "Oh shit, here we go. Good luck." Dante's words pulled me out of my thoughts.

  Amber was headed towards us with a swing in her hips.

  "Hey, doll."

  Chapter Twenty Two


  "I'm so happy for you," I said as Dom and I danced among the other guests. The warmth of the evening and the surrounding people had started to show in the peeled layers of clothing and gradual flattening of hair.

  "I couldn't be any happier," Dom told me. "I just wish my family would have been here."

  A sadness settled in Dom's features and I kissed his cheek. "I know it's not the same, but we are your family. We'll love you no matter what."

  Dom smiled, "I know and I'm grateful every day to have every single one of you."

  Rodrigo made his way over and asked to steal his husband and I obliged as I said, "Congratulations again to the both of you!"

  The arches of my feet ached as I made a move to walk off the dance floor. Just as I made it to the edge, a body stepped in front of me. When I looked up, the face struck me as vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger on it.

  "I don't suppose a beautiful woman such as yourself would do me the honor of a dance?" he asked me. His long dark hair had been tied back in a neat ponytail and his tie had loosened from its knot.

  I hesitated at his request and glanced around. In the sea of guests, it was difficult to spot Dante or Luc.

  "Just the one," the man pressed. "I promise not to keep you long."

  I knew there were a variety of people here, but all of them part of Luc’s world. As disreputable as his work was, it had its own code and I was cautious of causing any issues for him. Navigating the political waters of Luc’s life would be the most challenging part of this world. With no valid excuse not to, I reluctantly agreed. He offered his hand and I took it before he led me back into the merry crowd.

  As the man put his arms around my waist, I tensed and, in an attempt, to maintain some distance, I placed my hands on his shoulders.

  "If you don't mind me saying," he said, looking down at me. "I'm not surprised you've turned heads." I felt the blood bloom in my cheeks, and he let out a deep laugh. "My dear, surely you're used to these compliments."

  "I... thank you," I stumbled, feeling uncomfortable. "That's kind of you to say."

  My eyes darted away from his face to scan the room again. Luc said he’d keep an eye on me whilst we were out here, but I couldn’t spot him anywhere.

  "You're looking for him," the man remarked with a smirk.

  "I'm just looking for Dominic," I lied.

  "I don't think that's quite true. You're trying to find Lucas." I began to feel very uncomfortable with the stranger. "I believe he's preoccupied at the bar."

  My focus turned in the direction of the bar where Luc stood in conversation with Amber. Draped in green silk against tan skin, Amber looked like she had stepped straight off the runway and into the reception. She was striking compared to the rest of us.

  I felt sick at seeing the pair of them standing together in conversation. Any bystander could see that Luc and Amber had been cut from the same designer cloth. It made something deep inside of me ache to see just how perfect they looked together.

  A pair of fingers drew my chin back to face my partner. "They have quite the history," he told me, unable to keep the joy from seeping into his words.

  "I'm really sorry," I apologized. "But I didn't catch your name."

  The stranger knew an awful lot about Luc.

  "How rude of me," he crooned. "Marco Bianchi, at your service."

  The hairs on my arm rose despite the fact there was no chill in the air. That was why he looked so familiar. He was the man who had stormed into Luc's house and caused the severe change in mood. This was the man Luc had wanted nowhere near me. Marco looked like a different man from the nig
ht in the entrance hall, less gaunt and distressed.

  "I could use a drink." I made up an excuse to get away, but Marco tightened his grip on my waist.

  "Lucas has been telling tales, I see."

  "No. My feet hurt and I think I could use a drink."

  Marco brushed his fingers down the side of my face, trailing them across my jaw. I flinched at his touch remembering that Lucas had said Marco didn't treat women well.

  "You shouldn't believe everything he tells you," Marco told me. "Make your own decisions."

  "Mia!" Dante came towards us and I let out a breath. "Bianchi."


  "Mia, let's go," Dante said to me, holding out a hand.

  I turned towards Dante, thankful that he had arrived, but Marco pulled me closer. "We're in the middle of a dance and a little conversation. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

  "It doesn't look like she wants to talk to you," Dante told him firmly.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Dante had scampered off, leaving me alone with Amber at the bar. That man would take a bullet for me but the moment this woman walked into the picture he was more than willing to throw me to the wolves. I made a mental note to ask Mia to draft out a set of rules for Dante to follow. An official document may be a healthy reminder that he had duties that needed to be fulfilled, regardless of whether he wanted the responsibility or not.

  "Hello, Amber," I greeted her. Downing the drink in my hand, I dropped the glass onto the bar with a clatter that caused the bartender to look over. "Need to go see some people."

  I had barely taken a step before Amber flung her arms around me in an attempt of a hug. Some people in life are able to pick up on subtle hints. Amber struggled with a blatant warning.

  "What part of staying away from me did you not understand?" I asked her coldly as I pushed her away from me. "How are you even here?"

  There was no reason for Dom to have extended an invite to her. From my understanding, he wasn't Amber's biggest fan.

  "Are we still playing that game, Luc?" Amber asked me with a bored tone. "I'm starting to miss you in my bed."

  I gritted his teeth, questioning how I had managed to put up with her for as long as I had. "I'm not playing a game, Amber. I made it very clear that I don't want anything to do with you anymore."

  She gave a sigh. "You're going to get bored."

  "Why are you here?"

  Amber grinned at me. "I'm a plus one."

  "Who's?" I asked but I felt like I already knew the answer.


  Of course, she would slither off to Marco after I left her. It was no surprise at all. Amber was an opportunistic creature and that had always suited me fine.

  "Where is he?"

  "I believe he's dancing with sweet Mia."

  My heart stopped in my chest and I scanned the grounds. Eventually, my eyes landed on Mia in Marco's arms and Dante stood with them. I had dropped the ball for two seconds. Marco caught sight of me as I made a beeline across the floor towards them, dodging guests who were oblivious to my panic.

  "Finally, now I can talk to the master and not the puppet," Marco announced with a grin.

  "Mia. We need to go," I told her.

  "I'm sure Mia can see you have your hands full this evening," Marco said smoothly, nodding towards Amber.

  She joined us, draping herself on my arm. One look at Mia and I knew this had to look bad. The hurt was etched across her face and I pushed Amber off my arm. "Mia, I swear..."

  "I know," Mia said to me. I was grateful that she believed me.

  "Marco, let go of her," I told him.

  "What is she to you, Lucas?" Marco asked curiously. A vein in my neck throbbed as Marco ran his eyes along her. "You're putting in a lot of effort for this girl."

  I needed to get a handle on the situation. I needed to get the upper hand again. Marco was starting to tread into dangerous territory, and I couldn’t afford to have anything happen to her.

  "Yeah, Luc," Amber chimed in. "Tell us what she is to you."

  They would use Mia against me. If I gave them any confirmation, then they'd keep chipping away at the weakness. They would use her to get to me, and until I had spoken to Mia about where we stood, I couldn’t allow that. I schooled my expression and gripped Mia's arm before pulling her out of Marco's grasp. I saw her wince at the motion and the guilt of a broken promise weighed on my heart.

  "She's a business arrangement, Bianchi," I said coldly.

  Marco had a glint in his eye. "Maybe she'd like to be part of my business."

  I pushed Mia behind me roughly and stood toe to toe with Marco, just as I had the night he burst into my home without invitation.

  "This isn't the time or the place," Dante reminded me, pulling at my shoulder. I wanted to rip Marco to shreds there and then. It had been a long time coming but Marco continued to push his luck. But I wasn't about to cause a scene at Dom's reception. I’m not sure he would forgive me for a murder on what was meant to be the happiest day of his life.

  "Watch yourself," I warned him, with a small shove that saw him take a step away from me. Amber looped her arm through Marco’s, and they walked away laughing. I turned to address Mia, but she was no longer behind me. Mia had managed to clear the crowd and was headed back towards the doors of the hotel.

  "Fuck!" I hissed.

  "Go," Dante told me. "Go after her. I'm sure Dom won't mind."

  I weaved my way through the crowd for a second time that night as I tried to reach her.

  “Mia!” I called after her. She didn’t look back but had obviously heard me as she broke into a run and I gave chase. People moved out the way, narrowly avoiding collisions as I ran through the lobby of the hotel after her. Bursting out into the humid evening once again, I looked around. When I spotted her, Mia had slipped into a car.

  “Mia! Mia!” I yelled and ran towards it, but it pulled away and all I could do was watch as she left me.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  My chest ached with the cold finality that Luc had called me business. Amber had stood there with a smirk on her face and I had wanted the world to swallow me whole. After everything, I was certain something had been growing between us but in the end, I was still just a business arrangement between Luc and Dad. That was the reality that shattered whatever fantasy I had built us to be.

  I had no interest in anything else he needed to say to Marco, and needed to get away. His voice came behind me and I had never run so fast in my life. Driven by the misery that had clouded my soul, I returned to the hotel, leaving Luc a pinprick in the distance. The thunderous knocking on my door had pushed me up against the far wall of my room as Luc demanded to be let in but I stayed silent, refusing to sway to his demands. Eventually, the silence filled the room and I crawled into bed before sleep stole me away from pain.

  Blindingly bright rays of sun hit my face the next morning, forcing my eyes to open. They were sticky with leftover mascara and the ache in the center of my chest had reappeared with consciousness. Gathering up the little will I had, I walked into the shower in hopes that I could scrub some enthusiasm for the trip back into myself. The water did well to wash away the remnants of makeup but the heartache stubbornly remained.

  As I finished getting dressed there was a knock on the door. "Go away!" I called. I was still not prepared to deal with Lucas.

  "It's Dante," came the voice from the other side. "Please open the door."

  I walked over and placed a hand on the doorknob, not quite turning it. "Are you alone?"

  "Yes,” he answered, too quickly for my liking.

  "Swear it to me."

  "I swear to you, Mia, it's only me outside this door," Dante told me.

  I opened the door hesitantly to see Dante standing there alone as he had said. I sighed, "What do you want, D?"

  "I was thinking maybe I could take you to breakfast."

  I narrowed my eyes, not willing to trust that this wasn't
a setup. Dante and Luc were like two halves of the same brain and neither did much without the other knowing.

  "Mia, this is me," Dante reminded me gently. "I'm not going to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

  "Okay,” I said, inclined to believe him. Dante had been nothing but sweet since I had turned up in their life. Blunt at times, but his truth was never as sharp as everyone else’s.

  We walked through the streets quietly before stopping at a café, where we took a table outside. Dante ordered a small feast but anxiety had swallowed my appetite, so a large, black coffee constituted my breakfast. When our order arrived at the table, Dante tucked in without encouragement.

  "Are you sure you have enough?" I asked with a laugh.

  "Hangovers make me hungry," he explained, tapping the side of his head tenderly.

  "You enjoyed the rest of the night then?" I asked, hoping it came across nonchalant.

  Dante swallowed the bite and shook his head. "I wouldn't exactly say enjoy. I was just trying to keep up with Luc."

  My heart gave an uncomfortable lurch against my breastbone and I wished it would stop. It needed to read off the same hymn sheet as my brain for once.

  "What happened after you left?" Dante asked me.


  "Mia." Dante looked up at me and I was reminded why Luc kept him close. On more than one occasion, I questioned how Dante had walked into this life but the darkness that inched across his features told me that it was no accident. "He was in a mess when he called me."

  "Nothing happened, D,” I repeated. “I left. I went back to the hotel. I didn't want to speak to him," I explained and took a sip from my mug. The liquid burned my tongue and made me wince.

  "Why did you leave?" Dante asked, and took another bite of his breakfast. "You sure you don't want any of this?"

  "No thanks," I told him. "Knock yourself out." I took another sip and thought about whether I should tell Dante, or if it would be better to keep it to myself. His loyalty would always lie with Luc.


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